
Chapter 40 - This Is Not This Thing For!

Gradually, the cloud of dust thinned out as it faded away into the thin air. Narukami's expression remained undisturbed despite what just happened. 

But his slightly dead eyes locked onto Asahi. There was a sign of wariness in them.

Although wary, he was rather curious how that attack could easily be bounced like a ball, and regarding Asahi's safety, he wasn't concerned.

Narukami saw a figure before the speck of dust, standing as though a statue, and Narukami sensed spiritual energy from it. This was why he wasn't concerned, Asahi was fine.

Asahi slowly appeared in his vision. His expression was that of shock, seemingly can't believe what just happened.

At this moment, the dust only faded out by a portion and it was the one who covered his head. Some thick particles were shrouding Asahi's arms, slowly disappearing.

In the process, Narukami saw Asahi's outline, his right arm to be precise. He can't help but frown.

After coughing a few times. Ryu looked around searching for someone to confirm what the situation was. The person who came to mind was Narukami and swept his gaze to him. 

From his expression alone, which showed a sign of cautiousness and his line of sight was on Asahi. Ryu got the gist of what was happening.

Narukami was alerted because Asahi, a complete rookie, could parry his attack and even survive! 

Following Narukami's line of sight, Ryu looked at Asahi. Instead of being happy that his new member was alive, Narukami increased his guard and remained cautious. Ryu understood why he was but wasn't his reaction a bit too much? 

For a short moment, Ryu realized something. 

This doesn't add up. He's the type that acts not without a reason. Narukami must have his reasons.

With that piece of mind, He examined Asahi from top to bottom and quickly understood why as his eyes fell to Asahi's right arm, Ryu's pupils shrank as he slowly and silently took a few steps back. He lowered his hand as he put it behind his waist and in his grasp. A white yet dim radiant glow slowly gathered, forming a fireball.

The size of a baseball.

Asahi had yet to realize that Ryu and Narukami stepped away from him and would not hesitate should he act anything funny.

Come into his senses, he examined his body to see if there was an injury. But when he saw his right arm, his body went stiff as though his soul had left him.

Asahi's right arm, instead of a human arm. It was replaced with a white and big arm. Like the arm of a giant! There was a beautiful gem on the back of his hand, let out a silvering glint.

After knowing this, Asahi hurriedly looked around and saw that Narukami and Ryu gazed at him as if he was a monster.

"Asahi, stay calm. We'll not act if you stay still." Narukami suggested as his expression slowly turned to a flat one.

Narukami understood that Asahi won't act recklessly, especially with his current situation. He considered some dangers in his mind but with his strength, it was still tolerable, not a desperate one.

"Narukami-san, am I a monster?" Asahi said as his voice shivered, his face creased as he was deeply terrified. One can see the horror in his eyes.

Asahi took a few steps back when Ryu abruptly made slight movements, making rustling noises from his clothes.

"Ryu, extinguish your fireball, now!" Narukami raised his voice.

"Yes, captain." Without hesitation, the ball in his hand vanished. Due to the tension, Ryu subconsciously called him captain.

Hearing that Ryu planned to injure him with that fireball, Asahi became extremely cautious and his trust towards these two went down considerably that he took a few steps away from them.

"Stay away from me!" He shouted with a hint of fear.

"Asahi, it's okay. Everything will be okay, you're not a monster or an Anomaly. You're still a human. I can guarantee you that. I will not hurt you and simply want to know your condition."

Narukami moved one step at a time, at first. His walking motion appeared to be slow yet before they knew it, Narukami was already two meters away from Asahi! His steps were fast yet cautious and silent.

Reflexively, Asahi leaped backward. Distancing their distance to another five meters, he stopped himself before hitting the wall.

"Narukami-san, please don't stay any closer! It's not because I don't trust you but I'm scared that I might hurt you!" Asahi warned.

"Then I want you to try," instead of backing down. Narukami challenged Asahi! 

Asahi didn't expect such an answer that no words could come out of his throat. Asahi briefly dazed and using this as a chance, Narukami quickly closed their distance with a big leap.

His leap caused the floor to form a weblike crack and as well particles of dust. Asahi's eyes constricted as he moved his body to the side, dodging Narukami's lunge.

However, he exerted his strength much more than he anticipated. Causing him to run to the wall.

Narukami motioned his eyes to the figure that vanished and reappeared, he thought that Asahi would show behind him but he hit the wall, he went into the wall and his figure was carved there.

This scene was somewhat ridiculous for a baffling reason.

That hand enhanced his physical attributes, Narukami silently thought in his mind.

Due to his lunge momentum, Narukami can't stop himself in the air through normal means. Thus, using his element.

He converted his body to electric particles, making himself look like a human figure with the body of lightning!

He disappeared and reappeared just before Asahi who couldn't get out of the wall.

His change of position only happened 0,1 seconds!

Narukami grabbed Asahi's collar as he pulled him out of his humiliating situation. He did so as though Asahi was a cat.

Asahi felt like there were stars above his head, circulating him as they danced cheerfully.

"Four, five, swix. Pretty… Haha," He let out a strange laugh before losing consciousness.

Narukami was unsure how to react.

Then, after Narukami lowered his guard to be exact. Asahi opened his eyes! This caught Narukami by surprise.

Asahi hit his head with his elbow and he dodged it by tilting his head to the back. He felt the gust of the wind as the elbow went past his face.

Taking advantage of the elbow's momentum, Asahi spun his body and hurriedly kicked Narukami's abdomen.

However, his kick sliced through the air as Narukami's figure simply showed a few meters in front of him after disappeared as though teleported.

With a gap of five meters, Asahi didn't use the time to engage his opponent in a fight, instead, he ran!

He jumped as he broke through the room and the ceiling of the training hall. Another debris and damage property!

"..." Narukami's heart palpitated.

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