Mafia headquarters!

In order to have humans who could resist the righteous qi magic of the Pangu Treasure Box, Ye Tianjian set his sights on Bai Zhi's trio.

Although Bai gave the trio a little waste, they were still very qualified as a subordinate.

Although the tasks may not be completed, they will do them for you and can also achieve good results.

"You three have no problem!"

After handing over the Pangu treasure box to the trio, and the task requirements were all clearly explained, Ye Tianjian asked indifferently.

"Uh... "That..."


Feng and Zhou looked at each other and scratched their heads, a hint of embarrassment in their eyes.

"Big brother, we didn't hear what you were saying clearly just now, can you say it again?"

Looking at Ah Fen's and Zhou's embarrassment, Lasu stood up and said slowly in his unhurried tone.

Ye Tianjian listened to the words of the three of them, looked at the three of them very speechlessly, and shook his head.

"Tru! You explain it again to the three of them! Bai

gave the trio these three people unreliable, and Ye Tianjian could only put his hope on Tru.

Tru was also Daddy's apprentice in the later stage of the original plot, especially in the late stage, Tru even successfully advanced to the realm of the Archmage.

It can be said that Tru is also a son of luck with some luck in this drama!

"Yes! Mr! When

Tru heard this, he nodded slightly, and then looked at the three of Ah Fen, and repeated what Ye Tianjian had said before.

This time, the three of them did not desert like they had just done, but heard very seriously, and did not miss a single detail in Tru's words.

"You should understand this time!"

When Tru finished speaking, Ye Tianjian once again looked at Bai Xiang's trio, and his pupils revealed a trace of cold murderous aura.

"Got it! I see!

"Hehe, big brother, please rest assured, you leave this matter to us, we will definitely be able to give you a perfect completion."

"Not bad, big brother, just watch our performance!"

After listening to Tru's explanation, Bai gave the trio finally understood what the task Ye Tianjian gave him.

They looked at each other and patted their chests, which was full of confidence!

Looking at the three people full of confidence, Ye Tianjian frowned, and there was a trace of worry in his heart.

Somehow, Ye Tianji's heart always felt that something bad would happen if he gave the task to the trio.

However, looking at Tru on the side, Ye Tianjian still shook his head and swallowed what he just wanted to say.

"Tru! A few of you study this Pangu treasure box well, and tell me in time if there is any news! In

order to prevent any accidents, Ye Tianjian still decided to remind Tru.

"Okay! Mr! Hearing

this, although Tru didn't quite understand what Ye Tianji meant, he still nodded.

"Okay, it's okay next, you can go up

and study the Pangu Treasure Box..." With a wave of his hand, Ye Tianjian asked Tru and a few of them to go down and study the Pangu Treasure Box.

And Ye Tianjian looked at the four Tru who had walked away, and also slowly got up and walked towards the secret room where the Holy Lord was stored.

"Here you are!"

As soon as Ye Tianjian entered the secret room, the hoarse and gloomy voice of the Holy Lord slowly sounded.

"I'm coming!"

Walking to the statue of the Holy Lord, looking at the similar charms that Varon had already collected, the corners of Ye Tianji's mouth rose slightly.

"Holy Lord! It seems that you have completed their mission well recently! "

Without Jackie Chan and their obstruction, Varon and their mission to collect spells were quite smooth.

So far, the Holy Lord was only five charms away from successfully resurrecting.

"Huh! Whoosh! It's thanks to you! My brother!

The Holy Lord's blood-like pupils flashed with blood-red light, and he replied with a hint of excitement and excitement in his tone.

"Oh, don't say more polite words from the Holy Lord, today I came here to get back what belongs to me!"

Listening to the Holy Lord's words, Ye Tianjian sneered and did not answer his words.

After all, Ye Tianji knew the character of the Holy Lord very well.

The biggest villain in the original play of the Holy Lord, and the demon who is the least trustworthy.

What he said, what he promised, if you believe, it is better to believe that the old sow is a big beauty.

"Your stuff? What is it? Listening

to Ye Tianji's words, the Holy Lord was also a little unresponsive for a while, and asked suspiciously.

"Huh! Holy Lord, you won't forget it! You promised me something..." Listening

to the doubts in the Holy Lord's tone, Ye Tianjian's eyes narrowed slightly, and he asked in an icy tone.

Previously, when Ye Tianji promised to help the Holy Lord collect spells, he made three requests.

First, he needed all the magic props and magic books that the Holy Lord had collected, which the Holy Lord had done before.

Second, the Holy Lord has also completed more than half of it, except for the Ghost Mask and the Magic Encyclopedia, he has not yet handed over to Ye Tianji, and the rest of his hands have been handed over to Ye Tianji.

And the third, the Holy Lord's Fire Origin Demon Qi, today Ye Tianji came for it.

After thinking for a moment, the Holy Lord reacted.

The blood-red eyes stared at Ye Tianjian deadly, and he didn't know what he was thinking about in his cold eyes.

"My brother, I haven't forgotten what I promised you, but didn't we say it before?"

"You can only give you my Fire Demon Qi if you help me collect at least ten charms, and now you have only collected seven charms, which is still three short of ten."

"My brother! You won't forget it, will you? The

Holy Lord looked at Ye Tianjian with uncertain eyes, and said in a very calm tone.

"Don't worry! Our previous transaction has not forgotten, didn't I come to send you a spell today? Saying

that, Ye Tianjian waved his right hand, and the three spells were slowly embedded in the only five remaining grooves of the Holy Lord.

With the entry of the spell, the Holy Lord's body suddenly flashed a pale white light.

A vague force was slowly pouring into the Holy Lord's body.

"Boom!. Yes, the seal has loosened a little again, and it seems that it won't be long before I can regain my throne! Feeling

the restored energy in the body, the loose seal, the pupils of the Holy Lord were full of excitement.

"Okay, Holy Lord, now that the spell is also given to you, should you give me what I want..." Directly

interrupting the Holy Lord who was excited, Ye Tianjian asked straight to the subject.

"Oh... My brother... This..."

Listening to Ye Tianji's words, the Holy Lord was stunned at first, and then he also stopped talking a little.

To be honest, in fact, in the heart of the Holy Lord, he was not willing to give his Origin Demon Qi and Ghost Mask to Ye Tianji.

After all, these two things are very important to yourself.

Fire Demon Qi aside, let's say the ghost mask, for it who is unable to act now, it is the key to its resurrection.

Those humans outside and this Ye Tianji in front of them, the Holy Lord did not believe it very much.

Everything is safest in your own hands.

"So! You are planning to default and fail!

Looking at the hesitant Saint Lord, Ye Tianjian sneered, and a strong murderous aura suddenly erupted around his body.

He stared at the Holy Lord in front of him as if he was going to shatter him in the next moment.

"My brother, don't worry, I didn't intend to break the contract, I'll give it to you!"

The Holy Lord, who had planned to break the contract, felt the murderous aura that erupted from Ye Tianji's body, and immediately confessed.

If it weren't for the fact that he was now in the sealed state or in the resurrection period, the Holy Lord would not have agreed to Ye Tianji's words.

In order to prevent Ye Tianji, this guy, the dog jumped off the wall, the Holy Lord still planned to let a wave of instigation first, and when he was resurrected, he would fiercely clean up Ye Tianji.

As the Holy Lord's blood-red pupils flickered, two balls of light slowly appeared in front of Ye Tianji's body.

Without looking at the ball of light, Ye Tianjian directly waved his right hand, directly collected the ball of light into his dark space, and then quickly left the place.

Watching Ye Tianji's departure, the murderous and resentful gaze of the Holy Lord became even stronger.

"Ye Tianji! Dark Demon! Wait for it! When I am resurrected, the first person to clean up is you! "

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