"Of course an opportunity to rule the entire continent!"

For Dong, Ye Tianjian knew very well what she wanted in her heart

. I saw Ye Tianjian with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth, looked directly at Dong and continued:

"And I can also give you what you have always wanted, but have never obtained!"

Ye Tianjian looked at him confidently, and his eyes were filled with a strong color of possession.

At this time, Dongxiu's eyebrows furrowed, and he also looked at Ye Tianji.

This guy actually knows what is on her mind?

Did he really know himself?

At this moment, my heart beat faster, and I had a sense of foreboding in my heart!

Does this guy know his secret?

Impossible, impossible....

I have never exposed anything!

Even her most loyal subordinates don't know what they really think.

But at this moment, Dong's heart became more and more vigilant.

"Oh, you're trying to tell me you have a way to help me rule?"

A moment later, Dong took a deep breath, suppressed the shock in his heart, and asked in a deep voice.

On the side, kneeling Luo, listening to the conversation between the two, his heart suddenly hung up, and he was apprehensive.

The conversation between these two people is too sensitive.

Especially Dong, she is martial.

If someone else knows her plan, it will be absolutely fatal to her!

Moreover, if Ye Tianji can unify the continent for her and become the new emperor, this will definitely be a huge temptation for her!

At that time, with his influence on the mainland, he can definitely overthrow Wu and rebuild a new order!

At that time, all the rebels can survive!

And this is precisely the result that East is most looking forward to!

"Hehe, if there is any difficulty in ruling a continent, I can help you do it at any time!"

"Even if you want to rule the God Realm, for me..."

Speaking of this, Ye Tianjian paused, looked up in a certain direction of the sky, and outlined an evil smile at the corner of his mouth:

"I can help you do it too!"

Hearing Ye Tianji's words, Dong's eyes widened!

Her heart trembled violently, a pair of bright pupils stared at Ye Tianjian, her breathing was extremely rapid, and her chest was rapidly rising and falling!

For a long time, Dong took a few deep breaths and tried to calm himself down.

Looking at Ye Tianji, his eyes flashed, and he asked in a deep voice,

"What do you want me to do?"

Hearing Dong's words, a sly smile appeared on Ye Tianjian's face.

"Simple, you just have to do what I say."

"Okay, I can agree to your conditions. But if you dare to lie to me, I will make you regret it!

Looking at Ye Tianji's confident expression, a flash of struggle flashed in Dong's eyes.

But in the end, she still chose to believe Ye Tianji, after all, she had no other choice at all now!

Dong knew in his heart that if she disobeyed Ye Tianji's will, she might soon be killed by Ye Tianji!

In that case, it is better to choose to bet once!

After all, Ye Tianji was the only one who could help her fulfill her dream!

"Huh... Don't worry, we are all smart people, there is no need to hurt each other, do we?

Ye Tianjian smiled faintly and reached out to pat Dong's shoulder.

Immediately, he turned to look at the group of people who were shivering in the distance.

"What about the seven of you?"

"Surrender or die!"

Glancing around these seven, Ye Tianjian's indifferent voice slowly sounded.

In an instant, the seven suddenly trembled.

"I am willing to submit, I am willing to surrender..." "Yes, yes, I am also willing

to surrender, my lord spare my life!"


eyes of these seven people were full of terrified light.

Although they didn't know who this man in front of them was, his strength was beyond their reach, and they only had to surrender!

Seeing their movements, the corners of Ye Tianjian's mouth curved slightly, obviously very satisfied with their attitude.

"Well, it's good, the person who knows the time is Junjie!"

Ye Tianjian spoke lightly, and then with a wave of his right hand, he lifted the confinement of these seven people and withdrew the coercion.

"Thank you Lord for sparing your life, thank you Lord for sparing your life!"

At this time, as if he had been amnestied, he quickly bowed respectfully towards Ye Tianjian and saluted!

Seeing that Ye Tianji had subdued Qi Luo so easily, a flash of color flashed in Dong's beautiful eyes.

This man's strength is really strong.

Then, his eyes rolled and he seemed to think of something.

"My lord! With your strength, I am afraid that you have reached the god level!

Tentatively asked, she knew that if the man in front of her really had god-level strength, then her ambition could also be realized in advance!

"Huh... You guess! Seeing

Dong's longing gaze, Ye Tianjian smiled indifferently.


Seeing Ye Tianjian's pretentious appearance, Dong almost vomited blood with anger.

How could she guess Ye Tianji's thoughts, so she glared at him resentfully.

Then he turned his gaze to Ye Tianjian again, and was silent for a long time before slowly asking.

"I see, what do you want to do next?"

Hearing this, Ye Tianjian said with a bright smile on his face.

"Hehe, this world is a world of the jungle, there is no eternal empire!"

"If you want to rule the continent, then first you must first have unparalleled power!"

Ye Tianjian said slowly, always with a light and cloudy look on his face, as if he was in control of life and death!

Hearing Ye Tianjian's words, Dong felt a little contempt and disdain in his heart.

Think of your own ninety-nine-level twin star Luo's power, above the entire continent.

Even if it is not the first, it is a top three existence!

If you want to deal with those empires, there is actually not much difficulty for the temple.

However, to attack these empires, you must first be famous, otherwise even if these empires are attacked, it is still a problem to maintain it.

Therefore, before attacking this, the most important thing is how to master people's hearts and how to master the lifeblood of this world!

As long as these can be controlled in your hands, then those three empires will not be able to stop the pace!

But wanting these things is not something you can get overnight.

However, listening to the meaning of Ye Tianji's words, it seems that he does not want to rely on these.

Dong frowned, his heart was full of doubts, but then the inspiration appeared, and suddenly he seemed to think of something, looked at Ye Tianjian with a little fear, and asked in disbelief.

"Do you mean to think..."

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