"Father! I am back! "

A few people with Ye Tianji came to Zhi's study.

Raising his hand and knocking lightly on the door, Rong Tiantian shouted.

"Come in."

A gentle and kind voice came from the room.

After hearing his father's voice, he obediently pushed the door and entered.

"Dad, I'll introduce you to a friend, Ye Tianji!"

Opening the door completely, Rong stretched out his hand and pulled Ye Tianjian to come to Ning, and said with a grin.

Ye Tianji has a handsome face, a tall figure, and a black dress sets off a perfect inverted triangle shape, looking handsome and sunny, quite charming.

"You are Rongyou Ye Tianji? What a talent! Looking

at Ye Tianji's appearance, his eyes suddenly lit up, and after admiring, he continued.

"I have long heard that Rong Rong has a very powerful friend! Now it seems that it really lives up to its name! "

Huh..." Hearing

Zhi praise himself, Ye Tianjian smiled indifferently and did not say much.

Seeing Ye Tianji's arrogance, he was not annoyed at all, and still smiled kindly.

"Ye Gongzi, I watch your qi Yu Xuanang, I don't know where to learn?"

For Ye Tianji, Ning Shi had already investigated.

It's just that even with the power of his Glazed Sect, he can't detect Ye Tianji's true identity and origin!

Even, his surname was lost, as if it appeared out of thin air.

Therefore, Zhicai thought of tentatively asking Ye Tianji's origin.

"Supreme Temple!"

Ye Tianji's eyes flashed with a ray of essence, and he said in a calm tone.

"Supreme Temple?"

Hearing this, Zhi frowned and muttered suspiciously.

He had lived most of his life, and it was the first time he heard the four words of the Supreme Temple.

However, none of this mattered, the most important thing was that Ye Tianji's strength seemed to exceed his expectations.

Although he had heard some things about Ye Tianji before.

However, seeing it with his own eyes, he clearly understood the horror of Ye Tianji.

He couldn't even see through Ye Tianji's strength.

It can be seen that Ye Tianji's realm is far above him!

However, Zhi soon stretched his brows and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"What about the Supreme Temple? As long as it is someone Rong likes, it is my son-in-law of the Liuli Sect!

Zhi thought to himself, and then showed a satisfied smile.

"Okay, dad, I just came back, you can't care more about me~"

muttered coquettishly, and then took the arm and said coquettishly.

"Haha, good, good, how do you want your daddy to care about you?"

Zhi touched Ning Rong's little head and smiled.

"Daddy, you arrange a courtyard for these friends of mine to live in."

Rong pointed to the three of them, blinking Shui Ling's big eyes, and said expectantly.

"Well, I see, Rong, don't worry."

"Since it is your friend, it is a guest of my Glazed Sect, and naturally should enjoy the highest standard of treatment!"

After carefully looking at the two, he nodded and agreed to the request.

"Thank you daddy~"

Ning Xingxing threw himself into Ning Fengzhi's arms and coquettishly.

Zhi patted Ning Rong's shoulder dotingly, and began to instruct the people to prepare the courtyard.

"By the way, has Rong practiced well in the past few days?"

As if he suddenly thought of something, he suddenly turned around and asked Ning with a serious face.

For his daughter, others do not understand, can he still not be clear?

This girl plays and plays all day, where can she concentrate on cultivation?

Every day, in addition to eating and sleeping, I go shopping and shopping, and I have never practiced seriously!

Zhi was worried that in the past few days since she left home, there was no one to supervise her, and whether she had abandoned her cultivation.

If that was the case, he would definitely punish her for a long time.

After all, he would inherit the sect master of his Glazed Sect in the future.

As the head of the Glazed Sect, he must have a strong cultivation heart!

"Dad, of course I have the intention to cultivate!"

Seeing Zhi's look of distrust of himself, Rong suddenly puffed out his cheeks and said dissatisfied.

"Oh? You say come to me to listen?

Looking at Ye Tianjian, who was sitting on the side without saying anything, Zhi narrowed his eyes slightly and asked with interest.

He wanted to see how many levels his daughter's soul power had improved after following the descendants of this Supreme Temple.

Hearing Ning Fengzhi's words, he pursed his mouth, and then raised his chin with a proud face, and said triumphantly.

"Daddy, you have to keep your eyes open and look carefully, don't be too surprised!"

Looking at Ning who was so serious, Zhi couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Okay, okay, then I'll wait and see!"

After speaking, he put on a look of deference.

Seeing this, Rong did not ink, and directly urged the soul power of his whole body.

In an instant, the air around Rong seemed to become condensed.

Feeling the surrounding atmosphere, Zhi's pupils suddenly contracted, and he was speechless in shock!

"Level 39!"

After a brief startle, Zhi suddenly reflected, his eyes widening in disbelief.

He never expected that his daughter had only gone out for a few days and had reached such a level!

You must know that it was only a level 27 before!

In just a few days, he actually jumped twelve levels in a row, reaching the level of 39!

This speed is simply appalling!

"Rong, you... How did you do it? After

a long time, Zhi slowed down, swallowed his spit, and asked in a trembling voice.

"Did you take some kind of drug that burns your innate potential?"

Ning stared at Ning with dead eyes, and asked in a deep voice.

In the continent, there are also some drugs or props that can quickly improve strength.

However, usually taking drugs to improve cultivation will bring a strong load and hidden danger to the martial soul and soul master.

The slightest mistake will hurt the root and cause the repair to stagnate.

The price is too great!

Therefore, basically only some fierce and vicious people will choose to devour drugs to improve their cultivation.

Normally, you would never do such a crazy thing.

Therefore, this reason came to mind for the first time.

Otherwise, how could Yi Ning's talent improve by the twelfth level in four or five days!

Such an improvement cannot be achieved even by those demons.

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