
Chapter 98 - Star Stone

Ryu only smiled as he got used to his surprise.

"You really can do anything, huh?" He smiled bitterly.

"I can't do anything, I just do what I'm supposed to do."

After that was a long silence. As they proceeded deeper into the underground, they encountered many enemies and Narukami took care of it all with a bored face.

What he did was flick his fingers and small lightning bolts pierced their heads. They didn't have the time to react as he flick his finger.

Before they knew it, their vision went dim and collapsed to the ground with a heavy thud.

"How long is this path?" Ryu asked with a frown. They were in a tunnel with dim lights dangling on the ceiling. The tunnel was quite huge and was all white.

The floor, wall, and ceiling were all white. Ryu somehow felt uncomfortable with the way this tunnel was designed.

Ryu didn't know why but it looked creepy, and with dead bodies in front of him, that feeling intensified.

"This long tunnel reminds me of a horror scene where the protagonist runs in this tunnel as he is chased away by a ghost. I'm not sure what the title is," said Narukami in a questioning tone.

In this aspect, Ryu remembered where this creepy feeling came from. It was from the scariest horror film Ryu had watched!

Right now, he was in the exact tunnel as that protagonist. Less the human corpses in front of him.

If the tunnel he was in was covered in blood, bloody handprints, blood trails of someone getting dragged, and a creepy lady with long hair covering her face, pale skin and she was chasing them, that would be perfect.

Well not for Ryu. Without hesitation, he would dash away, leaving Narukami in his dust.

"Relax, such a thing isn't going to happen in the real world," said Narukami in assurance.

"I know! It's just that movie terrifies me the most! I couldn't even get proper sleep for two weeks!"

"How do you even survive as a Sorcerer?" Narukami asked the obvious. A Sorcerer encountered many gore and horrific things! Twenty times more terrifying than what Ryu saw in movies.

"Because it's different! The movie is doing well to scare me while the stuff I meet as a Sorcerer didn't have that creepy music. It's different!" He replied.

Narukami wasn't sure how to respond as he was baffled, what's with that strange mind of yours?

"The point is, this tunnel makes me uncomfortable and we should hurry." Ryu began to quicken up his pace as he passed by Narukami's shoulder.

"Wait! Don't be rash, Ryu!" Narukami's eyes narrowed as he noticed something was wrong.

The problem was that he couldn't pinpoint the source. He halted his pace as he contemplated for a short while.

Finally, he grasped the source and shifted his gaze to the white floor, or not. It was in truth silver, not white anymore. Turning his head to the way they were coming from, Narukami discovered that once a hundred meters they go deeper.

The white intensity increased, gradually turning to silver. As if to confirm his speculation, he shifted his line of sight to where they were heading.

Despite the fact he was still in his position, his eyes managed to perceive everything as if a drone sent out as a recon.

The further they go, it becomes gray before gradually turning black. This change of color was hard to notice as the tunnel had an illusion too.

If Narukami didn't notice this, probably they would've thought the entire tunnel was white all along but in truth, it changed.

Indeed, the moment they entered the tunnel. They already entered a powerful illusion and were perfectly concealed at that, Narukami was amazed that someone could pull this off.

He thanked himself for trusting his instinct. It never failed him.

Narukami quickly approached like a ghost as he floated in Ryu's way to block his way.

On the way, Ryu entered a region where the silver was perceivable. In that instant, arrows shot out from the wall at a rapid pace.

Ryu was caught off guard and it was late for him to dodge. Just as those arrows were around five centimeters from his body, Narukami was faster than the speed of sound he was, he managed to bring Ryu away from a death trap.

Nevertheless, his sudden momentum of increasing his speed caused him to be unable to control it precisely, hence crashing into Ryu. It led Narukami to fall to the ground and slide for a few seconds.

Narukami didn't rest, he quickly got up and narrowed his eyes as he prepared for everything.

Ryu was still on the ground as his head was blurry and a bit dizzy. Shaking his head to erase those uncomfortable feelings, he looked at Narukami. His eyes were wide open when he saw there were two arrows pierced his right shoulders.

"Shinra, I- I'm sorry," apologized Ryu.

"Save the sorry for later, get up. It's not over yet," ordered Narukami and Ryu quickly raised his body. Staying close to Narukami and circulating his spiritual energy to the entire body, he spread a strand of spiritual energy so as to scan the area with spiritual senses.

He didn't know what the danger was. Being clueless like this made him restless.

Shortly thereafter, the entire tunnel changed its light to dim red. Following that was a deafening beep and the voice of a monotone woman: "Mixed blood detected! Mixed blood detected! Proceeding with Lockdown Protocol."

Right after that, doors began to fall in the tunnel. The doors were separated by one hundred meters and in total, there were probably more than thirty doors in this tunnel alone. 

Narukami didn't wait to be locked up. He rushed to the end of the tunnel. Ryu didn't hesitate either, he quickly followed behind Narukami.

Their bodies had changed at this point, Narukami turned into a flare of lightning while Ryu was that of flame. Like a comet, it left behind smoke trails.

"Element fluctuation detected. Increasing the Lockdown Procedure by 100%."

Soon after, the doors behind them abruptly fall, locking them in. If earlier it descended ever so slowly, this time it took a few seconds.

As of now, they've passed more than twenty doors within seconds yet they didn't see the end of the tunnel. Narukami felt uneasy about this.

And to top it off, his speed, without warning, decreased considerably and he slowed down before coming to a stop. Ryu, who was at his highest speed, noticed this and halted.

The flame engulfing his body vanished. He hurriedly approached Narukami and asked worriedly, "what's wrong? Is it this arrow?"

"Don't touch it," he warned but a bit too late. Ryu grabbed it and soon enough, his entire body went weak and numb.

It was as though he was being paralyzed by a taser.

He couldn't feel his muscles anymore.

"The arrow was made out of star stone," Narukami informed Ryu, the latter was shocked.

"What? I never heard of a star stone being shaped into a weapon! Best I saw was shackles!"

Star stone was the greatest weakness a Sorcerer had to offer. Once you touch it, you would lose all of your energy to stand.

As Narukami was a being of mixed blood, it took a few moments for the star stone to take effect.

His vampire blood was quite strong after all.

One more thing to add, star stone was valuable and extremely rare. Rarer than diamonds even.

This was because as its name suggested, it was a remnant of a star. A dying star to be exact.

As the universe had billions of stars and was expanding each day. Dying stars was perhaps a common thing in the universe but for its remnant to land on earth.

It was a whole different story.

Thus, the fact Fallen Nightless managed to create many arrows from star stone showed how much they have it.

Many questions were popping up in his mind but that wasn't important. If they stay here any longer, the doors behind them would catch up to them.

If they were locked up, it was easy to tell what their outcome was going to be.

Damn it, move! Narukami gritted his teeth as he forcefully grabbed the two arrows on his right shoulder and pulled them out.

The instant his hand touched the arrow, however, a greater sense of weakness dawned upon him.

He endured it and after pulling them out. He tossed it to the side, doing his best to ignore his weak body. He grabbed Ryu's collar, dragging him as they walked deeper into the tunnel.

Ryu had it worse because of the dragon's power in him. It was originally an Anomaly and now that Ryu absorbed such a being.

It would be correct if someone said he was no different than an Anomaly but with a human mind.

Star stone was extremely lethal to Anomalies. While Sorcerers became weak, Anomalies turned to ashes upon first contact 

Fortunately, Ryu touched the arrow for a short moment. If any longer, he might encounter organ failure.

As Narukami gradually got his strength back, they were now in a tunnel region of dark grey. Still, they were far from safe.

The doors behind them approaching closer, this was scarier than a ghost chasing you.

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