After listening to Yuan Yue, the teenager nodded, wrote the "private room" on the line in the hand, and then handed into the equation.

"That ... do you want to take a look at the menu first, then look at what specializes, there is a number!"

The teenager also wants them to take a few more and look at the price of the menu. If they feel that this dish is too expensive, you can't afford it, naturally leave, let go, let go, don't come back!

"No, after half a time, we will come back, if there is a private room, help us clean up!"

"Okay, the guest officer is slow ..."

Seeing the other party is not particularly concerned, the teenager is no longer entangled!

Several people leaving the Huiguan Building, which has been aiming to turn it on the street. I didn't take a few steps, I saw a group of people around him. I didn't know what to see, and I came out of time. So I was curious to speed up the crowd.

"Do you have the most exciting performances, you have the most exciting performances, no matter what you love, you will continue to see, I feel interesting, I don't think you will go. Dear big brother, uncle, you have money, you have a money farm. If you have no money, please also hold a person ... Next, I want to perform it for everyone, real fire, water drops ... "

Listening to this opening is quite familiar. It seems to see it on TV, and the craftsman who walks the streets in the ancient times really like this.

However, this will have a child look around is a one-year-old child who is loudly drinking in the center of the crowd. And some of the performance equations he said have never seen it. What is real fire? Water drop stone wear? What is this show?

So a few people are so exciting, waiting to see this little boy performing what he said.

I saw a little boy first, I took a gold ingot from my own arms. This gold ingot is different from the gold ingot that is circulated in the market. This gold ingot is not big, probably The two ingots are the size of the gold, its shape is very strange, it is obviously the fire!

This little boy puts the gold ingot in the hands, and let everyone observe this gold ingot. Onlookers, the grass is observed for a while, but because there is no hand touching that thing, it is difficult to conclude that it is really fake. The little boy also looked at everyone with doubts, put the gold ingot on the stone, with a small hammer, and the gold ingot did not deform. The onlookers slowly nodd, think that it is really a gold ingot.

Subsequently, this little boy walked into the middle of the venue, one hand pinched the gold ingot, one hand on the palm of the hand, the boy is concentrated, the eyes are closely staring at their palms, after a moment, the boy's palm Heart has to give birth to an orange flame.


In the population, a surprised scream, even the equation they also frowned, and they were interested in seeing the flames of the boy.

"Not phosphite, not other false flammable items ..."

The equation is not from the autonomous.

"Yeah, it is a real fire! But ... I didn't heard the skills that I would freely control the flame free of charge?"

"Yeah! Although their skills are also divided into the properties of Jinmu Wine and soas, it is in the battle case, and its own properties are doped in the aura that is cultivated, and the attack skills produced! This ... ..., it is more like a self-service, it is like this fire ... It was originally part of his body! "

Li Zhaowen also nodded.

"This boy ... is not simple!"

The equation is interested to see the little boy.

I saw that the little boy was followed, and the gold ingot held in the other hand slowly put into the real fire on the palm. I saw that the gold ingot is so floating in the fire, slowly rolling, gradually ... The gold ingot slowly melts, and the golden water floats in the fire, flying, surrounding the gold ingot that has not yet melted Turning a circle.

On the spot, this scene is very magical and experienced. All people in the crowd all agreed with the gods staring at the flames and gold ingots in the child's hands. So many people's streets are very quiet, all people are full of breath, and the whole god is concentrating on the fire.

Gradually, a whole gold ingot was chemically formed into gold water, slow, smooth, flowing in the fire.

Suddenly, the boys took the fire in the palm of the palm, and the golden water was like a small waterfall, and the boy didn't disappoint the golden water, and then stretched it again. The golden ingot has once again condensed, becoming a strange gold block!



"It's too incredible ..."

Then, the crowd issued a burst of praise, everyone is surprised to show the performance of this little boy, applaud.

Several people have nodded frequently, and they are awkward!

"Sure enough, it is really fire, it is amazing!"

The Equation nodded.

The little boy saw that everyone applauded, it was a bit embarrassed, he took the golden ingot well, then picked up a hat!

Everyone knows that this street is juggling, the hat is to use money! When the crowd watched the little boy picked up the hat, it was no longer speaking, and it won't be able to see her head. The little boy is obviously the case, after all, who is not easy to earn, he doesn't want to go, the hat is a plush in front of everyone, do not do more stay!

Then this is a lot of a lot of circles, only a few copper plates in the hat, even a silver ingot is not!

Soon, the hat came to the foreigners. These five people are really a family, even if they don't have to discuss, lift their hands together to throw money, Li Zhaowen two silver ingots, Qian Yuyang two silver ingots, Yuan Yue and Xiaoqi are three silver ingots, only equation .. .... Throw it in a gold ingot!

The boy saw that these obviously, he first stared in the gold and silver ingots in the hat, and then looked up and looked at the equation. Subsequently ... he reached out and took the golden ingot. In front of the equation.

"Thank you a big brother, just ... this gold spindle too much, my performance ... value can't be so much money!"

The little boy's eyes stares close to the equation, and the gods are grateful to five points, three points, suspicion, and two vigilant. The child is too early to enter the society, which will be more mature than the child who is better than the same age.

"The value is not worth it, it is to see people decided, how can the performer can be self-purple! If you can freely control the fire, you will have this value!"

The equation said that the hand stretched over the boys came back.

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