Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 1,038 Wedding (3)

‘Bang’, ‘bang’, ‘bang’!

Stars with diameters ranging from thousands of miles to tens of thousands of miles came flying at extremely terrifying speeds, and suddenly stopped when they reached the center of the Haojing Continent. From speeding like a stream of light to being absolutely still, there is no slowdown at all.

The invisible and colorless Buddha flames rose up, and the stars instantly melted into magma, falling like a waterfall, filling the big hole poked by Maitreya's finger across time and space.

Lu Qian was busy running around in the void, looking for suitable stars to fill the big holes in the Haojing continent. This time, after learning from the experience of Maitreya's finger, which easily penetrated the Red Dust Heavenly Buddha Formation and pierced the Haojing Continent, the stars that Lu Qian carried had extremely developed spiritual veins, extremely abundant spiritual intelligence, and extremely dense texture. , a type of 'treasure star' that contains a huge amount of genius treasures and rare minerals.

In order to transport so many precious stars, Lu Qian destroyed all the rarest and most precious stars in the territories of the wealthy families under Taiyi Tiantian.

These treasure stars, under Lu Qian's refining, turned into extremely pure treasure materials, which were cast bit by bit in the large hole in the middle, integrating with the Haojing continent as a whole. The destroyed Shenyin Ancestral Mountain was re-condensed and formed, and its specifications were a hundred times more magnificent than before. The diameter and height were far greater than before, and the texture was even more terrifying. It was directly refined by Lu Qian into a rough embryo of an imperial weapon.

With a loud noise, Zushan took shape again.

Large formations rose up again, with auras of auspicious energy and fairy light pushing in all directions. Among them, there are five rays and five elements of divine light that tower above all Buddha lights, swallowing up the heaven and earth, with a magnificent momentum, and the changes in it are even more exquisite!

He learned the experience and lessons from Maitreya's finger, which easily penetrated countless Buddhist formations in the original Haojing continent. He also learned a tragic lesson from Master Lang Yue who silently penetrated the Red Dust Sky Formation and appeared in the sky above Haojing!

——Lu Qian knew deeply that with the power of those powerful Buddhists, any Buddhist formation or any Buddhist method would be useless in front of them. Therefore, for the new guarding formation of the Haojing Continent, Lu Qian abandoned the original profound, mysterious and infinitely powerful Buddhist formations, and instead chose the innate and acquired five-element formation with five great men as the eyes and spirits of the formation.

Taking the Five Elements Formation as the hub, adding Lu Qian's understanding of the natural phenomena of yin and yang, life and death, sun and moon, stars, rivers, lakes and seas, etc., and using the great avenue of heaven and earth as the latitude and longitude, it completely breaks away from the stereotypes of Buddhist formations and exercises. The law imitates the heaven and earth, and arranges a natural 'natural formation'!

Although this formation, due to Lu Qian's Taoism and cultivation, there are naturally many rough parts. But after all, I have gotten rid of some of the trappings of Buddhist practices. At least, Lu Qian was sure. Not to mention the terrifying existences like Maitreya, at least Master Langyue and even the great Buddhist masters, including the red-skinned monk, could not enter and leave Haojing Continent at will without disturbing anyone. It's possible!

Lu Qian even abandoned the Four Square Heavenly Pillars and did not use them as the weapons of the new formation. Instead, he placed the Taihu Emperor's Ax at the core of the formation.

Those Buddhist treasures inherited from the Landa Holy Land are good, really good; strong, really strong; wonderful, really wonderful!

However, they are inherited from Buddhism after all... Although Lu Qian can use them, Lu Qian now seems to be their master... but God knows if they have left behind some powerful Buddhist back-ups?

Buddhist thieves are bald and unreliable! Lu Qian was arranging the formation while murmuring and complaining: All kinds of back tricks, all kinds of calculations, too many, too many... Hey, life is too complicated, and I am still like this It’s better to be simple and crude. Just use the simplest five elements to create and defeat the formation, and let the five uncles keep an eye on it. If anyone dares to break into the formation, just use Taihu Emperor’s ax to chop him!

Simple, crude, direct, primitive... full of the most wild and frank violence. We won't talk about the subtleties of Buddhism and the profound changes. Lu Qian sighed: Unless one day, I You can become a Buddha and become an ancestor and open up a new Buddhist avenue, otherwise...

The layout of the new Shenyinzu Mountain was completed, and the new prohibition formation enveloped the entire Haojing continent.

Shen Yin started to do a lot of things.

In response to White Snake's request, Shen Yin needs to tell the world that His Majesty the Emperor is going to enthrone the Queen - the upright Empress of the Palace must make it clear to all directions and inform all the forces in the Supreme Taichu Heaven. One sound!

After all, Shen Yin is really not weak now.

Let’s not talk about the weirdo Yinyuan, let’s talk about Lu Qian. His speed is unparalleled.

And the three Qingyou girls have realized the Supreme Sword Dao, condensed the Supreme Sword Dao Dao Fruit that no one has been able to condense since the creation of the Supreme Taichu Heaven, and become the supreme 'Sword Emperor' who is unparalleled in attacking!

Coupled with the intruder Bai Niangzi, who was once one of the three supreme beings in Taichu Heaven... Shen Yin now can be regarded as the top power in this world.

Therefore, some etiquette things cannot be messed up like before.

Ethics, principles, etiquette, rules...

Lu Qian sat cross-legged on the top of Zushan Mountain, holding a bunch of fresh fruits and munching happily. The three girls of Qingyou were lined up one by one, sitting next to him, with their six white legs hanging on the edge of the cliff. They were tossing and swaying comfortably with the biting wind, and they were nibbling in the same way. The melons and fruits looked at the excitement with a smile.

The five uncles were squatting next to or on Lu Qian as always.

The big parrot lay arrogantly on the head, the rabbit lay lazily on the lap, the green snake sneaked into the sleeves, the snapping turtle crawled beside him without any sense of existence, and the rhubarb sat leisurely beside him. On the other side, he rolled his eyes very humanely towards the red-skinned Haojing Imperial City at the foot of the mountain...

I don't know what the rules of this wedding are! Qingyou's cheeks were stuffed with bulges. While gnawing on the honeydew, she mumbled vaguely: Hey, I don't know that Sister-in-law Bai Yu, and Bai You Madam, who is older and who is younger? And that sister-in-law Linghujun is not vague either... Hey, there are so many sisters-in-law Baiyu and so many sisters-in-law Linghujun... what a headache!

Qing Ning Qing Meng nodded hurriedly and kept echoing her elder sister's opinions.

Isn't it?

Complex, too complex. Between heaven and earth, there aren't many families that can be as complicated as Yinyuan's, right?

Lu Qian ate the fruit leisurely, and smiled: Who cares? Anyway, this kind of housework, we can just watch the fun... Well, try to learn from experience and lessons, we will do it in the future Just don’t make the same mistake!”

Lu Qian made his words clear.

The three girls Qingyou glanced at Lu Qian sideways, blinked, and then focused all their attention on the imperial city where there was a faint evil spirit rising. Sitting on the top of the mountain, even though they were far away, their ears and eyes were sharp, and they could still hear the huge noise made by millions of white turtles and Linghu Juan in the imperial city!

‘Don’t make the same mistake’?

Qingyou and the three girls laughed haha.

Lu Qian was serious and did not interfere at all in Yinyuan's ceremony of canonizing the queen. He didn't even bother to ask how Yinyuan arranged for White Snake and Bai Yu!

Does the East Palace and the West Palace stand side by side?

Or is it the separation of powers between the queen and the imperial concubine?

Or, form a 'harem cabinet' and let so many wives and concubines vote on matters?

Raising his head, Lu Qian looked at the uncertain stars in the sky and murmured: Perhaps this is...the burden of fate, the price that the eldest brother must bear, right?

Qingyou swallowed the melon in her mouth with difficulty and asked vaguely: Do you know about His Majesty Yinyuan...

Lu Qian frowned: I have a slight guess.

Qingyou also frowned, and a sword sound sounded in her body: Well, the White Lady is going to hold a wedding ceremony. I'm afraid the purpose is not that simple, right?

Lu Qian was silent for a moment and then laughed: But the eldest brother must have a real wife.

Lowering his eyelids, Lu Qian said quietly: Whether it's White Snake, Bai Guan, Linghu Juan, or the Dugu clan, Nangong clan, Beimen clan, these noble ladies in the harem... Big brother If he can stand up for himself, then the world will be at peace. If he can't stand up for himself!

Lu Qian formed a seal with his hands, and within a square inch, wisps of transcendent power surged. Time and space were like mud, being played with, kneaded, cut, and crushed at will in his palms... Time and space burst out with dazzling light in his palms. , there are faint wisps of space-time charm, constantly pouring out from the small palm dimension, constantly integrating into Lu Qian's body, being absorbed and dissected by his soul.

What if he can't stand up? The big parrot flapped its wings and asked Lu Qian maliciously.

Ha! Lu Qian smiled and shook his head, ignoring the big parrot's words.

A high-pitched horn sounded.

An extremely large fleet decorated with flowers was slowly passing through a channel specially opened by the five uncles in the formation. On the flagship at the head of this fleet, Emperor Taiyi was also dressed in colorful clothes, standing there with a beaming face.

Really, fun.

A few days ago, in that small dimension, Emperor Taiyi was beaten and taught a lesson by White Snake. But today, Emperor Tai Zhen, as a ‘brother from his mother’s family’, came with a huge fleet to ‘send off’ the bride to the White Snake!

Of course, there was no White Snake in person in the fleet sending her off.

This eldest lady is currently squatting in the palace city of Haojing, picking out the wedding dress and jewelry for her wedding ceremony.

There was no bride in the procession of seeing off the bride. Everyone knew about this matter, but everyone pretended not to know about it... This kind of thing is really rare in ancient and modern times in the Supreme Taichu Heaven, and it is quite rare. funny!

Behind the escorting fleet commanded by Emperor Taiyi, came the escorting fleets of the Linghu, Dugu, Nangong, and Beimen clans. Compared with Emperor Tai Zhen's fleet, the size of these four families' wedding fleets was much smaller, but they were still full of flowers and riches.

Especially the Dugu clan's wedding fleet. On the flagship, several elders of the Dugu clan who had been in seclusion for many years and had ignored the affairs of the clan for many years were also standing there tremblingly. This especially shows that the Dugu family is extra attentive and attentive to this wedding ceremony!

Lu Qian glanced at several fleets sending off relatives.

One by one, the warships just sailed in normally, with no restrictions or formations activated. Even the escorting team on the ship were all dressed in brocade plainclothes, and no one was wearing battle armor. Even the cabins and warehouses of various sizes are filled with all kinds of rare dowry items, and there is not a single sword, gun, sword, halberd or other taboo items.

Even the large-scale offensive equipment originally carried on these battleships were all dismantled today, and some of the offensive formations inside the battleships were directly sealed with secret techniques...

Lu Qian's eyes flashed with a faint light, and he quickly scanned the fleets one by one.

Qingyou looked up at him and asked in surprise: What? Is there something wrong? Your mood is a bit chaotic... Is it possible that something will happen today?

Lu Qian let go of the seal on his hand, and the breeze rose from the ground, sweeping him up and standing up lightly. He frowned, looked seriously at the fleets that were sailing into the Haojing continent one after another, and said softly: I can't see anything wrong... However, this made me feel an inexplicable whim, and I felt more and more Something’s wrong!”

Ahu, Ahu! Lu Qian shouted in a low voice.

Ahu immediately emerged from behind a big rock on the top of the mountain, smelling of alcohol. Lu Qian and the three girls Qingyou were here eating melon and watching the fun, while he was drinking and watching a show with a few old brothers from Baihu Hall. When he heard Lu Qian's greeting, he hurriedly agreed: Brother Qian, someone is looking for you. Is it troublesome? However, the military formations in and around the city have all been arranged!

Lu Qian shook his head: Has it been arranged properly? The more it is like this, the more it makes me uneasy. Now that the military formations have been arranged properly, and the new formation I have set up, it makes me uneasy again. If there is trouble today, then it must be Big mess!”

However, it's just those few people. Lu Qian said with a wry smile: A few days ago, when my eldest brother used the power of the stars in the animation sky, I was thinking that there would be trouble coming. He is getting married today, if there is nothing There’s no sign of the chaos, but it’s getting worse!”

Say hello to Mr. Yu, and assemble all those who can fight, including the Zuohui clan, the Rakshasa clan, the Yaksha clan, and the Asura clan, to prepare for the battle.

There were countless thoughts in Lu Qian's mind, and he said in a deep voice: Especially, send the palace guards to search the inside and outside of Hao Capital City with all their strength to see if there is anything missing. Somewhere.

Haojing, inside the imperial city.

Yinyuan was exerting his special skills, coaxing the cute and angry Bai Yu softly: Hey, we are a couple in need, a real couple... Hey, you, don't you understand me? What?

The White Lady, of course, I don't deny that I am sincere to her, but when it comes to feelings, our feelings are the deepest... So, despite her pressure, I insisted on setting up the east and west palaces separately. You are the East Palace, she is the West Palace, the east is above the west!

Yinyuan subconsciously rubbed his waist and ribs, and said in a deep voice: The White Snake is also a reasonable person. With her identity and strength, she is willing to be the West Palace... From now on, you sisters must live in peace. Let's get along with you and take care of this 'big harem' for me, and don't ever get jealous again and cause trouble!

at the same time.

In the palace, Dugu Jue was looking at the direction of the main hall where Yinyuan was with a gloomy expression.

Hehe, hehe, the East Palace and the West Palace, the two empresses stand side by side. Under the two empresses, Linghu Juan, Nangong Rou, and Beimen Xiu, together with me, are the imperial concubines!

White Snake, you can't be offended, that's all.

Linghu Huang, Nangong Rou, and Beimen Xiu, like me, come from a powerful clan under the Taiyangtian rule. They are noble daughters of aristocratic families, and they are appointed as imperial concubines. I can barely accommodate them!

That White Turtle... comes from a humble background, a pig-dog-like ant from the lower world... How can she be able to ride on my head?

Dugu Jue gritted his teeth, feeling an inexplicable wave of evil in his heart.

She looked around, her eyes passing over the sisters who knew that she had been canonized as the Emperor's Noble Concubine and hurriedly came to please them. She glanced at the palace servants who were waiting cautiously and tremblingly, and suddenly fell on the pale-skinned girl. On the body of Yun Niang, who was slightly pale, obviously lacking energy and blood, and was haggard.

She didn't know why, but when she saw this gentle and gentle Yun Niang, she felt her heart boiling with anger. The evil fire was like a poisonous snake, biting her heart crazily, until her internal organs were almost broken. It turned into a ball of tofu dregs.

She was filled with inexplicable hatred, so much so that every pore in her body seemed to be breathing fire.

She carefully glanced at Yun Niang's plump and plump body again - yes, this woman is indeed not perfect... And in the huge palace city, there is only one person who has the ability to attack these palace men and maids!

Dugu Jue once again confirmed his judgment that this woman had an affair with Yinyuan.

Oh, are you worthy of standing here? All kinds of messy thoughts surged in Dugu Jue's mind, becoming more and more chaotic and confusing. She gasped, feeling that Yun Niang was not pleasing to her eyes. She didn't care that today was the wedding ceremony of the serious Shen Yin who canonized the queens of the two palaces and the four imperial concubines. She got angry and slapped her side fiercely. long table.

Simply, this is unreasonable. Dugu Jue hissed: Even the mortal dynasty in the world of mortals would never have the gift of canonizing two queens at the same time... let alone the gift of the imperial concubine and the queen entering the house at the same time!

The queens of the two palaces... the four royal concubines... held wedding ceremonies at the same time? Dugu Jue muttered incoherently: Why, not me? That's the White Snake, that's all... The White Snake... Haha, and you, You bitch...

Pull it down and beat her! Dugu Jue pointed hard at Yun Niang, who suddenly turned pale, and said with a low voice and a sinister smile: Be careful, attentive, and careful... Today is a good day for me, a good day for me. The days... Hee, don’t beat her to death, or you’ll get into trouble!”

As long as I don't kill him, I can fight him any way he wants!

In the void, a ball of clear light suddenly bloomed. This ball of clear light even preceded Taiyitian's escort fleet, followed the open passage in the invisible formation, and drove straight into the sky above Haojing.

In the clear light, Lord Tianshu strode out.

He said loudly: How can Heaven be rude to His Majesty Yinyuan on his happy day? Your Majesty Yinyuan, I have been ordered to give you a gift...

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