Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 1050 Towering (3)

It's not too big a deal to watch the fun.

Lu Qian couldn't find a way to restrain Master Adu for a while. Lu Qian already understood five or six points of this guy's origin. But Lu Qian still didn't understand. This guy must have attained the Tao before the Supreme Taichu Taikai!

In other words, before the Supreme Taichu Heavenly Capital existed, beings like Master Adu had already cultivated the Tao and achieved their own magical powers.

This guy's way, the way of his fellow Taoists, are obviously incompatible with the supreme Taochu Heaven's great way of heaven and earth, and the laws of heaven and earth. They are not the same way at all.

It just so happens that Lu Qian adheres to the most orthodox and powerful Tao of the Supreme Taichu Heaven. He has mastered the avenues of space and time. He has condensed the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit. He can be called the leader of this world on the two avenues of space and speed. The supreme master...and he was actually completely helpless against Master Atu!

Lu Qian's heart felt a little heavy.

Perhaps, Master Langyue and the others are right - the world they truly belong to, the Tao they 'brought' from that world has infiltrated their bodies, their souls, and the Tao that is perfectly integrated with their entire cultivation system. ', which is stronger than the current Supreme Taichu Tian.

Maybe this description is not very accurate - but you throw a giant octopus from the deep sea with a body length of a hundred feet into a deep pool with a radius of a hundred miles in the mountains. Even if there were large fish of several feet in length in the deep pool, those big fish would definitely not be a match for such giant octopuses.

Lu Qian is the top predator in the deep pool of Supreme Taichu Heaven, that big fish several feet long.

As for characters like Master Adu, they may be giant creatures that are hundreds of feet, thousands of feet, or even ten thousand feet long, and even giant monsters that were raised in the truly boundless ocean. They were thrown into this small pond from the real deep sea. Their life characteristics, their behavioral norms, and their vitality must have been greatly suppressed.

Lu Qian, the original top predator native to the deep pool, has sharp teeth and can tear off a few big pieces of fat from these giants... But when these giants really stretch their bodies, the big fish What can be done to them?

That’s it.

That’s why Master Lang Yue said, ‘The Tao of the Supreme Taichu Heaven is, after all, shallow’.

Well, when you think about it, the entire world of the Supreme Taichu Heaven was created by the violence of 'Maitreya' sitting at the source of the long river of time, and you can understand that what Master Lang Yue said makes sense.

Master Adu had already climbed to the top of the Glazed Mountain step by step. Panting, he moved step by step into the small temple on the top of the mountain, with four walls that were ventilated, and the inside could be clearly seen from the outside. . A strange altar was raised in the temple. Master Adu murmured loudly, and along with the strange secret mantras, he took out countless Buddhist seven treasures, countless colored glazes, clams, diamonds and other objects, which were piled up like a mountain. The seven treasures were placed on the altar.

On the small altar, a wisp of black and red flames rose.

Lu Qian felt the ultimate power of creation and destruction of the world in the black-red flame. That is the fire of creation and the cause of destruction. There is unfathomable power that spans time and space, shuttles through the past, present, and future, and glances down at the spatial dimensions of countless worlds.

Lu Qian even suspected that this unpredictable power might not be a living thing anymore, but just some kind of 'concept of existence'.

A ray of his attention dropped, and the countless Buddhist Seven Treasures on the altar instantly disappeared... The avenue of heaven and earth in the supreme Taichu Heaven shook violently, accompanied by terrifying sounds of gold and iron colliding, and in the void, streaks of The giant dragon dharma that manifested the avenue of heaven and earth emerged out of thin air, and the chains formed by the heavenly rules and commandments were shaken by the invisible force, colliding with each other, splashing boundless thunder, and making a terrifying loud roar.

Master A'du looked up and looked into the void surrounded by countless dragons and dharma, and he laughed strangely.

From his body, the power of one hundred and eight strange-colored avenues quietly emerged... Master Adu did not comprehend the great avenues of heaven and earth that are now the Supreme Taichu Heaven. He did not use the power of these avenues to condense the Imperial Seal Dao. As a result, part of the aura of the Great Law that he originally possessed in his body was leaked.

It was as if, in a deep sea where giant dragons were entrenched, some outside herders dropped a few small dragon eggs.

The rhyme of the Tao permeates the air, and the air of the Tao pervades the sky.

The Dao Qi flowing from Master Adu's body was not very strong, but they frantically swallowed the Dao Yun Qi emanating from the Dao laws in the void, and the power of these 108 Dao began to grow rapidly.

I, voluntarily offer sacrifices to the heaven and earth. May this world be more complete and achieve true perfection and bliss! Good, good! Master Adu chanted the name of the Buddha and began to dance around the altar.

In the supreme Taichu Heaven, there are one hundred and eight more great laws in the void!

Among these one hundred and eight great laws, there are the ways of killing, the ways of sacrifice, the ways of poison, the ways of earth, water, fire and wind... Some of these avenues have the same attributes as the existing avenues of the Supreme Taichu Heaven itself. , but they are completely different in terms of core strength!

Countless jet-black thunderbolts rolled up in the void. This was the supreme primordial thunder that existed when the world was first created... This kind of lightning contained the power to create the world and the supreme vitality of creation. The jet-black streaks The thunder rolled up these one hundred and eight avenues, which perfectly fit into the existing avenue system of Supreme Taichutian.

The entire Supreme Taichu Heaven is cheering, jumping for joy, and welcoming the integration of these one hundred and eight new avenues.

Heaven and earth become more complete.

The vast sea of ​​heaven and earth has been expanded in both area and depth.

In other words, a more anthropomorphic description is that the original Supreme Taichu Heaven was a small village where close relatives had been married for countless years. Everyone was tired of looking at the familiar old faces. Their future reproduction, future changes in the avenue, and future growth and decline of the world have long been fixed.

However, suddenly someone filled this closed and closed village with one hundred and eight lively, brand-new, fresh, never-before-seen, and juicy girls!

Thus, the whole game of chess came to life.

Heaven and earth become more vivid, heaven and earth become more agile...

For the Supreme Taichu Heaven, the more important significance of the addition of these 108 new avenues is that these 108 avenues are free and flexible, and the shackles of heaven's rules are not Can imprison him!

As a result, one hundred and eight agile and fierce giant dragons glowing with black and red light appeared in the void. One hundred and eight giant dragons shook their heads and swung their tails, and they clashed and collided wildly. The shackles of the heaven and earth formed by the rules and commandments of the heaven and the dragons around them, which had been imprisoned for countless years, made a clanging sound and sparked sparks. Splatter.

There were some relatively weak laws of heaven and earth, and the shackles of heaven and earth, which were not very strong, were violently hit and cracked into thin cracks.

Corresponding to this, in the heaven hanging high at the core of the supreme Taichu Tiantian, the thick cloud platform was surging, and the situation in the Supervisory Heaven Palace was changing. Countless lightning bolts were wildly spraying around, beating Mr. Dafang to death, and he was vomiting blood. A long way out!

In the void, strands of lotus flowers condensed with colorful starlight sprinkled down like a torrential rain, pouring crazily into Master Adu's body.

Master Adu's aura suddenly rose to the point where even Lu Qian felt suffocated.

The heaven and the earth are aware that no matter what the purpose of this strange sacrifice of Master Adu is, his integration of one hundred and eight new avenues will have great merit for this world. As a result, God sent merit, and Master Adu received immeasurable huge benefits from it!

Lu Qian was dumbfounded - could this be done like this?

The problem is, Lu Qian never thought that this could be done?

There is no doubt that Master Adu is an outsider from outside the world... He has contributed to this world with his own great way, and he has received such great benefits?

This this……

It seems to be in line with the supreme law of heaven and earth’s own development and evolution!

The problem is... there are too many problems here, too many!

Lu Qian subconsciously took two steps back.

He glanced at Master Langyue and the Brahmin again. There was a hint of shock on their faces, but they also had an 'unsurprising' feeling of ease and determination. Obviously, they knew what Master Adu could do, but they did not expect that Master Adu would be forced by Lu Qian to do such a thing today, at this moment!

Master Adu, whose whole body was filled with colorful light of merit, stopped dancing and chanting weird mantras.

He raised his head, looked at the one hundred and eight Dharma projections of the Dao that were running around in the sky, and said calmly: The seeds of the Dao have been sown, and they are just waiting to mature. According to the fundamental principles of this world, I will At the same time, one hundred and eight Emperor's Seal Dao Fruits are condensed, haha!

Master Adu glanced sideways at Lu Qian and said softly: It shouldn't be today, nor should it be here... It's too crude, too simple, too... disrespectful. There should be a grander sacrifice, there should be There are more glorious sacrifices, and I should get greater benefits from them. My physical strength, my magic power, my spirit, everything should get greater benefits.

Since I attained enlightenment, I have never held such a crude sacrifice.

Master Adu's face was twitching. He felt like a rich man in the capital of the dynasty. He was usually surrounded by all kinds of 'oirans' and 'famous people', but he accidentally wandered into a small and barren town on the border. On the bed, I was forced to have an affair with an old widow who did a half-open business!

Although Lu Qian has never experienced this feeling, he can understand the humiliating feeling of 'I am not clean anymore'.

Ultimately, this sense of humiliation was caused by Lu Qian's violent beating of Master Adu. So, what kind of attitude does Master Adu have towards Lu Qian at this moment? Can you think clearly about just catching a wild boar?

Therefore, Lu Qian took two steps back and retreated a very far distance.

When Lu Qian retreated, neither Master Adu, Master Langyue, nor the Brahmin who pretended to be solemn at the side, or even a few asuras with branches and twigs, etc., did not take action or speak to stop him.

At the same time, they looked at the Third Burial Monk, who had a blue complexion and was almost dead from the Posuji Dragon King's poison.

Pu mustard seeds, I haven't seen them for many years. Master Langyue smiled and bowed to the three burial monks: Back then, among the many disciples in the Landa Holy Land, you were ranked first in merit and virtue. The first in meritorious deeds... No matter whether it is sutras, Tibetan scriptures, theories, knowledge, or even magical powers and magic, I am the first among all disciples. I am not as good as you!

The Third Burial Monk just looked at Master Lang Yue without saying a word.

Bai Zun silently came up behind the three buried monks. She had returned to her original appearance. She was still a stunning beauty with a fragrant fragrance that would captivate the country. She was wearing a wedding dress as red as blood. She didn't know when there were many more people around her. Red lanterns, incense burners, dragon and phoenix incense candles and other objects were floating in the air, and his hands gently pressed on the back of the three-burial monk's heart.

A huge amount of evil power poured into the body of the three-burial monk.

Dragon King Posuji let out a low roar, and an invisible shock rushed away. The monk's robes on the body of the three buried monks were shattered and turned into pieces of fine cloth butterflies that scattered around. The Third Burial Monk's body was exposed, and from his neck down to his lower abdomen, a huge, ferocious and twisted head that looked like a dragon but not a dragon protruded more than an inch high.

The dragon king's head raised to the sky and howled angrily, opening his mouth and spitting out a large amount of sticky dark green light patterns. When wisps of light touched the blood essence of the Three Burial Monks, they immediately turned into highly toxic venom, corroding his body crazily. The amount of poison spewed out by this great dragon king was so huge that the poison surged through the body of the San Burial Monk like a tide, and even overflowed from his pores.

The dark green venom splashed, corroding the body and vitality. Wherever it passed, all tangible and intangible objects seemed to have suffered a 'doomsday disaster' and were corroded away.

The venom flowed from the body surface of the three-buried monk, slid down, and landed on the small star below.

With the sound of 'Pfft', a drop of venom the size of a soybean actually corroded a large hole a hundred miles in diameter in the ground below. Sand and gravel, soil, mountain peaks, trees, and even birds and animals, etc., all turned into a wisp of blue smoke and disappeared without a trace.

Below here, as mentioned before, is a battlefield. The two warring countries have invested millions of troops in a frantic battle.

When the venom was dripping, Lu Qian waved his hand, and a wisp of space fluctuations swept towards the venom, trying to move it towards the direction of heaven - ahem, yes, Lu Qian was going to use this seemingly extremely vicious venom directly. Throw it on the forehead of Emperor Taichu!

But the venom is so terrifying, the space fluctuates, and a small hole is corroded into the space.

The venom corroded the void and fell on the earth.

The million-strong army was wiped out in ashes... Lu Qian's eyes widened, and he looked in great shock at the huge head emerging from the body of the three-burial monk, and the Dragon King Posu Ji was roaring into the sky!

This guy...

This guy...

This guy...

However, it is not surprising that this guy was grabbed by the gods and demons and used as a rope to stir up the sea of ​​milk to extract the 'nectar' of immortality. The sea of ​​milk was stirred to the end, and what was spewed out was poison that could destroy the world.

And the destruction of the world is naturally the ultimate power that annihilates even space and time!

Therefore, it is understandable that the power of space is restrained by the poison of Dragon King Posu Ji... In the Supreme Taichu Heaven, it is impossible for such a terrible poison to appear. The 'poison' avenue of the Supreme Taichu Heaven has His limits. But the poison of the Dragon King Vasuji does not belong to the Supreme Taichu Heaven, but is an alien substance from the heaven.

Therefore, this kind of poison can exist, and it is reasonable. Lu Qian mobilized the power of space in the Supreme Taichu Heaven to effectively isolate this kind of poison... Yes... Also...

Lu Qian couldn't accept it!

When the Third Burial Monk faced the poison spewed out by Dragon King Posuji, his skin and flesh melted rapidly. In the sound of chichi, the dark green Dao lines were crazily eroding his flesh, organs, bone marrow, and soul. …

Fortunately, there is Bai Zun.

Bai Zun's power is a 'non-heaven' power. It is an evil power that goes beyond all constraints of heaven and does not belong to any category of heaven and earth. Wisps of blood-colored smoke blended into the body of the three-buried monk. The dark green Dao lines dimmed one by one, disappearing bit by bit. The highly toxic venom that followed also disappeared, and the three-buried monk's flesh and blood returned. grew again.

There was a loud 'bang' sound.

A nine-layered pillar of relics emerges above the head of the third-buried monk. A twelve-level red lotus pedestal spurts out from beneath his feet. Behind him, a diamond wheel with eighteen layers of shining light rises. The eighteen-layered wheel is nested inside and outside, either slowly or urgently. Rotating, circles of transparent Buddhist Taoist rhymes continued to spread to the surroundings, and an extremely heavy pressure to surrender the external demons emerged spontaneously.

Dragon King Vasuji let out a low roar.

Where did this ghost bitch come from? How could Landa Holy Land teach such a disciple? Circles of transparent Buddhist rhymes washed over the body of the three-buried monk. The Dragon King Posuji could not gain a foothold in the body of the three-buried monk. , he roared, turned into a ferocious giant snake, struggled out of the body of the three-burial monk little by little, and finally rolled up, turned into a big blue snake, and landed on the neck of Master Adu on the top of the Liuli Mountain. After wrapping it around his neck several times, he raised his head unwillingly and stared at the Third Burial Monk fiercely.

The Third Burial monk spit out a mouthful of poisonous blood, clasped his hands to Master Lang Yue, and saluted: Master Lang Yue, I haven't seen you for many years...Pu Jiezi, there is no such person in the world. Now, there is only the Third Burial.

Master Lang Yue wanted to say something, but the Third Burial Monk had already spoken: In the past, when we talked about Taoism, the young monk was right... You are all evil heretics, and each one tolerates evil intentions. Landa Holy Land must not tolerate you. However, at that time the little monk spoke softly, and the masters of the various schools thought that you were the Zhengshuo of Landa Holy Land and had great merits in heaven and earth, so they allowed you to do whatever you wanted.

The Third Burial Monk sighed quietly: If I had followed the young monk's words back then, all the countless resources and faith that would have been spent on you would have been invested in the young monk's many brothers... Perhaps, Landa Holy Land will still be as ancient as ever. If it lasts forever, the disasters of the past will disappear?

Master Lang Yue clasped his hands together.

Master Adu, Brahmins, Asuras, etc., on the other hand, kept sneering haha.

Lu Qian's eyes widened at the side. He quickly laid out tens of thousands of complex trap defenses that combined space and speed around him. Then he sat cross-legged in the void and looked at this side quietly.

There seems to be a lot of emphasis on this?

Gee, Monk San Burial, who is actually the ‘number one disciple’? So many firsts, firsts, firsts... There is no doubt that this is a genius? Tsk, but it seems that he is not on the same side as the tantric sect of the Landa Holy Land represented by Master Langyue!

Hey, hey, his biological father, Lu Min, obviously knew the twists and turns involved. Why didn't he explain it clearly to Lu Qian?

Who do the three buried monks represent?

Master Langyue, who does he represent?

Also, who do they represent, the group of people from the Great Leiyin Temple in Lingshan, headed by Qing Sha, Lu Sanqi, and Ming Jiudan?

Well, there is also Lu Min. Which lineage of Landa Holy Land does he represent?

Lu Qian could see that now Landa Holy Land was once again impressive. During that battle, there were many 'remnants' in Landa Holy Land who were slowly 'reviving' from the ashes, and the strength they showed in these resurrected ashes, It’s really shocking!

Lu Qian even felt that with the strength of Emperor Taichu, Emperor Taiyu, and Emperor Taiyi, if the Landa Holy Land could work together back then... Let alone the weird sacrificial ceremony held by Master Adu today, if they had If we could attack with all our strength... would there still be heaven today?

Can there still be the supreme Taichu Heaven today?

There are so many twists and turns here that Lu Qian feels a little itchy, tsk tsk!

Master Langyue smiled.

She clicked with her right hand, a ray of golden light lingered, and wisps of smallpox bloomed. There was the sound of Sanskrit singing in the sky, golden lotuses surged from the ground, and phantoms of golden dragons and jade phoenixes appeared in the void, circling and dancing around Master Langyue and around the glazed mountain peak where Master Adu was located. What's more, it's a sacred scene, as if the legendary Tathagata has descended and is preaching on the top of Mount Sumeru.

You have grievances. Master Langyue smiled and said, But where does this grievance come from? You must know that you Pu Jiezi are just a mortal, struggling to survive in the wilderness. In the sky of wild beasts, you were killed by the preaching brother of my Landa Holy Land. Save, teach the Dharma, enlighten one day, and attain the status of Bodhisattva, and three days later, enlightenment, Tathagata, great liberation, and attainment of Buddhahood!

You have grievances.

But this shouldn't be the case... You are certainly the first generation creature from the Supreme Beginning of Heaven, and you are certainly infected with the innate virtues that created the world, but the heaven and earth are not complete, and you, an innate creature, are just a mortal.

It was our Landa Holy Land that taught you the Dharma and made you transcendent and become a saint!

Master Lang Yue looked at the Third Burial Monk with a smile: Why do you have such resentment? Why did you and your group of brothers come to power in the Landa Holy Land? After gaining power, they repeatedly started disputes over Buddhism and fought against fellow disciples. Fighting? There are even many masters who died because of you waiting?

The three-burial monk raised his eyelids and seemed surprised that Master Langyue could know such things as the 'guru's death'.

Lu Qian, who was watching the excitement, knew that it was not easy for a disciple to deceive his master and destroy his ancestor. To succeed, he needed to be extremely cautious, and the most important thing was to strictly keep secrets.

Especially in the Landa Holy Land, one can imagine what the identities of the masters in the Landa Holy Land are? That is to teach the Buddhist Dharma to disciples like Monk Three Burials, so that they can rise from ordinary people to saints and realize the power of the Buddha!

The Three Burial Monks and the others were able to make such a master 'exterminate'... whether it was through force or conspiracy, this was something that outsiders could not easily know.

You know it, but so what? Monk Three Burials sighed: It's a pity that we were too conservative when we started... If we could be brave and radical... If we could defeat you Wait until all the demons are wiped out!

Master Lang Yue interrupted Monk Three Burials: In your hearts, we are demons?

Master Lang Yue said angrily: Have you completely forgotten even the kindness of teaching and preaching?

Master Langyue's face turned slightly red, and he was obviously a little angry.

The Third Burial Monk laughed loudly, and he laughed harshly: What a blessing to preach...Lang Yue, do you dare to say that you don't know where our so-called innate beings come from? Landa The Holy Land is in the Supreme Taichu Heaven. The first batch of disciples it recruited was exactly 480 million people, and they achieved 480 million Buddhas. Why is this number exactly?

Wisps of cold air spurted out from the pores of Lu Qian's body, and his hairs stood up straight.

He looked at the Third Burial Monk in shock, and subconsciously raised his head to look in the direction of heaven...

Emperor Taichu didn't know what he was doing. In that direction, 480 million ancient stars were still emitting faint light. In the huge and supreme Taichu sky, anyone who was above the Star King, no matter day or night, no matter where he was. Wherever you look, you can see these 480 million ancient stars at all times!

We! The first batch of disciples of the Landa Holy Land, 480 million people, the so-called first batch of innate beings in the creation of the world... If you, the thief and bald demons of the Landa Holy Land do not come from outside, do not forcefully split them open The germ of heaven and earth, do not forcibly use your Buddhist way to infect the roots of my heaven and earth, and forcibly change the avenue of heaven and earth in my hometown!

The Third Burial Monk roared loudly: We, 480 million people, should be the 480 million innate star gods... sitting in the void, maintaining the heaven and earth, controlling the movement of the heaven and earth, and maintaining the order of the universe!

Just because you, Landa Holy Land, came from outside the sky, the demon monk Maitreya forcibly broke open the heaven and the earth, the heaven and the earth collapsed, the sun and the moon were unbalanced, the universe was reversed, and the paradox of the great road... We and other 480 million fellow disciples, 480 million The Zhoutian Star God, who is destined to be destined by millions of people, has his own soul and the body of the star that he conceived have been forcibly cut open!

Those stars turned into half-dead zombies, hanging high in the sky... We fell into the mud and became mortals. We were forced to enter the door by these hypocritical thieves, and were refined by the Buddha's teachings. We repaired ourselves with our own luck. The damage to the Holy Land of Landa...with our force, I will act as a bodyguard for you!

We were originally supposed to be the masters of this world...but we have become your Buddhist lackeys, squeezing this world for you in exchange for immeasurable food to recuperate and recuperate for your seriously injured bodies!

The Third Burial monk shouted sternly: This is an eternal blood feud!

Lu Qian couldn't help stroking his hands in admiration.

In this way, he could understand what Monk Three Burials did and the actual hatred between him and Master Long Yue, the orthodox monks of the Landa Holy Land.

It turns out that this hatred has been left since the creation of heaven and earth!


What type of disciple does Lu Min represent?

And what about the Qingsha faction?

Lu Qian was thinking. Behind him, the ripples in the space moved slightly. Lu Min, holding Buddhist beads and chanting Buddhist scriptures in a low voice, and four old monks who were thin and skinny, with a spiritual air, quietly appeared behind Lu Qian. .

The auras of these four old monks are extremely terrifying!

With Lu Qian's current cultivation level, it can only be described as 'terrible'!

Are you here? Who are these four masters? Lu Yi said without looking back: There's a lot of excitement here. Monk San Burial and Nun Long Yue, what's going on between them?

Lu Min took a step forward and stood beside Lu Yi.

He looked at the three burial monks and Master Lang Yue who were confronting each other in the distance, and said calmly: It's just an injustice. These four are naturally me, no different from me... In the past two days, I was lucky enough to wake them up and bring them to justice. Recall, that’s all.”

Lu Qian's face twitched violently, and he raised his head in shock, looking at the four old monks whose looks and aura were completely different from Lu Min's, and who had no resemblance to each other.

Well, it's another supreme secret technique of Buddhism that Lu Qian can't understand yet.

There is even no corresponding record in Landa Buddha!

Obviously, Lu Min's secret technique has nothing to do with the lineage of Landa Buddha... This is...

Lu Qian smiled bitterly in his heart. How deep was the water in the Landa Holy Land back then? What exactly happened back then? What is the origin of Landa Holy Land? What is its origin?

You don't have any sleeping brothers? Lu Qian clicked his lips and asked again.

Yes, but it's not time for them to show up yet! Lu Min said seriously: Master Adu, Dragon King Vasuji, and the great demon with the name of Brahmin, Kusheshou... are scary. , where are you? Their tantric lineage has more than this number of people hiding!

Lu Qian's spit stuck in his throat, like glue, and he couldn't swallow it for a long time.

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