Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 1,028 The Master’s Backstab (3)

In fact, no one knows that there is an evil dragon in Yinyuan's heart.

Originally born as a dragon, he was trapped in a deep palace and had power transferred to a foreign surname... This was the 'humiliation' that was imprinted deep into Yinyuan's soul in the early stages of his life, and it was an indelible mark in his life.

Therefore, very few people know that this guy who looks handsome, majestic, and has the air of a gentleman is actually a hidden violent element through and through. His favorite weapon is not the 'sword' that symbolizes the way of a gentleman or the style of a king, but the extremely violent, eight-foot-long sword with ferocious teeth on the spine, the three-court bone-breaking machete !

The sword is one foot and eighty long, with a handle of nine feet and a blade of nine feet. With one swing of the knife, it can chop off more than a dozen heads at once. Seeing the blood splashing all over the sky, this is Yinyuan's 'Love Knife in Dreams'. He My favorite weapon!

However, for many years, he had no chance to take action.

Either he was trapped in a difficult situation, or he had a loyal dog like Husband Yu and a good brother like Lu Qian to help him kill people and set fires. Yinyuan had never had the experience of actually facing the enemy in person and having a hearty and bloody fight!

Therefore, Yinyuan truly showed his true nature today!

The starlight in the sky condensed in his palm, turning into a Zhangba machete that was the most standard in his heart and had an extremely brutal shape. 'Buzzing' Amidst the sound of the knife, the starlight in the sky turned into a huge whirlpool, pushing Yinyuan's body, speeding at an unimaginable terrifying speed that was only less than 30% slower than Lu Qian's current top speed. It shot straight into the sky, and then slashed down with a single blow.

The Rakshasa Heavenly King roared, waving a hundred arms in unison, and all kinds of strange weapons filled the sky with brilliant light, blocking the front of Yinyuan's sword. The nine heads of this fellow shouted the word ‘death’ in unison!

It is easy to tell that Yinyuan has not condensed the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit.

He does not have the strange Tao charm emitted by the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit - any great emperor-level power can clearly feel the Tao charm of countless avenues in the sky, as if they are layered and beautifully constructed. The three-dimensional artwork is intertwined with longitude and latitude, filling the space of all dimensions like a net.

And an Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit is like a series of heavy black holes with different attributes, suddenly appearing in this exquisite three-dimensional creation... As a result, the longitude and latitude lines condensed by Dao Yun are vibrating, and layers of different dimensions In the space, the Dao Yun appeared in depressions, whirlpools, or collapsed caves of different sizes... Around these black holes, circles of Dao Yun continued to spread to the surroundings, forming along these avenues. The longitude and latitude lines spread rapidly throughout the whole world.

Therefore, every time a great emperor-level power takes action, no matter how strong or weak his power is, his Tao Yun fluctuations will definitely spread throughout the Supreme Taichu Heaven, and will definitely be clearly sensed by all power at the same level.

But when Yinyuan took action at this moment, there was no such feeling of 'colliding into a black hole' or 'ripples'.

The entire void was as quiet as a deep pool, without the slightest vibration of Tao Yun... Therefore, the Rakshasa King was very sure that Yinyuan's attack was just some kind of illusory 'illusion', not worth mentioning at all. He could easily kill Yinyuan. This blow shattered Yinyuan completely into pieces!


Hundreds of arms were cut off in unison. The broadsword condensed with starlight in Yinyuan's hand seemed to be sharper than Lu Qian's Taihu Emperor's axe. With one cut, the entire hundred arms were almost in the category of imperial weapons. , was actually cut through with a knife!

King Rakshasa exclaimed in disbelief. He raised his head in panic. A flash of cold light flashed and nine heads flew high. His nine heads spoke at the same time and cried to Master Langyue: Master, save……

Lu Qian took a deep breath, and all his injuries healed instantly. He swooped over with the Tianlong Zen Staff, and with a few dong dong sounds, he smashed the nine heads into pieces, and kicked the Rakshasa King on the side. Physically. The huge body sprayed hot blood and flew out. Lu Qian conveniently increased his speed. The speed that he could fly thousands of miles suddenly increased tens of millions of times. With a snap of his fingers, this guy's body flew away without a trace!

Master Lang Yue turned her head suddenly. She wanted to lock onto the body of the Rakshasa King and use her magical powers to rescue him. However, she was kicked away by Lu Qian and gave him an acceleration ten million times. The body of the Rakshasa King... In the blink of an eye, he flew out to an unknown distance, so far that even Master Lang Yue couldn't sense it!

This is so embarrassing!

Master Lang Yue looked at Lu Yi with great annoyance. She was also experienced in the battlefield. For countless years, in many reincarnations, she had experienced numerous fierce battles, large and small... But she had never met someone like Lu Yi. Like, a person with a hint of rogue in his actions!

You... Master Langyue was furious. She gritted her teeth and let out a long roar, causing ripples like water waves to appear behind her again.

A low roar came, and three strong men who were dressed like the previous Rakshasa kings, who were as tall as they were, and whose auras were as powerful as before, strode out. As soon as they rushed out of the ripples in space, their whole body muscles squirmed, and in an instant they transformed into strange shapes with twelve arms, eighteen arms, thirty-six arms, and three, four, and six heads.

These are the three legendary Rakshasas again!

Various strange soldiers shook the void, and black wind, black water, and black electricity entangled around them. The three statues exuded a pitch-black charm, rapidly infecting the blackened Rakshasa in the void around them, and even the avenue charm filling the void. The King of Heaven roared loudly and charged towards Lu Ren and Yinyuan.

Yinyuan had taken advantage of the sword just now, and he was so excited that the hairs on his body almost burst out of his pores - how many years, how many years later, His Majesty Yinyuan, finally relied on his own strength to kill such a powerful person. enemy!

He turned his head suddenly and looked in the direction of the Imperial City of Haojing below. He really wanted to let the women like Bai Yuan and Linghu Juan see with their own eyes how majestic and majestic their men were. You must be brave - a group of stupid women who are busy knocking down grape trellises all day long for trivial matters. Look at your men, look at them, aren't they brave? Is it majestic? Is the infinite charm of a man radiating from every pore in your body?

Face to face with a powerful enemy and facing a huge battle, Yinyuan was still in the mood to think about such messy things.

The three Rakshasa Heavenly Kings came very quickly, and the black Taoist charm surging on their bodies seemed to be a little incompatible with the Great Way of Heaven and Earth... They were like viruses, and their Tao was infecting the Great Way of this world, Their Tao, which caused the Supreme Taichu Heaven's Tao around them to move, had some flaws.

The Rakshasa king who had just had nine heads cut off didn't seem to use his true abilities. He had black flames rising to the sky before, but the black flames on his body did not have such a negative impact on the movement of the surrounding heaven and earth. !

And now these three people seem to have realized that Lu Yi and Yinyuan are enough to threaten them, and they have really shown their true power.

Lu Qian's speed suddenly slowed down a bit.

It's like a giant who was originally powerful and strong. He goes up mountains and seas every day and jumps like flying. But I suddenly caught a cold one day. My whole body was sore and my limbs were weak. It was quite difficult to walk. It was extremely difficult to run!

Lu Qian's speed slowed down...and, as the three Rakshasa kings got closer and closer, his speed became slower and slower!

Lu Qian looked at these three Rakshasa kings in shock!

This kind of infestation of the avenue, making the avenue seem to be 'poisoned' or 'seriously ill', and greatly reducing all the magical powers and spells of one's own, has never happened even when confronting the Qing Emperor head-on!

This kind of power that suppresses, erodes and infects the avenues of heaven and earth, and even 'destroys' it, has never appeared even in the Qing Emperor and the alien warriors he bred - Qing Emperor and his descendants. 'Children' is more of a 'devour', a 'copy', a 'plagiarism' and a 'strong adaptation on the evolutionary journey'!

As for the three Rakshasa kings in front of us, in a sense, they may not have as many 'potentials' as the Qing Emperor's tribe; but in terms of real-time combat power, destructive power, , they may be more terrifying than the ethnic group represented by Qingdi!

Rakshasa is a race that is good at destruction!

Lu Qian exclaimed, wanting to remind Yinyuan - Brother, brother, I tried my best to come, but the speed has slowed down and I can't stop it... You, why did you look back during the fight? Why are you looking back? What are you looking at? Why are you still like an old client of a brothel when you are fighting with your life, smiling seductively and drool dripping from the corners of your mouth?


Lu Qian had no time to rescue him. He had already pounced behind Yinyuan, but he was too late to rescue him!

The hundreds of strange weapons in the hands of the three Rakshasa kings hit Yinyuan hard, making a thunderous noise.

The starlight vibrated, and the extremely fine starlight that penetrated the acupoints of Yin Yuan's body was like countless strings, emitting high-pitched, dull, melodious, or crisp chirps between heaven and earth... Wu Zhuxing Power instilled in Yin Yuan's body, at this moment, Yinyuan's body is connected with the 480 million ancient stars that existed when the world was created!

The three Rakshasa kings joined forces, and even Lu Qian did not dare to attack them head-on. The 480 million ancient stars were distributed extremely evenly!

Yinyuan didn't feel anything at all. He didn't feel that he was being hit with a crazy blast. He was still smiling playfully, looking towards the direction of the imperial city madly...

In the void, outside the four gate archways of the heaven, not even a single hair of the 480 million ancient stars moved.

No matter how powerful the three Rakshasa Heavenly Kings are in their cultivation and powerful in strength, their bombardment power is reduced by 480 million, and there seems to be nothing left...

Lu Qian stopped and stared at Yinyuan with wide eyes.

It doesn’t make sense!

You are Yinyuan.

You are the emperor of Shenyin.

In other words, you are the emperor of the Great Yin Dynasty in Jishengtian!

You are not the Great Emperor Taichu.

You are not the Lord of Heaven.

There is no reason for the 480 million ancient stars in the supreme Taichu Heaven that were born along with the heaven and earth to give you power, and there is no reason for them to use themselves as human shields and take the beating for you!

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