Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 1003 Shen Yin (2)

Lines of heaven-style battleships slowly emerged behind Lu Qian.

The huge ship body was spitting smoke and thunder, and the unique majestic power of heaven spread to all directions, causing the entire star field to shake slightly. On the deck, countless little people, as well as Yakshas, ​​Rakshasas, Asuras, etc., showed their figures one after another, releasing their own energy unscrupulously.

These extraterrestrial aliens conquered by Lu Ren, even the weakest villains, all have strength comparable to that of Tianwei and even Tianxiao. Those Yakshas and Rakshasas have an average combat power above that of a heavenly general. As for the Cyclops Asura, their strength is even more terrifying. After working together under Lu Qian for several years, they have on average the combat power of the Heavenly Lord and even the Great Heavenly Lord.

Coupled with the heavenly standard battleships that Qing Emperor sent out when sending prisoners, this small army under Lu Qian's command was definitely not large in number, but it was scary enough.

In all directions, warning signals continued to sound. Amidst the waves of early warning supernatural powers, a custom-made battleship of the Tiaohu family, a small, barracuda-shaped battleship, as fast as lightning, rushed from behind the stars, and behind the starry sky cities that were taking shape. Flashed and quickly gathered here.

In just a short tea time, no less than 100,000 Linghu clan's private battleships had gathered in front of Lu Ren and Yinyuan.

There are also other kinds of warships, which are obtained from unknown sources. Large and small warships are like big fish and giant whales, slowly pouring out from all around, forming a battle formation, and slowly encircling them here.

Then, a star gate in the distance shone with light. Linghu Tian, ​​headed by the elders of the nine major sects, led a group of Linghu clan masters, each holding a flying Noble Phantasm, and a large ray of light came over.

From a long distance away, Linghu Tian was already scolding: Which master in heaven is joking with Linghu? Hehe, Linghu cannot bear to be scared now... If something happens, please go to Taishantian, How about meeting Emperor Tai Zhen directly?

Linghu Tian and others arrived very quickly. They grabbed the front of their own private fleet and took a closer look at Lu Qian and Yinyuan. Several clan elders, a group of elders and deacons shivered and stepped back at the same time. A few steps.

Several elders even subconsciously exclaimed: Why is this scourge coming back again?

Linghu Tian's pupils suddenly shrank, and he suddenly saw that the fundamental place of the Linghu clan had been swallowed up by countless hatched 'eggs' as nutrients. Countless people under the rule of the Linghu clan, such a prosperous and nourishing place, had been completely transformed into A tragic scene.

It was truly a disaster from heaven. Inexplicably, Mrs. Linghu was stabbed hard in the heart! This knife made all the members of the Linghu clan feel heartbroken and even more terrified... Until now, many young members of the Linghu clan, especially the children, often wake up screaming from nightmares, which makes some people even more scared. The elders of the Fox family were all secretly inquiring about where they could find some profound Buddhist cultivators to help their children frighten their minds and restore their state of mind.

Now, the culprit of all this, the scourge Yinyuan, has appeared again!

Linghu Tian hissed: You, you, you, you are still alive? What are you doing here? And those, those members of the family who were innocently implicated by you and were kidnapped together? Where are they? ?”

Yinyuan stepped forward solemnly and bowed respectfully to Linghutian: What did Mr. Zong say? Of course I am still alive. Why don't you come up and touch me? A warm, living person with flesh and blood...I Of course I come here because this is my home...

There was a hint of blood in the throats of Linghu Tian and others.

This is your home?

For God's sake, I'll kill you with a thunderbolt, you, a slutty, free-spirited pretty boy... Just stop harming the Linghu family!

Linghu Tian gritted his teeth and squeezed out a few words through the gaps between his teeth: What are you talking about? You are Linghu Jun's man, you cannot be considered a member of our Linghu clan, you can only be regarded as a relative of our Linghu clan. ... Since you are a relative, you must be aware of yourself... Wherever Linghu Juan is, that is your home... The Linghu family has nothing to do with you!

Hey, this one is throwing the blame away so cleanly!

Yinyuan looked at Linghu Tian with a rather resentful look, and said in a deep voice: Isn't Mr. Zong forgotten? I am still the acting head of the Linghu clan... This...

Linghu Tian seemed to have completely forgotten what happened in the past. He had forgotten that it was the elders of their clan who pushed Yinyuan to the position of acting head of the family after weighing the pros and cons... If at that time, they were not so full of tricks and could make a quick move. Cutting off the chaos and expelling Linghu Juan and Yinyuan from the Linghu clan...

Linghu Tian didn't know Qingdi's temperament.

Even if he expelled Linghu Juan, Yinyuan and others from the Linghu clan at that time, if the Qing Emperor wanted to capture hostages or kidnap them, the Linghu clan would still be involved!

However, if these causal connections are torn apart, there will be no end to them. You say you are reasonable, and I say you are unreasonable. Everyone thinks they are reasonable. In the end... we have to solve the problem in a more direct way.

Yinyuan looked at Linghutian with a smile: I am the acting head of the Linghu family... Under my leadership, the Linghu family is prosperous, the clan is prosperous, and everything is developing vigorously.

Linghutian and others looked at Yinyuan as if he were an idiot.

The ancestral land of the Linghu family was destroyed.

Linghu's Qingmulg Cave was destroyed.

The ancestral hall of the Linghu family was destroyed.

The core and important places of the Linghu clan, Linghu Cloud City and Linghu Cloud Land, as well as the surrounding large areas of sacred land, were completely reduced to nothing... Countless loyal citizens who only have the word Linghu in their hearts, countless people who are dead-set The guards, private soldiers, servants, maids, etc. who worked only for the Linghu family died cleanly, with not even a hair left.

Where did you, Yinyuan, have the 'conscience' to say these words?

It’s booming!


It's so vigorous!

Linghutian clenched his fists hard, gritted his teeth, hissed, and spoke three words cleanly towards Yinyuan: Get out of here!

The color of Yinyuan's face did not change at all. He still looked at Linghutian with a smile and said to himself: The reason why I came back this time is to officially take over the power of the Linghu clan and lead it. The Linghu family has embarked on a glorious road, embarked on the right path, and has flourished and prospered ever since!

Yinyuan raised his hands high and roared: I want Linghu's name to resound throughout the supreme Taichu Heaven!

Linghutian and several elders of the Linghu clan have numbed their paws... Before, you, Yinyuan, were waiting to die in our family and eating soft food, which gave the Linghu clan an almost fatal blow... Now you are better , you actually want to lead the Linghu family onto the 'right' path...let the Linghu family's name resound throughout the Supreme Taichu Heaven?

Did he become famous all over the world because he was executed by everyone in his family?

Linghu Tian screamed at Yinyuan at the top of his lungs: You, get out of here! Get out! Get out! Someone is coming! Get here...

Linghu looked at the millions of heavenly-standard warships behind Lu Qian, and then looked at the foreign races roaring on those warships. He couldn't help but feel short of breath - today's Linghu, he really didn't want to start a big war again.

It's too late to recuperate. If there's another big fight here with this army that's obviously not easy to mess with... I'm afraid the Linghu clan is really not far from collapse. You must know that it is impossible for a giant clan like the Linghu clan to have truly reliable 'friends' and 'brothers'... instead, they are those 'in-laws' and 'allies' in all aspects. You can stab them in the back at any time.

Linghu Tian raised his right hand and looked at Yinyuan intimidatingly: If you don't leave, don't blame me for being cruel...

The Linghu family's huge private fleet moved upon hearing the wind. The hulls of the ships were filled with light. Each huge formation was activated. The void shook and twisted. The majestic energy accumulated and brewed on the large war equipment on the bow of the ship, which lit up. There were dazzling light groups that looked like small suns.

Yinyuan's expression changed slightly and he took two steps back.

Lu Qian silently took two steps forward, and he swung the Emperor Taiyu Ax. Then, his body seemed to move, but it didn't seem to move... But in front of him, facing Lu Qian, Yinyuan and others , the hundreds of thousands of Linghu's private warships shook almost at the same time. The dazzling lights on the bows dimmed and went out, and then countless lightning bolts rushed from the bows along the hull to the rear. , shock, shattering large formations and breaking large pieces of ship hulls.

Lightning, fire, and shattered deck fragments flew in all directions.

Lu Qian stepped forward, taking one step at a time. He gave each of these battleships an ax one by one... His speed was so fast that hundreds of thousands of consecutive attacks seemed to be invisible to outsiders. Come on, it was completed in a ten thousandth of an instant, almost at the same time.

Fast, indescribably fast, so fast that Linghu Tian and others didn't even know what happened, everything was over.

Except for one hull of the massive Linghu fleet, which remained intact and was quietly suspended in the starry sky, all other kinetic energy and all attack capabilities had been completely dissipated.

Linghu Tian and others stared dumbfoundedly at Lu Qian, who was standing there, seemingly not moving at all, but yet seeming to have done a lot of things.

The Taiyu Emperor ax in Lu Qian's hand gave off a faint light.

The unique coercion of the imperial soldiers made the hairs on the Linghu clan stand on end, as if countless small electric currents were rubbing through their skin bit by bit.

Linghu Tian swallowed hard and said, Great Emperor...

Lu Qian looked at Linghu Tian and nodded slowly: Luckily, Lu Qian has obtained the Speed ​​Path Fruit...

Linghu Tian laughed bitterly: Speed ​​Dao Fruit, the Great Emperor of Speed ​​Dao... Haha... You are trying to push Linghu to death... Please, let Linghu go, okay? There are also the Dugu clan, the Nangong clan, and the Beimen clan under Tai Shengtian’s command... I’ll let someone lead the way for you, okay?”

Lu Chen shook his head with a smile and looked at Yinyuan.

Yinyuan smiled and said: What Mr. Zong said is too unreasonable... I'm afraid, the Linghu family is my home. If I want to do anything good, I will naturally come with my family first... What about Dugu, Nangong, and Beimen? Don't worry, I will come to your door one by one.

Linghu looked at Yinyuan, Lu Yi, and the Emperor Taiyu ax in Lu Yi's hand, and sighed deeply.

He put down his hands and bowed deeply to Yinyuan and even more to Lu Qian.

Three days later, the Linghu clan changed its banner in the Qingqiu Star Territory, and a new force named Shenyin was established. Its power structure was completely modeled after the secular dynasty.

The fourth day.

Emperor Shenyin, Yinyuan, declared war on the Dugu family, claiming that the Linghu family's in-laws, the Dugu family, had abused a daughter of a collateral clan whom they married.

Taiyitian, Emperor Taiyi sent a special envoy to mediate, ordering the Linghu family...ordered 'Shenyin' to stop such unscrupulous war behavior...the special envoy was killed by Lu Qian with an axe, and all the entourage were captured and incorporated into the Shenxian. Yin went to the death camp and became a death squad that charged into battle.

On another seven days, most of the Dugu clan's territory was captured.

Facing Lu Qian, who had mastered the avenue of speed, all the Dugu clan's war methods were ineffective. They even closed all the star gates between themselves and the Linghu clan, and blocked all the starry sky channels. However, Lu Qian controlled the Shen Yin fleet with speed, advancing and retreating freely in the void, and appearing and disappearing... An ordinary fleet would need to sail for several years, The long route that spans decades, even hundreds and thousands of years, can be reached in just a quarter of an hour, half an hour, or even half a day at the longest under the fleet controlled by Lu Qian!

On the battlefield, the fleet controlled by Lu Qian moved forward and backward at a speed that was more than a hundred times faster than the speed of the Dugu fleet on the opposite side.

You can't catch it if you chase it, and you can't hit it if you hit it.

The Dugu clan's fleet can only be destroyed and constantly captured...

The powerful masters with the Linghu clan stationed at various lines of defense were furious and went out to challenge, wanting to fight alone... With the blessing of Lu Qian's avenue, the other abilities of the Shen Yin generals who went into battle did not improve much, but they were all very fast. Even if they can't defeat the Dugu clan's generals through hard cultivation, the Dugu clan's generals are helpless against them.

Just like this, in just seven days, Lu Qian and the Linghu clan's army advanced by leaps and bounds like wildfire, beating the Dugu clan to a pulp and defeating them thousands of miles away. Countless Dugu Clan's warships and troops were captured alive and transformed directly into the army of 'Shen Yin', and joined the conquest of the Dugu Clan.

In half a month, the army under Lu Qian's command had approached Tianlangqiu, the ancestral home of the Dugu family. This is a paradise like the Linghu Yunlu that the Linghu clan used to have, hanging high in the sky, surrounded by the sun and moon, and surrounded by countless stars. Countless generations have lived here in this fertile land stretching for trillions of miles, and the people who are loyal to the Dugu family live here.

If a family is compared to a healthy creature, then ancestral lands like Tianlang Qiu are the heart of this creature. At this moment, Lu Qian has led an army, like a sharp knife, stabbing directly into the heart of the Dugu family.

A large area of ​​dense air filled the air, colorful stars floated, and the void was filled with fragrant fragrance.

Emperor Taiyi sat cross-legged on a throne covered with billions of flowers, holding a slender sword that shone with cold light and was longer than his whole body. He looked coldly at the slowing down and approaching Shen Yin fleet. .

You guys, this is simply baffling. Seeing Lu Yi appear in front of the fleet, Emperor Taiyi shouted angrily: What did Emperor Qing ask you to do? Let you hunt down Qing Sha, Qi Sanqi and other evil demons and rebels. ...Let you go trace it... ahem, that object...

You guys are wreaking havoc and doing whatever you want in my Taiyantian territory. What do you want to do?

Lu Qian took two steps forward.

As soon as Lu Qian's body moved, countless starlights suddenly condensed around Emperor Taiyi, and a dense crisp sound of 'Chlanglang' came. The pieces were as beautiful as colorful crystals, and the thick shields in the shape of flowers overlapped one after another. They piled up around Emperor Taiyi, sealing the void around him, leaving not even a single gap for Lu Qian to pass through as he pleased.

Lu Qian's speed was really astonishing. Emperor Taiyi knew it very well. His Tao could not effectively restrain Lu Qian's speed. Instead of falling into a passive position and being beaten by Lu Qian, it would be better to be a tortoise with a shrunken head. Lu Qian had no chance to take advantage of him and could only fight head-on to improve his cultivation.

When it comes to cultivation... Tai Zhan, who has entered the realm of the Great Emperor for countless years, has condensed many Emperor Seal Dao Fruits, and has controlled the power of many Dao Dao... Is it possible that he can't use up a person who has just condensed an Emperor Seal Dao Fruit? Really Lu Qian?

Emperor Tai Zhen was determined.

He is a giant, and Lu Qian is a hateful venomous wasp. The venomous wasps use their speed to pose a terrible threat to the giant... But as long as the giant takes precautions, no matter how powerful the wasp's sting is, it will not be able to harm the giant at all, and as long as the giant hits the wasp with one blow, it will be enough to kill the giant. The wasp beat him to pieces.

Lu Qian smiled when he saw the airtight turtle formation set up by Emperor Taiyi.

What did the Emperor say? Aren't we doing this just to help Qing Emperor? Lu Qian chuckled softly: We want to trace the whereabouts of Qing Sha and others, and hunt down the rebels such as Qing Sanqi and others... We need to track down the truth of that year and find the 'hub' that is said to be related to the lifeblood of the entire world... These things can only be done by me and my eldest brother, even if we are crushed into pieces, we can't do it!

So we figured it out. We have to recruit troops. We have to have enough manpower to help us explore and hunt everywhere, right? Lu Qian smiled brightly: So, aren't we busy expanding our territory?

Emperor Taiyi was so angry that his eyes twitched: So, you are going to steal my territory?

Lu Qian looked at Emperor Tai Zhen seriously: Yes, that's right... Because before in Linghu Yunlu, Emperor, you showed great malice towards us... If you are not bad-hearted towards us, then , why should we repay you with 'kindness'?

Emperor Taiyi said quietly: But, I, she and Yinyuan...

Lu Qian curled his lips in disgust... That bad thing between White Snake and Yinyuan? He's too lazy to take care of it... Hey, no matter what happens between Yinyuan and Bai Niangzi in the future, he's too lazy to get involved, let alone take care of him...

He said simply: Speaking of the Bai family's sister-in-law, isn't that just natural? She is my sister-in-law, and she has slept with my eldest brother, so we are a family... Since we are a family, hers is Ours, what’s wrong with me leading the troops to take our things?”

Emperor Taiyi looked at Lu Qian dumbfounded.

It was so absurd that he couldn't argue with it for a while.

Didn't my true self, the White Lady, hook up with Yinyuan? Didn't they become a family? Now that Lu Qian is using this excuse as a cover, Emperor Tai Zhen actually thinks it is reasonable and has nothing to say.

There was a moment of silence.

Emperor Taiyi sighed: I'm not good at sophistry.

He raised the long sword in his hand, which was constantly flashing with colorful stars, and said in a deep voice: Come on!

The next moment, the flower shields made of countless colorful crystals around Emperor Taiyu exploded with a boom, and Lu Yi's figures appeared in all directions at the same time. There seemed to be countless Lu Yi, holding Emperor Taiyu's ax and heading towards him. Emperor Taiyi launched the wildest attack at the same time.

The four pillars of heaven flashed together, and the highest Buddha formation in the Landa Holy Land was activated with all its strength, turning the surrounding void directly into a Dharma-ending world.

In this Dharma-ending world, Lu Qian is not affected by anything.

Emperor Taiyi's ability to sense and control the great avenues of heaven and earth, and his ability to extract and use the spiritual power of heaven and earth, have all been greatly weakened... There is a big gap in cultivation between Lu Yi and him. The Hongchentian Formation controlled by Lu Yi is not yet able to Comprehensive suppression of Emperor Tai Zhen, but at least directly cut off about 50% of Emperor Tai Zhen's cultivation level.

This made Emperor Taiyi feel extremely uncomfortable. He was helpless in dealing with Lu Qian's attack. He felt as if a huge weight was being placed on his body, and he was walking in a wilderness covered with mud and being whipped by violent storms. Hit... Countless raindrops hit his head and face, causing pain all over his body, but he couldn't fight back, couldn't fight back, and couldn't find a chance to fight back.

He has already used his best magical power.

Wisps of fragrance spread out of thin air, and the fragrance was filled with all kinds of terrifying powers... paralysis, softness, stiffness, corrosion... and even dozens of deadly poisons... there were at least thirty different 'laws of the small path' filling it. In this fragrance, every little dao law has been condensed into the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit by Emperor Tai Zhen.

More than thirty laws attacked at the same time... If it were an ordinary person, with just a slight touch, he would have turned into pus and blood and died on the spot.

But Lu Qian's speed was so fast that Emperor Tai Zhen almost collapsed.

Those aromas often have no time to adhere to Lu Qian's body and have no time to exert any effect, so they are swept away by the power of the Red Dust Heaven Formation... The spread speed of the aroma, under Lu Qian's deliberate pull, is sometimes fast and sometimes slow. There are a lot of gaps for Lu Yi to take advantage of, enough for him to shuttle through easily and happily, swinging the Taihu Emperor Ax at full speed...

A heavy ax blow hit hard, and the heavy shield that hit Emperor Taihu's body shattered with a bang. The sky was filled with exploded shield fragments, like countless crystals collapsing into the void.

Not long after, Lu Qian released the Tianlong Zen Staff.

This Tianlong Zen Staff is far inferior to the Taihu Emperor's ax in terms of power, but it is heavy enough... Its body is huge, more than ten thousand times heavier than the Taihu Emperor's ax?

And the weight, driven by Lu Qian's terrifying speed, turned into a killing power that was more terrifying than any magical power or secret method!

The Tianlong Zen Staff roared loudly, dancing and falling continuously. Every blow shattered countless shiny shields, and almost fell on Emperor Taiyi several times.

Emperor Taiyi was extremely angry.

He roared, and the long sword in his hand suddenly swayed with countless gorgeous sword shadows, flying in and out of the void... just like an angry giant waving a fly swatter indiscriminately, trying to kill the crazy flying poisonous wasps. Those who try their luck will be beaten down.

The next moment, the sword light in the sky suddenly dissipated.

On the battleship behind Lu Qian, the three Qingyou girls were filled with strong sword light and sword intent, and wisps of kendo rhyme poured out of the void and continuously poured into their bodies.

The three sisters have turned into three human-shaped swords. All the sword intentions in the entire void and all the charms related to the sword are all controlled and manipulated by the three sisters...playing with them at will in the palms of their hands.

Under the strong control of the three women, the Sword Dao Fruit has not condensed. Isn't it funny that Emperor Tai Zhen, who is not a 'Sword Emperor', wants to use his sword?

The sword light he swung flashed in the air, and with a clang, it circled on the spot, and countless sword lights turned their edges and stabbed fiercely towards Emperor Taiyi himself.

Emperor Taiyi roared angrily, a large area of ​​colorful fragrance surged around him, and the terrifying power of the avenue swept across. The sword lights suddenly stagnated, collapsed, and disintegrated in the fragrance... like metal soaked in concentrated sulfuric acid. The piece is eroded by the fragrance without a trace in the blink of an eye.

The next moment, Emperor Taiyi suddenly vomited blood.

He wields a sword.

Therefore, he also has some practice in swordsmanship.

Although they failed to condense the Imperial Seal Dao Fruit of Sword Dao - the entire Supreme Taichu Heaven, after the battle that year, all the major forces tried their best, but they still failed to cultivate a Sword Emperor.

However, Emperor Tai Zhen's attainments in swordsmanship were quite extraordinary. He occupies a large share in the way of swordsmanship in this side of the world, in the avenues of heaven and earth in this dimension space... Therefore, Emperor Tai Zhen can be called one of the top players in the Supreme Taichu Heavenly Sword Dao... In simple terms Sword, he should be ranked in the top ten!

Precisely because he is also quite accomplished in the way of swordsmanship, he also occupies a large enough share in the way of swordsmanship. At this moment, the attacks he received from the avenue became more severe.

The three Qingyou girls control all the elements related to swords in this void...all causes, all effects, all laws, all forces... They mobilized the power of the sword and attacked directly from the avenue of heaven and earth, attacking the place where Emperor Taiyi placed his trust. That trace of spiritual power on the avenue of swordsmanship.

A not very appropriate analogy.

It's like a ferocious vicious dog that has been well trained by its owner. If the uncle from the neighbor's house occasionally comes to the door and throws a few chicken thighs, the vicious dog will still be willing to wag its tail at the uncle next door, and may even Let the uncle masturbate a few times on your body!

However, suddenly, his master came back and issued an order to attack.

Without saying a word, this vicious dog opened its big mouth and struck ruthlessly at the neighbor uncle with whom he had a close relationship just now...

With a 'Ouch', the ray of soul that Emperor Tai Zhen placed on the sword was annihilated, and the infinite sword rhyme fell from the void, following the causal connection and aura between his sharp sword and him, and slammed into it. his body.

Even Lu Qian's speed could not cause such a direct blow to Emperor Tai Zhen.

The infinite sword intent passed directly through Emperor Tai Zhen's soul, severely injuring him...

Emperor Taiyi vomited blood, then turned into a ray of colorful starlight and turned away...

However, the speed with which he escaped... was truly touching. Lu Qian shouted softly, and activated the Avenue of Speed. Emperor Taiyi's speed of escaping into the distance, with the blessing of his dozens of avenues of power, was actually only more than twice as fast as a thousand-mile horse running with all its strength...

In the secular world, this is an astonishing speed.

It actually ran twice as fast as a thousand-mile horse!

But in the world of cultivation...this speed is simply a shame...completely fatal!

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