
Chapter 75 - Alibi

Walking leisurely in the corridor, Iraha once in a while jumped like a happy bunny. His bright smile was plastered on his face as he traversed in the corridor.

A few people watching him were confused why this man was so happy, curious what happened to him that allowed him to be in such a state.

Reaching the bottom floor, he swept his gaze over and found something not interesting, he was about to walk away when suddenly. 

"IIIIIIRAAAAAHAAAAA-KUUUUUNNNNN!" A slow taunting shout of a young lady rang out in the lobby, silence immediately struck them.

All of them diverted their gazes to the source of the shout and found a blond girl with brown glasses, walking slowly as the crowd walked aside, opening a path for her. Her expression was unsightly and was enraged.

Although she looked like a fragile flower that needed protection. That image instantly crumbled when they saw she carried two trucks with both hands.

The girl held the truck's bumper as she approached Iraha, dragging those trucks like nothing, making her incredibly fierce and wild.

The truck she dragged was the one with sixteen wheels and containers they carried, shockingly heavy and huge. Even twenty adults weren't able to make it move with brute strength! Yet this girl was able to cause everyone's jaws to drop.

Iraha immediately turned his head to the girl and was startled when he saw two massive trucks with containers that probably weigh tons being dragged as if they were nothing.

How did she get those trucks? Iraha's eyes dilated. His body reflexively shivered.

Fortunately, he managed to keep his calm and smiled, "Wassup, Rin-chan, you seem to be fine and lively. I bet you're incredibly happy to see me here."

"Happy? Yes, I would be happy if you are dead, would you be kind enough to please this girl's request?" She smiled calmly but her tone was slightly heavy.

"That I can't promise, but if you need someone to marry, I'm always here! We've known each other for a few years!"

"Even if we're the last human on earth, I rather skin myself and commit suicide than marry a despicable bastard!" She threw the trucks. They traversed in the air like a spear and the crowd let out a panicking scream.

The crowds near Iraha immediately scatter to save themselves and leave Iraha alone.

"How disappointing, you guys even call yourself humans who risked their lives to save humanity yet run away when an ordinary person is in danger," said Iraha regrettably before the two trucks crushed him.

Bam! Bam!

One truck crashed into the ground while the other one followed, smashed at it, and let out a loud bang. Dust filled the air as the ground formed weblike cracks.

The first truck's bumper caved in, the rest of its long body didn't fall to the ground but instead remained in the air and as soon as the second truck smashed at it.

It caused it to fall and an explosive sound rang out into everyone's ears.

As the dust had yet to vanish, a complete silence descended, one of the people then asked doubtfully, "is he dead?"

As if answering his question, a long whistle of disbelief and amazement entered their ears.

"Rin-chan, are you sure you are born from a human? Not from a gorilla?" A man's voice asked curiously in a carefree manner.

Not long after, the dust which covered the trucks vanished as a strong blow of the wind passed by.

The crowds let out a startled scream when sensing such a precise and powerful control of the Anemo element.

Following the source, they saw a man sitting on the heavily damaged truck container and swaying about his legs. He looked down at Rin with a mocking smile.

Gnashing her teeth in complete anger, her face turned slightly ugly. She leaped forward at him and Iraha showed his white teeth as the edge of his lips lifted.

He leaped off the container and before he could touch the ground, a small tornado formed beneath his feet. He was floating on top of it.

He willed it as it carried him out of the building.

By the time Rin appeared in his latest position, he had already disappeared. Hastily, she looked at the exit and saw a man sitting cross-legged on top of a whirling tornado.

Iraha waved his hand as he got out of the building before disappearing from her line of sight. Rin's eyes shrank in panic. She quickly rushed at him but after she went through the door, she didn't see anyone.

Feeling unwilling and infuriated in her heart that her mortal enemy escaped, she shouted to the heavens, "IIIIIRAAAAAAHAAAAA!"

Her voice reverberated through the air as it was imbued with spiritual energy. Even those miles away could hear this rumbling voice, seemingly wanting to shake the heavens.

Iraha stood at the peak of the branch's building. He was looking down at Rin's angry expression.

After she let out a roar, she went back to the building hastily.

Iraha couldn't help but chuckle, "looks like she's in a great mood. I wonder how thick skin she is to shout that loudly?"

Then, his figure turned to incorporeal and misty. The smile on his face remained, looking extremely eerie and had an extremely sinister air to it.

He was like those evil ghosts who just enjoyed their victim's reaction after being disturbed countless times but still didn't get it enough until they were satisfied or their victim was killed.

Wind passed by as his body vanished from the thin air.




A few hours had passed and Narukami entered the branch to do some easy missions. If he didn't, his squad points would be the lowest amongst the squad here.

Should that happen, others wouldn't hesitate to mock them for being lazy and useless despite having been granted a special status within the branch.

He was lazy enough to hear such insults and hate it if that happened. To be constantly being mocked and bullied, even saints would be angry. Therefore, to avoid such a thing happening in the future.

He completed some easy missions to rake up points which should be enough to prevent his squad from ending up at the bottom of the leaderboard.

Each squad had contribution points, these points determined your squad effectiveness and strength in the leaderboard.

The more one's points accumulated, the greater the chance for their squad to stand in the first position.

The reward was also generous. Narukami was aware of this yet he wasn't tempted. He knew how this was how the organization worked.

Frankly speaking, the rewards were like carrots on a stick and the squads were the donkeys that followed it.

He despised this system very much but he wasn't that dumb to show it on the surface.

For Narukami, as long as his squad was average, not so low that other people dared to bully them or too high that it caught unnecessary attention, it was enough.

Although the rewards weren't as good, it was rather enough. With his family's wealth, he could spend them and buy necessary things for his squad and members.

But, most of his family wealth was from his great ancestor. Even he would be embarrassed if he kept borrowing some money from her, so he did so unless it was necessary.

Anyway, his plan of coming here wasn't to diligently grind points in hopes of advancing in the leaderboard but instead to make an alibi.

Even though he wasn't sure, he had to play safe rather than sorry. This was because he got a feeling that some people might have already figured out that Narukami was Sixth but what they lacked was proof.

If he recklessly invaded the Furasa territory, they could easily find out the proof. Every time Narukami disappeared, Sixth appeared.

By making an alibi, it would instantly erase all suspicion towards him.

How they manage to figure out he and Sixth was one person. Narukami could guess how; they perhaps discover it from artifacts that specialized in tracking and strange techniques.

No matter how perfect you are to hide your identity, nothing is perfect in this world, he said to himself as he looked at the huge whiteboard with many papers pinned in it.

After searching for a suitable mission, he grabbed one of the papers from the board and gave it to a lady behind the desk.

He asked a few questions regarding the mission and got satisfying answers.

The mission he got was to investigate a mysterious library that was found beneath a house. In a secret underground room.

A squad of fifth rank Sorcerers enter the library but a few seconds later. Those who entered it all vanished from inside. Thankfully, the squad leader ordered one person to guard the library while the rest entered.

When this person noticed his entire squadron vanished just like that, he didn't enter the library to find out what was wrong and quickly went to All Beyond to report his discovery.

This happened a few days ago.

Because the mission this time was in a closed room, Narukami decided to choose it.

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