Imperial Palace!

Dai Tian listened to the report of his subordinates, his eyes were murderous, and his expression was extremely angry and angry.

"Damn it! Damn it!

"Where the hell did those ghosts come from, and why did they invade our empire!"

Since those ghosts appeared a few days ago, their empire seemed to have been doomed.

In the entire imperial city, nearly seventy percent of the ordinary people of Li were slaughtered by them.

In the current imperial city, except for some of their relatively strong officials and nobles, the rest are basically dead.

"Your Majesty! Do you say it could be a conspiracy of the temple? Below

, among the ministers, a man dressed in the appearance of a Qingyi Wen Chen slowly walked out, and said with a solemn face.

Martial Temple's ambition to destroy the three major empires was no secret, and at least hundreds of people on the entire continent knew it.

"Oh! Xu Wen Aiqing means..." Listening

to Xu Wen's words, Tian frowned, and his eyes flashed with an imperceptible essence.

"Your Majesty, I believe that you have long known that these ghost things are so difficult that they were not made by the Martial Temple, and I am afraid that there are no other forces on this continent that can do it..." Wen thought for a while, and then said what he thought.

"No... It shouldn't be the temple..." As

soon as Xu's voice fell, a man in purple robes among the ministers jumped out to refute him.

"Oh! So what did Lin Zhiaiqing think? "

To be honest, in Tian's heart, he actually felt that those ghost things should be from the arms of the Martial Temple.

After all, such a weird thing still has such great power.

In the entire continent, I am afraid that apart from the temple, there is no one else who can do it!

"Your Majesty, although the palace is ambitious, they don't dare to do it too blatantly, and they claim to be the spokespersons of the heavenly gods, so they should not be with those dark creatures!"

For the temple, Lin Zhi actually had a bit of a good impression in his heart.

After all, the temple has always served the commoners, helping them awaken their martial arts for free, so that they have a certain subsidy.

When Lin had not yet joined the empire, he was just a wild boy in the country.

Without the help of the temple, I am afraid that he would not be where he is today.

It can be said that without the temple, at least half of the people on the entire continent would be oppressed by those nobles....


Listening to Lin Zhi's words, Tian Ye nodded unconsciously.

Yes, what Lin Zhi said has some truth, those dark creatures know at a glance that they are not humans, nor are they soul beasts, they are a group of creatures that don't know where they come from.

If the temple really had such a powerful means, then I am afraid that the continent would have been unified a long time ago.

"Your Majesty! I think it's imperative not to discuss where these things come from, but to discuss how to solve them.

Just as Tian was wondering what was going on with this matter, a middle-aged man wearing silver armor stood up.

Looking at the cowering courtiers around them, a powerful momentum suddenly erupted from all over their bodies, as if to warn them of something.

"If we don't solve things again, I'm afraid our entire empire will be destroyed by these ghost things!"

It can be seen that he has a full love for the empire.

Everyone was discussing what was going on, and only he was asking how to deal with it.

"Alas, Marshal Deming, you know, it's not that I don't want to solve it, but those ghost things can't be solved at all!"

"Whether using fire or water, or with knives or guns, those monsters seem to be unkillable, can be resurrected indefinitely, and will never feel tired..." For

those ghosts, Dai Tian's heart was also full of helplessness.

Since the appearance of that ghost thing, Dai Tian could not be said to be unable to eat, sleep, and had been thinking about how to solve those ghost things.

However, he has used all the methods, but it still has no effect!

"Hmm..." Listening

to Dai Tian's words, Deming's whole person also fell into silence.

Yes, God said well, those ghost things they exhausted did not have the slightest effect.

They seem to be immortal, they can be resurrected every time they are destroyed, and their strength will increase a bit, making them defenseless.

"Your Majesty, I think those things should be similar to evil, let's not ask for help!"

Just when the scene was silent, Lin Zhi stood up again.


Lin Zhi's words immediately pulled back the atmosphere of the scene, and everyone looked at each other, as if thinking about the feasibility of this matter.

Indeed, although those ghosts did not know what kind of creatures they were, they did look a bit similar to evil masters.

Especially the darkness and evil aura on their bodies, it seems to be like a replica of the evil master, full of evil.

It is true that they have much more experience in dealing with these evil things than they are.

"No! Your Majesty!

"Those people in the temple are ambitious, if we go to get rid of them to help, they will definitely open their mouths, and when the time comes, our empire..."

Those in the temple were despicable and shameless, and decided that they could not beg them!

"Your Majesty, this matter must not be done!"

Although Lin Zhi's words made some sense, there were still many ministers in the court who objected.

"Shut up!"

Listening to the discussion of the ministers below, Dai Tian on the throne frowned and roared angrily.

"The current Luo Empire has reached such a dangerous moment, if you don't think of a way, you are still in the mood to talk about these little things here!"

"My Star Country is really raising you bunch of waste for nothing!"

At this moment, Dai Tian's whole person was full of the majesty of an emperor, and the whole person was like an emperor who came to the world, which made people dare not look at it directly.


"What if they could get rid of these ghosts, even if the lion opened its mouth?"

"Lin Zhi passed on my order, go to them, and let them send troops to assist our empire!"

"As long as they come, I can grant them any request!"


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