
Chapter 33 - Bro What?

His eyes frowned as he was confused and surprised. His heart slightly thumped as he seriously didn't want such a future to happen!

"I'm joking. I'm no seer or prophet."

Ryu then relaxed after he let out a breath of air.

"Please don't say that with a straight face, Narukami." Ryu smiled self-deprecatingly.



After that, they went to the training hall that was slightly far from the lobby. Asahi and Ryu were still amateur sorcerers. They had a lot of things to learn.

It might take hours too and as such, Narukami asked Aya to go home.

"Aya, aren't you going home? It is late and I'll walk you until we reach the station."

She was a young girl and should she walked in the dark alone, something bad often happen, for instance, got kidnapped.

And adding that she was a daughter of a rich man, that risk increased and without paying a ransom. The kidnapper wouldn't release her.

And so, Narukami as a good young man offered his kindness. Though he felt disgusted to call himself a young man, for the fact he had been reincarnated five times.

Stacking his age from those five lives, it could reach a million years.

In this life, he is eighteen years old with the mentality of a being that lived for a million years. Indeed, he sometimes didn't act according to his age.

"It's okay, my mother went overseas to research something and my father rarely comes home. Furthermore, I can't seem to fall asleep so rather than try to, I might as well follow you." She replied politely.

The reason why she can't sleep was due to Narukami's blood she gulped down.

After her answer, she briefly wondered, "My liege, can I ask you a question?"

Narukami nodded.

"Why do they allow me to enter the branch as though I'm a sorcerer?"

All Beyond was a secret organization that the public didn't know much about. As an ordinary citizen, one couldn't freely enter without identifying themself.

"I'm a captain of a squad. I don't need permission if I bring in someone, that would only damage my image."

But letting your members call you by your family name is the same, my liege. Aya contemplated if she should let that out of her mind.

She then reorganized her thoughts and carefully chose the right words to form another question.

"Ryu, why did you call my liege by his family name?"

Ryu tilted his head to the ceiling as he placed both of his hands behind his neck, thinking of an answer.

"Narukami didn't mind much so I think that's the reason? He doesn't even say anything about it."

"Yes, we're the same age after all."

Physically that is, Narukami added inwardly as he continued, "calling me captain would be weird."

"But you're fine being called liege by Aya." Ryu noticed something. Not that he was jealous that Aya could call him that. As he was a man and had no interest with a dude. Ryu simply found it odd.

"I tried but failed to change her mind."

"I'd rather die than calling my liege his name!" Aya spoke with confidence, determination, and no hesitation.

Ryu and Asahi are somewhat impressed by that.

"Why so determined though?" Ryu asked out of curiosity.

"He's my savior and also my master. I will give my heart and soul to him," she said with a bit of excitement and delight. Delighted as she could said that line, for the fact she wanted to say it for a long time.

"Isn't that a bit too extreme?" Ryu was kind of worried about Aya as his brows raised.

After chatting and at the same time walking to the training hall, they entered a vast room with a few people landing a few punches to a training doll which was shaped like a human.

They were wearing sleeveless shirts. Some black and some white. In their hands, they wore red, boxing gloves.

Pa! Pa!

Their punches sounded to the air.

The group except Narukami surveyed them after walking into the training hall. Their gazes were that of curiosity.

Ryu on the other hand was curious who these people were, practicing despite the chaos that happened in the city.

Then again, he's one to talk. He was also here.

After they entered, they were approached by a robot.

"Wassup, tincan." Ryu greeted the robot. Its body was a simple square and its arms were straight steel, its hands like a crab and legs were a continuous track, the kinds that tanks used. This time hundredfold much smaller.

The robot has a square head with two eyes and a mouth.

"Who are you calling tincan!" The robot yelled in anger as its expression changed to narrowed eyes before it averted its attention to Narukami. 

"So, what do you want this time?" It asked bluntly. Its expression changed to normal. Its expression changed abnormally fast.

"What is this thing?" Asahi crouched down, attempting to take a closer look. The robot's size reached his waist and after crouching down, his head was the same height as the robot.

"I am a special AI robot the branch created to take care of the training hall. I control everything here." The robot has confidence in its almost monotone voice.

"Special? Create everything? Really?" Ryu said sarcastically as he touched his pinch, wondering before the edge of his lips lifted.

His smile gave the robot a bad premonition. 

The bad feeling led the robot to recall something as he quickly warned Ryu.

"No, I will not create golden clones of myself. Last time I did it, you bast**** stole my parts even though it's coated in yellow gold!"

"What are you talking about? I don't know anything." Ryu asked back in a teasing voice, acting cluelessly and at the same formed a sneer on his face as he shrugged his shoulders as he directed his vision to the side.

"Don't pretend like you don't know!"

Ryu smiled as he enjoyed the robot's reaction. He rested his hand behind his neck as he smiled.

Asahi chortled upon their actions. After which, he recited something in his mind of what this robot just said.

"You can create anything? What's that supposed to mean?" Asahi asked.

"As it stated. As long as I'm in this room, I can create everything. Ask me something you want."

Asahi pondered as his brows creased. Since they were in a training hall. It would be appropriate to ask something related to that.

He narrowed down many thoughts in his brain to a single idea.

"A training partner with the same physical ability as mine."

The robot nodded, "I would need your DNA to proceed." The robot extended its crab hand and shortly, it retracted as it changed to a small, smooth surface. Similar to a stage plate on a microscope.

Asahi tilted his head down to his pants, focused on the place between his crotch.

Aya and Ryu subconsciously followed his gaze. Both of them looked at each other awkwardly.

"The hair follicle at the base of human hairs contains cellular material rich in DNA," Aya explained, quickly grabbing the attention of the two.

Asahi turned his head from looking at Aya, his vision focusing on his crotch once again.

"Oh… Then can I go to the toilet?" He asked for permission, embarrassed.

Why are you saying that after looking at your little brother? Ryu asked himself before figuring out the answer.

So that's what he's thinking… Ryu felt like Asahi's idiocy below him or the same as him.

He almost laughed violently but managed to collect himself. As Ryu was the first member of the squad. He wanted to be a reliable and cool senior, like those in movies.

He cleared his throat to get Asahi's gaze and shift his gaze.

"Ehem, I'm pretty sure she didn't mean that *hair* but the one on your head."

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