Fifth parallel universe!

Hades sat on the high platform, his eyes looking down at the only two remaining generals below, and his face was very calm.

"Hades, the super beast warrior has reached the third parallel universe, in my opinion, the whale shark king alone will not be able to resist for long, do we send people to support?"

The Lion King looked at the information reported by the Whale Shark King before, and then looked at the Hades King who looked as calm as water, and asked in a deep voice.

"Ahem... No need, let the super beast warriors come if they want to!

"None of you need to stop them..." Coughing

lightly, Hades shook his head indifferently and directly rejected the Lion King's proposal.

Although he knew that the purpose of the Super Beast Warrior this time was to prevent his resurrection and stop his plan to unify the seven parallel universes.

However, Hades did not want to kill those super beast warriors in his heart.

After all, the super beast warriors helped themselves 100,000 years ago.

Although he is cruel, he is not an ungrateful person.

As long as the person who has helped him, even if the other party wants to kill him in the future, Hades will give the other party a chance to a certain extent.

"But Hades..." The

Lion King opened his mouth and looked at Hades, who was still in a weak state, wanting to say something, but he didn't know how to open his mouth.

"It is not necessary to have what is done, and what is done will be done again!"

"The resurrection of my Hades cannot be stopped even if the Snow Emperor comes, let alone a group of super beast warriors!"

Speaking of this, a blue light flashed in Hades' dark blue eyes.

"What happened to Tianyu's child?"

Looking at the Lion King, Hades asked with a rare look of worry in his tone.

"She still followed the super beast warriors, and she was not willing to come back early..." After

thinking about it, the Lion King still reported all the information about Tianyu to Hades one by one.

In any case, Tianyu is a child of Hades and a member of the fifth parallel universe, and she will return sooner or later.

Therefore, for Tianyu, it can't be like dealing with super beast warriors...

"Alas, for 100,000 years, she has been wandering outside alone for 100,000 years, and it is natural to have a knot in her heart..."

Sighing slightly, Hades' tone seemed very vicissitudes and loneliness.

For Tianyu, he has always felt very indebted to her in the heart of Hades.

After all, if it weren't for him, Tianyu wouldn't have left his mother, and he didn't have the warmth of belonging to the family since he was a child.

The phoenix will not stay alone in the empty house for 100,000 years, alone to taste the boundless loneliness.

Don't look at Hades is very strong and powerful on the surface, but his heart is very sensitive.

Everything he did was not for himself, but for his people, for his people, for his loyal men, for the sake of his loved ones.

He wanted to give them a safe world, a world without much strife, a world where they could live freely.

That's why Hades wants to rule the seven parallel universes!

Because he felt that only in this way could he end the chaos between these seven parallel universes!

"If I can, I will try to compensate him as much as possible in the future..." Looking

at the empty hall in front of him, Hades also had a trace of tenderness in his heart.

"But... Madame she... Already going to the third parallel universe alone..." After

a moment of silence, the Lion King looked at Hades' face that had not changed in the slightest, and said cautiously.

"What! You said Phoenix she..." Hearing

the Lion King's words, Hades' face changed instantly, but then returned to normal.

If anyone in this world can make Hades lose his proportions, I am afraid that there is no one except his wife.

Hades' wife Phoenix, the holy daughter of the Phoenix clan of the seventh parallel universe, is also a strange woman.

For the sake of her lover, Phoenix can give up everything, even her own life.

At the beginning, Hades was besieged by the Phoenix clan in the seven parallel universes, and it was the phoenix who gave up himself to successfully save Hades' life.

This is because of this, in the heart of Hades, the position of the phoenix can not be replaced!

Not even his child Tianyu!

"Alas, forget it, let her go!"

"After all, she is also the mother of Tianyu, and after a hundred thousand years of separation, she has already accumulated too many thoughts in her heart..." shook

his head slightly, although he was very worried about the safety of the phoenix, Hades would not stop the decision on the phoenix.

"Send a hundred Celestial Wolf Guards and a Celestial Wolf Battleship to protect her safety!"

With a wave of his hand, Hades immediately ordered the Lion King to send someone to protect the phoenix and prevent her from any accidents.


Listening to Hades' orders, the Lion King did not hesitate at all, and immediately arched his hand and replied respectfully.

Immediately, he turned around and went to mobilize the Heavenly Wolf Guard, preparing to chase the phoenix who was alone in the third parallel universe.

At this time, a purple armored man who had been sitting on the steps suddenly spoke as he looked at the Lion King who was leaving.

"Wait! I'll go with you!

"After all, it won't be long before the super beast warriors will arrive in my fourth parallel universe..." the

purple armored man glanced at Hades, who had not spoken a word, and slowly spoke.

"Good! Let's go together! The

Lion King glanced at the purple armored man, nodded straightforwardly, and didn't say any nonsense.

In this way, the Lion King led the Heavenly Wolf Guard and the purple armored man to leave the fifth parallel universe.


Third parallel universe!

The whale shark king looked at Tai Lei, who was raising a gun against him on the opposite side, and there was a trace of icy cold in his eyes.

"You know what? Tyre! "

I actually value you very much, I see myself in you..." Terre

quietly listened to the narration of the whale shark king, gritted his teeth, and his expression was very angry.

"Hmph! I'm not the same as you!

"I will not enslave other races, nor will I kill lives at will..." What

the Whale Shark King has done over the years has made Tyre look at it.

He was angry in his heart and vowed to overthrow the Whale Shark King and set his people free.

That's why he rebelled against the whale shark king again and again, and wanted the whale shark king to get them out of their third parallel universe.

"Hahaha..." Listening

to Taire's words, the whale shark king laughed as if he had heard something funniest.

He glanced at the Golden Elephant slaves beside him who were resisting with him, and his eyes were full of contempt and disdain.

A hundred thousand years ago, these group of golden elephant tribes, didn't they also deal with their whale shark tribe like this.

Treat them as slaves, restrict their freedom, deny them houses, deny them food.

If it weren't for their desperate resistance, maybe the Golden Elephant Clan would still be enslaved by the Whale Shark Clan.

Therefore, for the experience of these Golden Elephant people, Whale Shark Yu does not feel that he has done something wrong.

After all, he just returned to them how the Golden Elephant Clan treated them in the first place!

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