Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 1,036 Wedding

Supreme Taichu Heaven.

A small dimension outside the universe.

The Supreme Taichu Heaven is a big soap bubble. These small dimensions were created outside of heaven and earth. They were pulled by the generals of the Frontier Guards using large formations and dragged little by little. They were adsorbed on the surface of the Supreme Taichu Heaven. of countless little soap bubbles. The huge world is devouring the laws of heaven and earth of these small worlds every moment, using this as material to constantly replenish and strengthen itself.

The pioneering group that Lu Qian joined in the Badayuan under the rule of Tiemenguan was doing exactly this kind of thing.

The ground was covered with black glazed sand, and there were black volcanoes everywhere. Dark red magma spewed out from the crater weakly. There was heavy snow in the sky, and the cold wind blew by. The bone-breaking cold air quickly froze the spouting magma, causing it to rapidly cool down and explode into countless fine particles. Little black sand was scattered all over the floor.

Occasionally, gemstones of various sizes, big or small, of different colors will be mixed in the black sand and fall, 'clinking' and 'dang-dang' rolling all over the ground. These gems are the embodiment of the laws of heaven and earth. Every gem contains some kind of profound meaning, which is timeless and full of majestic inspiration.

This kind of gem, even if it is a small piece the size of a mung bean, is worth a lot of money in the Supreme Taichu Heaven!

In such a primitive and ancient world, the Great Dao is revealed, which is particularly clear. The gems condensed by the laws of the Great Dao are the treasures of the world and the supreme material for cultivation. Therefore, the Heavenly Court has also set up a garrison in this small dimensional world that is only tens of billions of miles in size, with a permanent army of 100,000 people. Every few years, a group of criminals of various kinds are thrown here. The unlucky prisoners of various crimes were forced to brave the cold wind and splashing lava to collect these shining law crystals.

It's just these days, whether it's the permanent army or the exiled prisoners who are like hard-working worker ants every day, groups of exiled prisoners are running around on the ground, all huddled in the simple camp and shivering, no one dares to go out. No one dared to say anything, no one dared to look up.

The flow rate of time in the small dimension is hugely different from that in the Supreme Taichu Heaven. A hundred years ago, a few inexplicable powers suddenly broke into this world, causing chaos and chaos. Blood and water splattered all over the sky, and various strange phenomena emerged one after another.

Finally, on this day, the chaos in the sky finally subsided.

The guardian of the small dimensional world's guardianship, a military commander at the peak level of Tianjun, wearing a full set of armor and leading a group of trembling personal guards, carefully walked out of the hiding cave and faced the peaceful sky. Looked over.

In the void, wisps of colorful rays of light mixed with fragrant and strange fragrance rolled all over the sky. Amidst the boundless auspicious glow and boundless fragrance, a cloud bed made of flowers stands majestically. The whole body was covered in bruises, half of his left arm was missing, and the area below the knee of his right leg was completely gone. There were three transparent holes as thick as a baby's fist near his lower abdomen, and all the seven orifices were spewing out white bone and blood inflammation. At first glance, the white lady looked as dying as a dead person. He was rolling his eyes and moaning while lying on the cloud bed.

In front of the cloud bed, Emperor Taiyi's limbs were broken and he was lying in the sky without making any sound. He stared blankly at the thick black clouds in the sky, the crackling black sand falling like heavy rain, and various large and small gems with strong Taoist charms.

Next to Emperor Taiyi, there was a ferocious snake with a body of about a thousand feet long, covered with white bones, wrapped in pale white magic flames, burning silently.

Through the ferocious wounds on the body of this big snake, you can see the backbone and broken internal organs that were beaten into more than ten sections. Especially inside his huge head, which was as pure white as glass, a snake bead the size of a water tank had been completely shattered. From time to time, wisps of milky white elixir energy spurted out from the cracks. When the strands of elixir energy were lost in the air, the air flow struggled and whined, and occasionally condensed into small dragons several feet long.

This big guy looks like a snake, but in essence it has turned into a strange dragon. At this moment, He has been killed, but his aura still fills the entire small dimensional void, making the Tianjun guard sweat profusely and tremble, which shows how powerful he was during his lifetime.

However, no matter how powerful the creature is, if it is killed, it is killed.

Your Majesty... Your Majesty! He finally plucked up the courage to walk out of the heavenly guard hiding in the cave, and shouted tremblingly at White Snake: My dear minister, you are...

The white lady turned her head and glared at him from a distance.

The Heavenly Court guard obediently shut his mouth and laughed dryly. He hunched over and cautiously greeted, I have all kinds of Heavenly Court's secret healing elixir here. Senior, would you like some?

The white lady just stared at him without saying a word.

The guard in Heaven was sweating profusely, feeling that catastrophe was just around the corner. He was so frightened that his whole body was sore and his heart was beating wildly. He almost wanted to gather an army, form a military formation, control a few assigned warships, and escape at full speed. My own place...

The white lady finally spoke.

She sighed and stood up. Rays of light were flying all over her body, and the rhythm of life and death flickered. Between the black and white light and darkness, the ferocious injuries on her body healed in an instant. She stretched lazily, yawned tenderly, and sighed: That's all, you didn't fall for it? He really let me kill his pet beast that he had carried with him for many years. Is he really going to leave? Already?

Frowning, Lady White muttered in confusion: It's strange, this old guy doesn't seem to be as strong as I thought? He is indeed a lot stronger than he was back then, but it seems, It’s not too difficult to deal with... maybe it’s because I’ve improved my cultivation too much over the years?”

White Snake's face showed an extremely complicated expression, ranging from happiness to sadness.

She pondered for a moment, then gently stretched out her hands, and a dark golden scroll slowly unfolded in front of her amid the surge of colorful rays of light. On the colorful and thick scroll, the upper half is filled with golden clouds and auspicious clouds. An ancient Buddha holds a Zen staff and sits cross-legged on a lotus platform, looking down with a look of compassion on his face.

In the lower half of the scroll, where the ancient Buddha overlooks, there is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, a forest of ice and swords, countless cruel punishments, and the endless hell, dense and immeasurable, with a ferocious frontal face, and limbs swaying with sparkling blood towards him. A group of evil spirits roaring, cursing, and roaring into the sky.

This picture scroll is alive.

The Buddha seems to be chanting scriptures, and the Buddha's power is transformed into wisps of Buddha's voice floating out of the scroll, as if he is expounding some wonderful truth between heaven and earth.

And those evil spirits are like living creatures. They climb, move, struggle, and twist in the scroll... The various scenes on the scroll are constantly changing... If you listen carefully, you can even hear these evil ghosts. The roar came from the scroll.

Have you practiced Buddhism? Emperor Tai Zhen lay dying and muttered in a low voice: No wonder, no wonder... your methods are more unpredictable than before. Ahem, which ancient Buddha is this? inheritance? Could it be that you are also the reincarnated body of Thief Bald? That move of Infinite Hell just now almost killed me directly... Such magical power, if you are not the reincarnated body of Thieving Bald, how can you be so powerful? ?”

The White Snake glanced sideways at Emperor Taiyi: Am I gifted? Am I unparalleled in understanding? I am wise and wise. I can master any magical power or secret method at a glance and master it as soon as I practice... Isn't it possible? I am a thief. A reincarnated body? What are you thinking? I am a native of the country, a serious person, a pure native of the Supreme Beginning of Heaven!

With a cold snort, the White Lady sneered: That's not the case. Why do you think we could do everything smoothly back then? Everything was like God's help. Why did we capture Landa Holy Land so smoothly?

Whether I am, Taichu, or even that guy in Taiqu who makes himself neither human nor ghost, the idiot who almost abandons his body, we are all pure natives! Otherwise, how can we succeed?

Sighing, White Snake shook the scroll in front of her and carefully put it away: This is Ksitigarbha's Picture of Hell... Life, death, reincarnation, and all kinds of great horrors are contained in it. It is the Landa Holy Land. One of the supreme inheritances.”

After hesitating for a moment, White Snake shook her head and nodded: Maybe? Although the Buddhist rhyme in this scroll is slightly different from the mainstream Buddhism in Landa Holy Land, it is still of the same lineage of Buddhism... No matter where it comes from. ?”

However, now, this inheritance is mine. I say that I am the new generation of Ksitigarbha. No one should object, right? Hey, in the Landa Holy Land back then, there was no orthodox disciple who could teach this scroll. As for the ancient Landa Temple, they were all burned to the ground by that guy from Taihu. Even if there were any successors, they have all disappeared!

The white lady smiled happily.

She looked up at the sky, then down at the ground, then at the beheaded big snake, and finally sighed: It seems that I was really not fooled, and after being beaten up, I really ran away! Heh, tell me, these old guys have nothing to do to help you come to trouble me, why do they bother you?

Emperor Tai Zhan was paralyzed in the air and kept smiling bitterly: It's nothing more than the word 'profit'!

The white lady looked at him intently and looked at him seriously: Are you doing it for a 'profit'? No, I gave you all the power of Tai Tian Tian. Those children, those children who were conceived by you and those women The children, their upbringing, and their education and management are all handed over to you.

I'm just messing around in Taishantian! And the little resources I've had over the years, compared to the huge Taishantian, are just a drop in the bucket and not worth mentioning. The White Snake was very dissatisfied. Jie asked Emperor Tai Zhen: Although I am your true self, have I ever interfered with you over the years? Have I ever obstructed you? Have I ever destroyed any of your plans, decisions, plans, or policies? No. Come on? Then, why do you want to rebel?

Emperor Taiyi looked at White Snake with a complicated expression.

The corner of his mouth twitched a few times, and finally he murmured: Yes, why? You throw away your hands and don't care about anything. I enjoy the title of Emperor Taiyi, and I enjoy the supreme power. Those vassal nobles are vying to flatter me. Handsome men and beauties can be taken and taken away, and billions of creatures, including life and death, honor and disgrace, are all in my mind!

So, why should I rebel against you?

Emperor Taiyi took a deep, deep breath. Countless delicate granulations squirmed rapidly in the wounds of his disappeared limbs. Along with the surge of colorful starlight, new limbs continued to grow in his wounds.

After three or five breaths, Emperor Tai Zhen's injuries healed, and his energy returned to its peak state. He slowly stood up.

Correspondingly, the cost of his recovery in such a short period of time was that thousands of nearby volcanoes, large and small, all dimmed. The magma that was originally full of heat and spewed out freely turned into pitch-black rocks and was frozen in the crater. . The howling cold air in the sky has become much gentler, and most of the biting cold air has dissipated.

The Heavenly General who was responsible for guarding this small dimension world looked pale and was sweating profusely.

In just a few breaths of reply, Emperor Taiyi took away one percent of the origin of heaven and earth in this small world... The final result of this one percent feedback of the origin of heaven and earth is that the Tao Yun Crystal he can collect this year The quantity and quality of the stone will drop just a tiny bit.

And this slight decrease in quality and quantity, in the Heavenly Court, where the rules and regulations are extremely strict, is enough to record a major mistake on his file. Maybe in a future evaluation, he will be judged because of this big mistake this year. His mistake directly led him to go to the Heavenly Punishment Platform.

Who is this provoking?

The guarding general was about to cry without tears, while Emperor Taiyi slowly moved his arms and legs, with a faint starlight surging around him. He looked at the white lady and said softly: Why? I think, in fact, I already have the answer.

He pointed to his nose and said with a smile: Emperor Taiyi!

Shaking his head, Emperor Taiyi said in a deep voice: I am not Emperor Taiyi.

One of the three supreme powers who established heaven... I am not one either.

I am a superior person who sits in Taiyitian, aloof, and makes countless creatures look up to, envy, envy, and even resent? Am I?

who I am?

I can't answer this question...

Emperor Taiyi frowned and said to himself: As long as you are alive and you want your true self to still exist, I will question the rationality of my existence again and again - who am I? This question is too complicated. ...In fact, you should ask, what am I!

My physical body was transformed by a ray of your essence and blood. The origin of my physical body can be explained clearly.

But my soul, my consciousness, my identity, my understanding of myself... What is the thing in my brain, deep in my mind? Is it a soul? Is it a ghost? Is it an evil ghost? Is it Evil? I am, what is it?

It's a physical body, an artificially made fleshy body. You didn't cut off a strand of your soul and put it in this manufactured fleshly body... So, can you answer me, 'I', 'me in this concept' , what is the 'I' that appears inexplicably from this artificial body?


A demon?

Is it strange?


Or, it's not even a monster... it's not a thing!

What am I?

I'm not a toy!

I'm not even a toy... and you keep saying that the 'monster' contained in this body, or the combination of this body and the thing that is not a toy in it, is Emperor Taiyi. He is one of the three supreme beings who established the Heavenly Court, and one of the most noble masters of heaven and earth with the identity of Supreme Taichu Heaven!

You are joking!

Emperor Taiyi waved his hand gently and said with a smile: Are you kidding me?

The white lady's eyes widened, and she nodded slightly: I can understand your confusion...even...your words made me fall into deep...deep thinking. Indeed, I didn't either Think about it, when I wanted to save trouble and had a little bit of mysophobia, it would cause you so much 'trouble'!

She looked at Emperor Tai Zhen seriously: In terms of blood connection, you are a clone of me.

But your consciousness, your soul, and your understanding of yourself have nothing to do with me at all... In fact, your soul was completely born out of thin air from this artificial body!

It's not reincarnation, nor is it possession of a body.

So, who are you? White Snake also fell into deep thought: But you, over the years, you have used the name of 'Emperor Taiyi' to marry so many good daughters and have children with them. He even used his own essence and blood to create a Chinese race!

The white lady shook her head vigorously: So, who are you?

You want to betray me for this answer? White Snake asked Emperor Taiyi seriously.

If you die, then I will be the real Emperor Taiyi. Emperor Taiyi said word by word: Of course, after killing you, I will drain your essence and blood, eat up all your flesh and blood, and devour Your soul allows us to truly and completely merge into one... Then, I will truly be myself!

We shouldn't separate! Emperor Taiyi smiled brightly.

But don't you think this is ridiculous? White Snake sighed: The world is fine, why do you bother with so many messy things? You just can't give up those overly complicated and mysterious ideas and do Is an ordinary, average person who spends his days eating, drinking, having fun, and having children qualified and in line with the Taiyi Emperor that we all have in mind?

Emperor Taiyi looked at White Snake with solemnity: Living like that, what's the point of my life?

The white lady has a headache.

She rubbed her solar system vigorously and murmured: So, you must kill me, right?

Emperor Taiyi gave her the answer very seriously: Yes, I will try my best to kill you. If it doesn't work this time, then next time... Or, you can kill me now?

The white lady waved her hand and shook her head.

Emperor Taiyi laughed: If that's the case, then, I'm leaving? Well, be careful. When I'm ready next time, I will attack you again!

The white lady waved her hands feebly and sighed heavily... She wanted to say something, but finally closed her mouth.

Just as White Snake and her 'clone' were torn between the world and the world in this small dimension, in the ancestral land of the Dugu family in the territory of Shenyin, a clan elder who had been in seclusion for many years and was almost covered with spider webs, Suddenly his eyes opened.

Your Majesty, what are your instructions to greet this veteran?

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