
Chapter 119 - Battle Experiences Vs True Strength

The Leader did not watch either. He prepared a trap in every black orb. As soon as Narukami came back, he would be done for.

The trap the Leader prepared this time was quite deathly and powerful. According to his calculation, Narukami had a small chance of surviving.

Of course, it didn't mean Narukami could not escape from him. Narukami was someone who could enter the HQ without being detected.

It would be a grave mistake if the Leader underestimated and lowered his guard even for a second.

Furthermore, what made the Leader this cautious was because he saw that Narukami had rich battle experience despite his young age.

It was as if Narukami was an elder who was proficient in battle and he was the young brat getting beaten..

Well, his speculation was not wrong.

The Leader's eyes were narrowed as he focused entirely on the space fluctuation around him. Because as soon as he felt that, it meant someone was going to come out.

His focus paid off as he felt the space behind him fluctuate. However, what he did not expect was that there was more than one fluctuation!

All of the orbs showed space fluctuation.

The Leader somehow expected this so he was prepared. This was Narukami's doing to confuse the Leader.

Unfortunately, an experienced Sorcerer the Leader was, it was rather hard to confuse him.

Still, though, Narukami did not miss this detail as he wanted to test the waters.

Narukami didn't know the trump cards of the other party and his abilities except for sending creepy hands and legs out of vortexes.

The fluctuation stopped as soon as Narukami's figure came out. It was not one but two!

Two Narukamis came out of each orb and in total with the orbs scattered around him, there were more than twenty to thirty Narukamis.

The Leader frowned. The clones before him were no different from the original. Whether aura, presence, spiritual fluctuation and smell. It was impossible to find the difference!

The Leader even thought for a brief moment there were no clones but all of them were the original instead!

No matter, the original one must be among them! The Leader said to himself as he snapped his fingers.

The air cracked and opened a huge gap. A tall humanoid figure wrapped in white came out. Their skin was pale and skinny, only left with bones and skin.

They looked like mummies but they were walking living beings.

"Go, eat them and the black orbs," the Leader ordered as he pointed his finger to Narukami's clones.

Eating the black orb? Narukami caught something in his presence and was stunned. He never heard a being could eat something related to space!

These tall mummies were slow when they came out but after hearing the Leader's order. They looked at their targets and out of the blue, they became agile!

Narukami was caught off guard as half of his clones got caught and get eaten by them!

However, they did not eat with their mouths but instead, their stomach opened and sucked the air and like a black hole, everything was absorbed.

The clones were struggling frantically before they were sucked. Their figure distorted as they entered the largemouth.

Damn it, they are faster than I thought! Narukami's expression was grim.

He was hidden in another dimension. In his view, everything appeared to be gray and he was invisible to the main dimension.

He couldn't interact with objects and interfere with reality. He could only move around and left.

As he watched his clones getting massacred, Narukami's thoughts raced, and after a few seconds.

He chose to throw more black orbs and sent more clones and so, he opened the door to the main dimension and hurriedly threw the black orbs.

However, Narukami felt something was coming at him before he could close the 'door'.

Narukami's eyes dilated as he saw the Leader appear before him! Although faint, Narukami could see the Leader was smiling.

"Although you seem to have a lot of battle experience than mine. True strength decides it all," the Leader said as he opened his hand and gripped Narukami's neck, or at least that should happen.

His hand went through Narukami's neck!

The Leader was shocked, "What?!"

"Haven't you read my profile? That I could use an illusion?" Narukami asked as he mocked.

The scene before the Leader shattered like a mirror being hit by a bat. The mummies he had summoned were still there but Narukami before him vaporized and replaced him standing many meters away from him.

Narukami secretly heaved a sigh of relief. When he detected danger, he quickly used an illusion and perhaps this was the strongest illusion he had used.

His enemy was the Leader of Fallen Nightless. He must not hold back.

"Since when did you put me into an illusion?" The Leader asked cautiously.

"You think I'm a fool to tell my opponent that?" Narukami said as he swept his gaze over the mummies.

"Well no matter, now that you are here. You're no different than being dead." As soon as he said that, all of the mummies came right at him like hungry wolves.

Their speed and strength were not to be underestimated either. Even Narukami had to go all out just to avoid their attacks.

His entire figure was covered in lightning and lightning once in a while flickered

High pitched sound and whistle of the wind could be heard as they exchanged blows in a fluid motion.

As Narukami was gang banged, the Leader joined in every time there was an opening.

Narukami could hold their attacks but with the Leader joining in. It became harder.

He then ordered his clones to join in the fight but was blocked as a few mummies chose to interrupt his clones from helping.

Narukami narrowed his eyes upon this and he thought of many things to get out of this passive state.

The Leader's attack was powerful and so was his recovery rate. Not long after the Leader caused him some injury, it closed on its own.

The Leader felt a headache. This meant no matter how hard he tried to kill him, Narukami would not die! He was the true definition of a meat shield!

But it lasted briefly before he imbued his attacks with anti-recovery.

Narukami already expected this and so, he covered his entire body with spiritual energy and the latter could neutralize any effects.

So even if the Leader's punch hit him, the anti-recovery would disappear and his attacks were only ordinary attacks.

The Leader was unaware of this… yet so he landed punches to Narukami and the latter dodged it albeit most of the attacks hit him.

Is this the speed of someone at the peak of Level 10?! Narukami said to himself.

He couldn't see through the Leader's attack. It was blurry in his eyes.

Thankfully, the anti recovery was neutralized and he willed his body to slow down the recovery rate so the Leader believed his recovery was affected.

This would undoubtedly lower the Leader's guard as his overall intention was to deal as much as possible with him.

You should learn more, brat, Narukami sneered.

In consideration of the great age difference, it was only right he called the Leader a brat.

Anyway, with every punch, the Leader hit his skin. His skin would send not-so-lethal lightning strands.

However, many a little makes a mickle. With so many of that entered the Leader's body.

It would undoubtedly cause some damage to him and the fact it could be controlled by Narukami made it more dangerous.

The Leader's eyes frowned as he felt something was wrong but he could not pinpoint it.

Soon enough, however, he found the source and he hurriedly retracted his attacks, only letting the mummies attack him.

Observing his body, the Leader was shocked as he gazed at Narukami, "how did you do it?"

He was flabbergasted by the fact that Narukami's lightning was in his body without being detected!

As soon as he knew this, he suppressed the lightning but it had a berserk nature so it was quite hard.

And with Foul energy's weakness was lightning, his Foul energy only fed the lightning force. He had no choice but to let it be.

Narukami felt it was a pity. With such a great chance, he could control the lightning and went havoc inside the Leader's body, killing him in the process but Narukami knew that was impossible. So he was planning to torture him yet he could not.

He soon figured out the connection with his lightning was faint and blurry.

"You should think twice before hitting my body." Narukami faintly smiled.

"I see." The Leader quickly understood what was going on. Narukami used 'Thorn' techniques.

It damages the opponent who attacked him. Despite the fact that the Leader did not get any injuries, it was worrying that there was lightning in his body.

But he was wondering why Narukami did not wreak havoc in his body.

The Leader grasped the reason sooner than later.

"Seems my body constitution of Level 10 prevented that."

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