"Guys! Welcome to this auction!

And at this moment, a light sound suddenly came from the auction hall.

Immediately, I saw a woman wearing a long blue dress and a graceful figure walking onto the auction stage.

This woman is the host of today's auction, Luo Yunxin!

Luo Yunxin is a young woman of about thirty years old, with a graceful figure and beautiful appearance.

Although it is not as charming and sultry as Hu Liena, it is also extremely beautiful.

Especially with her gentle and dignified posture, it is more noble and elegant!

After Luo Yunxin stood on the auction stage, she showed an elegant and charming light smile to the people below, and then slowly spoke.

"Hello everyone, my name is Luo Yunxin, I am honored to be the host of this auction today!"

Saying that, Luo Yunxin bowed to everyone before continuing.

"Next, let me first introduce the rules and items of this auction to you!"

Luo Yunxin's voice is soft and pleasant, like the chirping of orioles, crisp and beautiful!

Hearing Luo Yunxin's words, everyone below quieted down.

They were looking forward to this auction and curious about what kind of treasure today's auction would be, so they all quieted down!

And Luo Yunxin did not have ink, and immediately began to tell!

"First of all, the auction item in this auction is a special type of utensil-peach blossom fan!"

"This peach blossom fan was consigned to our auction house by someone who did not want to be named..." Hearing

Luo Yunxin's introduction, a look of disappointment flashed on the faces of many people below.

They originally thought that the auction item this time should be a rare elixir, martial arts exercise, or some kind of heavenly treasure!

Who would have thought it was just a piece of equipment!

Although conductors are also very rare!

However, this peach blossom fan does not have any attack and defense capabilities, it is just a soul guide used to decorate and watch, and the value is too low!

And most of the people here are men, how can you buy an ornament?

Therefore, there are few competitors for this peach blossom fan!

Only a few women, staring at the auction table with burning eyes, seemed to be very eager for that peach blossom fan!

After all, in addition to being an ornament, this peach blossom fan can also add a bit of peach blossom fragrance to their bodies!

And this effect, for these women who love heavy makeup, the temptation is quite great.

"The starting price of this peach blossom fan is 10,000 gold coins, and the price increase is not less than 100 coins each time!"

As Luo Yunxin's words resounded throughout the auction hall, it immediately attracted a noisy rush!

"I'll give out fifteen thousand gold coins!"

"Eighteen thousand!"

"I'll give out 20,000 gold coins!"

"Twenty-one thousand coins!"

In an instant, the entire auction hall fell into a fiery atmosphere!

And Ye Tianji, who was sitting in the VIP box on the second floor, looked leisurely and quietly observing the bidding below!

In the end, after a short and fierce bidding, the peach blossom fan was finally taken by a young woman in her thirties, dressed in blue!

Although this blue-clothed young woman is a little older, she has a mature and charming body, coupled with that slightly powdery delicate face, which still makes many guests' eyes shine green!

"Well, congratulations to Mrs. Su for obtaining this special class, Peach Blossom Fan!"

Seeing that the young woman in blue took down the peach blossom fan, Luo Yunxin smiled slightly, and then announced the next auction item.

Then, Luo Yunxin was another series of concise introductions, and as Luo Yunxin's words fell, the first item was also successfully photographed!

With the auction of Luo Yunxin's items one by one, the popularity of the scene became more and more high.

Some customers who were about to leave are now staying, ready to continue to see if they can come across something they like!

After all, these auction items tonight can be described as wonderful!

"Next, the last auction item will be held, the fox girl..." As

Luo Yunxin's voice fell, four sexy women dressed in tulle, dragging slender and graceful figures, pushed an iron cage covered with red cloth and walked up!

Then, under the surprised gaze of everyone, four sexy and beautiful girls lifted the red cloth at the same time!

In an instant, a delicate and white fox girl with an alluring fragrance was displayed in front of everyone!

This fox girl, her skin is snow-white and crystalline, and it can be broken by blowing, as smooth as a freshly peeled egg!

A pair of narrow eyes, watery, as if it will seduce the soul!

The slender and straight Qiong nose and the delicate cherry lips are perfect no matter what part they are!

In particular, the bell hanging from the fox girl's neck shines silver under the light, which looks very good.

The three women in the bag looked at the fox girl in the iron cage, and a trace of anger flashed in their eyes.

"This fox girl

..." "Damn it, they actually dare to sell..." Rong

gritted his teeth, and his pretty face had become extremely red.

And although she did not speak, the cold and beautiful face was enough to prove the indignation in her heart!

"Everyone, let me introduce to you, this is captured by our auction house at a great cost..." Looking at

the glowing officials and nobles below, Luo Yunxin smiled slightly, and then opened her mouth to explain.

And her words immediately attracted everyone's interest!

Immediately afterwards, Luo Yunxin began to introduce the details of the fox girl and made a detailed explanation!

"I believe everyone knows about mutations!"

"And the strength and rarity of the change depends on the qualifications and luck of the awakened person..." Speaking of

this, Luo Yunxin suddenly stopped mysteriously.

Seeing her expression, everyone present trembled in their hearts, and couldn't help but hold their breath and listened intently.

"And this fox girl..."

"Luck is also very good, and bad is also very bad!"

"Hers is a congenital mutation, but her mutation is not mutated towards a benign aspect..."

"Her innate star power is only at the district level, which is very low, but her star can always be in a possessed state..."

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