Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 993 The reason for that year


Any world is the most complicated, unsolvable, and difficult to understand. At the same time, even they themselves sometimes cannot understand their own...complex creatures. In particular, the more beautiful, more powerful, and higher-status a woman is, the more... she is even more elusive than the most noble, greatest, grandest, and most fundamental laws of the Great Dao between heaven and earth.

Therefore, the White Snake struck the blackened Emperor Taihu with a knife.

With one blow, Emperor Taihu's origin was damaged, and he burst into tears from the pain - in front of so many people, Emperor Taiyu shed tears from the pain!

Frustrated and angry. Emperor Taihu roared angrily, pointed his hand, and the black wings all over the sky burned. Along with countless hymns to Emperor Taihu, groups of beautiful Holy Spirit clans carrying platinum wings on their backs shuttled out of the void, holding hands The flaming sword rushed towards the stars and land masses scattered in all directions under the jurisdiction of the Linghu clan.

Plow the courtyard and sweep the holes, leaving not a blade of grass behind!

Emperor Taihu issued a killing order.

White Snake wanted to fall out with him, so he was happy to fall out with him... Not only that, he also mobilized his own family members to attack the master of this side of the world, one of the four most important heavenly clans under White Snake. The Linghu clan was wiped out!

Since you want to break up, you must do it absolutely!

Black divine light flashed all over the sky, and the Holy Spirit clan who shuttled out shouted in unison. Their blazing white-gold eyes, guided by the Taoist rhyme of Emperor Taihu, quickly turned into black holes like black holes. The wings behind them suddenly extinguished, turning into slender, thin fiber-like bone fragments flapping behind them.

The next moment, black divine light surged, and countless black feathers grew densely on the bone fragments that suddenly turned into black crystal-like texture. These strange creatures of the Holy Spirit clan, after their origin, Emperor Taihu, completely understood the way of darkness, they naturally mastered the power of darkness without any need for them to study or work hard.

Just like a long river, its source is a giant spring on the plateau.

At this moment, the giant spring was polluted. What originally spewed out was crystal clear water, but now it spewed out thick and dark ink... As a result, the entire river quickly turned into black water, and spewed out from the source spring. There is no difference in the spring water.

The blackened Holy Spirit clan fly faster, and the long swords in their hands emit black sword light. Wherever the sword blade passes, everything withers and corrodes, and is then swallowed up and assimilated by the black sword light.

When they master the power of light, when these Holy Spirits attack and kill, everyone is like a little sun, burning themselves endlessly and spending their own power to burn and evaporate the enemy. When they attack, they have extremely strong lethality, but the consumption on themselves is also a terrifying astronomical figure.

After mastering the power of darkness, every time they kill an enemy or destroy a target, everything their sword touches will be swallowed, absorbed, and transformed into the purest power of darkness. They transform into black holes, and no external object can escape their swallowing.

Compared with the light form, without any improvement in their cultivation, the longer they fight, the more foreign objects they swallow and absorb, and the energy in their bodies becomes larger and more magnificent.

Fighting is no longer a consumption, but a process of continuous enhancement. The more you fight, the stronger you become!

From this point of view alone, the Holy Spirit clan that has turned dark at this moment is even more terrifying than the Holy Spirit clan that uses the power of light to fight... At this moment, they can be regarded as the real 'endless humanoid fighting tools', as long as they They can continuously destroy the enemy. As long as they can continue to swallow foreign objects, as long as they are not destroyed, they have no consumption and can fight for almost eternity!

Supreme Taichu Heaven, among the three great emperors Taichu, Taihu, and Taiyi, the Great Emperor Taichu controls the heaven and has a respected status. Naturally, everyone knows about it. He is the most dazzling one among the three great emperors.

As for Emperor Taihu, he was famous for having a large number of dependents under his command, and all of them had a single head. He was most fanatical and fearless of death. In terms of pure numbers, the total number of warriors of the Holy Spirit Clan is much larger than the combined number of the Five Military Mansion, the Four Wind, Rain, Thunder and Lightning Palaces in Heaven, and even the Heaven-Surveying Forbidden God Guard.

In addition to the fact that the power of the Holy Spirit clan is too extreme and absolute, and that their methods are too single and lack magical changes, this is their biggest weakness - but this weakness is that only a military formation of the same size in Heaven can use the formations of great ways and laws to create Restrain, faintly restrain the Holy Spirit Clan’s army.

Leaving aside heaven, who is not afraid of the endless army of the Holy Spirit family?

That's it for now.

The sky was full of black wings fluttering, and the sky was full of black feathers with wisps of black fire and black light falling from the sky like a snowstorm. Countless Holy Spirit clans loudly praised Emperor Taihu, and flocked to the void to command. The Fox family controls the stars, continents, and city strongholds suspended in the void.

In particular, the transportation vehicles used by the Linghu clan members who fled from Linghu Yunlu became the focus of their siege.

The Holy Spirit clan swarmed out. With Emperor Taihu as the anchor point in the void, and with Emperor Taihu expending his strength to open a void passage for them, the endless Holy Spirit clan army instantly filled the field of vision... Everything in sight was filled with darkness. The wings fluttered wildly.

What are you waiting for? Give it to me, fuck him! Bai Niangzi let out a long roar, and the colorful starlight lingered around her, enveloping Yinyuan, Bai You, and several noble ladies of the Linghu family. The Taoist Rhythm of Death surged around her, and a figure that was between reality and reality, like a real body and a phantom, with its whole body filled with the suffocating Taoist Rhythm of Death, slowly emerged from her body.

A dark wind swirled in the void, and wisps of death aura rose into the sky.

At first glance, these figures appear to be beautiful beauties with extremely exquisite faces... But if you look closely, you will find that these beauties have pale skin without a trace of blood, like zombies that have been around for thousands of years. general existence.

If you use your magical power and secret skills to look at it, you will be horrified to discover the true details of these beauties - they are not even flesh and blood, but the yin of death fused with the Yin death energy between heaven and earth. The human puppet controlled by White Snake is somewhere between evil and spirit.

These ultimate beauties have bodies that look like flesh and blood, but are in a semi-energy state. Their internal organs, blood vessels, and meridians are all present, but all they have is the thick, cold death power flowing through them.

They were wearing black robes - on Bai Shengsheng's alluring and graceful body, there was only one dark, ragged looking black robe with many holes and patches... He was clearly the envoy of seducing people. , was forced by the white lady to create a somewhat depraved and confusing meaning.

A strong aura of death surged, and countless graceful beauties appeared in black robes and holding giant scythes. At first glance, their number is actually smaller than that of the Holy Spirit clan swarming all over the sky!

This is obviously the direct force behind White Snake's success.

Emperor Taiyi heard the scolding of the White Snake. He took a deep breath, clapped his hands lightly, and waved outwards. Suddenly, there were streams of light all over the sky, and thick and fragrant fragrances filled the air. Countless flowers filled the air. Exotic flowers of all sizes and brilliant colors bloomed in the void.

The number of these flowers is greater than that of the Holy Spirit family.

There are at least dozens of large and small flowers blooming around each of the Holy Spirit clan whose wings are dark and fluttering all over the sky. As these flowers slowly bloomed, handsome men and beauties with heights ranging from three inches to three feet, with delicate and delicate looks, jumped out from the flowers with their buttocks bare, holding various long swords in their hands, and scolding each other delicately.

No matter how tall these handsome men and beauties are, they are all made of flesh and blood. Their bodies are filled with the breath of life of sunshine, green grass and flowers. Their bodies are flowing with the most blazing life energy between heaven and earth in March.

White Snake controls death, while Emperor Taiyi clearly controls the power of life.

And whether it is the stench of death or the fragrance of spring flowers, they can all be exposed and manifested as various scents and fragrances... Therefore, what White Snake and Emperor Taiyi usually reveal to outsiders belong to them. The 'power of the emperor' is the radiant and ever-changing fragrances!

But their real trump card is death and life!

Countless colorful petals fell off from the blooming flowers. Petals of large and small sizes shone with strange light. The power of the golden element from the Five Elements Avenue in the void surged in and poured into these petals with a texture of vegetation.

The loud noise of 'Chlang' continues, countless petals quickly become metallized, and countless lines rise slowly from the inside of the petals. The petals twist, squirm, and change, turning into pieces of exquisite armor leaves, and the 'sonorous' sound is draped in the Among the handsome men and beauties holding various colored swords and shouting!

For countless years, Emperor Taihu has raised an absolute and extreme clan of Holy Spirits.

And Emperor Taiyi was not idle either.

He stayed behind closed doors during Taiyuan and was known as a carefree and happy person. In his harem, he raised hundreds of millions of beauties of all kinds, and he was exposed to both rain and dew, allowing those beauties to give birth to their own children. …

After those children were born, they continued to marry each other with the giant clans, large and small families under their jurisdiction, and even selected geniuses with outstanding qualifications from ordinary people. In this way, they continued to reproduce offspring... Emperor Taiyi, with the power of one person , also spawned an extremely large ethnic group.

And these ethnic groups, after some truly ulterior secret techniques, turned into these people who suddenly jumped out of the flowers in front of them, wearing flower armor, holding various colored swords, stirring up the sword light all over the sky, and turned into a bunch of people. The gorgeous sword array was overwhelmingly attacking the Taiyi 'Chinese' who had gone over to the blackened Holy Spirit clan!

In the void, the fragrance rises.

When many warriors of the Holy Spirit clan smelled the aroma, their bones and muscles became numb, or their five senses were blocked, or their souls were paralyzed. They were helpless in the void and were torn to pieces by countless sword rays.

There were also powerful warriors of the Holy Spirit clan. Their bodies flashed with black divine light, swallowing up the incoming thick fragrance. The long swords filled with black light in their hands cut off dazzling swords, killing handsome men and beauties from the Chinese race one after another. on the spot.

Within the bodies of the beheaded Holy Spirit clan, a wisp of black and white flames rose into the air and quickly disappeared into the space tunnel they had drilled out.

In Taihu Heaven, there is the Taihu Divine Pool. Although the bodies of these fallen warriors of the Holy Spirit Clan have collapsed, as long as their true spirits still exist, as long as they escape back to the Taihu Divine Pool, they can immediately absorb the power of the Divine Pool. In three or five breaths, Just recast the divine body and return to the battlefield.

As for the Chinese men and women who were torn apart, they didn't even care.

Their bodies were torn apart, and their essence, blood and bodies were crazily devoured and plundered by the blackened Holy Spirit clan... But their origin marks were not in their bodies at all. Their origin marks were all in Emperor Taiyi. In control.

In the void, behind Emperor Taiyi, the colorful stars condensed into a huge flower garden.

In the flower garden, trillions of flowers are blooming, and in each flower, there are figures of various sizes curled up. Whenever a handsome Chinese man or woman dies on the battlefield ahead, a corresponding figure jumps up among the flowers, shouts slogans, gathers swords and armor from the flowers, and quickly jumps into the battlefield!

For a time, in the entire star field, there were more and more warriors from the Holy Spirit clan and the Chinese clan, and the density was getting higher and higher. Neither side could really destroy and strangle the other. In the end, it became crowded and bumpy, just like in a rural area. The crowd density is frighteningly high like going to a big market...

Emperor Taiqu and Emperor Taiyi clicked their lips at the same time...

Once upon a time, in the last war, they relied on their endless army of family members to destroy the Buddhist formations formed by the Buddhist cultivators in the Landuo Ancient Temple, destroyed the square star field they controlled, and finally stormed the Landuo Ancient Temple. , directly obliterating the Buddhist heritage from this world!

However, they did not expect that it would be so embarrassing to deal with such easy-to-use methods among Buddhist cultivators when they used them to attack each other...

Well, everyone has countless armies.

Everyone is constantly pouring troops into this small battlefield.

The number of troops invested far exceeds the efficiency of the army's battle losses.

In the unit space of the battlefield, the number of troops is increasing, which creates a situation that is a bit overwhelming.

Until the beauties of death gathered by White Snake rushed into the battlefield.

A cold wind blew over them, and the dark but invisible wind of death swept across the battlefield. Large areas of Holy Spirit warriors fell silently. Their bodies did not collapse at all, but their true spirits were harvested by those beauties of death at that moment!

These Holy Spirit clan whose true spirits were killed can no longer return to the Taihu Divine Pond, and can no longer recast their divine bodies.

For a moment, large swaths of frozen Holy Spirit clan corpses appeared on the battlefield!

Emperor Taiyi laughed. He pointed his hand, and countless rays of starlight floated slowly. The wisps of starlight wrapped the seeds of exotic flowers and plants. With the harsh penetrating sound, these true spirits were annihilated. But the physical body still retains the body of the Holy Spirit clan with strong energy.

The seeds germinated and grew rapidly, and the flowers bloomed instantly. From those flowers, countless graceful elves with a height of only three inches to one foot rushed out. These elves have no intelligence, but they have the craziest instincts.

They wore exquisite armor and held short bows and arrows with the power of gold. They were like a swarm of crazy wasps sweeping across the sky, shooting out fluffy arrows crazily, carrying terrifying poison, attacking the Holy Spirit in all directions. A clan.

Not bad! Emperor Taihu smiled.

very good.

He was very satisfied with the strength of White Snake and Emperor Taiyi... Only with this kind of power could they be qualified to be on par with him.

Otherwise, why should the three great emperors Taichu, Taihu, and Taiyi be called the same as Taiyi, the Taiyi Emperor who is always low-key, always out of tune, and always romantic?

Then, let's weigh it up, shall we? Emperor Taigu smiled extremely happily: Use the lives and deaths of these ants under your command and mine to make a small bet... Hehe. Let me see, White Snake, what have you done in these years? Did something!”

In the void, a vision appeared.

A big blood-colored eye suddenly appeared in the extremely distant void. With such distance and size, it can be judged that the diameter of this blood-colored eye is at least tens of billions of miles.

A lamp with the color of white bones appeared alone on the other side. The lamp was the size of an ordinary lamp, and the whole body seemed to be made of some kind of strange bone. The light was so white that it made people's hearts palpitate. He stood quietly in the void, extremely far away, but even smaller than the huge blood-colored eyes. , even more eye-catching.

Another sapphire-colored finger tore open the void with a 'crash' sound. The finger tore through the sky, and the broken void turned into a bloody, surging river of magma. In that crazy and turbulent river, black and scorched land masses were floating and sinking. There were countless burly men with ferocious looks on them, and they were having hysterical and crazy peace with countless beautiful women.

Various visions continued to emerge, and low whispers echoed in the void.

Obviously, he was hiding behind the scenes of this world, and he was a big man who was able to stir up troubles alongside the three great emperors Taichu, Taihu, and Taiyi. He was alarmed by the battle here and couldn't wait to jump out, wanting to see a clue and observe. A detailed one.

If there is an opportunity, it is not even ruled out that they will take the opportunity to kill both warring parties!

Because they did not hide the strong malice they exuded.

Just like the sapphire-colored finger hanging high in the sky, the long river of lava below was carrying waves. An extremely hoarse voice with a hint of madness and madness shouted: Taiqu, kill this bitch Taiyi. , I will give you half of my net worth in exchange for her corpse... Hehe, even if it is a corpse, I can manipulate it into a thousand and eighty thousand poses while it is still hot!

Bainiu, Bainiu, hehe, if you fall into my hands, I will never let you cool down!

The monstrous malice turned into substance and surged forward. It was a chaotic atmosphere condensed by seven emotions and six desires. It was crazy and crazy, like a demon, roaring like an evil ghost, like a beast roaring... Wherever the malice passed, everything began to fill the void. A strong aroma of heather!

Lu Qian was horrified and subconsciously waved out a Buddha's light to isolate the surrounding atmosphere.

But the wave of malice easily shattered the forbidden Buddha's light wielded by Lu Yi. The thick heather breath filled the surroundings, making Lu Yi, Lu Sanqi, and Qingyou dizzy and almost vomiting.

At the same time, there is an extremely strong desire that invades the body and soul, roaring and roaring in waves, trying to completely turn them into beasts and fall into the endless urge to reproduce.

What evil stuff! Lu Qian yelled angrily, and a dim light flickered around him.

Relying on his Buddhist skills and his current level of cultivation in Buddhist magical powers, it is simply not enough to fight against the malice emanating from this guy... Lu Qian can only use the Speed ​​Dao Fruit he has just condensed to control everything around him. The running speed changed slightly.

As a result, the small void around the three girls Lu Qian, Lu Sanqi, and Qingyou turned into a chasm.

That malice, that surging breath of heather, became trillions of times slower than a snail crawling... It would take hundreds of millions of years, billions of long years for them to slowly struggle over a short distance of just one inch. Pass.

In the void, the sapphire-colored finger screamed in surprise: The Avenue of Speed... Haha, it's your kid, I remember it.

The blood-red eyes, the bone lamp, and several other terrifying visions all looked at Lu Qian deeply at the same time... Lu Qian had an instinctive intuition - his appearance, His aura and the imprint of his existence were absorbed deep into the souls of these guys.

From now on, unless Lu Yi completely kills them, these guys will be entangled with Lu Yi endlessly... Life after life, even if Lu Yi uses Buddhist secrets to reincarnate millions or billions of times, he will not be able to escape the pursuit of these guys!


In his mind, the Taichu Bead of Confusion flickered slightly.

Lu Qian smiled and nodded - with this treasure, he can get rid of the locks of these guys at any time... However, forming a causal relationship with these guys - isn't it because Lu Qian is in front of the Dao Fruit of the Speed ​​Avenue, the Speed ​​Avenue Are all the auras and souls that entangle these guys on the road severely beaten?

Isn't it just that after Lu Qian condensed the Imperial Seal Dao Fruit of the Speed ​​Avenue, the 'share' he owned of the Speed ​​Avenue was obviously only a minuscule part, but the entire Speed ​​Avenue suddenly accelerated and reached an incredible speed dimension, allowing these guys to Can you no longer sense the clues of the Avenue of Speed?

From now on, these guys can no longer influence the 'Avenue of Speed'.

On the contrary, as long as they are in this dimension of time and space, they will be disturbed and interfered by the 'Avenue of Speed' anytime and anywhere, and even 'restrained' by the 'changeable and confusing' 'Avenue of Speed'!

This is cause and effect.

This is feuding!

Lu Qian took a deep look at the blood-colored eyes, the bone lamp, the sapphire fingers on the lava river, and several other terrifying visions. He smiled and waved to them: You are all seniors. Why are you so stingy? The changes in Speed ​​Avenue are a natural disaster, not a man-made disaster!

The ghostly light of the bone lamp flickered and was cold, like the voice of a ten-thousand-year-old zombie murmuring in the coffin: Of course it is a man-made disaster, not a natural disaster... Boy, do you have the inheritance of the Landa Holy Land? Then you deserve it. Death!

Hey, the Avenue of Speed, we have spent many years of hard work, but we can't get any real benefits from it... It was one of the fundamental avenues that was 'branded' by the thieves back then... You can get the Avenue of Speed Admit it, you have the inheritance of those bald thieves in Landa Holy Land?

That's the enemy of life and death, there's nothing more to say!

Lu Qian's heart sank slightly.

Has the Speed ​​Avenue been tampered with by those great Buddhist cultivators from the former Landa Holy Land?

That's why Lu Qian had such strange and outrageous changes when he condensed the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit?

Lu Qian squinted his eyes and took a deep look at the many visions. The four-sided heavenly pillars unfolded from his side with a clatter, and the aura of the world's end of the world slowly spread to the surroundings, even all of a sudden the thick heather that filled the surroundings. The aroma was so overwhelming that it was broken into pieces.

I see, boy and you guys, are we still involved in this kind of cause and effect?

That's right, the boy has acquired part of the inheritance of the Landa Holy Land. What the boy has indeed condensed is the Imperial Seal Dao Fruit of the Speed ​​Avenue... Boy, wait for the day when we are completely done with you all!

The Taihu Emperor's ax in his hand gave off a cold light, and Lu Qian smiled maliciously and said: Why not choose a day to hit the sun? Rather than talking about the future, why not say today, now, right here?

Lu Qian provoked.

The owners of the visions were all silent.

The blood-colored eyes suddenly smiled: Are you kidding me? Tai Chu, Tai Chu, Tai Zhen, two of the three villains are rebelling against each other, and they have to fight to the death... If you don't watch such a good show, who will fight to the death with a little kid like you? ? The Avenue of Speed, this is not an ordinary path, hee, who is willing to fight you until I find a way to deal with you?

Hey, old pervert... He yelled with blood-colored eyes: If Tai Qu really cleans up Bai Niu, you want her body and let me try it too? Are you going to play with her, I I just want her eyes!

Hey, hey, those two sparkling eyes of hers, tsk tsk, Taiqu, you old boy, work harder!

Emperor Taihu looked up to the sky and laughed wildly. The words of these vision lords seemed to give him extremely strong motivation and courage.

These guys seem to be on his side, both in their words and in their words... Well, this is very...

Just as Emperor Taiqu laughed, the master of the jade fingers suddenly sighed: But, then again, there is no distinction between men and women in me... Bai Niu, if you can do it... Damn Taiqi, you give me his body, and I’ll give you half of my family property in exchange... while it’s hot, you can still play for many years.”

The owner of the blood-colored eyes even laughed crazily: Yes, yes, Bai Niu, I am also willing to spend a lot of money to exchange for Tai Qi's eyes... Tsk tsk, they are all good treasures, they are all good Baby...hey, can you tell me a price?

Emperor Taiqu, White Snake, and Emperor Taiyi all looked ugly.

They looked at the strange phenomena around them. Emperor Taihu snorted and waved his right hand towards the void.

Huge black wings covered the sky, and twelve men and women exuding the aura of the emperor rushed out of the void torn apart by Emperor Taihu at the same time.

Lady Bai narrowed her eyes and glanced at Emperor Tai Zhen: It's your turn! In these years, besides King Chunlan, you have a few reusable kids, right?

Emperor Tai Zhen smiled slightly and clapped his hands lightly.

Behind him, the same twelve huge strange flowers suddenly bloomed. From the stamens of the strange flowers, twelve boys and six girls were born, all of them could be called 'unparalleled enchanting' men and women wearing exquisite and unparalleled robes. Wearing armor with flowers, holding a Fangtian painted halberd with a piece of water in it, riding on a divine Pegasus made of colorful stars with wings on its back, it transformed into a stream of light and rushed out.

These twelve men and women also exuded emperor-level auras.

Regardless of their combat prowess, at least their appearance and appearance were much more gorgeous than the twelve winged Holy Spirit clan opposite them.

Then, let's fight! Emperor Taiyu and Lady White looked at each other, and black light and gray gas rose into the sky at the same time, sweeping them away in an instant.

Then, let's fight! Emperor Taiyi shrugged his shoulders and waved his hand lightly. Behind him were twelve emperor-level sons and daughters who were bred and cultivated by him personally and spent a lot of effort and resources. , and simultaneously killed twelve opponents of the same level on the opposite side.

As for himself, he walked slowly towards Lu Qian step by step.

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