
Ye Tianji sat cross-kneeled on the ground, and in front of him were two light and shadow stones that had lost their light.

"Haha, now there is still one water shadow stone left, I can completely fuse five light and shadow stones!"

Feeling the four light masses that had been lit up in his body, Ye Tianji's eyes were filled with incomparable excitement.

As long as you get the Water Shadow Stone over there in Beimiao, then Ye Tianji can summon the Dark Emperor Armor.

However, now that the whereabouts of the Water Shadow Stone have not been found, Ye Tianji has no choice but to look for it slowly.

"Punishment Heavenly Armor..."

Ye Tianjian murmured, the dark light in his eyes constantly flickering.

"Since there is no news of the Water Shadow Stone for the time being, then I will go and find the Asura armor first!"

"After all, the Asura armor is also one of the four ultimate armors..."

"Although his strength is not comparable to that of the God Emperor, his power is also very good!"

Ye Tianjian slowly opened his eyes, and his dark eyes exuded an icy coldness.


At this time, a charming and gentle voice sounded, and I saw a beautiful woman wearing a long white dress walking up to Ye Tianjian.

"How? Pandora, did you miss me?

Ye Tianjian smiled slightly, revealing a mouthful of snow-white shell teeth, looked at Pandora, and teased.

"It's not... I'm here to tell the master that there are eight armored men outside..."

A charming smile appeared at the corner of Pandora's mouth and said softly.

"Eight armored men? What is the origin?

Ye Tianjian raised his eyebrows and asked suspiciously.

"I don't know where they come from, but I know that there seems to be a man named Yanlong among them, and another seems to be called something..."

Pandora brushed her hair and smiled playfully, her eyes full of seduction.

"Yanlong? Punishment days? Hearing

this, Ye Tianjian's brows furrowed, and he became a little puzzled.

Aren't the Yanlong and the armor summoners of the Punishment Sky in their own hands?

Where did those eight armored warriors out there come from.

Could it be that some new armor summoner has appeared?

But that's not right!

Now that the Five Elements Armor Light and Shadow Stone has been devoured by themselves, it is impossible for them to summon the Five Elements Armor at all!

Moreover, the three summoners of the punishment sky are also in their hands, how can a new armored summoner appear.

Ye Tianji fell into deep thought, the more he thought about it, the more strange he felt, and in the end, he still put his doubts behind.

After all, no matter who comes from outside, they want to deal with themselves, it is simply delusional.

"They were wiped out as soon as they appeared, master, the eleven magical beasts you sent out..."

Pandora looked at Ye Tianji's unchanged expression, and said with a grin again.

"Oh! How much time did it take them..." Hearing

Pandora's words, Ye Tianji's expression remained indifferent, as if this matter had nothing to do with him.

"Hehe, less than three minutes, to be correct, it should be two minutes and thirty seconds..." Slowly

walked behind, behind Ye Tianji, Pando stretched out her delicate and smooth jade arm, put it on Ye Tianjian's shoulder, a pretty face leaned into his ear, and said softly.

"Oh! It seems that these eight armored warriors still have some skills! "

At least it's much more powerful than these waste summoners of Qiunan!"

Ye Tianjian had a playful smile on his cheeks and said softly.

The strength of those supernatural beasts is unknown to others, don't you know it yet?

They've all been strengthened by themselves.

Against the armored warriors like Qi Nan, it was a completely easy existence.

However, it was such a team that was completely wiped out in just three minutes, which made Ye Tianjian feel quite surprised.

"Master, do you need me to solve them?"

Pandora said with a smile, a bit of cunning in her charming eyes.

When Ye Tianjian heard this, he shook his head slightly.

"No need, since they dare to come, they are naturally prepared

..." "You go and help me find a person named Beimiao, see if I can find the Water Shadow Stone

, if you can find it, bring it back to me..." "In addition, there is a magic sealing box, you should also pay attention to it..."

Ye Tianjian ordered lightly, revealing a trace of essence in his eyes.

"Okay, I see, master!"

Regarding the matter of the Light and Shadow Stone and the Shadow World and the Demon Box, Ye Tianjian had already asked Pandora to do it before.

These two things, but the things he values the most, must not be sloppy.

"Well, go for it!"

Ye Tianjian waved his hand.

"Okay, master, I'll go!"

Pandora bowed slightly, then turned away.

"Huh..." Ye

Tianjian raised his head slightly, his gaze swept over the black clouds in the sky, and a weird smile appeared on his face.

"In this area, there will soon be a feast..." The

corners of Ye Tianji's mouth raised an arc, and his eyes showed an interested look.

As soon as his words fell, the whole person had already turned into a virtual shadow, rushed to the sky, and disappeared into the night....


On the street!

Yanlong, the eight people of the punishment day looked at the dense crowd in front of them, and they also had a headache.

Their status as armored warriors is simply fascinating.

They had planned to investigate the source of this evil energy.

However, before they could act, a group of humans rushed out from nowhere and surrounded them.

"Yanlong, what the hell is going on with these people!"

"Why, I feel that these people seem to be very wrong..." A

solemn look flashed between Feng Ying's eyebrows, and he looked at Yan Long.

"Hmph, leave them alone!"

"Even if they are enemies, they cannot be our opponents!"

The corners of the black rhino's mouth turned up slightly, and a look of disdain appeared on his face.

"Black Rhino, I always feel that the aura of these people seems to be somewhat the same as those guys in the shadow world..."

Yan Long's brows furrowed and he said in a low voice.

"Shadow world? Could it be that they are people from the film industry? A

look of horror flashed in Wind Eagle's eyes and exclaimed.

"No, probably not, they may be controlled by people from the shadow world..."

said Xing Tian with a slight mutter.

"It's better for us to be careful..." Yanlong

looked at the people around him, and the expression on his face became more serious.

Although these people are just the strength of ordinary people, even some garbage, there are too many of them, there are thousands of them.

"I feel a familiar breath..."

Yanlong suddenly raised his head, and a solemnity flashed in his eyes.

"What a familiar breath..."

"It's the breath of a magical beast!"

Yanlong stood up abruptly, and a sharp killing intent flashed in his eyes: "It seems that they have already set their sights on us..."

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