Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 1012 Unnatural Disaster (3)

There are still loyal ministers in heaven.

Just a little bit stupid.

Due to the coincidence of Lord Dafang, other forces, and various secret agents, all kinds of people in Heaven intercepted all communication documents and early warning signals from Wangchuan.

However, those ministers and guards who guard Wangchuan always have wives, children, children, and relatives.

They always leave various means of early warning in their family.

When their relatives find out that their relative who is sitting in Wangchuan has died, they will naturally start to inquire about what happened... When more and more people inquire, it spreads like wildfire starting a prairie fire, and the matter cannot be concealed. There were important ministers of the Heavenly Court who eagerly searched for Tianzhou and found the small city that had been wiped off the map by Emperor Taichu's instructions. They also found Emperor Taichu who was enjoying a family outing in the countryside outside the city.

Emperor Taichu had a dark face and returned to heaven without saying a word.

He was not angry that the guards guarding Wangchuan were slaughtered.

He was not angry that Wangchuan's warning was concealed by the traitor.

He was not angry that after a bloody and thorough purge, there were actually spies and eyes from other forces in Heaven.

As a superior, he knew very well that no matter how hard he tried, he would not be able to create a monolithic heaven. All the rules and precepts of Heaven are aimed at outsiders and all living beings ruled by Heaven. As for the civil servants and generals who are already inside the heaven, they are inside the rules. They have countless ways to avoid the constraints of the rules and do whatever they want.

People's hearts are changeable and people's hearts are not unified. Therefore, there must be hidden stakes for other forces to ambush inside the Heavenly Court.

All this doesn't matter.

Emperor Taichu was very sure that as long as he had enough strength to crush the power of everyone in the heaven, then the heaven would always be his heaven, and it would be impossible for the power to fall to others, and there would be no possibility of the collapse of the national destiny in the world of mortals. matter.

This time, what made him annoyed, angry, and almost crazy. The reason why he wanted to start another bloody purge was that he had tried his best to conceal the small home he had settled on Tianzhou Continent. In Heaven, only one Heavenly Book Master knows about the existence of this little family...

Under such circumstances, the early warning message from Heaven was actually sent by a few loyal courtiers to Emperor Taichu who was on a youth trip in the countryside and enjoying his family with his wives, concubines, and children!


These ‘loyal ministers’ have passed!

They broke through the boundaries between monarch and ministers, and they directly broke into the untouchable 'bottom line of the core security circle' that Emperor Taichu had created for himself.

Therefore, when the dark-faced Emperor Taichu returned to the gate of Heaven, he had already made his decision.

Those few loyal ministers who reported the news should be executed, and all nine tribes would be implicated... Their neighbors should be let off for the time being, after all, the matter has nothing to do with them.

Well, let’s kill these guys first, then implicate the nine clans and then talk about other things. As for the imperial guards guarding Wangchuan, who were all wiped out, and the warning letter was concealed, Emperor Taichu planned to stay behind and take care of these trivial matters.

Therefore, as soon as Emperor Taichu returned to Heaven, he acted with lightning speed and personally killed the few loyal ministers who ran to report the news. He randomly found a crime and asked the Heaven Patrolling Forbidden God Guard to implicate them among the nine tribes. , the whole family was wiped out.

There is a saying that Emperor Taichu recognized their loyalty and ability - they found those hidden small towns and the warm little family that Emperor Taichu worked hard to build for himself... Tsk tsk, this ability is amazing. , It’s really amazing, even much more powerful than the Sky Patrol Forbidden God Guard who specializes in detecting privacy and monitoring the world.

Emperor Taichu just couldn't understand. They had this ability and their thoughts. What could they do wrong? He actually came to find fault with his own family... Haha, he deserves to be punished by the Nine Clan!

Killing a few unlucky guys who have been blinded by lard is just an ordinary and trivial matter, and it doesn't take much effort.

Heaven, this huge machine of violence, is operating at full speed again.

The gate of Taichu Yuanting opened again, and countless elites with strength above the Great Heavenly Lord swarmed out, forming a powerful and brave legion. In the territory directly under the jurisdiction of Heavenly Court, every guard office was operating at full capacity, and mountains of imperial money were distributed to the people. The avenues of heaven and earth were mobilized, and the strong Taoist rhyme and inspiration were mixed in the starlight, like a thick tide, spreading to each star. Stars, a floating continent.

So, overnight, on the territory of Heaven, among the common people, there were trillions of people who successfully opened acupuncture points overnight. There were even those with extraordinary talents who, with the help of the imperial money handed down, opened five or six acupuncture points overnight. 1, 7 or 8 points, and even more acupoints, suddenly became a 'Heaven Elite Soldier' ​​level existence.

There are also millions of lucky people who have been favored by a ray of profound truth in the starlight, which directly activates the blood in the body and awakens the innate magical powers of the 'Celestial Clan'. Their brows and eyes slowly open, and they 'enlighten the spirit'. success. And once these lucky people complete their spiritual enlightenment, with the help of the cultivation environment created by Heaven, which can be called a paradise of caves, they will have at least a hundred orifices opened overnight.

These are millions of heavenly captains and even heavenly school-level elites who are enough to serve as officers at the middle and lower levels.

Thanks to the efforts of the local government offices, these lucky people who succeeded in opening acupoints and spiritual enlightenment were all boarded in the huge fleet assembled by the local government offices in just three days. With the help of star gates, they headed straight for Wangchuan River. Go in the direction.

Those standard ships of Heaven have vast internal spaces and are commanded by senior soldiers of Heaven. These new signs of heavenly soldiers and generals are enough to familiarize themselves with the operation of the most commonly used battle formations in Heaven and familiarize themselves with the armor and weapons distributed during the journey.

These 'lucky ones', or 'unlucky ones', who were ordinary mortals looking for food in the mud a few days ago, turned into heavenly soldiers and generals from high above, overlooking the ants overnight... Of course, they still didn't If qualified heavenly soldiers and generals are put into the battlefield in their current condition, if they encounter any powerful enemy, their casualties will be very heavy!

But Heaven never cares about the casualties of these grassroots soldiers.

Out of about a thousand recruits, 999 died, and the remaining one was a truly elite soldier.

As for the battle damage rate of 999 per thousand... what does this mean to the huge Heavenly Court, which nominally rules the entire Supreme Taichu Heaven, has boundless territory, and countless people?

My husband is a big shot and wants to do big things. We just need to support him silently. We women don't understand other things, so don't talk nonsense. So as not to disturb your husband's mind and miss his affairs. .”

When the Heavenly Court was frantically mobilizing troops and generals, in a small city on Tianzhou Continent, in a quiet, warm and pleasant courtyard, several wives and concubines of Emperor Taichu were gathering together, discussing in low voices what happened that day. .

They remembered very clearly that they and their husband, who was as gentle as jade, gentle and elegant, and whom everyone in the city liked, took their children out for a spring outing in the city. They were admiring the gorgeous and charming mountain flowers in the valley. Suddenly, several people appeared. A majestic man wearing a starlight robe and a gorgeous high crown, with divine light lingering all over his body, like a little sun, suddenly appeared in front of his family.

The aura on each of those men was thousands of times more powerful than that of the city lord of the small town where they lived.

The majesty and majesty on their bodies can be called divine majesty. They have never seen such majestic, so terrifying, such aloof and inviolable terrifying existences like gods...

And when these men, who were like gods, saw their own man, the father of their children, their knees softened and they knelt down on the ground, saying 'death penalty' over and over again...

Several women were stunned, not knowing what their husbands were whispering to them.

In short, the husband took the people away... His concierge, his sisters and a group of children returned to this quiet and peaceful courtyard. Women's nature is always like this... In the past two days, they always gathered together, whispering about what kind of person their husbands were and what happened to them.

They were worried, they were curious, and it was as if there were a hundred kittens making trouble in their hearts, with countless little claws scratching their hearts.

Tell me, who is my husband? A round, gentle and pleasant woman whispered softly: I don't know if I will encounter any risks when I go out this time, hey!

At this moment, under the protection of Emperor Taichu, several women who had lived a carefree and carefree life in the past years, had never experienced any big winds and waves, and whose minds were as peaceful as a spring river without waves, could not help but feel a wave of emotion in their hearts. The ripples gave rise to a bit of fear, worry, suspicion, and even inexplicable joy and joy.

The seven emotions sprout and the six desires stir.

In the dark, some mysterious and mysterious lines of cause and effect quietly entangled themselves following the sudden explosion of emotions and desires. This line of cause and effect originally had nothing to do with these kind and gentle women, but these lines of cause and effect were as thick as a dark cloud on Emperor Taichu... They were close to Emperor Taichu, and these lines of cause and effect naturally became entangled with them. .

If there is no triggering, everything is fine.

If someone urges it, anything is possible.

A 'pop' sound.

On the tables beside several women, a small lantern exploded on the wick of an oil lamp.

A breeze blew, and the old concierge transformed into a clone of Lord Tianshu was like a ghost. He quietly opened the door and broke in. He stared at the lamp that suddenly exploded with a solemn expression. Lanterns decorated with flowers.

This small courtyard was the haven where Emperor Taichu sought spiritual solace.

These women are the true lovers that Emperor Taichu is preparing to correct.

Therefore, their daily food and clothing expenses, at first glance, are no different from the daily necessities used by their neighbors. In fact, every piece of their clothes, every pair of shoes, and even pots and pans are used at night. The lamps, candles and other objects are all rare treasures in the world.

Therefore, how could it be that the quality of the lamp they used was not uniform enough and the lamp oil was mixed with impurities, causing a small ball of lamp flowers to explode? This is completely impossible to happen, so there is something wrong here.

Emperor Taichu left angrily, and the original form of Lord Tianshu was naturally with him, but he left a main clone who also had emperor-level combat power to sit here, just because he was afraid that someone would catch any clues or smell the slightest sound. , quietly came up and killed these women!

Let’s not talk about others, let’s just say that in the harem of Emperor Taichu, there are a few women who have given birth to the emperor’s son and have a high status. They are always jealous, make trouble for nothing, and cause countless troubles... If they know that Emperor Taichu is outside , have raised several 'truly beloved' women... Will they kill these women at all costs?

Mr. Tianshu was extremely cautious, his eyebrows were raised and his eyes were wide open. His faint divine light flickered and he quickly scanned the elegantly furnished small room.

Several women were startled by Master Tianshu's actions. They closed their mouths tightly and looked at Master Tianshu with fear, fearing that if they accidentally said something, they would affect Mr. Tianshu.

It can be seen from this that it is no wonder that Emperor Taichu loved these women.

If it were those people in the harem of the Heavenly Court, if Lord Tianshu had shown such a posture and done such a thing in front of them, he would have been ridiculed with cynicism, or even yelled at harshly.

Laojun Tianshu used his magical power silently. He looked at it with his eyebrows raised, but there was no abnormal movement in all directions.

He was silent for a while, then a clear crystal glass lamp slowly flew out, and a clear and faint Buddha's light lit up on the wick. The bright light illuminated all directions, even through the walls of the house, illuminating the entire courtyard. , lighting up the small mansion of Emperor Taichu here.

This is a Buddhist secret treasure.

It is also an important protection weapon left by a certain Buddha in the Landa Holy Land.

That Buddha has little fighting power. Among the many powerful powers in the Landa Holy Land, this Buddha's combat power can be ignored, but his wisdom and his ability to subjugate demons are ranked first in Landa!

This oil lamp is called ‘Qing Ning’.

It means the sky and the earth are pure and peaceful, and the sea and the river are clear. When a Buddhist lamp is sacrificed, all external demons and evil spirits will have no place to hide... Mr. Tianshu also likes this Buddhist lamp to be clear, flawless, and simple. It had a clumsy shape. After conquering the Landa Holy Land, he kept this Buddhist lamp as his only trophy.

On weekdays, this Buddhist lamp is in the hands of Laojun Tianshu, just as a lamp for illumination when reading at night - under the light of the Qingning Buddhist lamp, the mind is clear, the soul is clear, and the memory and understanding increase thousands of times out of thin air. , things like photographic memory and memorizing things backwards and forwards are just the most common operations.

Today, I suddenly felt a palpitation in my heart and noticed something strange. The Master of Heavenly Book did not dare to neglect me. He could not believe in the celestial vision of his avatar, so he directly sacrificed this Buddhist treasure, which is said to 'illuminate the whole sky and detect evil spirits'. .

Where the clear light shines, on the lamp that is a tribute-grade lamp used by the Heavenly Emperor, with a wick made of forty-nine kinds of rare treasure materials, a black hairspring that is so thin that even the Lord of the Book of Heaven can barely detect it shines. flashed, and then disappeared silently.

Extremely subtle, extremely weak, almost undetectable.

Mr. Tianshu couldn't feel any fluctuations in the power from the gossamer, but his heart still sank - after all, he was found by those loyal courtiers of heaven. It's no wonder that some people followed the smell. Touched it.

The mistresses here are probably being targeted.

I just don’t know if the people who are eyeing them are the stupid women who have the most respected status in the harem of the emperor today, or their stupid sons and daughters who are arrogant, domineering and arrogant, or whether they are the ones who pretend to be powerful and bully. Those stupid relatives?

No matter who it is, in short, someone has come to find him.

Mr. Tianshu frowned, and immediately crushed the jade talisman used to communicate with his own deity, and sent an early warning to his own deity and Emperor Taichu. Then he saluted several women who held their breath and closed their mouths tightly. : Mothers, please bring the young masters with you. Let's change the courtyard temporarily.

In the sleeve of Laojun Tianshu, a token vibrated slightly.

In the outer space of Tianzhou Continent, a huge Heavenly Fleet that has been stationed here all year round but has never had any actual missions suddenly moved. Thirty-six thousand thousands of miles of giant ships, any one of which can serve as the flagship of the Tianting standard fleet, slowly started, like a group of giant whales looking for food, heading towards the Tianzhou continent.

In this fleet secretly set up by Emperor Taichu, even the handymen responsible for daily cleaning are all heavenly generals.

The people in charge of this fleet are from Taichu Yuan Ting. They are three Emperor Sons with emperor-level combat power prepared with the essence and blood of Taichu Emperor through the secret method of Qing Emperor... However, during the preparation process, some small things happened. A small problem, these three 'Emperor's Sons' are extremely powerful and terrifying in battle, but their IQs are like well-trained hounds. They don't have too complicated emotions or too many thoughts. They only know how to 'bow down and obey orders'.

The entire fleet, up and down, all the officers and men, are in this situation.

They didn't have much wisdom, but they obeyed orders absolutely... After receiving the signal from the avatar of Lord Tianshu, they immediately raised the flag of Taichu Emperor's Guards, swooped down from the sky, and headed straight for the small courtyard.

The Heavenly Book Laojun was counting silently in his heart.

That fleet only needed half a quarter of an hour to reach a height of a hundred feet above this small courtyard from the void that was trillions of miles away from the Tianzhou Continent. The three fierce 'Emperor's Sons' who are not afraid of death and only know how to fight, cooperate with themselves as a 'think tank' and 'brain' level figure, and then cooperate with tens of thousands of elites at the level of heavenly kings and Mahatma Lords. Billions of heavenly kings, brave men of star king level...

Unless the elites directly under the jurisdiction of the two great emperors, Taihu and Taiyi, attack with all their strength, the safety of these mistresses and young masters will not be protected.

Tianshu Laojun's expression softened slightly.

And next door to this small courtyard, a miserable howl rose to the sky: What are you doing? Why are you here? We, we, are just a skin and flesh trade for money... What do you mean by an oath of love? What do you mean by life and death? It's simply How unreasonable!”

Just now, the flowers on the lamp exploded, and Lord Tianshu sensed something was wrong and immediately rushed in.

The emperor-level suppression of Tao Yun in Tianshu Laojun made some people feel the seven emotions and six desires of several women, and felt the obscure causal lines involved in them, and the strangeness suddenly broke out from somewhere, from some unfathomable dimension. Strength, quietly exited this room, exited this courtyard, this mansion.

But the lanterns that burst out just now were like a dazzling lighthouse coordinates, pointing out the target to countless similar people wandering very far away.

It's like a scouting ant releases pheromones to its relatives - there is sweet food here, brothers, come quickly!

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