Japan: A New Age
Accelerating New Yamato Development
On August 10, 2026, the inauguration ceremony of the New Yama and Self-Defense Forces took place.
It consists of 10 combat starships, 5 cargo aircraft and 1 passenger ship, and the Stars Army is comprised of a total of 2,000 personnel, including 1,200 maintenance units and 800 marines. Commander Ichizo Morishita tried to be Morishita "General of the Universe" (Sohei's conspiracy), but his strong refusal to sound too bad led him to become Major General Shinyama of the Self-Defense Forces. Currently, the headquarters building is partially completed and used.
Next to it, there is still a near-built building, and a sign stands for the Central Institute of Self-Defense Forces. So far, the personnel are Shunhei Yoshikawa and Zhangichi Sagawa, but since this is a promise from the beginning of the establishment of the Shin-Yama Self-Defense Army, it is unavoidable and the cost of the building is paid for by Shunhei. By the way, Shunpei said the protagonist, who said he was the director of the Earth Defense Forces' central laboratory, appeared in a book he read at a young age and that the title was admirable.
It also seems that Shunping is now approaching the Earth Defense Forces through the company to build a central laboratory, with the title of director (concurrent duties). Well, if the Earth Defense Forces also turn their attention to Shunping, it's riding because there's nothing to lose at all. Now that the Earth is flying just over a day from Shinmatsu, it's easier to get around.
On August 20, 2026, the remaining 96 Armals arrived in a new fashion.
The Rana 1202 is naturally with us, and all of the legacy of the Armals, which was housed on the moon, has been brought in.
Four Armals who spent about 90 days in the space harbor, in the new rounds of Accra, Mizume, Linan and Kiami, are screwed up as they rush into one of the rows that came down.
They were asked to pull up to the quarters already set aside next to Pearl University early. The Armal house was basically in the form of a less eccentric apartment from the earthlings up to 10 floors, instead it was common for buildings to be surrounded by plenty of greenery. So, everything we have is a private room on five floors, made with a spacious living room in every four rooms, which also tours the garden with plenty of lawns surrounding the building that traverse the water system.
In addition, the Governor, Major General Morishita, and others greeted the crew of the passenger ship Shin Yama and No. 102 below Ogura, who made a 45-day one-way journey all the way to the planet Armal, and moved their labor.
Shunping was curious about the legacy of the Armals. The content seems to be 3D modules not found on painting, sculpture and earth, etc., although I have heard a lot about it from Larna. Besides, there are songs, of course, but this is so good that Acra and the others have already brought the recording medium and let me just listen to it, but all I can say is it's great.
So I can expect a lot of other stuff. This expectation is not only for Shunping, but for all faculty and students in the university arts department, and there is a lively debate about how to exhibit this. The general director of the movement and exhibition is the dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts, Professor and dean of Yokoyama Iron Trunk are forced to talk about the role, and others are hardly able to speak.
It took two days for the artwork to be unloaded and moved to the university, but to be able to see what the university's brand new large hall (although the purpose is the conference hall) brought for the time being is to arrange different pieces. Alice and two of her homologues have instructed her to place and install the product on instructions from Larna.
Professor Yokoyama, forgetting his position as general director anymore, circled around the work and already immersed himself in the world of the work in those days. Nor can Takeichi Sakayama, who entrusts herself that art has no qualities, be distracted by the works arranged. Painting, among other things, and a 3D moving module that I'm not sure about. When you look at it, you can't help but notice the emotions, the refreshments, the warmth.
Exactly, Shunhei is calm and tells Yamamura, the dean. "Doctor, this sucks. Probably beyond the level of the best masterpiece on Earth. This is going to be a big deal if it means selling."
At first glance, Yamamura has to agree. "But I want people to see this. This is the essence of a species called Armal. Let's ask the Armal people to publish it."
I discussed this with the Accra and the others. Professor Yokoyama is omitting from the discussion because in his current state, for a while his mind has gone down to earth and this is not likely.
"Akura, what does that group of works look like to you guys" Yamamura asks.
"Is that our national treasure? That's what it is. Probably something we'll never be able to make again, and it's a pride for us and a treasure for our nation," answers Accra.
"Yeah, I guess so. There are some great things about what we Earthlings make, and people are impressed with it, but I find those things to be like that too.
So, I want people to see that. Special museum, this is the best equipment to keep your work from deteriorating. I want you to exhibit it there and publish it to people because I will make this. Of course, this should charge you. I don't think this money is that small.
And there are currently only about 300,000 new people, but I wish they could show it to the people of the planet. I don't know. "
The mountain village hits below Accra.
Acra and the others make a gesture of understanding with their hands up against each other. "Yeah, I don't mind. We also want the people we live with to see our Armal pride."
With this story, we are going to build a new museum soon, and we entered the design quickly, but it will be a year from now, no matter how we see it done. In the meantime, we were to send it to Earth to show it.
For this reason, all the works were catalogued with photographs and videos, which were immediately entrusted to the company and released to the world art world. This showed a dizzying effect. These videos were exposed and inspired by all media around the world, as they do every day, and there was a battle for the right to publish to museums around the world because they said they would see its authenticity even more. In the end, the work would be divided into three blocks, to be published in each museum one month a year, with 36 museums worldwide entitled to publish. All of these museums were filled up during the period of publication.
In addition, in keeping with the release of the works of art, he was in charge of a museum to be published by three Armal men and women, taking part in the gathering of friendship in the city where each museum was located, and the beautiful world that perished, the world that produced such wonderful works of art, the figure of a young man striving to revive this, gained great empathy among the people.
These works of art are to be eventually housed in the Armal Museum, which is now being constructed in a new fashion. It is an attempt to publish a year until its completion on a patrol on Earth.
New development was accelerating.
The fact that only 1.5 days of one-way journey to and from Earth and Shinmatsu has been necessary has had a tremendous effect, even at a stage when the speed increase has not yet been renovated with its passenger and freighter ships. That is, even if the number of passenger and freighter ships that can operate is the same, the ability to shorten to 8 days, with a loading and unloading period of luggage before the current speeding up, which required about 28 days for round-trip, would have a transport capacity of 3.5 times. Naturally, therefore, the plan also needs to be reviewed.
Sooner or later, the company is currently reviewing its development plan, assuming that the spacecraft is speeding up. This is also due to the arrival of people who wish to migrate to the New Yamato, which far exceeds expectations.
This is because many people do not migrate as individuals, but because of the company's inclination to set up branches or separate companies, naturally many of its employees also migrate. In the end, however, there are expectations of a new future for each company, but they are often driven by the high emigration aspirations of employees.
In contrast, bottlenecks are, after all, the limits of transport capacity, as well as the securing of local housing. For housing, the building has become extremely sophisticated according to the prefabricated method, and even with further foundation work, there are enough 2DLK apartments of 100 rooms in about a month (at a level called ordinary apartments if in Japan), which will be eliminated if the problem of transport capacity is solved.
Passenger ships and freighters, the existing ones, will be renovated for speeding up on 15 September. This adds up to 25 passenger ships and 55 regular aircraft, with 105 passenger ships, 30 supersized and 165 normal cargo ships, plus 25 passenger ships that completed commissioning and naturally sped up during the same period.
Apart from this, five oil tanker ships loaded with 100,000 kL are to be completed in October to carry crude oil from Shinmatsu. Now that we can carry more than 20 million kL of crude oil per year, Japan no longer needs to buy crude oil from foreign countries on the planet.
Incidentally, the Kibo Oil Production Base, as a result of further investigations, has 90 million tons of reserves in its current oil wells, and more recently a new oil layer has been found, which this one is supposedly several times more reserved. Therefore, only the crude oil reserves currently found with Shinmatsu can be adequately covered for use as chemical materials between Japan and Shinmatsu for decades.
Furthermore, since resource imports are now being prepared for iron ore, aluminium, nickel, manganese, chromium, etc. as mineral resources, all of which can be mined in close proximity to open-air digging, mine development is almost complete and the loading and unloading facilities are being prepared. For all of this, Japan's demand can be adequately covered only by the mines that are now being developed.
In addition, there are no plans to produce cereals for agricultural development or for comedy for the time being, and it is assumed that Japan will intensively produce the wheat, corn imported.
Although rainfall is important for this type of agricultural production, there are no year-round rainfall data around Pearl Lake in Shinmatsu, but from data about 10 months to the current state of terrain and weather, the results analyzed by weather forecasting software are predicted to be approximately 1300 mm to 1500 mm per year around Pearl Lake. However, we are also thinking about thirsty water and developing land along the river that can also be irrigated if necessary, on a steep pitch as it stands.
Shinmayama is a small climate change because the tilt of the geographic axis is 15 degrees smaller than Earth's, but now in October on Earth, the Shinmayama hits April as January 1 and the Winter Solstice as January 35 to 36 (22.5 hours a day). Therefore, since it is now spring around Pearl City, the temperate zone of the developing northern hemisphere, priority has been given to accepting farmers and beginning to sow them.
Incidentally, wheat yields of 1-ha in Japan are 3-4 tons, which is less efficient than the global standard of 5 tons or more, but agricultural experts have tattooed that we can expect about 5 tons/ha here. Since this year's working area is 200 km2, or 20,000 ha, the planned yield is 100,000 tonnes, and the comet will be imported from Japan, so wheat consumption can be supplied for 1 million people at 100 kg/year per person. However, the area under cultivation for wheat is scheduled to be 10,000 km2 next year, as is corn, and will be exported to Japan after harvest.
These arable lands, on an extremely large scale and irrespective of mechanization, are more efficient than the United States and Australia on Earth. In addition, the cost of transport to Japan is slightly higher, as the United States and Australia are experiencing lower costs due to the operation of flight cargo aircraft, but these farming countries are now trying strategically to raise the prices of agricultural products, and imports from Shinmatsu are well worth it as a Japan that is decently affected by them.
Furthermore, preparations are under way to attract livestock farmers as being too small in Japanese livestock production and too inefficient. Around Pearl Lake, pasture cultivation is possible throughout the year and there is no need for artificial feed, as it does not get so cold. In addition, it is easy to scale up, and it is possible to deploy extremely efficient livestock farming if we strategically locate collection yards, slaughterhouses, etc., in pursuit of efficiency.
On the planet, livestock production and this are constantly rising prices in the midst of grain strangulation and depletion of water resources, which are also desirable for highly efficient production in Shinmatsu.
It should also be remembered that timber resources, the Nozomi continent has 40% of its area of forests, and the nearby northern shore of Lake Pearl has over 200,000 km2 of untouched large forests, the findings of which confirm that wood is similar to hinoki and can be used as sufficient wood.
In this regard, logging has already begun, as it has been established that harvesting timber to the extent that resources are not environmentally depleted and that there is no significant negative impact on the environment, and that harvesting timber to be exported to Japan and used in a new and sooner range is not a problem. These timbers are currently scheduled to be exported to Japan in three months after drying.
It should be noted that timber is also one of the things that prices are rising year after year because, on Earth, with the decline in resources, its logging has a negative impact on the environment. Japan's demand was about 70 million m3 per year, but in recent years there has been an alternative to plastics produced by oil, which is about 50 million m3/year. It has been calculated that this level of supply can easily be made from the new wave and will no longer require imports from foreign countries in the coming year.
In addition, fisheries resources, but already surveyed in the North and South, show that there are very rich fisheries resources for fish suitable for consumption. Investigations of bottom raw fishery products, such as shellfish, are not sufficient, but it is assumed that there will be no problem at all with the annual catches of about 5 million tonnes currently imported by Japan, and fresh fish has already been brought into Pearl City with the construction of fishing bases in North Sea City (scheduled) and South China Sea City (planned), as well as testing operations.
Migration of fishery employees has already begun, with over 10,000 fishermen waiting, hopefully.
In this way, in addition to the very abundant oil, minerals and other underground resources, and even agricultural, forestry and aquaculture resources that will be collected in Shinmatsu for Japan, agricultural and livestock farming, which can be deployed on the largest scale and efficiently, has been a source of concern for the Japanese for many years. This concern is all about people and lack of resources. In addition, dwellings, narrow plots of land to cultivate, etc., had resulted in low incomes for working hours. This also caused people to say that it was good, but they were giving it away, and the scale was small.
In the end, Japan was forced into war by countries that could have it, including the United States, experienced defeat, pushed the constitution of attire, had serious thoughts and sold and bought things because of the lack of resources, and the fact that the country was narrow.
However, if so much land and resources were given, how much Japanese could demonstrate their abilities and live in abundance, which would cause many Japanese to aspire to the New Mahjong. In addition, the benefits may be greater for those living in Japan, where what is needed has become cheaper, easier and more stable to obtain than for those who have moved in a new fashion.
But many people are trying to go new and choose to challenge in a new land.
Sooner or later, the company announced a revised development plan, which is to increase the planned population of Shinmatsu from 500,000 to 1 million in the original plan during 2026, with all production plans foregone. The demand for funds for this has reached 750 billion yen in 2026 alone.
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