I’ve Got Hold of Your Koi

Chapter 226: 120 Come on, my heart can't take it!

   Chapter 226 120 Come on, my heart can't take it!

   "Hey, why are all children's clothes?"

   Unexpectedly, he took out a bag and came out with a little boy's T-shirt. The host was surprised.

   Of course, she knew that Ye Lian wanted to bring her younger brother to record the show. The reason why she expressed surprise was for the variety show effect.

   Ye Lian wanted to chuckle, "Yeah, my friend was on a business trip and no one brought his younger brother, so I brought my younger brother here."

   "Is that Mrs. Yan Xiaozheng who was on the hot search with you last time?"


   "Oh, where did he go? Can you come over and say hello to everyone?"

  Ye Lian wanted to take a look at Xiao Zhengtai, knowing that he would definitely not want to appear, so she refused, "Unfortunately, he and my agent went out."

   "That's a shame. Can I look at the contents of the suitcase again?"

   The task of getting Xiao Zhengtai into the mirror failed, so the beautiful host had to continue the cue process.

"of course."

   Ye Lian wanted to say with a smile.

   In the suitcase, except for her two pairs of shoes, everything else is Xiao Zhengtai's change of clothes, so there should be nothing you can't see.

   In the live broadcast room, everyone's attention was attracted by Xiao Zhengtai.

  【Wow, the handsome young man actually followed his sister to record the show? So loving. 】

  【The sister and brother CP are locked! 】

  【It would be nice for Xiao Zhengtai to have a brother, it must be a special match for our Xiangbao. 】

【Wow! That's men's clothes! Jimeis, a set of men's home clothes was found in Xiangbao's suitcase...]

  【Boom! ! ! There should be the sound of the sky falling! ! ! 】

  【Ahhhh, man? ? ? My family wants to hide men's underwear? ? ! ! 】

  【120 Come, my heart can't take it! 】


   Not only was there a mess in the live broadcast room, everyone looked different at the live broadcast site, and there was a trace of embarrassment in the air.

   The beautiful host stared at the set of pajamas that were obviously grown men and could only be worn by tall men, and was stunned.

   Ye Lian thought that he was stunned.

   Huo Shiyun's clothes, why did they end up in her suitcase?

  It must be served cold!


   She couldn't help but look at Mrs.

  Xiao Zhengtai touched his nose with a guilty conscience.

   He also didn't expect that there would be a live broadcast of unpacking, carrying clothes in preparation for returning to normal at any time.

   "Cough cough..."

   Director Yang coughed twice behind the scenes.

  The beautiful host finally calmed down and found his voice, "This... whose clothes are you?"

   The words fell, and the fire of gossip was burning.

   Ye Lianxiang said without changing his face, "Mine."


   "I like to wear loose clothes to bed, so I occasionally wear men's clothes, hehe."

The    smile was very far-fetched, and she probably wouldn't believe such a lame explanation.

   However, the sickles believed.

   A group of people happily celebrates that their female goose is still single for the time being, and they can also match her CP arbitrarily.

   After all, her daughter goose is so good, how can she be chased away casually?

   However, the beautiful host still did not let her go——

   "These pants can only be worn by people who are over 187 in height. Think about it, are you sure you are wearing them and won't be tied down?"

   Ye Lian thought: "..."

   Is this program group trying to do something?

  Why do you still break the casserole and ask to the end?

  The girl bit her lip and hesitated to tell the truth.

   At this moment, a childish and cool voice sounded: "That's my brother's."


   A burst of thunder blew up the entire live broadcast room.

   (end of this chapter)

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