Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 1016 The Source of Time

What is the time?

Lu Qian considered himself a layman, and he was too lazy to pursue matters that only philosophers should consider.

He is sitting in Haojing Continent, and he has used the magical power of speed to put all developments in Haojing Continent into the fast lane... And 'fast', extremely fast 'speed', naturally triggers changes in 'efficiency', and 'Efficiency' is naturally inseparable from 'time'.

Pass the ‘Avenue of Speed’ and go straight to the ‘Avenue of Time’.

Speed ​​is the ladder to the sky, and time is the day.

Lu Qian was sitting cross-legged in the sky above the Haojing Continent. The lights and shadows around him were flickering, and the 'speed' of everything around him was increasing and increasing. As his cultivation level increased rapidly, and as his mastery of the Avenue of Speed ​​continued to expand, everything around him moved faster and faster, and the Avenue of Time became clearer and clearer.

Moreover, the Taichu Mixed Bead shone brightly in his mind, and wisps of faint light shone on the golden Buddha derived from his soul. As a result, the Avenue of Speed ​​became more and more clearly discernible... The 'Avenue of Time' emerged from a secret hidden deep in the boudoir. Miss Qianjin gradually became fiery and passionate. She took the initiative to lift her door curtain, lifted her clothes, and exposed her fresh and white body in front of Lu Qian.

So... Lu Qian saw a turbid river.

The vast river runs through the heaven and the earth... In that great river, countless illusions rise and fall, containing all things, containing the heaven and the earth... The aura of the great river is mysterious and unpredictable, and ordinary creatures, even ordinary emperors, cannot touch or perceive it, let alone It is impossible to cause any obstruction or impact on the river.

Only Lu Qian had already touched the Avenue of Time when he was in the lower realm.

When he reached the Supreme Beginning Heaven, he also made some progress on the Great Path of Time. Coupled with the influence of the Condensed Speed ​​Dao Fruit, he finally saw the river clearly when the speed of the heaven, earth and universe around him soared to a certain extreme.

To tell a joke - 'If you run fast enough, you can catch up with the passing time'!

This is a bit nonsense, but in Lu Qian's case, when his speed fruit reaches its peak, when his speed fruit increases to a certain enough intensity, his soul has indeed reached sublimation due to the soaring speed. His soul 'flew into the sky', like a 'frightened little carp', jumping out of the river of time, and with a cursory glance, he saw the 'true face' of time!

A big river, countless creatures, and countless worlds are all uncertain in that time, and life and death are illusory.

To a certain extent, the Avenue of Time is more mysterious, deeper, more elusive, and possesses more unpredictable power than the Avenue of Space. There is always a limit to the tolerance of space. For example, how much emptiness can the Supreme Beginning Heaven contain?

But no matter how vast the Supreme Taichu Heaven is, the spatial scale of this heaven and earth has its limits.

At the moment when Lu Qian's soul jumped out of the long river of time and had a rough glimpse of the true face of the long river, there were countless worlds, large and small, coexisting and standing side by side with the supreme Taichu Heaven in countless spatial dimensions.

Some heavens and earth, some worlds, are more powerful and more sublime than the energy levels and spatial dimensions of the Supreme Beginning Heaven... Some worlds, in terms of spatial scale, are a hundred times, ten thousand times, trillions of times that of the Supreme Beginning Heaven... ...There are also worlds that are suddenly disillusioned just after they are born...

And time.

At the same time, there are countless spaces running in parallel on this worldly scale.

Lu Qian's soul entered a state of confusion. He jumped out of the water of the river of time and boldly took a deep look at his 'here and now' time scale.

Suddenly, at this moment, even on a time scale that is trillions of times shorter than an instant, countless worlds, countless spaces, countless large and small worlds contain information, and immeasurable torrent of data roars in, fiercely. It hit Lu Qian’s soul!

Time is so dangerous.

Every tiniest time scale contains countless parallel data from billions of worlds in the universe. Immeasurable information surges and oscillates in the same tiniest time scale, emitting data oscillations that ordinary living beings cannot imagine... This is comparable to the most terrifying 'Soul Attack Super Power' in the world. If an ordinary person touches it even slightly, his soul will be disintegrated by the endless data and information, and his head will be directly exploded.

Lu Qian was so frightened that he was out of his wits.

He felt that countless data and information were pouring into his soul following his careless 'deep glance'... On the time scale, there is no concept of 'sight', and there is no theory. , 'You just saw what happened within a certain range on this time scale'.

Any great power that jumps out of the long river of time. When you peek at a certain time scale, all the information on this worldly scale, all worlds, all universes, all spaces, all dimensions, all living things, their Every move, word, and deed, and the countless causes and effects caused by all behaviors will collapse toward you without reservation and squeeze into your soul!

Because what you ‘see’ is ‘this time scale’!

Sweating violently, Lu Yi was in a hurry, trying with all his strength to take back his gaze that peered into the long river of time... But no matter how fast he ran, no matter how fast he gathered the speed, at this moment, he was too late...

Seeing that Lu Qian's soul was about to be annihilated by the torrent of data accumulated over countless time in countless voids and universes in all the heavens and worlds at this moment, there was a roar and the Landa Buddha fruit burst out with brilliant Buddha light, turning into An invisible barrier cuts off the surging and collapsing data frenzy.

A mouthful of old blood rushed out of Lu Qian's throat. He groaned and swallowed the blood that poured into his mouth.

Landa Buddha protected Lu Yi's soul and isolated the surging information of cause and effect. Lu Yi almost instinctively mastered the magical power of how to correctly peer into the long river of time. He carefully restrained his soul, restrained his Qi, and restrained his own power. All cause and effect...

The Taichu Hun Tong Pearl tried its best to emit a dim light, covering everything about Lu Qian and eliminating many of his causal connections.

Just like a person, if he stares directly at the sun with his eyes wide open, he will definitely be blinded by the sun... But when he closes his eyes with all his strength, only a very small gap is left, and he can peek out of the corner of his eye. The edge of the sun... and a pair of eyes with thick sunglasses in front of them, so no matter how fierce the sun is, it won't cause too much harm.

Lu Qian took a breath.

He cautiously glanced at the river of time at 'this moment'.

Extremely carefully, he glanced at the river of time with the corner of his eye that was narrowed to a thin slit... He saw the blood surging in the sky, the evil energy rising from the sky, and he saw outside the north gate of the heaven. The torrent of starlight in the sky raged wildly, destroying countless palaces and pavilions in heaven.

He saw Bi Xingxiang wearing a full set of heavy armor, holding two heavy maces, making crazy whirlpools of starlight, like a hell-killing god breaking into the human world, rushing into the army formation composed of countless heavenly soldiers, and wielding heavy maces. With just one blow, a phalanx of tens or hundreds of heavenly soldiers and generals consisting of tens of thousands of people could be wiped out in ashes!

Behind Bi Xingxiang, hundreds of his guards were shouting and roaring. Together with tens of thousands of heavy-armored generals, they commanded an uncountable number of guards guarding the North Gate. Along with the four-phase star formation outside the North Gate of Heaven, Rolling up immeasurable starlight, followed closely by the stars, and rushed into the heaven.

At the east gate of the heaven, the starlight vibrated, and 120 million stars rose into the sky, turning into a three-headed evil dragon with two wings on its back, and sprayed countless thunderbolts towards the direction of the north gate star field.

At the west gate of the heaven, the stars are surging, and the same 120 million stars are shaking the colorful stars. A double-headed, nine-tailed, and countless sharp sword pills are wrapped around the body. The holy beast shaped like a white tiger rises to the sky and roars, spraying continuously. There were streaks of sword light and sword light, pointing straight to the north.

The south gate of the heaven... The phantom of the sacred beast shaped like a red bird in the huge star formation is also ready to go.

But outside the south gate of the Heavenly Court, countless alien descendants of the Qing Emperor were densely packed into a big hollow meat ball, guarding Bai Yu, Linghu Juan and Yinyuan's sons... These aliens looked at them from afar with indifferent expressions. They did not move due to the commotion in the north, and the Suzaku shadow in this star array did not react as violently as the star arrays outside the east and west gates.

Lu Qian has a feeling that most of the power of this star array outside the south gate is used to guard against the intuition of these alien races!

However, the two guards guarding the east gate and west gate did not take action.

They just watched helplessly, watching Bi Xingxiang leading countless elites to fight in and out of the northern region of the heaven, killing corpses and bleeding... cough, cough, being strangled by Bi Xingxiang using the power of the star formation. There will not even be any remnants of the people left, there will be no corpses lying in the fields, there will be no rivers of blood, and wherever the astrological army passed by, there will be nothing but completely flattened cloud platforms. , not even a complete piece of broken tiles was left.

Lu Qian took a slight breath.

Heaven, is this a rebellion?

He subconsciously took a look at Bi Xingxiang, quietly turned the road of time, followed Bi Xingxiang's life path, backtracked, and looked back at what happened to Bi Xingxiang just now.

Lu Qian's eyes traveled upstream from this moment in the long river of time, trying to trace what happened before.

Afterwards, Lu Qian was stunned.

The huge river of time is vast and boundless.

On this long river of time, there are countless universes, countless heavens and earth, countless worlds, and countless creatures coexisting at the same point in time.

Under the protection of the magical secret method taught by Landa Buddha, Lu Qian's eyes ignored the countless majestic data, offset the impact of the terrifying and endless torrent of information, and followed the river towards the long river of time. The source looked over.

Lu Qian's 'eyes' went beyond the stars.

Compared with this endless river of time, Bi Xingxiang is just an insignificant little person. He is just a tadpole that occasionally makes small ripples in the endless river... He is not even a strong enough giant. fish!

Lu Qian received the double protection of the Landa Buddha Fruit and Taichu Mixed Bead, which allowed Lu Qian to isolate himself from the endless flow of information. It also allowed Lu Qian to avoid some powerful and terrifying things that were suspended in time wantonly and indulgently. Over the long river, the attention of the terrifying creatures are eyeing and plotting evil.

Lu Qian did not attract the attention of those creatures.

Lu Qian also squinted his eyes and was unable to see clearly the figures of those terrifying entities.

Lu Qian only judged through the appearance of huge ripples and terrifying waves on the long river of time that there were some extremely terrifying creatures in those places.

Those creatures may have died.

But some of the traces they left on the long river of time are like stubborn rocks, still affecting the flow of the river... Occasionally, the river water hits these rocks, and there will be something that even Lu Qian in this state cannot ignore. vision occurs.

Compared with these existences, the traces left by the stars on this endless river are not worth mentioning at all.

Even Lu Qian quickly ignored Bi Xingxiang. He was too lazy to check what happened before Bi Xingxiang. His 'eyes' went straight to the far, far away place of the river...

Lu Qian vaguely saw the true face of the river of time.

Not the whole picture, but an insignificant part.

The endless river of time... At the moment when the Supreme Taichu Heaven was opened, a raging branch opened up from the long river of time... This branch is the time of the Supreme Taichu Heaven.

A small branch is insignificant compared to the entire 'time'. It is mixed in the long river of time, integrated, but distinct. Countless such tributaries are entangled together, like a mess, intertwining with each other, merging with each other, deriving from each other, and stimulating each other. In many places, time and space have undergone strange distortions, and horrific changes have occurred that Lu Qian cannot understand at all.

But luckily, this branch of the Supreme Taichu Heaven is still clear and distinct.

Lu Qian saw that somewhere in the endless river of time, in the place where the branch of the Supreme Taichu Heaven was born, at the source of time in the Supreme Taichu Heaven, half of a pale white lotus was suspended quietly. , half sunk in the turbid river of time.

That white lotus occupies the source of time in the supreme Taichu Heaven, like an iron gate, resisting the impact of other time tributaries... Lu Qian can see clearly, in the short time of his breath, that time is long, at least in the river There are 30 million time tributaries wrapped in countless illusions and countless shadows, attacking this white lotus crazily.

And this white lotus has firmly guarded the source of time in the supreme Taichu Heaven. Despite the impact of countless time tributaries, it has not allowed any time tributary or the power of a certain heaven and earth wrapped in any time tributary to invade the supreme. Taichu Tian.

Moreover, on the dim lotus petals, half alive and half withered, there are continuous wisps of dim white Buddha light and white Buddhist rhyme, like sugar cubes melted in hot water, slowly released, little by little. Submerged in this supreme time tributary of the Beginning Heaven.

This tributary of time contains all the past of the Supreme Beginning Heaven.

As a result, these Buddha's light and Buddhist rhymes that are constantly leaking out are gradually integrated into the great ways of heaven and earth in the Supreme Taichu Heaven. No matter what the great ways and laws of the Supreme Taichu Heaven are, they are all at the core of the avenues. A pale white lotus Buddha seal.

Lu Qian suddenly realized.

He seemed to understand something.

Is this the historical truth of the Supreme Taichu Heaven?

A certain Buddhist great man opened up this world with his supreme power, and even forcibly imprinted his own way, his own Dharma, and his own Buddhist essence on the Supreme Beginning with his terrifying magical power and incredible power. On all the great laws of heaven. The entire world is stamped with the brand of Buddhism. This is a ‘private land’ belonging to Buddhism!

When Lu Qian saw the white lotus, a name suddenly appeared in his heart.

‘Maitreya Heaven’!

Supreme Taichu Heaven, this is the 'original name' of this side of the world, and it is also the title given to this side of the world by Taichu, Taihu, Taizhen and other great emperors and powerful men... However, this side of the world was defeated by the great power of Buddhism. When entering the brand, its name is 'Maitreya Heaven'.



Lu Qian subconsciously opened and closed his lips and read out the title.

As a result, his soul also spoke along with his physical body, and softly recited this honorary title.

Circles of strange ripples emanated from the core of Lu Qian's soul hanging high on the river of time, as if a small stone had smashed into this endless river of chaos, stirring up an unnoticeable ripple.

The white lotus entrenched in the supreme beginning of the universe seems to have sensed Lu Qian’s call at this moment, this moment, this life, and this life. The petals of the half-living, half-withered white lotus quietly bloomed, revealing He walked up to a lotus platform in the middle, and saw sitting cross-legged on the lotus platform, a fat Buddha with a fat head, big ears, a smiling face, and a round and kind air.

There is a huge transparent hole in the Buddha's chest, and the white-gold Buddha's blood keeps dripping out of the hole, one drop, one drop, one drop. The Buddha's blood drops on the white lotus, and is quietly absorbed by the lotus, maintaining the The last bit of life of that white lotus.

When Lu Qian opened his mouth to recite the title of 'Maitreya', the huge Buddha, who had clearly been dead for who knows how many years, suddenly showed an extremely brilliant smile on his lifeless cheeks. His closed eyes opened, and after countless years, Years, across the long river of time, I took a deep look at Lu Qian.

Old monk, Maitreya! The fat Buddha seemed to have clearly seen Lu Qian's roots and origins. He stretched out his right hand and lightly pointed his finger towards Lu Qian across endless years.

‘Tsk’, that finger touched Lu Qian’s eyebrow across time.

A small white lotus mark bloomed in the middle of Lu Qian's eyebrows, and the entire Landa Buddha fruit quietly dissolved under this finger, completely integrating with Lu Qian.

Mi...le! Lu Qian felt as if the hairs on his body were standing on end, and cold sweat was pouring out like a fountain.

He subconsciously withdrew his gaze and turned to the middle of the long river of time in the Supreme Beginning Heaven.

Here, he saw countless shackles emerging out of thin air.

One by one, with an iron-blood color and densely covered with barbs, they were like chains crisscrossing the long river of time, turning into a huge dam, tightly blocking the entire long river.

Wisps of white Buddhist light and white Buddhist rhyme continue to flow down from the source of the long river of time, and continue to flow towards the present, current world, and the world of heaven and earth where Lu Qian lives at this moment... But those countless shackles It has penetrated all the avenues and imprisoned all the laws. It has also turned into a gate, struggling to resist the 'erosion' of the wisps of Buddha's light and Buddhist rhyme at the source.

However, it is obvious that there are many gaps in the dam formed by these shackles that are shining with colorful Buddha light.

There is a trace amount of white Buddha light and Buddhist rhyme. Through the gaps of these Buddha lights struggling in the shackles, it is moistened little by little. Along the turbulent long river of time, it has been firmly influencing today's countless people. Go to Taichu Heaven.

Lu Qian suddenly realized.

Such a vision reminded him of some of the current situations in Supreme Taichu Heaven.

That 'Maitreya', with his supreme Buddhist magical power, forcibly broke open the heaven and earth before the Supreme Taichu Heaven could mature and open up on its own, and even used its own magical power to forcibly transform the Supreme Taichu Heaven. Heaven has turned the whole world into a Buddhist paradise!

Then came the establishment of heaven.

Taichu, Taihu, Taizhen and other great emperors joined forces to destroy the Landa Holy Land and destroy the Buddhist heritage in this world. They also formulated heavenly rules and precepts and refined the shackles of Tao with the intention of completely destroying Buddhism in this world. imprint.

But the Lord Maitreya at the source has supreme power. His imprint has passed through the long river of time and is still affecting the Supreme Taichu Heaven today.

Of course, there are also Buddhist disciples like Qing Sha, Qu Sanqi, and Ming Jiudan. They are diligent and unyielding, poaching corners in the heaven and earth shackles system... It is they who make that heavenly dam A series of cracks appeared in it, allowing the inheritance of Buddhism to be passed on tenaciously to this day!

Lu Qian had a clear understanding in his heart.

And the moment he realized all this, Landa Buddha completely merged with his soul and flesh and blood. Under the catalysis of Lord Maitreya's finger across the infinite river of time, with Lu Qian's own cultivation, it took him who knows how many years of hard work to completely refine the Landa Buddha fruit, which has been easily achieved by Lu Qian. Used.

The power of the soul soared, easily absorbing the infinite secrets recorded in Landa Buddha.

Lu Qian looked up to the sky and breathed out gently.

When this breath was exhaled, it turned into a white and shocking rainbow, rising straight up on the long river of time, and then exploding like a firework in an extremely high, extremely high indescribable dimension.

A tiny white lotus bloomed tremblingly on top of Lu Qian's head.

It has the same appearance, color, and aura as the white lotus entrenched at the source of time in the Supreme Beginning Heaven... except that the size is only one trillionth of that white lotus, all other details are exactly the same.

A white lotus, with the help of Lu Qian's hand, spans endless years, and quietly blooms in the supreme Taichu Heaven in this world where heaven controls everything.

It's mysterious and wonderful.

Lu Qian had no idea what was going on... He only knew that he could no longer feel the constraints and imprisonment of the shackles of heaven and earth on him. His perception and control of time were soaring, and his attainments in speed and avenue were increasing. Soaring...

He opened his eyes slightly.

He has actually been able to withstand the erosion of the endless information torrent on the long river of time, and no longer has to worry about his soul being directly annihilated by the information torrent.

So, he widened his eyes and looked straight at Bi Xingxiang.

He pushed back the clock and saw clearly everything that had happened in the past three months starting from 'this moment' in Bi Xingxiang!

Lu Qian had a thorough look at everything that happened in the past three months to the mighty emperor who was ranked among the top five in heaven. There was no secret or obstruction at all.

What a scumbag bastard!

My Buddha... is truly compassionate!

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