Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 1023 Rising Tide (2)

Lu Qian didn't care how Yinyuan knew where Bai Yuan and others were being held.

Nothing more than cause and effect.

Yinyuan knew the place of detention. This was an effect, and there must be a cause.

In the future, the current effect will inevitably become the cause of some other effect, suddenly appearing in front of Lu Qian, pulling him to do something he is willing or unwilling to do.

None of this matters.

All causes and effects have their own supreme Buddha Dharma, which can be quelled. To put it simply, it doesn’t matter what cause and effect you have, what plans you have, or what calculations you have behind your back. As long as I am strong enough, I can crush you to death with the palm of a Buddha’s hand. Cut off all cause and effect!

Legend has it that in ancient times, there were 'sages' who were 'not contaminated by all causes and effects'... Is it because these saints were 'clean' and never 'caused trouble'? No, no, it's because those 'saints' are too powerful, so powerful that no 'cause and effect' can disturb even a single hair on their heads... That's all!

Lu Qian is fast enough now.

He had enough confidence not to pursue who told Yinyuan the specific location of the detention point.

Following the spatial coordinates, Lu Qian flew with all his strength. It only took him a very short time to find his destination.

It was a star field not far from Heaven.

In the star map of the Supreme Taichu Heaven published by the Heavenly Court, this star field is marked as a 'forbidden area'. Externally, this star field is euphemistically called one of Emperor Taichu’s ‘imperial gardens’, where countless exotic flowers, plants, rare birds and animals are raised. Internally, all the civil and military ministers in Heaven knew that this was a secret stronghold of the Taichu Yuan Court. Unless they were close confidants of the Taichu emperor, they could not approach it easily.

In fact, this is a 'traveling shaft' prepared by Emperor Taichu for Emperor Qing.

The star field stretching for hundreds of millions of miles includes millions of natural star systems and tens of millions of other celestial bodies. There are no intelligent creatures in this star field, but every star and every floating continent is full of life, with countless primitive jungles and countless birds and beasts.

Among these jungles and animals, there are also many strange species that are specious and impossible to breed naturally.

For example, a monkey with six eyes, a sparrow with eight wings, a poisonous python with three heads on each end, a tree man that can run all over the ground and is covered with various kinds of Ganoderma lucidum, etc... These strange creatures are clearly influenced by Due to the influence of some strange energy, over the long years, certain natural groups have continuously mutated or evolved, resulting in such weird new species with a considerable number of groups!

At the core of this star field, twelve giant stars were gathered together by human power, surrounding a circular continent that was a hundred times wider than the Linghu Clan's Linghu Yunlu. Twelve 'suns' shine on this continent all the time. Their eternal light and endless heat bring this continent an almost abnormal vitality.

On this continent, in the thick primitive jungle, there are hundreds of people surrounded by giant trees as thick as hundreds of miles high. The air, including the spiritual power of heaven and earth, has various components that promote the growth and reproduction of living things, as well as the physical constitution and blood of living things. They are more than a thousand times thicker than other locations in the Supreme Taichu Heaven.

On this continent, you can see cockroaches the size of a house, centipedes the length of a train, dragonflies the size of a carriage, and other giant insects running around unscrupulously. There are also tigers that are several miles tall, swifts with a wingspan of thousands of feet, venomous snakes that are hundreds of miles long, etc., hunting and devouring each other crazily in the jungle.

Above this continent, groups of alien warriors were scurrying around like headless flies.

The Qing Emperor was wiped out, and these alien warriors who stayed behind were like a swarm of bees whose queen was killed, completely in disarray... They ran around slowly and aimlessly in the sky, occasionally meeting each other, and killing each other like enemies.

A faint stream of light rushed from the sky, and with a puff sound, countless alien warriors were blown to pieces by the Tianlong Chan Staff. Dark green plasma fell from the sky. On the ground, countless giant insects and beasts cheered in unison and devoured them crazily. Thick plasma falling from the sky.

Some insects and beasts had just swallowed one or two drops of alien plasma, and their bodies corroded, turning into pus and blood and flowing all over the ground. But there are also some aliens with extremely strong foundations. After they swallowed the plasma of these aliens, the concentration of certain mysterious ingredients in their bodies soared. Their blood began to mutate and evolve rapidly, and their bodies were torn apart, leaving large pieces of useless flesh. They were drained of nutrients and fell off their bodies.

The bodies of these lucky ones are rapidly compressing and shrinking. There is Tao Yun surging in their bodies, and the inspirations of heaven and earth from all directions are rushing towards their bodies. Soon, they are born one after another, and they still have some characteristics of the original group. The alien warriors struggled to fly up from the piles of rotting flesh.

Each of these newly born alien races was joyful, and just as they were about to roar towards the sky, a stream of light passed by, and they were also blown to pieces by Lu Qian's blow.

The streamer circled over the continent twice before finding its target.

It was at the very center of the continent. A tree trunk had a diameter of more than a thousand miles, a trunk that was hundreds of thousands of miles high, and a tree crown that covered an area as large as a continent's towering trees.

Such a huge thing, I am afraid that such a weird existence will not appear in many people's dreams.

If it happens, it must be a nightmare, right?

This giant tree is half wood and half flesh. The squirming dark green translucent muscles are tightly wrapped in thick transparent insect carapace and wrapped around the trunk. Thick blood veins shuttled through the attached flesh and blood, and the thick dark green blood was like a big river, rushing through the blood veins with a dull 'whooshing' sound.

Thin vines hang down from the tree crown that is as big as a continent. At a glance, there are trillions of densely packed vines, with an egg the size of a normal human body hanging from the top of each one. , the strong wind blew by, countless vines swayed with the wind, and the fleshy eggs collided with each other. In the transparent egg shells, the crouched alien larvae made sharp, crazy, and extremely ferocious screams from time to time.

This so-called Qingdi Palace is simply a huge biological testing ground.

Emperor Taichu escorted Emperor Qing, provided him with resources, and allowed him to conduct all kinds of experiments on the indigenous creatures of Supreme Taichu Heaven in his own back garden.

But in my previous life, I was a scumbag. Lu Qian looked in awe at this incredibly huge, evil giant tree that made people feel chills all over... Anyway, this continent, this giant tree, everything in front of him , all declare that Qing Emperor, the deity behind Qing Emperor, and the foreign ethnic group behind that deity, they have gone very far, very far on certain 'roads'...

They have incredible power!

They have an incredible civilization!

And it seems that he has already faced off with the power of this representative of civilization... In the future, either soon or for some time, Lu Qian will have to have a fierce battle with the opponent sooner or later!

Lu Qian had this realization.

He touched the jade hidden on his chest and asked Yinyuan: I'm here...I will rescue my sister-in-law and the others soon...but the tarsal maggots left by the Qing Emperor on you...

Yinyuan's firm and confident voice came from Yujue: Believe me... I, Yinyuan, will not take my life as a joke... Scary, there are so many little ladies in the world, some are tall, some are short, some are fat and some are thin. Yes, uncle, I...

Lu Qian decisively cut off the call with Yinyuan.

Is he really confident to withstand the vicious forbidden spell entangled in his heart by the Qing Emperor?

Lu Qianmo used his magical powers and used divination, which he was not very good at, to make some deductions... It was unremarkable. Although there was no good luck, there was no serious danger... Yinyuan seemed to be really capable of resisting Qing Emperor's attack. A curse!

After being silent for a long time, Lu Qian put the Tianlong Zen Staff aside, clasped his hands together, and chanted in a long voice toward the huge sacred tree: I am Buddha, compassionate!

Thick Buddha light gushes out from Lu Qian's body. In the Buddha light, a phantom image of the Buddha that looks just like Lu Qian waves his fists and swoops down from high in the sky at an incredible high speed with the power of Vajra Maha. Yes, he punched the sacred tree.

There was a loud noise, and the entire continent trembled violently. Countless huge cracks opened on the continent. The entire sacred tree was shattered by Lu Qian's punch. The alien larvae hanging on countless vines on the crown of the tree all opened their eyes. He glanced at Lu Qian with extremely malicious eyes. Before they had time to break out of their shells, they had already collapsed in the torrent of Buddha's light caused by the Buddha's shadow.

Right below the tree trunk, a hole spewing out a faint light mist appeared.

Lu Qian rushed into the cave entrance, killed dozens of groups of alien warriors who had stayed behind and had become a mess, and then came to a vast underground palace.

Afterwards, Lu Qian froze in place!

He opened his eyes wide and looked around in shock.

The rhizomes of the sacred tree drilled directly through the rock formations and into the underground palace. The dark green transparent rhizomes were like pipes, criss-crossing on the ceiling of the underground palace, weaving a huge network like a work of art.

Below these pipes, thin translucent hoses hang down, connecting countless oval transparent cabins one foot high and neatly arranged on the ground.

In each cabin, there is a human body suspended. They are like fetuses in their mother's womb, with their bodies curled up and connected to this transparent cabin through an umbilical cord. The majestic life energy is constantly being injected into their bodies through this umbilical cord.

The human bodies suspended in these millions of cabins are all familiar faces.

There are hundreds of thousands of white turtles.

There are hundreds of thousands of Linghujun.

There are millions of noble daughters of the Linghu family.

There are even babies conceived by tens of millions of rupees, Bai Yuan, Linghu Juan, and several noble daughters of the Linghu family!

The crazed Qing Emperor used their original bodies as a template to 'clone' each of them with at least one million clones.

My good brother, are you happy? Are you excited? I want to be a father. What are you...this is... Looking at the densely packed and neatly arranged cabins, Lu Qian found the white turtle at the core. After thinking for a while about the true nature of Linghu Juan and others, he waved his sleeves and took away all the cabins.

What a tragedy of family ethics! Lu Qian was distraught.

Even though he can be regarded as a 'mighty', his mind and concentration, influenced by many years of Buddhist techniques, can be said to be 'as stable as Mount Tai', at this moment he is also very messy.

He really wanted to know, when he threw so many wives, children, and children in front of Yinyuan, did he collapse and vomit blood, or was he 'overjoyed', or...according to Lu Yi's understanding of Yinyuan, He might... 'jump for joy' and then 'celebrate and get drunk'?

Shaking his head, Lu Qian shook off these unreliable thoughts and took to the air.

He stood in mid-air, deeply accumulating his strength, and then a beam of prison-suppressing Buddha light fell down. The terrifying force of suppression caused the huge continent to shudder suddenly. The continent was like a soft sponge that was pinched inwards by the giant's palm. The volume of the entire continent collapsed more than ten times, compressing inward into a solid, round sphere.

Lu Qian pointed his finger on the stone ball.

With its huge mass, extremely high density, and the bombardment of Lu Qian's magic that contained a little bit of the 'Fire Element Avenue', the stone ball suddenly underwent a wonderful change. It burned from a solid stone ball to instantly become a stone ball. 'Fusion' becomes a brand new little sun.

The heat was blazing and the flames were raging. All creatures on this continent that did not conform to the laws of nature were annihilated.

Lu Qian nodded.

His figure kept flashing everywhere. Relying on extremely high speed, he quickly passed through the stars, large and small, and countless floating continents in this star field. He used his magical power to infect everything above with the Qing Emperor's aura. , all the creatures that have undergone mutations are wiped out!

These mutated gadgets are the treasures that Qing Emperor spent many years of hard work and hard savings.

Now that Lu Qian has wiped them all away, is it more or less a heavy blow to Qing Emperor and the person behind him?

When Lu Qian was wreaking havoc on the Qing Emperor's palace, Yunchaling, the commander of the Sky Patrolling Forbidden God Guard, was enjoying a drink with Old Xiong Zun.

The place they were in was a secluded small valley in Yuncha Ridge. A few souls were confused and didn't have much wisdom. They were obviously mountain spirits and water monsters temporarily enlightened by the old Xiong Zun. They were holding huge wine jars and waiting on them. . The commander-in-chief and Old Xiong Zun did not say anything. From time to time, they raised the big bowls in their hands and poured bowl after bowl of strong wine into their bellies.

On the stone slab in front of them, there were several bowls of stewed animal meat, as well as many juicy wild fruits.

The great commander drinks a bowl of wine and gnaws some pieces of meat; the old Xiong Zun drinks a bowl of wine and gnaws some fruits.

Above the two of them, in the extremely high void, the two of them each released a clone, killing with black smoke and thunder. The terrifying rhyme turned into a torrent of destruction and swept across all directions, forcing the heavenly army, the demons and monsters of Yuncha Ridge No matter what, they all stayed away from each other, and no one dared to come even close.

The lively fight in mid-air did not prevent the two of them from drinking enthusiastically in the small valley.

So long.

This strong liquor is brewed by Old Xiong Zun from the spiritual fruits grown on the old fruit trees in Yuncha Ridge. These fruit trees have grown for who knows how many years, and each fruit contains a huge amount of spiritual energy. It is brewed into fine wine. , and then soaked with many medicinal materials by Old Xiong Zun, and aged in the earth vein spiritual cave for at least a million years, one can imagine the strength of the wine.

The two guys poured dozens of jars of old wine into their bellies. The alcohol was not able to dissipate for a while. The pores all over Old Xiong Zun's body were open, and every black hair stood up straight. Along the black hairs, there were wisps of them. A thick white smell of alcohol spreads out.

The commander-in-chief also took off the fully enclosed heavy armor that he wore all the time and never took off in front of his subordinates and colleagues. He was impressively tall and tall, with a long white face that was quite majestic. The white face was beardless, and there was a bit of aloofness on his clumsy face, like a middle-aged man who was cold and cold.

Old Xiong Zun drank too much wine, and his whole body was filled with heat.

The commander drank too much, and the coldness gradually wrapped around his body. His big white face gradually seemed to be covered with a layer of ice, and gradually became almost transparent.

After drinking like this for a while, the clone of the great commander roared in mid-air, and a wild thunder turned into a million-mile thunder wave and hit the old Xiong Zun's clone hard. The clone of Old Xiong Zun was knocked upside down and flew out, and the black hair all over his body was ignited with blazing flames. With a loud roar, he teleported to the commander's avatar in a blink of an eye, and fired countless rays of cold light with his backhand, striking the commander's body with sparks flying.

The battle became more and more intense, which seemed to show the mood of the two deities.

The old bear put down the bowl of sea food respectfully, widened his eyes as hard as he could, and asked the commander, How long do you have to go on? Is it time to go back?

The commander slowly put down the sea bowl, took a piece of honey bear paw and stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it slowly for a while, and then swallowed it: Am I allowed to say anything about this? Damn, Yuan Fu...

Old Xiong Zun slapped his palm on the stone slab in front of him. Several large bowls filled with meat and several large plates filled with wild fruits were smashed together with the meat and fruits.

A flash of light flashed from the fingers of the Grand Commander, and circles of invisible time fluctuations locked onto the broken stone slabs. Those sea bowls, plates, and the animal meat and fruits inside were all restored in the reverse flow of time!

Everyone in the world knows that the Grand Commander is the most powerful person in Heaven’s Thunder Method, and he is also the only ‘Thunder Emperor’ known in this world who has condensed the Thunder Dao Seal. But no one knows that the Grand Commander's attainments on the Path of Time are also so exquisite. Although due to some special reasons, he failed to condense the Fruit of Time, the various magical powers and secret techniques still have terrifying power.

It can only be said that the commander-in-chief has hidden his secrets too deeply.

What's the use of ruining good meat? Wasting food seems to be a precept of your Buddhism? I don't practice Buddhism. I don't know the meaning of these winding precepts. The commander looked at the old Xiong Zun and said: You are angry. It's useless... I know, you know, and we all know that the other party actually knows that Yuan Shen is just an excuse, but he is actually not that important.

Yuan Fu's defection will cause much damage to Heaven? No!

Yuan Fu's defection has caused any harm to the emperor? No!

Yuan Fu has defected. The most important thing is that the emperor's face cannot be tolerated... Therefore, he must regain this face... As for Yuan Fu himself, it is actually not important at all!

The commander-in-chief said calmly: We have lived for so many years. Every now and then, I bring an army of patrolling forbidden gods to Yunchaling to 'subjugate demons and eliminate demons' to show the world how to do it. There is no result. , this meaningless 'war' lasted for how many years and how many times did it happen?

Everyone knows very well that Tianting does not want to, let alone cannot eradicate Yunchaling. And you, Yunchaling, actually don't want to really break up with Tianting... Tianting needs Yunchaling, and Yunchaling also needs Tianting!

The commander-in-chief said calmly: Every time Yuncha Ridge is conquered, the Heavenly Court will let the people of the world understand that the Heavenly Court is the supreme Zhengshuo of Taichu Heaven. And every time Yuncha Ridge is conquered by the Heavenly Court, these demons and monsters will become more united. , and unite more firmly with you old monsters!

More importantly, Heavenly Court needs several strong opponents to tell certain people, such as...Qingdi...to let them understand that without Heavenly Court, Supreme Taichu Heaven will be in chaos.

If we operate this way, everyone will benefit. This is the best thing.

But this balance is not allowed to be broken... Although the appearance of Yuan Fu failed to break this balance, the signs are very bad... Therefore, Yuan Fu's life or death is not important. What is important is that you Yunchaling You have to have an attitude!

The Great Commander looked at Old Xiong Zun and said softly: Lingshan, the people of Daleiyin Temple, are you colluding? Do you know the whereabouts of their real core members? Hand over such a person, I will take his Head, turn around and leave! Never pester me again!

Old Xiong Zun looked at the Commander-in-Chief as if he were a fool.

After looking at it for a long time, he blinked his little eyes and pointed to his heart forcefully: We have been friends for many years, so I will tell the truth. Do you think, with my background, with my background? With my status in Buddhism, do I have the ability to betray them?

The commander smiled and looked at the old Xiong Zun: Whether you have the ability or not, let's not mention it for the moment... If you want Yunchaling to continue to live the peaceful life before, you must betray one or two of these!

Before Old Xiong Zun could speak, the commander said calmly: Just wait and see!

With a gentle wave of his hands, the thunder light flashed in front of him. The quiet water-like thunder light condensed into a bright mirror, in which appeared the phantom shadows of giant dragons formed by the laws of the great avenues. On the phantoms of the giant dragons, three thousand brand-new figures emitted a dense divine light, and the powerful pressure of Dao Yun was transmitted directly through the thunder mirror.

Old Xiong Zun's small mung bean eyes suddenly widened to the size of broad beans.

He looked at the commander in shock and took a deep breath.

This is the foundation of Heaven.

This is the decision of the earth.

The commander-in-chief said calmly: Three thousand great emperors, born at will, can kill at Yuncha Ridge at any time. If you are really that strong and kill all three thousand of them, as long as there are still enough in the Taichu Yuan Court, The body', such a great emperor, has an endless supply and consumes a lot of money!

Old Xiong Zun said angrily: This is an evil heretic!

The commander-in-chief smiled and said: Yes, Taichu Yuan Ting, with the help of some of the Qing Emperor's methods, is indeed an evil heretic. But the evil heretic can create three thousand great emperors at any time...

Last time, as usual, when I united the army to attack Yunchaling, you asked me why I was determined to be Taichu's lackey... Haha, this is part of the answer. He is very strong, beyond recognition. Strong. The commander exhaled: Putting aside the brotherhood and comrades-in-arms I had with him back then...he is strong enough, he can suppress me.

The most terrifying thing is that after so many years, I still haven't been able to fully understand how powerful the backhand he has hidden. The commander looked at the old Xiong Zun seriously: So, it is okay to withdraw the troops, according to the conditions just now , you help me lure out a few core elements from Lingshan and Daleiyin Temple. As long as they show up, this matter will have nothing to do with you in Yunchaling.

Old Xiong Zun frowned and thought seriously.

The great commander said quietly: They are variables... and although the Supreme Taichu Heaven today is not very good, it is not very bad either... The heaven and earth are clear and clear, and all forces are peaceful and content. Although they are slightly lifeless, all living creatures are still alive. Everyone can live and work in peace and contentment, each in his own place.”

And those people at the Great Thunder Sound Temple in Lingshan, no matter whether they are right or wrong, no matter how great, bright, and correct their starting point is...their appearance will destroy the balance of the Supreme Taichu Heaven.

Even, because of them, the balance has been broken.

Look at the current situation.

Look at heaven now.

“Let’s look at the old monsters who have been returning to the ruins and other old ghosts that have been popping up recently, as well as several other old ghosts...” The commander sighed: “In addition, the Qing Emperor’s true self may wake up at any time... I suspect that even now, he has fully recovered and is watching us from somewhere.

Like before, another random killing?

The commander-in-chief and the old Xiong Zun shivered at the same time. They both picked up the sea bowls and drank several bowls of strong liquor in a row.

The commander-in-chief shook his head: I am now surrounded by my lovely wife and concubines, flattered by my descendants, and have tens of millions of family members... Occasionally, I can even dress up in disguise and go to a place where no one knows me, to find a high-end hotel. Visit the brothel and experience the different customs and customs of different places!

I don't want to fight anymore. The Commander-in-Chief said to Old Xiong Zun very sincerely: On weekdays, it is customary to lead troops to Yunchaling, go through the motions and show it to the world, and just do some daily physical exercises. It's a 'health-preserving boxing'... But, risking your life again and killing a mountain of corpses and blood like that before?

The commander shook his head and said, I don't want to. What about you?

Old Xiong Zun gritted his teeth and stared at the Commander fiercely.

The commander smiled and looked at the old Xiong Zun: Think about it seriously, although you are a bear, you are also a wise bear... You don't want Yunchaling to fall into a sea of ​​blood and boundless slaughter, right? The war that year , you are a witness, you don’t want that, right?”

Don't you Buddhists have a saying about cutting meat to feed eagles? The commander raised the sea bowl in his hand and said softly: You are holding a sharp knife now... It's not like you cut your flesh, right?

In the void, the commander's clone suddenly roared angrily.

Following his roar, countless heavenly ships spit out beams of destruction light outside Yuncha Ridge, and densely bombarded the surrounding mountains of Yuncha Ridge.

Mountain peaks were annihilated and exploded. Countless fires flooded the mountains. Countless flowers, trees, birds and animals were reduced to nothing in this salvo from heaven. The military formation formed by the Yunchaling demons of the brigade also suffered heavy losses in this round of salvo.

In Yuncha Ridge, all the attack formations were activated. Dark clouds filled the sky, evil wind filled the sky, and a dark light shot into the sky, slamming into the heavenly fleet.

Battleships exploded in the sky, and countless heavenly soldiers were shattered to pieces.

The Commander-in-Chief smiled and looked at Old Xiong Zun, who was constantly sweating on his forehead: Now, make a decision... I have ordered a full-scale attack, a 'real' full-scale attack that will cause 'countless casualties'.

I don't regard those low-level heavenly soldiers and generals as 'people'. They are just 'consumables' at the lowest level. And of these consumables, you can have as many as you want, and you can replenish them at any time.

And can your population in Yuncha Ridge be compared with the entire Supreme Taichu Heaven?

The little monsters and monsters in Yuncha Ridge are all your descendants. I don't need to treat my subordinates as human beings. Can you not treat these little monsters in Yuncha Ridge as a serious matter?

The commander smiled and said: Now, let's make a decision. In fact, we only need to hand over one or two people from the Great Leiyin Temple in Lingshan... I believe you can do it, right? Old buddy?

Old Xiong Zun gritted his teeth. He suddenly stood up, grabbed a wine jar from the hand of a mountain spirit, and slapped the commander in the face.

The commander-in-chief allowed Old Xiong Zun to smash the wine jar on his face without using any magic power. The broken porcelain shards and the thick wine syrup were just poured all over his body in a confused manner.

He just looked at Old Xiong Zun quietly.

In the void, countless heavenly fleets are swarming in.

Make a decision! The commander-in-chief said softly: There are some bad changes in the heaven... The stars have been secretly manipulated. I don't have time to delay in Yunchaling, I still have to run back and keep a close eye on , so you can rest assured...

If you don't make a decision, then I will have no choice but to risk everything, regardless of our friendship over the years, and beat myself up so badly that the corpses will be scattered all over the field, and the blood will flow like a river... Anyway, I don't regard those heavenly soldiers and generals as human beings. No matter how many of them are killed or injured, I won’t feel bad for you, but what about you?”

In the void, the demons from Yuncha Ridge took advantage of the favorable location and launched countless large formations in the mountains, frantically strangling the incoming heavenly army. With the help of the favorable location, for every demon that fell in Yuncha Ridge, at least ten times or even a hundred times as many heavenly soldiers were killed by the formation.

However, the number of the heavenly army is increasing.

Giant star gates slowly opened behind the military formation. Over the past few days, troops recruited by Heavenly Court from all directions have been arriving in a steady stream.

One casualty and ten casualties.

Ten casualties, a hundred more to be replenished.

More and more heavenly soldiers and generals are dying on the front lines, while the fleet size of the heavenly army in the sky is getting bigger and bigger!

Old Xiong Zun raised his head and stared blankly at the corpses of monsters falling all over the sky. He finally let out a deep breath: I only know...

A sincere smile appeared on the commander's pale and transparent face.

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