I’ve Got Hold of Your Koi

Chapter 231: recognized by fans

   Chapter 231 Recognized by fans

   "Oh, what about Sister Du?"

   Ye Lian wanted to subconsciously look around.

   She was in charge of recording, Du Meiyun was in charge of leading Xiao Leng, but Xiao Leng appeared now, but Du Meiyun was nowhere to be seen, where did he die?

  What should I do if my child gets lost?

   Huo Shiyun replied: "She met her ex-boyfriend and has no time to talk to me."


   Ye Lian wanted to widen his eyes.

   What is the fate of meeting your ex-boyfriend on a business trip?

   Forget it, Xiao Leng will be fine anyway, and she won't be bothered anymore.

   "Then are you going to accompany me to distribute flyers?"


  Xiaozheng is too cool.

   He was reluctant to let her suffer.

   So he snatched the flyer from her hand, "Let's go, you can't send out the flyer here, why don't you go take a cool break, have a drink, and have a rest."

   Ye Lian thought that although he was a little tempted, he still insisted, "No way, Shen Tuoyu will be back in a while."

   "He won't be back so soon. Those girls are all doing styling. Your shop is short of staff right now."

"makes sense."

   Ye Lian wanted to nod, then rubbed his face affectionately, "Brother, you are so smart. Let's go, elder sister treats you to ice cream."


  The two found an ice cream shop nearby. Because this one belongs to Hermes in ice cream, the price is ridiculous, so there are not many customers in the shop. When they go there, there are still vacancies.

   After finding a secret place to sit down, Ye Lian wanted to order an ice cream set.

   Huo Shiyun looked at her, "Have you taken off your mask, isn't it uncomfortable to be bored like this?"

  Ye Lian wanted to look around and saw that there were people around, she couldn't help shaking her head, and said in a low voice, "You have to hold back when you feel uncomfortable. If you are recognized, it will be miserable."

   "Then what if you wait for something to eat?"

   Huo Shiyun asked.

   Ye Lian thought: "..."

  Yes, she forgot such an important thing again.

  's eyes suddenly dimmed, "Then... I can only watch you eat."

   After finishing the words, he quickly regained his vitality, "It's okay, I'll just come in to rest and blow the air conditioner."


  Huo Shiyun was amused by her, "Don't worry about taking off your mask, we are in a very remote position, no one will notice."


   "Don't worry, I won't let you be exposed when I'm here."

   Ye Lian thought: "..."

Why does    sound so familiar?

She fixedly glanced at Xiao Zhengtai, seeing his delicate little face full of determination, she couldn't help laughing, "You and Huo Shiyun are really brothers, not only look so similar, but even talk like a retreat, hehe ."

   Huo Shiyun's eyes flashed, just as he was about to say something, he saw the clerk walking over with a large tray.

   "Hello two, this is the two-person package you want."


   Ye Lian wanted to respond politely.

   "You're welcome. Have a nice meal."

   The clerk subconsciously glanced at her one more time, and then set his eyes on Xiao Zhengtai, and then left with a look of excitement.

  Wow, it's their family's favorite treasure!

   Thought she couldn't recognize her with a hat and mask?

  Eh, actually she didn't recognize it, but she recognized the little girl next to her.

   Last night, she watched the live broadcast of the variety show of the star shop. I didn't expect to see Xiangbao and Xiaozhengtai appearing here today. Could it be that the place where the show was recorded is on this street?

   Wow, earned earned earned!

  The girl went back to work and excitedly took out her phone.

   She quietly took a long-distance photo of the two of them, and was going to send WeChat to the little sisters in the group.

   At this time, I saw my Xiangbao took off the mask, revealing a delicate little face.

   (end of this chapter)

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