Jianbao Gold Finger

Chapter 1,548 Black Boxing (2)

The boy's double palm hit the chest of the big man. I saw the flame above the palm. As the bullet was generally deeply sneaked into the body of the big man. The giant ax in the big man suddenly fell on the ground. The powerful sound, followed by ... his huge body fell to the ground, noisy.

All the visits on the audience are all shocked at that moment. After three seconds, they have sent a huge sigh on the stage, and the people have sent it!

"This means ... high!"

"Is the big man dead?"

"This ... this child is in the future!"

Everyone sent an incredible feeling, only equation they were long enough. They really pinched the little boy!

"That Chinese ... is it dead?"

Semicone stretched with the neck to look at the big man on the boxing platform, some of them are somewhat.

"No, still alive, the boy does not make full effort!"

The equation is returned to the eyes of the big man, saying faintly. Then he turned to look at the little boy who stood in the boxing platform, thin and thin, and the eyes of the eyes were more appreciated.

"Mom, I lost five ingots! I thought this little scorpion would die very bad!"

"I am also! I think this is stable and not paying, I'm going to all my book!"

Listening to the people of people, the equation suddenly felt that things may not be very good, he is busy looking at the little boys on the stage! Sure enough, two people on the boxing platform took the big man to, and the little boy was also very rude by a few people.

The equation just got up and wanted to look up, but the old man who left the goat bearded by the end of the past!

The equation suddenly stopped, naturally exposed unfortunate, he wrinkled with this goat Hu Xiao's old man in front of him, I saw that the other party was uncomfortable, but I feel that his aura is a seven-order god. Such a seventh-order god appeared in front of himself, then there is something!

"Several this is ..."

The equation did not understand the other party asked, and seeing this scene, Li Zhaowen, Qian Yuyang and Shuqing also stood up, and he was vigilant to see each other.

"Oh, a few don't be nervous, that is, some things want to ask you, I hope there will be a few more than our lobby!"

Goat Hu's old man is still more polite, but the meaning of his words is very clear, that is, you have to go with us!


The equation repeated the old man, then looked up and looked at the big man behind him behind him. Everyone's face is a pair of expressions.

"I look like this ... Unlike asking, you are like a kidnapping!"

The equation is straightforward.

"Hahaha, the son said, really, please ask a few words, please ask a few people!"

Said, the old man will open a road, meaning that they will follow him!

"Who are you? Do you go to us? I don't go ... Can you take us?"

Li Zhaowen is always a stagger, the most unable to threaten, he is in the ancient double wing of the beast, who dares to threaten him!

"If you don't go, if you don't go, you can't walk out our 'slaughterhouse'!"

Although Goat Hu Xiaomou is still a smile, the tone of speaking has been covered with a silk.



If you didn't wait for Li Zhaowen, the equation hurriedly stopped him, rushing him and shook his head.

"Since the old husband has something to ask, we will go with it! I think ... The old gentleman should not be what we do!"

Looking at the equation, Li Zhaowen took his head, and some indignant to the old man, and no longer do!

In fact, at this moment, the four people are very clear about this old man to find them.

In this "slaughterhouse", it is mainly the gambling capital of the visitor. Today, this little boy is a prison, everyone bought the big man will win, the little boy will lose, but only Li Zhaowen, Qian Yuyang and Shu I bought a little boy will win, the result ... The little boy is really special for winning.

So until now, only three of them have won, winning this audience, the amount of winning ... It is really not a small number! How can they be doubtful as a resilient?

So they come to find themselves, equation is also understandable!

"Well, those who are pleased!"

Said, the goat Hu Xiao's old man walked to the back of the box.

Come to a hall behind, and the equation saw that the little boy was killed by two men, and the faint big man was lying on the side, and there was no sense!

The little boy saw the equation they came in and couldn't help but have some doubts. When he opened his eyes, it seems that they are who they are!

"You ... how can you here?"

The little boy is surprised to say that he was pushed by a man behind him.

"Close your mouth!"

"What is your fierce for a little boy? Are you smashing like this?"

Seeing a big man actually for the little boy, so she can't help but screamed.

"you wanna die......"

Seeing yourself, I can't help but I want to do it.

"Mr. God, what is going on, can you say it!"

The equation deliberately burst, and it is clearly known.

The old gentleman listened to the equation, immediately smiled and waved the anger of the old man, and the big man retreated, and glared in the eyes, and the eyes were full of fierce.

"I want ... I should know that the old man will come over for what is it!"

Goat is old and looking at the equation, and the knife laughs.

"I am ignorant, for this thing ... We are really not very clear! We have already bought tickets when we come in, and it is a VIP ticket, the other ... in the fact that What happened to be sinned to you! "

The equation deliberately put his face and shake his head.


Seeing him, the goat is old and smirked.

"The two more than two of them, everyone will win, but only you gambling the kid will win, the gambling funds all make you win, you think ... we will Do you think this is just a coincidence? Several little sons, lie ... can not be a glorious thing! "

After listening to Goat Hu's old man, the equation has also collapsed the smile on his face, and the face is cold to see the old head.

"The words of the old, there is no mistake, just ... have you forgotten a word?"


The old man listened to the equation, couldn't help but ask.

"That is ... I wish to gamble!"

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