
Chapter 30 - Always Leave It To The Pro

He let free the pen as his hand wildly moved on its own even though he tried to control it. He was panicking but managed to hold a smile.

What's going on? He then circulated his spiritual energy to his hand to find out the problem. As soon as he did that, he found lightning particles messing with his muscle nerves. 

What made it strange was that he never came into contact with anything that related to electricity besides his phone and the latter has no means to electrocute him! This means that someone with an electro element messed with him.

He shifted his line of sight to Narukami. The latter watched him from afar with a satisfied smile on his lips.

The golden plate man's blood boiled as he thought of many ways to make this guy regret toying with him!

For now, he must stop the convulsions of his right hand. However, something terrible happened to him. 

As though a porcelain doll that was melting, his cheek was dropping as it greatly decreased the value of his facial feature.

Not only was his hand being affected, but the muscle nerves on his face were also damaged on the brain.

He was akin to someone who just had a stroke! No, he was having a stroke. 

"Whawt's gowng on?" It was hard for him to utter a word as his ability to speak was gradually losing. His mind was also clouded with fear and uncertainty. The female employee's face was stiffed and her body trembled. 

The person in front of her was a member of the most elite squad in the organization. Should he die without her knowing the cause, how should she explain it? She would be fired if her explanation didn't satisfy them!

Furthermore, she doubted those higher-ups would let her free just like that. 

After a short breath, she realized something as she swept her gaze to Narukami. 

"Narukami-sama! Please stop your actions!" As an ordinary human in the middle of humans with crazy abilities, it was only right for her to call him that.

"Why would I? His behaviour earlier shows that he doesn't have the qualifications to become a sorcerer. He is powerful but we don't need such a troublemaker." From his words, Narukami didn't have the slightest intention to stop.

His tone was heavy and flat simultaneously.

Although this person was a member of that squad, he was, nonetheless, one position lower from Narukami. Despite him and the golden chest man in the same rank, he appeared to underestimate him because he was from a small branch.

The golden plate man was now on his knees as his spiritual energy clashed against Narukami's. His body became a great war of immaterial energies.

If this continued, the golden plate man would die as his body can't seem to find balance.

Like a balloon popping out.

Narukami then stopped as he discovered someone's presence coming in his way. He snapped his fingers.

As though the golden man was being strangled to death and managed to let free from the agony, he coughed and panting as he touched his face.

His body was soaked in wet as he kept recounting the pain. It was like someone strangled him with a rope and was tased simultaneously.

The drop cheek had turned to normal and he let out a sigh of relief.

Shortly thereafter, someone came into the lobby. This person has glasses on and was dressed in an All Beyond formal suit.

Black clothes from top to bottom with a logo on their collar.

The right sleeve has an insignia similar to the military that showed his position while the left one showed which squad he was in.

The insignia was a flower with dark red petals.

On his chest, there was a name sign. Egasaki Nobu.

His eyes appeared to be always frowning and he had sharp, black hair. He has quite the face and exuded a leader's air. There were two people behind him in black suits and black glasses.

On his right was a man and left was a girl.

"Whoever is free and doesn't have anything better to do, I order you to help the city by clearing three hundred Anomalies!" He ordered with a yell as he swung his right hand across his body.

The golden plate man recognized this voice and immediately got up. Regardless of the fact that his legs were still trembling, as its member. He must live up to his squad's expectations!

Although this person is only from a small branch, his feats managed to amaze those in the HQ. Including him, he found it impressive.

"Who is he?" Asahi asked curiously as he whispered to Ryu. The latter pondered briefly.

"He's the head grandmaster of this branch. Egasaki Nobu, a rank three Anomaly Sorcerer. Despite his young age, he achieved many feats that others find impossible." He replied as he examined the person that stood in front of them in the vicinity.

"How many ranks are there in the organization?" Aya wondered.

"Five ranks with five being the highest, only few could reach it. I and Narukami are in the two, though I'm certain it doesn't mean much to him." He smiled self-deprecatingly and Aya can tell the reason behind that.

Just as they talked, Narukami noticed that the woman in a black jacket turned incredibly quiet.

Her gaze at her toe and she seemed to be afraid of something.

"Yes sir!" The golden plate man dashed outside of the lobby in Egasaki's response. Egasaki watched the man before he glared at Narukami and the gang.

"So, why are you still here?" He asked irritatedly.

Narukami shifted his field of vision to Egasaki, "we still have other matters. Three hundred Anomalies should be within this branch's capability. If not, you wouldn't be able to stroll around here."

"Is that how you see it? Such a mouth you have there. Well whatever, it doesn't matter. Let me remind you of this, especially Ryu. This city is under my jurisdiction, I will not lower my guard down as long as you're here."

When he said 'this city', he squinted his eyes with a prying look.

Ryu's shoulders tensed. With the power he had, he could lose control and possibly soaked the city in blood. Under Egasaki's words, Ryu felt something like that could happen!

"Z will control him," Narukami responded in his stead and Ryu didn't expect it.

"Z? Not you?" Egasaki asked as his brows slightly creased of a frown.

"I'm only a rank two sorcerer. I think leaving it to the professional is the best decision."

Egasaki didn't say anything and instead, thought about something for a short second, "Based on a recent report. There's a sorcerer who killed an Anomaly with a single strike, either to its head or not." 

"You're talking about Z? He is indeed a talented fellow." Narukami flatly responded.

"Who knows? It happens in every location you're at."

I know that they track my movements but didn't expect they would say it straight forwardly, Narukami thought inwardly.

"Coincidence sure are scary."

Right afterward, Egasaki left and his two bodyguards behind him followed his tracks. 

After they take the stairs and stopped in a dim corridor with lamps on the ground neatly ordered with gaps of fifty cm from each other.

The side of the corridor was a transparent glass window that extended to the entire path. It showed the lobby from above.

"Find everything relating to Narukami Shinra."

"But sir, most of the people you sent had died tragically!" The woman reminded him in a somewhat worried tone.

More than forty people were tasked to search for Narukami's information yet all died in such a terrible way.

"There's still one person. Contact him. Drag him here if not."

"But sir, will it be alright? Isn't Narukami under protection from Z? If we do this, we don't know what he's going to do." The man told Egasaki about one of the risks.

"With a few words, he'll understand. Speaking of which, who is the girl beside him?"

"She is the daughter of Kuroda Ki." The woman already prepared an answer for such a question ever since she laid an eye on Aya.

"Can we get anything from her?"

"It's uncertain but not impossible. Do you like to interrogate her, sir?"

"No, leave her be. On the other hand, let that woman over there become a sorcerer under Narukami's name.." Egasaki pointed his finger at the woman dressed in a black jacket.

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