After eliminating the Ghost Valley, Ye Tianjian returned to his previous ordinary appearance.

Flashing to the Snow Emperor's side, he glanced at everyone present, and the golden light in his eyes slowly flickered.

"Guys! These seven parallel universes are actually an earth-shattering hoax..." Ye

Tianjian's voice was very flat, but it made everyone fall silent.

Everyone you look at me, I look at you, they all see a trace of dazedness and a trace of incomprehension in each other's eyes.

Obviously, the news that Ye Tianji said was a bit too impactful for them.

And they also didn't understand what Ye Tianjian wanted to express when he said this.

Except for Hades, and those who knew the secret, everyone present had a look of confusion in their eyes.

Only the Snow Emperor, in his beautiful eyes, has a little golden glow.

She knew that Ye Tianji should have known something.

But at this time, she did not mean to ask at all, because she believed the other party and would definitely tell herself.

And while the Snow Emperor secretly guessed.

Those warriors in the field began to whisper.

"What do you mean, what do you mean by Lord God Emperor's words?"

A warrior from the seventh parallel universe asked in a low voice.

After hearing the voice, another person immediately spoke.

"I don't know, but Lord God Emperor's strength is unfathomable, he should have discovered some secret!"

The man spoke, obviously he was also very puzzled.

At this time, the curious light in the eyes of those parallel universe forces that were originally quite restrained was indeed more intense.

They were all guessing what Ye Tianjian wanted to say.

And at this moment, Ye Tianjian's voice sounded again.

"So I plan to restart this world, let our world prosper, and let all living beings become strong, not enslaved..." Ye

Tianji's voice carried a hint of demagoguery into everyone's mind.

In his eyes, the golden luster shone brightly and breathtakingly.

And beside him, the Snow Emperor was also at this time, and his pretty face showed shock.

Although she had already expected that Ye Tianji had a big secret.

But I didn't expect that the other party would actually do this kind of thing.

Such a move is simply appalling.

But what is the impact of doing so?

The Snow Emperor couldn't figure it out a little, but she knew that since Ye Tianji decided, then nothing would change.

Thinking of this, her heart was firm in the idea of following the footsteps of the other party.

No matter what, he is his wife after all, no matter what kind of outcome he will face in the future, he must accompany the other party.

"What! Reboot the world!

"Isn't that going to restart the universe we're in?"

"In that case, will we die!"

At this time, the many powerful people in the field finally reacted and said with a worried face.

Because Ye Tianji's words are too scary, and he wants to restart the world.

If this is the case, then the universe they live in must also be destroyed.

As a result, the field was instantly chaotic.

And after seeing such a scene.

Ye Tianji did not obstruct, but let those people make noise, as if he wanted them to recognize their fate.

"Everyone, please be quiet!"

A moment later, the Snow Emperor finally stood up, his voice full of majesty, and opened his mouth to scold.

At this time, everyone in the field couldn't help but close their mouths and look at her respectfully, with a look of awe on their faces.

And just when everyone, all noticed the Snow Emperor.

Ye Tianjian's face became solemn in an instant.

Then, the icy voice came out again.

"You don't need to be afraid, as long as you obey the command of this emperor, I promise to give you a new life."

"Of course, you can also choose to refuse."

"But at your own risk!"

After the sound fell, the entire space was extremely silent.

No one spoke, and everyone's eyes were focused on Ye Tianji's body, and it was difficult to move for a long time.

I don't know how long it took before someone plucked up enough courage and said tentatively.

"Lord God Emperor, how are you going to restart this world!"

As soon as his voice fell, the others also gathered around in an instant, wanting to know the answer.

"It's very simple, that is, destruction, let the entire seven universes, return to chaos, and everything turn into nothingness!"

Ye Tianjian said lightly, but as he spoke, the golden light in his eyes became more and more dazzling.

After hearing the voice, everyone in the audience gasped, and the fear in their hearts was even worse.

If they really follow each other's words, then the universe they are in will also suffer.

"Lord God Emperor, you can't do this!

"If you really do what you say, this universe will be finished!"

After hearing Ye Tianji's words, the warrior of the seventh parallel universe couldn't help but speak first.

However, what greeted him was Ye Tianjian's indifferent eyes.

In an instant, his sweaty hairs stood on end, and a coolness surged into his heart, and he felt that the temperature around him had dropped several times.

At this time, the others, although they did not speak, also showed anxiety.

Obviously, he was skeptical about Ye Tianjian's words.

However, just as they hesitated, Ye Tianji's voice came out again.

"Bendi knows what you are worried about, rest assured, I will stay behind."

"As long as you follow the rules and do not betray me, then your planet will not be harmed in the slightest."

"Moreover, you can also obtain eternal life..." Ye

Tianji's fluttering voice made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

But then some smart guys reflected, with ecstasy on their faces.

They understood what Ye Tianji meant.

The other party will not let them take risks at all.

However, as long as you obediently obey the order and do not betray.

The other party can not only live, but also have eternal life.

This is something that everyone is willing to do, so after a short hesitation, they all respond.

"Thank you Lord God Emperor for your gift!"

"I will follow you faithfully!"

The voice fell, and everyone bowed down in unison.

"Well, it's good, since everyone has no objections, then do as I just ordered."

"I hope you don't let me down!"

Ye Tianjian said slowly.

At this time, his eyes flashed with Senran's essence, like a demon god.

And after seeing such a scene, wherever everyone dared to disobey, they all respectfully opened their mouths and promised.

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