
Chapter 73 - Schemed

"Please, you flatter me. The one who contributes the most is you guys who worked together to defeat a common enemy," said Narukami humbly but his deadpan expression made one wonder if he's being humble or not.

Komi chortled as he said, "well then, we might trouble you this time once again."

Narukami nodded and politely walked away, he completed his purpose here. There was no need to linger around.

As he walked, he pondered shortly if he should go to school or not and decided not to. 

He went to a cafe which he previously visited. A bear cafe.

Once he entered, after being greeted by the bear, he sat on a table near the transparent window and looked out as crowds passed by.

"May I know your order, sir?" The bear approached him and Narukami ordered an iced tea and the bear left him alone without engaging in a conversation with him.

It seems he knows how to read the atmosphere, Narukami praised inwardly. He was in no mood to talk and he appreciated the bear.

Now then, I shall continue to interrogate her. He poured his consciousness into his space storage and saw a girl sitting in a lotus position on top of a soft cushion before a small tv.

Watching what appeared to be a comedic show, she laughed softly with lips covering her right hand. 

Narukami didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he saw this. She was a prisoner yet she enjoyed herself! 

Previously, when he ate with his family. His focus was here. To check her condition and her heavy injuries were healed.

He talked with her about a few things. At first, when she saw him. She was alarmed and furious like an animal who realized someone intruded on their territory.

The space shadow was Narukami's innate ability as a vampire. He could control it freely with a simple thought 

So, by using a few tricks. He managed to calm her down thanks to the power he borrowed from the space shadow.

In this aspect, she didn't realize it was Narukami's doing and believed she did so herself. 

"How's your injury?" Narukami asked with a deadpan expression.

Furasa heard a familiar voice and turned her head, she smiled and said her gratitude, "thank you senior for healing my injuries. How did you do it?" She asked curiously.

Her injuries were, by all means terrible. Even if she was sent to the hospital specialized for Sorcerers, it would take a few days before she could get out of bed.

"The space shadow has a healing attribute. By absorbing my spiritual energy, those in it slowly recovered, no matter what the injury was."

Furasa was amazed as her eyes lit up, "amazing, can it cure any diseases then?"

Narukami paused for a short moment and explained, "it could. However, it isn't entirely healed, but suppressed. they might grow dependent on me. If they are away from me, then the injury would come back and if they are near me, their diseases couldn't wreak havoc and focus their attention on defending.."

How this worked was because as soon as the person entered his space storage and as long as Narukami willed it. Their body would involuntarily absorb the energy in his space storage.

And the energy was all from Narukami's spiritual energy. As a vampire, it could heal injuries. It wasn't only his blood that could do so. 

This energy then killed the virus of the diseased person but couldn't erase its existence.

The process of eradicating the virus was fierce. His spiritual energy would often be lost and needed reinforcement.

Why they lost was because when his spiritual energy entered someone else's body, its quality and strength sharply declined.

At this point, as long as the person was near him. His spiritual energy would seep into their blood and constantly fought with the virus.

Causing the latter to stop causing havoc and fully on defense. At the same time, his spiritual energy would sneakily seep into the damaged part of the human body which the virus had damaged and heal it to a certain extent but with the virus continuously multiplied, it was hard for the organ to recover. 

Furasa listened attentively and was impressed that such a person had such an unrivaled ability that she lost as to what to say.

Not waiting for Furasa to utter anything, Narukami changed the topic and said, "How did you gather this stuff?"

There was a tv, a soft cushion, and books scattered on the pitch-black ground. This girl made his space shadow her home and Narukami didn't remember storing these things here. 

These things were useless!

"I found it as I ventured deeper and when I found these, I found a letter. Here." Furasa gave Narukami a letter that was lying on the ground.

Receiving the letter, Narukami tore it open and read, this was the content:

Brother, I'm storing these here! Hehe, I bought them at fair prices despite them being antiques and I don't want them to be broken. Forgive me for doing so without your permission. But I have no choice! 

P.S: How I discovered opening your space storage is because I asked grandma for help. Teehe (^_-)

Narukami's clench became tight, causing the letter to crumple. 

Narukami sighed helplessly. Now that his little brother found a way to access his space storage, he must be careful storing his stuff and had to avoid his little brother finding them. 

Most of his items were dangerous weapons, artifacts, various ingredients to concoct potions, and corpses. 

"Furasa, who ordered you to attack your friends?" Narukami asked solemnly.

Without beating around the bush, he jumped straight to the point after an idle chat.

Furasa hesitated for a second but looking at his eyes, she was enchanted by him. Causing her trust in him subconsciously soared.

"It's my elder brother," she replied simply. 

Narukami was satisfied with her answer and felt bad for using a dirty trick to get her answer. 

Aside from his eyes' ability to passively intimidate and cause some people to have affection towards him, it also lowered one's guard to a certain degree.

This was extremely taxing as it involved one's soul. Gaining trust must be deep from inside one's heart, one's soul, not by force. 

Narukami intruded her soul without her knowing it. The soul was extremely sensitive. 

By using a special technique, Narukami was able to affect her soul, thus causing her to trust him rather easily.

"Why did he do it?"

"By killing some Sorcerers and making it seem like they are killed by Anomalies. My brother wanted to see how All Beyond would react. 

My brother wanted to decrease their manpower slowly. That is what I know, I don't know his purpose." She replied heavily, containing some sorrow and regret in her voice.

So he's testing the waters, Narukami shortly concluded.

"Who taught you to use the sacred incantation?"

"My brother, if I don't learn it. He threatened me that my life will be a living hell. At first, I viewed it as an empty threat but one day, I made a grave mistake and soon found out it was planned by my brother, he schemed me.

If I still don't want to learn it. My reputation in All Beyond would tarnish, my work would all be for naught and I might lose my future.

Left with no choice, I had to learn it."

After hearing her explanation, he was disgusted by her brother and said in his heart in disdain, what an absolute scumbag. Using his little sister as a tool to achieve his goal. Even scheming her that she had no choice but to oblige, I despise this kind of person.

His expression was deadpan but he was furious inside. He despised those scheming bastards.

Although his facial expressions were stolen, his emotions were not.

Trying his best to stay calm, he said, "I would've done the same if I were in your shoes. It is fortunate I didn't kill you the first time we met. Otherwise, once I found out the truth, it was certain I would regret it for the rest of my life," said Narukami regrettably.

Just as she was about to open her mouth, Narukami apologized from the bottom of his heart, "I'm sorry for what I did to you."

Furasa's heart was touched when she heard this, "it's okay, senior. You simply do your job, I wouldn't blame you if I died. I killed my entire squadron and tamed Anomaly. That's enough for the organization to make my life a living hell. Either by turning me into a sex slave or an entire life of torture."

Although from the surface All Beyond appeared to be an upright organization with a grand goal, to save humanities from the danger of Anomalies.

Inside, it didn't follow the modern norm, especially for those who break the rules. Their rights to live in the society would be detained, they were no different than livestock.

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