
Chapter 25 - Dumping

Narukami thought that this world was normal, well the animals. So seeing a talking bear kinda shocked him. This applied to everyone actually as Aya was kind of scared if she was high or wondering if she was hallucinating.

A bear running a cafe shop was already weird and it also could talk. If one found this normal easily, they were the one who was weird here!

Speak of the devil.

For Narukami. The feeling soon dissipated as every world he was in was filled with talking creatures. 

He should've expected this as knowing the existence of Anomalies. Which goes without saying that it was not normal and was against the rule of physics and science. 

The bear raised his arm to his chest as he led them to a seat, ignoring Narukami's question. Narukami followed from behind with Aya behind him.

"Please seat, honorary customer." His tone became more polite! As he walked, Narukami noticed a particular sentence that was placed on a food banner that was hung on the clerk's desk.

The words were small and hardly noticeable, almost transparent. He had to circulate his spiritual energy to his eyes.

His eyes glowed dimly.

[Exclusive for sorcerers, you gain 35% percent off and free one food per person! Thank you for maintaining peace in this city!]

He felt something warm in his heart. To think that someone would appreciate their doings. Really didn't expect that. 

As his attention focused on it. A voice called out his name.


Looking at the source in the distance, Narukami found Ryu waving his hand with a smile.

"Is he your friend?" The bear asked and Narukami nodded as he came to Ryu's side.

The bear left them be as he took care of other customers.

A medium-sized, wooden table with two long sofas facing each other. Narukami wondered why this part of the cafe was different.

He surveyed the table to find a small sign on the table. It was a black plate with a mirror that covered the texts.

[This table is reserved! Thank you for your understanding.]

With this alone, Narukami understood. These tables were exclusively for sorcerers and ordinary humans can't sit here.

There were a few questions that appeared in his mind but he chose to ignore them.

"So, what'd you think about that bear?" Ryu wondered as he moved his body to the side, giving a space for Narukami to sit.

However, Narukami moved his body on the other sofa. At first, Ryu was slightly dejected but soon disappeared as he saw Aya behind him.

As though a shy child, she hid her face from Ryu when the both of them made eye contact.

This led to Ryu wondering, did he just hit his head and now dreaming or fell into Narukami's illusion?

"Kuroda Aya?" Ryu asked to make sure if it's her and not someone that looked like her.

Should he call her Kuroda and this person wasn't her. It would be extremely embarrassing!

Aya then sat. Narukami followed. Aya took a deep breath to control her emotions that went wild after seeing the bear.

She let out a long breath slowly. Soon enough, she calmed down and looked at Ryu with her usual expression.

"Yes, I am Kuroda Aya. Nice to meet you, Akazaki Ryu." She greeted herself as she slightly bowed.

"Un, nice to meet you. Kuroda-san. That aside, how's your body?"

"My body is fine, thank you for worrying me."

Ryu blushed as he scratched his back, "ehehe, your welcome."

As they talked, Narukami opened the menu and browsed it. His eyes swiped the menu from top to bottom.

"Ryu, have you encountered a brigade type?" Narukami abruptly asked and Ryu fell silent as he pondered.

"You're talking about Anomaly? Humm… never meet it. Though I would love to."

"My liege, what are you talking about?"

My liege? Ryu was baffled. What the hell happened when he left the both of them?

He did expect that Kuroda would fall in love with Narukami as he had a charm that would attract any woman as long as they could meet his eyes.

But they seemed to be in a master and servant relationship… 

"Brigade type is an Anomaly who has strange powers. By strange means powers that the organization finds it impossible for an Anomaly to have.

"For instance, the Anomaly I killed earlier is immune to sorcerer techniques that heavily rely on spiritual energy."

From his words alone, it seemed some techniques use other means aside from spiritual energy.

"Immune to sorcerer techniques? What rank Anomaly is it? Five?" 

"A rank three Anomaly."


"Un." Narukami firmly nodded as he closed the menu. Already decided what he's going to order. He gave the menu to Aya, the latter opened it as her ears listened.

"It also manages to create an Illusion realm," Narukami continued. 

A rank three Anomaly couldn't create an Illusion realm.

"My liege, may I know what that term is?"

"A special CC technique that improves your strength considerably. It is the highest level for a sorcerer to achieve. 

"Not only that, your techniques get a hundred percent power up and everything you wish to happen will happen. As long as what you wish for makes sense." Narukami explained. What he explained was only common knowledge.

"I don't seem to understand. It makes any of your wishes come true but it also has to make sense?" Aya recited what she just heard.

"Making it simple, you must understand the process of how that wish comes true. If the process makes sense, what you wish for will come to reality." Narukami opened his phone and his fingers tapped here and there.

"For example, after you trapped your opponent in your Illusion Realm. You can't wish your opponent to die and then your wish comes true. You have to make a reasonable reason in your mind why your opponent dies." Narukami placed his phone onto the table and slid it to Aya.

Coincidentally, Aya already decided what she wanted to order so she closed the menu.

Right after that.

The phone stopped before her; she looked at his phone.

What was on his screen was a representation of what they're talking about in a simple and easy-to-understand slide.

"Of course, this needs a few requirements. This may seem contradictory to earlier states. Not all wishes can come true as it often doesn't fulfill the requirements." Narukami swiped his finger to the left and the next slide appeared.

It was a bad drawing of chibi Narukami with purple strokes around him that seemed to be his lightning.

"Let's say I use an Illusion Realm and wish for my lightning to be the strongest lightning ever existed."

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