September 1, 2022!

Maple Leaf Manor!

Now where Ye Tianji lives!

Just last night, Ye Tianji led his three younger brothers to successfully integrate all the underground forces in Washington.

The Sea Shark Gang, the Blood Gang, the 3 Klux Party, the Triad Society and other underground forces are all controlled by Ye Tianjian.

Now in Ye Tianji's hands, in addition to the original dozen or so people, there are five thousand more people.

Moreover, after last night's battle, the nightmare value in Ye Tianji's hands also successfully broke through the 10,000 mark.

"System, open my properties panel!"

Lying on the sofa, Ye Tianjian drank red wine while instructing the system in his mind.

【Host : Ye Tianji】【Identity : Dark Demon (Weak)】【

Ability : Dark Erosion, Boundless Darkness, Dark Power...

】【Item : None

】【Nightmare Value:12000】With

Ye Tianji's

order, the system's attribute panel immediately appeared in front of his eyes.

Seeing this information, a faint smile appeared at the corner of Ye Tianji's mouth.

"Hehe, twelve thousand nightmare values, not bad..." Looking

at the nightmare values he had harvested in one night, Ye Tianjian nodded, and his heart was quite satisfied.

"System! I remember you said earlier that nightmare points can be used for lotteries! With

his eyes slightly closed, shaking the goblet in his hand, Ye Tianjian fell into thought.

[Yes host, do you want to draw a lottery?] Listening

to Ye Tianji's inquiry, the system's voice quickly replied to Ye Tianji with a hint of excitement.

"No hurry, give me a good introduction to your lottery function first!"

Although Ye Tianji knew that this system could draw prizes with nightmare points.

However, Ye Tianji was still a little puzzled about the details of this lottery.

【Ding! Host, the lottery function is divided into seven levels! 【

Bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamond, star, king!

"Huh? This level... Why does it sound familiar? Listening

to the lottery level mentioned by the system, Ye Tianjian frowned slightly, as if he was thinking about something.

"I'm going... This sounds familiar!

Suddenly, a flash of light appeared in Ye Tianjian's mind, as if he had thought of something.

This level, according to Ye Tianji's memories, seems to be a grade called the King Pesticide Rank above the Blue Star before he crossed it...

Now Ye Tianjian still remembers how pit this game called King Pesticide is.

I think that at the beginning, Ye Tianjian played this game, just one night, and he knelt for more than a dozen games!

Duan Rank fell directly from Star Glory to Gold....

Ye Tianji was called angry!

It's a little far, and things are back to the lottery.

[Bronze 100 nightmare value drawn, silver 500 nightmare value, gold 1000 nightmare value.] 】

【Platinum 5000 Nightmare Value, Diamond 10000 Nightmare Value, Star Glory 1000000 Nightmare Value, King 10000000 Nightmare Value...】

"Huh! It seems that according to my current points, I can conduct a diamond draw and two gold draws at most..." Looking at

the lottery situation displayed on the system, Ye Tianjian was also slightly surprised in his heart.

It seems that he still wants to work hard, otherwise, he will not be able to even do a few king draws in the later stage.

【Ding! Host: Have you decided? Is there a lottery?

Looking at Ye Tianji, who was silent, the system's ascending tone sounded in his mind again.

"Give me a platinum raffle! I'd rather see what I can smoke..." After

thinking for a moment, Ye Tianji decided to come to platinum to smoke and test the water first.

See if you can draw anything good in this system.

[Good host, a platinum lottery will begin for you immediately...]

With a flash of golden light, a large golden turntable appeared in front of Ye Tianji's eyes.

"Hope you can get me something good!"

Looking at the golden turntable in front of him, Ye Tianji's face did not change in the slightest, and he said in a flat tone.

The next moment, under Ye Tianji's gaze, the golden wheel began to spin rapidly.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host, who successfully obtained a copy of the Golden Light God Spell of the Dragon Tiger Mountain Tianshi Mansion...]

As a needle prompt sounded, the golden turntable also slowly stopped.

A book that exuded a pale golden light slowly met Ye Tianji's eyes.

Looking at the book in front of him that exuded a pale golden light, Ye Tianjian couldn't help but be slightly stunned.

I saw that on the cover of the book, there were four big words written - Golden Light God Spell!

"Dragon Tiger Mountain Golden Light Divine Spell... Hehe...... Interesting! Looking

at the golden light spell in front of him, Ye Tianjian was also a little interested.

The Golden Light God Mantra, one of the eight Taoist God Spells, has a very powerful effect of driving away evil spirits, which can eliminate all evil and negative states...

[Does the host cultivate...]

Just as Ye Tianjian was thinking about the effect of the Golden Light Divine Spell, the system's prompt sounded in his mind this time.


Listening to the system's prompt, Ye Tianjian nodded, and without the slightest hesitation, he agreed to cultivate.

After all, it was one of the eight Taoist divine spells, and Ye Tianjian was still very curious about this golden light divine spell.

[Okay host, the data is being transmitted for you, please later..."

With a clang, all the information of the Golden Light Divine Spell was instantly imprinted in the depths of Ye Tianji's mind.

Heaven and Earth Xuanzong, Wan Qi's root.

Guangxiu catastrophe, prove my divine power.

Inside and outside the three realms, only the Tao is respected.

The body has a golden light, covering my body.

One unfathomable incantation after another continued to echo in Ye Tianjian's mind.

"Well, it is worthy of being one of the eight divine spells of Daojin, and it is really unfathomable!"

Nodded, he was quite satisfied with the Golden Light God Spell Ye Tianji that he drew this time.

【Ding! The host still has 7000 demon points left, does the host still want to draw a lottery? Seeing

that Ye Tianji was quite satisfied with this lottery, the system asked while the iron was hot.

"No need, these 7,000 points are still saved for the next draw!"

Shaking his head, Ye Tianjian thought for a moment about drawing the general again, but still chose to refuse.

After all, with only 7,000 points left, even if you draw again, you may not be able to draw anything good.

It's better to keep it, wait until you get 10,000 points, and try your luck in a diamond lottery.

[Good host, look forward to your visit again! ] Listening

to Ye Tianji's refusal, the system's tone was a little disappointed.

"Okay, step aside! Now there's nothing wrong with you..." Putting

down the wine glass in his hand, Ye Tianjian said indifferently.


Now that Washington's underground forces have been successfully recovered, it's time to take action against the local government departments..." His

gaze scanned the hall, and a sneer appeared at the corner of Ye Tianjian's mouth.

"Oh, White House! Pentagon! As long as I master this, I believe that the entire M country, and even their armies, will be under my control, right? Thinking

of this, the corner of Ye Tianjian's mouth couldn't help but show a faint sneer.

"But the White House and the Pentagon are not as strong as those underground forces, they have a very strong defense force..."

"If you want to successfully control them, I am afraid it will not be an easy task!"

As the two most important landmarks of Country M, he will not be as simple as it seems.

Especially the Pentagon, country M is the office building of the US Department of Defense, and its military defense is definitely not simple.

Although Ye Tianji is said to be an immortal existence as a dark demon, it cannot be taken lightly.

After all, no one knows if there is anything behind country M that can threaten them.

"It seems that I don't have any better way to directly attack the Pentagon and the White House for the time being..."

"I can only recover my strength first, and I am slowly planning... His

gaze swept through the hall, and Ye Tianjian already had some plans of his own in his heart.

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