
Chapter 87 - Kings Amongst King

After doing another round of investigation. They didn't particularly find anything besides old books, scrolls, and papers that were ripped apart.

No purpose in continuing this, they decide to gather.

"Have you found anything?" Hyugo asked.

The leader of the second team shook his head as he said, "nothing captain, this is just like any other library. We only find books."

"Then how about you?" Hyugo shifted his line of sight to the person who led the third team but not only that person, the entire team had vanished.

The air became tense and they were alarmed.

"Captain, the third team went missing!" One of the guys said out loud.

"I can tell, everyone keeps calm. You and you, go to where the third team is heading and if you didn't come back here in five minutes, we'll rush in.

"If you encounter something terrible, contact Narukami, " Hyugo said as he ordered his two squad members.

The latter was nervous, this place could very well kill them but before their captain who appeared to be calm and relaxed as if this place was nothing.

Their nervousness eased greatly. Furthermore, with a person that was said to have played a big role in the Mabashi Shrine accident, their nervousness instantly vanished.

"Yes, captain!" They nodded and with hasty steps, they walked to where the third team was heading.

While all of this happened, Narukami had already spread out his spiritual senses to where the third team was.

After his spiritual sense advanced for a few seconds, he quickly stopped as he could feel a weak aura from somewhere.

With his spiritual senses, he examined the area thoroughly so as to find the source of that faint aura.

Finally, he found five bookshelves neatly lined up with books that were more worn out than any other. Also, the bookshelves were covered in green moss.

Between these five bookshelves lies that faint aura and so, he retreated his spiritual senses.

The reason behind this was simple, spiritual senses were no different than a map, a scanner to detect the enemy.

All this while as he used spiritual senses, he didn't detect one but this made him more alarmed.

Although his spiritual senses didn't detect it, his sense of danger rang out as soon as he found those bookshelves.

Even when he didn't get closer, something within seemingly watching him, and the longer he stayed, he became restless, unsettled, and petrified.

Thankfully, as soon as he felt something or perhaps someone watching him, he hurriedly retracted his spiritual senses.

An enemy who can escape from a spiritual sense of a Level 8 peak expert. Surely this enemy was abnormally terrifying and powerful.

"Hyugo-san, I suggest you pull back those guys. Our enemy is more terrifying than we thought," recommend Narukami to Hyoga in a solemn manner through spiritual transmission.

Hyugo frowned and asked hurriedly, "you detect an enemy? Why don't you say so earlier?"

"That enemy escapes from my spiritual senses. I am able to tell there's one because I feel someone or something watching me," Narukami replied as he elaborated on what he encountered.

Hyugo was unsettled at this point, an enemy who could escape from spiritual senses was no way something one could underestimate.

"But we don't know if it's an enemy," Narukami suddenly added.

"What do you mean?"

"Whoever hides in this library simply observes us instead of making a move, it seems it wants to see what is our intention," Narukami speculated.

"Then if that's the case, why annihilate the entire third team?"

If its goal was to observe to find out their purpose, there was no reason to wipe out five people, right?

"Probably because they infuriated it?"

"What kind of moron who dares to infuriate an enemy that couldn't even be detected by spiritual senses?!" Hyoga retorted

Narukami shrugged his shoulders "Hyugo-san, this is mere speculation; until we see it ourselves. We wouldn't know the truth. But I don't recommend checking whatever or whoever is observing us.

"If we are careless, our life might be in danger. Dying meaninglessly here isn't a good option either."

"So are you saying we have to abandon our friends?"

Narukami hesitated for a short moment before replying, "no, we didn't abandon them but increasing our chance to save them. Hyoga-san, it's okay, your squad members are still alive," Narukami calmly assured him.

At their current state, saving their friends was no different from diving themselves into lava. They would only jump to certain death.

The fear of the unknown was something that even Narukami himself viewed as the worse kind of fear.

In this mysterious library, they were like in a deep, pitch-black ocean with sea monsters stalking them in the dark. A single misstep and carelessness. You're dead.

Hyoga shortly wandered and nodded, "very well, I'll tell the two people to go back."

As they were talking, they were distant and no one would know they were talking to each other through spiritual transmission.

In their perspective, these two people were like strangers.

As they weren't aware that Hyugo was talking with Narukami, seeing how Hyugo nodded to himself, this left them in confusion.

By the way, he was standing upright with eyes closed and arms crossed when he nodded to himself.

"What's wrong with the captain? Is he talking to someone?" One of the people wondered with his brows furrowed in a frown.

"Probably he's debating with himself as he is figuring out what's our next move? Some people tend to do that, I recall the term is, oh well, I forget." Another person replied and end it with a shrug of his shoulders

After that, Hyugo abruptly opened his eyes and yelled, "all of you! We retreat! I've received the information from the two squad members that our enemies are something we can't defeat!"

Hyugo decided to cook up some words, for the fact those two people were still away from where Narukami told him where that someone or something hid.

He also informed the two people to retreat before saying this.

"Captain, are we going to abandon our squad members?" Someone in the group asked as he was slightly upset to abandon his friend.

"We're not. I can't provide any evidence but trust my words, they are safe and sound.

"We don't abandon them but instead increase our chance to save them. We must report this to All Beyond and get back up."

With that, the crowds nodded as they silently heaved a sigh of relief.

Even though some people are a bit reluctant to leave their friends just like that, they had no choice but to follow their captain's orders.

Aware of this, Hyugo spoke, "saving your friend is admirable but one must know their limits. Your enemy is somewhere at the peak of Level 10!

"Are you sure you want to waste your life like that? Wouldn't that make your friend even sadder?"

His words made those who want to save their friends disregard their decisions. Though, some people with strong will and determination had yet to be shaken.

They were planning to rush to where their friends were so as to help them.

"However, if some of you still want to save them. Go! But your death isn't my or All Beyond's responsibility."

His words shook the people with strong determination. At first, they wanted to move one of their legs but in the end, they chose to stay put.

When one died, their family would get compensation. But that Sorcerer had to die on a mission.

As the captain of the squad, he was entirely responsible for the mission.

Because Hyugo had ordered his squad members to retreat, those who ignored his order would be automatically left on the mission.

Everyone gathered before walking their way to the exit and Narukami walked at the very back of the group and suddenly stopped.

"The true king is finally here."

The voice was abnormally deep and hoarse, causing chills to spread all over Narukami's body.

He also closed his ears as each word that voice utter, crazy cravings instantly spammed in his mind.

His line of thought gradually became chaotic and sluggish.

"Great lord, please accept one of my gifts for your arrival." The voice quickly vanished as it quickly came.

Because that voice had uttered more words, Narukami was on the edge of going mad and lost control.

It wasn't only crazy cravings but whispers, mysterious crowded noises, cries from different sources like agonizing cries, miserable cries, and terrifying screams merged into one chaotic sound as it wreaking havoc in his mind.

It was torture and he silently suffer it without no one knew. Even as he kneeled to the floor, none of the people in front of him turned their heads.

The torture lasted for a few breaths.

It was a miracle in itself that he managed to get himself under control.

After it ended, his chest was puffing up and down as he breathed hastily, sweat dropped from his forehead to the floor and his eyes were trembling in shock.

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