I’ve Got Hold of Your Koi

Chapter 214: Change back now!

   Chapter 214 Change back immediately!

   Hehe, you can't do anything, just eat?

   Well, since she has such a high opinion of herself, when he recovers, the first thing to do is to eat her little white rabbit in one bite.

   Huo Shiyun stared at her, a dark light flashed across his eyes quickly.

   Naturally, Ye Lianxiang didn't notice, she walked to the living room with a juice glass and sat down while humming a pleasant song.

   After drinking, I remembered and asked, "What would you like to have for breakfast?"

  Huo Shiyun: "Roast rabbit meat."

   Ye Lian thought: "..."

   This is a bit difficult, she doesn't eat the same kind.


   At ten o'clock in the morning, Ye Bo came over with a middle-aged man in a Chinese tunic suit.

   This person is Tailor Zhang, the owner of Qiaosi Pavilion.

  His meticulous workmanship is recognized by the upper class, and he is also responsible for all kinds of clothes that the president attends to diplomatic occasions.

After    Ye Bo introduced them, he said to Tailor Zhang, "Master Zhang, please help my lady measure the size."

"no problem."

   Tailor Zhang held up his glasses, opened the small box he was carrying, and took out a measuring ruler and pen and paper from it.

  Huo Shiyun was also at the scene. Seeing that the other party was going to get close to his wife, he frowned and rushed to stop it: "I know the size of my sister, just write it down."

Tailor Zhang didn't expect a little boy who was carved in pink and jade to appear halfway along the way. He stood in front of him and didn't measure himself, so he couldn't help but smile kindly: "Little boy, the size is accurate, and the clothes you make will look good. Be good, get out of the way. Now, let Uncle measure the size, eh?"

   "Then I'll help her measure."

   Knowing that even if he said accurate numbers, they would not believe them, so Huo Shiyun had to settle for the next best thing.


   Tailor Zhang was a little embarrassed.

   This kid is obviously here to make trouble. It can be seen that he is extravagant, and he does not dare to offend him, so he can only leave the question to Ye Lianxiang, "Miss Ye, what do you want to do?"

   Ye Lian wanted to shake her head with a smile, "It's okay, Master Zhang, you can measure it."

   After she finished speaking, she reached out and touched Xiao Zhengtai's head lightly, "Don't make trouble, go play games, eh?"

  Huo Shiyun: "..."

   He must change back immediately!


  Under Xiao Zhengtai's eyes, Tailor Zhang finally finished measuring the size.

   Then, he took out a beautiful picture book and handed it to Ye Lianxiang.

   "Ms. Ye, the works here are all designed by famous national style designers. If you have time, you can choose them and see if you like them. Let me know when the time comes."

"Okay thank you."

   Ye Lian wanted to take the booklet.

   "Then I'll take my leave."

   "Walk slowly."

  After delivering Ye Bo and Tailor Zhang, Ye Lianxiang couldn't wait to flip through the album.

   Well, it is indeed the work of a top designer. The style of each piece of clothing is ingenious, coupled with unique embroidery images, I believe the real thing will definitely look better.

   "This, and this."

  Huo Shiyun put his head together and pointed.

   Seeing that what he chose was very conservative, not even showing his neck, Ye Lian wanted to burst into a smile: "Xiao Leng, do you know what your brother looks like?"

   "What's his vision?"

   Huo Shiyun raised his eyes.

   With the previous lesson that he just said he can't do anything, he immediately raised an alarm in his mind.

The girl touched her beautiful nails and began to talk: "Your brother is not as conservative as you are, he is very open. For example, when I performed in a concert before and wore such revealing clothes, he also said that it doesn't matter, a good figure needs to be accompanied by others. appreciate."

  Huo Shiyun: "..."

  Why doesn't he remember what he said?

   (end of this chapter)

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