District 51!

A very remote desert!

Ye Tianji, Dad, and Xiaoyu stood up to the scorching sun and struggled forward on the sand!

Behind them, there is a huge desert that stretches for tens of miles!

"Dad, Brother Tianji, how long do we have to go!"

Xiao Yu gasped, sitting on the sand, sweat flowed down like a waterfall, her cheeks flushed, looked at Ye Tianjian and the two, and shouted loudly!

Because of the tightness of the 51, the helicopter prepared by Black could not enter directly at all.

Therefore, Blake could only send Xiaoyu and them to the desert thirty miles away from Area 51.

But this is bitter daddy and Xiaoyu!

They are not Ye Tianji, they are just ordinary people, and in this desert, it is quite difficult to travel.

If it weren't for the fact that Black had prepared Xiaoyu very well, Xiaoyu and Dad and the two of them would not have been able to go so far.

"Soon, there are still three miles left, you should be able to reach the location where Jackie Chan is..." Looking

at the golden desert in front of him, Ye Tianjian said with a smile.

"Ah! And three miles! Listen

, Ye Tianjian's words, Xiao Yu suddenly felt that the whole person was not good, and directly lay on the sand, looking like he was about to die.

"Xiaoyu, you hold on a little longer! We're about to find Jackie Chan..." Looking

at the positioning scroll in his hand, Dad had a hint of excitement in his eyes.

"Oh, okay..."

slowly getting up from the sand, Xiao Yu said listlessly.

"By the way, Tianji boy, you say, why is Jackie Chan here?"

Putting away the positioning scroll, Daddy and his group once again embarked on the road to find Jackie Chan.

"Well, I guess I guess I was arrested by someone from Area 51!"

Looking at his father's locked brows and a puzzled face, Ye Tianji's pupils flashed with a fine light, and said thoughtfully.

"They caught them... Why did they capture Jackie Chan?

"Jackie Chan, what is there in him that can attract the attention of the official M country?"

Thinking of this, the color of doubt in Dad's heart became even stronger.

Since knowing that Jackie Chan was not missing, but was captured by the official personnel of country M.

Countless doubts arose in Daddy's heart.

Jackie Chan is just an ordinary archaeologist, except for some ancient martial arts of China, there seems to be nothing peculiar.

So why did the official of country M capture him?

"I don't know, maybe it's Jackie Chan who has something in him that attracts them!"

With a wave of his hand, Ye Tianjian pretended to know nothing.

"Is that so?"

Touching his chin, his father groaned, an old face with a deep doubt, a pair of sharp eyes, there was a wisp of essence!

"Is it because of the Dark Orb or Charm?"

Suddenly, Xiao Yu seemed to have thought of something, raised his head, looked at his father and Ye Tianji, a bright light flashed in his eyes, and said softly.

"Brother Tianji, didn't you say last time that the Dark Spirit Bead has the power to allow people to surpass the limits of human beings

..." "I think they know about this matter, so they arrested Uncle Long and did research..." I

have to say that Xiao Yu's mind is really very smart, just a few words, he analyzed the matter inseparably.

"What! Grab it and do research..." Listening

to Xiao Yu's words, the father suddenly felt like he had suffered a lightning strike, and the whole person was directly stunned in place.

"Then isn't Jackie Chan very dangerous now, and he may be at any time..."

Speaking of this, Dad's eyes were full of worry, for fear that Jackie Chan would suffer those inhuman tortures.

"I saw on TV, someone arrested those humans with superpowers, drew their blood, and skinned them for research..."

Xiaoyu's voice was very soft, but with a sense of fear, her voice just fell, and her father's whole body trembled, and his body trembled slightly!

Xiao Yu's eyes flashed with a touch of fear, and a pair of beautiful eyes, with strong fear, looked ahead.

"Brother Tianji, I'm afraid! What do we do now! "

If they really do research with Uncle Long..." Speaking

of this, Xiao Yu's pretty face turned pale, and she couldn't help but tremble.

"Ahhh! That's not going to work!

"We must hurry up and rescue Jackie Chan, if it's too late..." Thinking

of this, Daddy's face became extremely grim, and he hurriedly took Xiao Yu and Ye Tianji's hands, and rushed towards the direction indicated by the positioning scroll.


EX Institute!

A mysterious institute in Area 51.

This institute was specially established by the official of country M to study those mysterious aliens and mysterious things beyond the scope of human cognition.

At this time, there was a very advanced underground research room.

Jackie Chan is being shackled to a lab bench with various unknown tubes inserted into his body.

A group of staff wearing white coats, masks, and reagents stood around, one by one, with cold faces, staring at Jackie Chan deadly.

Jackie Chan's body kept trembling, his eyes looked around blankly, and beside him, there were dozens of soldiers holding guns and looking hideous.

"Fate! Why is this, why no matter how we analyze it, we can't analyze the energy contained in Jackie Chan's body! This

is the thirtieth attempt by these scientists, but they still have not been able to analyze the energy contained in Jackie Chan's body.

Rhode stood next to Jackie Chan, staring at the LCD screen on the wall of the research room with eagle-like eyes, his eyes full of anger and unwillingness.

"Arianna! What happened to those genetic agents?

Rhode turned his head and looked at the tall woman wearing golden glasses next to him, with a calm face written on her handsome face, and asked through gritted teeth.

In order to be able to create ten gene warriors, Rhode extracted Jackie Chan's genes and injected them into their soldiers.

Unfortunately, those genetic agents don't know what went wrong.

Although they can greatly increase the strength and physical strength of soldiers, they cannot control those forces.

In the end, the soldiers who were injected with genetic potions all exploded and died because they could not control the power in their bodies.

"Alas, there is still no improvement, those experimental products infused with potions, in the end, all exploded and died due to uncontrollable bodies..." Ariana

sighed slightly, her beautiful eyes revealing helplessness and distress.


Listening to Ariana's report, Rhode clenched his fists, made a creaking sound, and looked at the LCD screen in front of him with a gloomy face.

"The power contained in those potions is too violent, even if we dilute it to one percent, our soldiers will not be able to control it

..." "So I guess if there is some power in Jackie Chan's body that can suppress these forces about berserk..."

Ariana looked at the test record and looked at Jackie Chan lying motionless on the experimental table, and slowly said her guess.

"Oh! You mean..."

Listening to Ariana's words, Rhode looked at her meaningfully, as if he understood something.

"I think we should change the direction of our research and stop focusing on Jackie Chan all the time..." Ariana

nodded, and then told Rhode her thoughts.

When Rhode heard this, he pondered for a moment, then nodded, agreed to Arianna's suggestion, and was ready to change the direction of his research on Jackie Chan.

"Well, just follow your train of thought, I..."


Just as Rhode was about to say something, the intrusion alarm in Area 51 suddenly sounded.

Listening to this alarm, the faces of everyone present changed, especially Rhode and Ariana's faces were full of solemnity.

"Hehe, it looks like someone has broken into our District 51!"

The corner of Rhode's mouth outlined a sneer, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"Let's go! Let's go and see who don't know if they are dead or alive, and they dare to come here..." With

a wave of his hand, Rhode quickly walked out of the laboratory with a group of subordinates...

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