Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 98 Red Lotus, Gray Horse, Assassin

Jiuyin Cult branch altar.

In the secret room, the gray cocoon of air circulated rapidly, making a thin 'chichi' sound.

There was a sound of cracking silk, and a gray-white arm stretched out from the cocoon, splitting from left to right, tearing the thick cocoon into pieces.

Corpse Wuyou walked out of the cocoon.

A huge crystal mirror was placed aside, and he looked at himself in the mirror quietly with a smile.

His body shape has not changed at all, it is still the result of his hard training since childhood. That body is perfect in every detail, and there is no flaw in it.

Only his skin turned into a weird off-white color, which was an extremely porcelain-like white with a hint of gloomy and evil gray mixed in. From the forehead to the soles of the feet, it was such a lifeless and disturbing gray-white color.

The activities of the internal organs have slowed down more than a hundred times.

A cold and huge aura filled his organs. Xi Wuyou could clearly feel his own power and his extremely long life span.

Inhuman body.

The body of a real ghost.

Xi Wuyou clenched his fists tightly and exerted all his muscles. A gray flame about a foot long erupted from his fists.

He waved his right hand, and the gray flame turned into a fist mark and flew forward silently.


The huge stone wall in front was made of molten iron, and a pit the size of a water tank was corroded by the fist marks. A faint wisp of smoke erupted from the pit, and the stones in the pit completely disappeared and were annihilated.

This kind of power is much more powerful than the profound and mysterious martial arts in the secret martial arts scriptures of the Jiuyin Sect.

Bao Yan Yun Xing Dan... Hey... the spiritual power of heaven and earth collapsed... the path to immortality was cut off! Xi Wuyou recalled what the 'Ghost Mother' said to him: My true ghost body relies on Bao Yan Yun. It is transformed from a ray of inspiration hidden in the Xing Dan.

But this world is not suitable for cultivation after all. If you want to live forever, you have to fall on her.

If there are more treasure pills, more rare treasure pills, I...the road can be expected.

Shi Wuyou put on his clothes, took out the elixir bottle given by the 'Ghost Mother', and said quietly: There are eight more pills left. Do you want to choose this person...

The mechanism in the secret room was clicked, and the 'ding-ding' bell came in.

Xi Wuyou raised his head, slapped the machine on the wall with his palm, and said in a manly voice, Is it Yu'er? Come in!

The thick stone door opened, and Duan Fangyu came in and bowed to Xi Wuyou. Feeling the rich yin energy exuding from Xi Wuyou's body, Duan Fangyu said in surprise: Congratulations, Master, congratulations to Master, Master's ghost body Dacheng, from now on, among our Four Holy Alliances, we should respect our master.

Shi Wuyou waved his hand and said reservedly: The Four Holy Alliances are nothing. In Haojing City, there are hidden dragons and tigers, and there are many powerful people. Hey, is there any movement outside?

Duan Fangyu said in a deep voice: I have found out clearly that the eight elders and the disciples they brought to the imperial city were all sniped and killed by the Forbidden Army's arrow array. They died cleanly and no one was left alive.

Shi Wuyou nodded with satisfaction: It's better to die, otherwise, we don't know how many secrets of our sect will be leaked. Not to mention other things, if your identity is leaked, how much loss will it cause to our sect? What about other things?

Duan Fangyu explained in detail the information he had found out in the past few days.

Shi Wuyou raised his eyebrows and laughed: Oh? Bai Shan's granddaughter? His granddaughter must be weird, otherwise, she wouldn't have caused so many messy things. I knew Bai Changkong when I was in the Imperial College. Just a complete hypocrite.

However, the matter is none of my business, so let's keep it a secret. Whether Bai Changkong marries his granddaughter or gets married, it has nothing to do with our religion.

For the sake of the great cause of our sect... as our teacher, we are going to kill that Lu Qian. Xi Wuyou gave Duan Fangyu a deep look, hesitated for a while, and took out a thumb-sized piece, with a layer of gray fire lingering all over his body. The Baoyan Yunxing Pill was thrown to him casually.

I am going to kill someone as my master. If you take this Precious Flame Condensation Pill, from now on, the foundation of our sect in Haojing will be left to you to handle.

Xi Wuyou looked at Duan Fangyu who was kneeling down on the ground in joy and kowtowed, and said leisurely: It's a good thing for those elders to die. Haha, those inheritances in their names, you can live your life for a while, go Accepted.

Duan Fangyu responded loudly: I will obey my master's orders!

The Yushunfang Survey Department is located in Ahu's small building.

Ahu sat cross-legged in front of the translucent Buddha statue, staring at the Buddha statue with his eyes wide open.

He had been holding this Buddha statue for several days, but he could not get any mystery from it as Lu Qian said.

On the contrary, the article The Wrath of the King of Karma Fire Ming written on the sleeves of the Buddha statue, he had read it over and over countless times in the past few days, and he had gained a lot of insights.

What A Hu is practicing now was obtained for him by Lu Qian. Let alone the bad street in Dayin Jianghu, it can only be regarded as a second-rate horizontal exercise Black Armor Gong at best.

He vaguely felt that this article The Wrath of the King of Karmic Fire was very suitable for him.

Simple, but not simple. It has a feeling of vastness and depth, which is at least a hundred or a thousand times stronger than Black Armor Gong.

Based on Ah Hu's knowledge, is there any technique in the world that is stronger and more suitable for him than The Wrath of the King of Karmic Fire?

Lu Qian stood behind A'hu and couldn't help but laugh when he looked at A'hu who was sitting cross-legged on the ground seriously with his eyes wide.

A good man has three gangs... In these years, you have been like my brother. I can't treat you badly. Lu Qian recalled that six years ago, in the heavy snow, he passed out from cold and hunger. Ahu looked like he was picking it up.

Ahu is several years older than him, but his mind is too simple and simple. Lu Qian has always been like an elder brother, taking care of this little boy as he grows up.

Shaking his head, Lu Qian smiled. He put one palm on Ahu's head and the other gently on the Buddha statue.

The spiritual light of the soul fluctuated, and a soft spiritual light was injected into the statue. Immediately, the entire Buddha statue glowed brightly. Below the Buddha statue, a circle of faint red flames condensed into a nine-fold and thirty-sixth grade lotus platform. The entire Buddha statue weighed tens of thousands of kilograms. Gently suspended.

A high-pitched and majestic Sanskrit chant sounded, and wisps of extremely weak consciousness came over.

Three Immortal Realms·Ultimate Holy Heaven·Great Brahma Purifying World Sect·Fundamental Self-Dharma·Red Lotus Immortal Body.

Lu Qian concentrated, held his breath, and used himself as a channel to inject the incoming information into Ahu's mind bit by bit.

The muscles on Ahu's body swelled, and traces of red flames were continuously injected into Lu Qian's body, and quickly began to swim through his body.

As the technique of Red Lotus Immortal Body was gradually engraved in Ahu's mind, Lu Qian was cruel and forcibly cut off a little bit of his soul aura the size of a mung bean.

In his mind, a three-eyed human figure lit up. The bit of divine soul light cut off by Lu Qian quickly erased all personal imprints and aura, and turned into the purest bit of divine soul power.

It's like a mighty river flowing into a dry Gobi Desert.

Lu Qian had been practicing visualization diagrams since he was ten years old. He had practiced hard for six years, and with the benefits gained from killing sneakers in the imperial city, his total amount of soul was more than a thousand times that of a mortal. Such a small amount of divine soul light is equivalent to the entire divine soul power possessed by ten ordinary people.

Ahu clasped his hands together almost instinctively, and the Red Lotus Immortal Body technique began to operate on its own.

The spiritual light that Lu Qian injected into his body instantly turned into a little lotus seed-like red fire, forcibly opening up a small void in Ahu's almost solid mind, and quietly suspended within it.

Countless extremely thin and extremely weak firelights circulated in Ahu's body.

This is the Red Lotus Jingshi Yan, the inherited Tao of the Great Brahma Jingshi Sect, an extremely domineering, even arrogant and unreasonable fire magical power.

The essence of Red Lotus Immortal Body is also slowly flowing in Lu Qian's heart.

Use the human body as the oven, the human body as the anvil, the human body as the forging material, the Red Lotus Purifying World Flame as the foundation, the fearless spirit, the courage to refine yourself, and after millions of kalpas, your supernatural powers will come naturally. become.

Extreme, domineering, unparalleled force!

It looks like a Buddhist method, but in fact it has a strong aura of demons - the sect's secrets of the Great Brahma Purifying Sect itself have problems. They believe that the world is filthy and all living beings have fallen. The whole world should be washed with the red lotus purifying flame. In the Great Brahma, Under the leadership of Jingshi Sect, we will build a perfect and flawless Buddhist Pure Land!

Lu Qian took back the palm that was placed on the Buddha statue and said with a smile: Don't worry about the Buddhist and demonic sects. If you are strong, you are a good sect.

The Buddha statue fell gently. Lu Qian sat cross-legged next to Ah Hu and said in a deep voice: Open your mouth and use your strength with all your strength.

Ahu opened his mouth, Lu Qian shook his hand, and two dots of Xuanyuan Divine Water flew up from the Taichu Guixu bottle, one drop fell into Ahu's mouth, and the other dropped into Lu Qian's own mouth.

Just listen to the dull and powerful sound of the waves.

The endless essence energy seemed to be still small, sweeping through the bodies of Lu Qian and A Hu.

Ahu's entire body burned, and the Red Lotus Pure World Flame ravaged his body, burning and purifying all useless impurities in his body with unbridled force.

Seeing a large amount of dirty, greasy impurities seeping out from the surface of Ahu's skin, they disappeared without a trace in an instant under the wash of red flames. Ahu's rough skin, like sandpaper, gradually became as moist as a pearl, and then slowly took on a layer of strange red.

Lu Qian's body has been tempered countless times in the imperial city, and there is no impurity in the body.

A drop of Xuanyuan Divine Water enters the abdomen, and the huge nourishing power explodes, integrating into the whole body in an instant.

With a 'buzz' sound, two of the eight meridians of the Lu Qi Meridian opened simultaneously.

The huge innate Yuan Gang gushes out from the eight extraordinary meridians, and instantly merges with the nourishing power, and is swallowed cleanly by the Guixu Immortal Yuan in the Tanzhong acupoint. The volume of Guixu Xianyuan expanded rapidly, and a domineering power filled his body, training every corner of Lu Qian's body over and over again.

The newly opened eight strange meridians immediately stabilized, giving off a faint purple-black mysterious light.

As time passed, Lu Qian's strong body had completely absorbed a bit of the Xuanyuan Divine Water, and his cultivation had reached the second level of the Sutra Opening Realm.

According to Immortalism, Lu Qian is still at the level of the 'Melting Furnace Realm', but his strength has soared again.

Slowly closing his momentum, Lu Qian let out a breath and waved towards the gate of the small building.

Rhubarb walked in slowly, while Rabbit ran in like a meat dumpling, with waves of flesh all over his body, and bumped into the Taichu Guixu bottle in Lu Qian's arms.

Lu Qian smiled: This is a good thing, but it needs to be shared by the five of you. Well, in a few days, when you have saved a lot, everyone will have a share. Don't be in a hurry.

At this moment, in the corner of the lobby of the small building, a cloud of gray energy rushed up from the ground.

A horse covered in gray and shrouded in gray smoke, its eyes spitting out fire, carrying a high-crowned robe and a reserved and majestic corpse, Wuyou, crashed out of the ground.

Child Lu Qian, I am Xi Wuyou, the leader of Jiuyin Cult. You, just accept death!

Shi Wuyou rode straight towards Lu Qian, opened his right palm, and struck Lu Qian's head with one palm.

Jiuyin taught the secret technique, and the big handprint of opening the coffin brought out a ghost roar, which instantly reached the top of Lu Qian's head.

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