"Huh! Whoosh!

"Me! Holy Lord! Finally back! "


With a deafening dragon groan sounded.

Suddenly, the sky was cloudy and the wind was fierce.

White thunder and lightning, like a silver snake, rolled in the air.

This horrific sight is as if the end of the world is coming.

"Hehe, Holy Lord, you see that you have been resurrected, did you promise me that the treasure should be..." Just

as the Holy Lord was excited and excited about his resurrection, Varon's treacherous and treacherous voice suddenly came from the side.

"Oh! Treasure? Looking

at the Varon in front of him, the Holy Lord's blood-red pupils were full of contempt and disdain.

"What treasure?"

Did I promise you anything?

"Why don't I remember?"

With a chuckle, the Holy Lord asked with a hint of mockery in his tone.

Hearing the Holy Lord's words, Varon's face suddenly darkened.

"Holy Lord! Listening to you, are you not going to keep your promise? His

fists were clenched, his hands were bruised, and Varon was angry in his heart.

"Hahaha, promise? Hahaha..." Listening

to Varon's words, the rampant laughter of the Holy Lord became more and more wanton.

"Walloon! You're such an idiot! Actually made a promise with a demon!

"Well known, devil! It's never about credit! Hearing

the Holy Lord's mocking words, Varon's already angry mood became even more angry.

His eyes were red, and those eyes full of killing intent stared at the Holy Lord deadly, eager to smash his corpse into ten thousand pieces.

"Hmph! Holy Lord! Don't forget that this is my territory!

"If you dare to play tricks, Hugh blames me for not being polite to you!"

Suppressing the monstrous anger in his heart, Varon said coldly threatened.

"Oh! Little bugs! Are you threatening me? The

Holy Lord's blood-red eyes flashed with a rich killing intent.

That bloodthirsty gaze made Varon tremble, and he only felt a cold breath rushing to his mind.

However, thinking of the treasure of that rich and invincible country, Varon

still gritted his teeth and said hard.

"Holy Lord, you see that in order to help you resurrect, I did not hesitate to spend a huge amount of money and countless manpower and material resources..." Since

the hard one can't work, then Varon wants to try the soft one.

The one in front of him was the legendary demon, and until the last moment, Varon really didn't want to tear his face with the demon.

Although Varon seems stupid, he is very cunning in his bones.

Otherwise, he would not have built such a huge underground kingdom and would not have been able to compete with the official.

Hearing Varong's words, the corner of the Holy Lord's mouth outlined an extremely evil smile.

"Huh! Walloon!

"It is your honor to help this Holy Lord resurrect!"

"Don't think about any treasure, I don't kill you, it's already a great gift to you."

In the heart of the Holy Lord, Varon is nothing more than an ant, and to kill him, all you need is to move your fingers.

But for the sake of Varon's dedication to his resurrection, the Holy Lord could spare his life.

Provided, of course, that Varon, an idiot, did not mess with himself.


"Hmph! Since that's the case, then don't blame me for being unkind! Seeing

that the Holy Lord was unwilling to fulfill his promise no matter what, a sinister smile appeared on Varon's gloomy face.

"Tru! Ford!

With Varon's call, from behind him, two burly strong men immediately jumped out, one left and one right, standing beside Varon.

"Give it to me!"

"I must let this untrustworthy demon have a good taste of the power of our mafia!"

With Varon's order, Tru and Afu did not hesitate at all, and immediately rushed towards the Holy Lord.

"Find death! Looking

at Tru and Afu who were attacking him, the Holy Lord drank coldly, and two icy cold rays shot out from those blood-red eyes.

Then, I saw the figure of the Holy Lord disappear in an instant.

In the next second, the figure of the Holy Lord had already appeared behind Tru and Afu.

Boom! Boom!

Two thumps sounded.

Tru and Afu were punched out by the Holy Lord.

Poof! Poof!

Two mouthfuls of blood spat out of Tru and Afu's mouths, and the two burly bodies fell violently to the ground, splashing with dust.

Looking at Tru and Afu, who flew out upside down, Varon's hideous face showed an incredulous look.

How can it be!

This damn demon is actually so strong?

Tru and Afu are his most capable generals!

He couldn't even catch a move under him!

At this moment, a wave of fear and panic emerged in Varon's heart.

"Hahaha, Varon, do you have any other means?"

Looking at Varon's horrified expression, the Holy Lord laughed arrogantly.

An extremely playful gaze flowed from his eyes, looking at Varon.

Looking at the eyes of the Holy Lord, the mocking gaze, Varong's face turned livid.

Tru, Afu! You two hurry up and stand up for me!

"I must make this damn demon pay today!"

Varon gritted his teeth and roared.

However, alas, his roar was of no use.

I saw Tru and Afu, still lying on the ground.

The bones on their bodies, which had been broken, could not stand up at all.

"Cut, boring!"

Looking at Varong, who was still roaring incompetently, the Holy Lord pouted disdainfully.

Subsequently, the Holy Lord did not continue to pay attention to Varon and them, and with a flash, his figure flew directly into the sky and disappeared in front of them.

"Holy Lord! I won't let you have a good time! You wait for me!!

Looking in the direction where the Holy Lord disappeared, Varon's eyes were full of resentment, and his heart roared madly.

This failure made Varon feel very humiliated!

He vowed to double the shame of failure!

He swore that he would slaughter the Holy Lord with his own hands!!

In Varon's eyes, one after another hateful gaze shot out.


Germany! Black Forest!

Empty Valley Criminal Correctional Institute!

The Sealed Land of the Wind Demon's Howling Wind!

Ye Tianji led the white trio to descend here with invincible resources.

As soon as they arrived, the guards of the reformatory quickly held their weapons and rushed towards Ye Tianjian.

"Stop, hands up!"

"What are you! Why come here! The

guards looked at the strange four people in front of them, their expressions very vigilant and serious.

"Hehe, we are mafia people, and we are here to find something..." Rasu

looked at the guards surrounding them, not the slightest bit afraid, on the contrary, he wanted to laugh.

For them, the guards in front of them are just ordinary people.

It is simply impossible to arouse his fear and worry.

After all, they were people who had even seen gods and demons, how could they be afraid of a group of ordinary humans?


"We don't have what you want here!"

"I advise a few of you to leave this side quickly, otherwise we will be unwelcome!"

Guards, you look at me, I look at you, brows furrowed, and the vigilance in my heart became stronger.

Looking at the guards who were vigilant, Ye Tianjian did not talk nonsense with them, and the dark field unfolded.

Suddenly, an incomparably powerful dark energy swept out, covering the entire Black Forest.

With the opening of the dark realm, a harsh scream sounded in the Black Forest, which was endless.

Those guards simply did not have any way to resist this dark field of Ye Tianji.

In just the blink of an eye, the more than two hundred guards in the Black Forest had turned into a pile of white bones lying on the ground.

Ye Tianji did not stop his movements, the dark field increased again, and after a while, there was no other sound in the entire Black Forest except wailing.

"This garbage is not worth my effort at all! Gathering

the dark realm, looking at the pile of white bones in front of him, Ye Tianjian said indifferently.

Without continuing to pay attention to the pile of white bones, Ye Tianjian dragged the already somewhat stunned Bai to the trio and walked straight into the Empty Valley Criminal Correctional Hospital.

Get ready to unleash the Wind Demon Howling Wind!

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