Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 1054: Launch (2)

At the end of the corridor, in the ancient Zen hall, Qing Sha was rubbing the golden body of the Buddha sitting cross-legged on the ground.

There are men and women, old and young.

The golden body sat cross-legged on the ground, with all kinds of strange phenomena floating around him. The majestic Buddhist rhyme, ancient and timeless, spread from each golden body, filling the entire meditation hall, and seemed to fill the entire universe.

Old Xiong Zun walked into the meditation hall, put his hands on his hips, gasped for breath, and looked at Qing Sha. Qingsha's face was unfamiliar to him. After all, in this life, Qing Sha was directly reincarnated as Qing Emperor's direct biological flesh and blood, and reincarnated as Qing Emperor's son... This identity is simply unbelievable, and his face is naturally unfamiliar to Old Xiong Zun.

But the thirty-six golden Buddha statues that Qing Sha was caressing were no stranger to Old Xiong Zun.

In other words, there was a golden body of the Buddha among them, which Old Xiong was very familiar with - he had just been accepted by Master Long Yue as his disciple. He had lived in the Landa Holy Land for many years, and he had also listened at the feet of this Buddha. Pass the scriptures and receive the Dharma.

However, this Buddha talks about the graceful and mysterious way of derivation of heaven and man and equality of all living beings, which is incompatible with the way of great openness, great unity, and bloody battles recognized by the old Xiong Lord. Every time, after listening to the Buddha's lectures, Old Xiong Zun could not avoid drooping his eyelids and becoming sleepy.

Lao Xiong Zun abided by the Buddhist precepts and saluted Qingsha with his hands together, performing the ritual of paying homage to the Buddha for the descendants of the Landa Holy Land.

It turns out it's you. I, the Buddha, am the only one with mercy! Old Xiong Zun said with emotion: I really didn't expect that so many incredible eminent monks and sages have passed away... When I, Old Xiong, listened to the Dharma, you Among all the Buddhas, you are the most inconspicuous one, but you are the one who has lived till now!

Qingsha blinked his eyes.

He looked at Old Xiong Zun - this little blind bear was so imitated that he actually learned the magic of yin and yang and the piri and yangqiu. He smiled, nodded and said: Yes, because he is weak, he acts cautiously, so he is good at protecting himself... I can survive until now...

Old Xiong Zun started to laugh: I thought you were alive until now because you ran away from the battle?

He blinked and looked Qingsha up and down: When Qingdi, Taichu, Taihu, Taiyi, and those guys got together and broke into Landa's main courtyard, you... participated in the war, right?

Qingsha remained silent for a long time without saying a word.

When I first met Lu Qian, he could show the demeanor and style that a true Buddhist eminent monk should have. He could decorate himself with thick gold powder and make Lu Qian feel awe and emotion from the bottom of his heart. , and according to the route he drew, a back door was opened in the avenue controlled by Buddhism, and Lu Qian attained the fruit of speed.

As expected, after Lu Qian attained the Speed ​​Path Fruit, the attention of Tai Chu, Tai Zhen, and even Qing Emperor were all drawn to Lu Qian. Lingshan Daleiyin Temple led by Qingsha was able to take back the exposed branches and branches that should be recovered, clean up those that should be cleaned, and rearrange those that should be rearranged.

Now, Lingshan Daleiyin Temple is ‘safe’ again.

There is no doubt that this is all due to Lu Qian's achievement of the Speed ​​Path Fruit and his ability to fully attract firepower!

But facing Old Xiong Zun, a familiar acquaintance, Qing Sha was a bit unable to show off the majestic golden body of a Buddhist eminent monk in front of Lu Qian.

Qingsha's face drooped, and a trace of cold air came from his bones. He turned around and saw the old Xiong Zun in front of him. He put his hands in the wide sleeves of his robe and said unhurriedly: What happened back then is like a dream. Now that it has passed, what's the use of mentioning it again...

But you, after so many years of hiding in Yuncha Ridge, finally mustered up the courage to come out? Qingsha said calmly: Your master is back? To my surprise...she came back quickly!

Old Xiong Zun narrowed his eyes: I thought she was completely dead. How do you actually know that she will come back?

Qing Sha pondered for a moment and smiled. He shook his head and smiled: Hey, everyone knows the basics... Well, no, this 'knowing the basics' is a bit biased... Well, it should be that everyone knows about each other's basics. Eighty percent of the time...she would not have died so easily. If she had really died so easily, she would have died hundreds of times back then.

Old Xiong Zun's little eyes narrowed further and became the size of sesame seeds.

What Qing Sha was talking about should be what happened to Master Long Yue when he was in the Outer Sect of the Landa Holy Land... Master Lang Yue, who was the number one in the Outer Sect, traveled outside to preach, slay demons, recruit disciples, and broadcast Buddhism has experienced hundreds of life and death tribulations.

You must know that at that time, Landa Holy Land was at its peak when the Supreme Taichu Heaven covered the sky with one hand.

A 'original disciple of Buddhism' like Master Lang Yue actually encountered hundreds of major crises and nearly perished... This is simply a mockery of everyone's IQ!

You are right what you just said. Things in those days are just like a dream. Now that they have passed, let them go with the wind. Old Xiong Zun smiled brightly: It is a great joy for the master to return safely. As for the truth behind it, What happened, why it happened...all 'causes' are 'illusions'...only 'effects' are real!

Old Xiong Zun said with emotion: Little Bear, my cultivation is shallow and my wisdom is weak. Being able to see that real 'fruit' is great luck... As for the many 'causes', they are not Little Bear and I am qualified and capable to touch them. of.

Qingsha's face twitched again.

Well, that blind black bear guy back then actually learned how to cheat.

What a simple and honest black bear spirit he was back then... Qing Sha remembered clearly that the old Xiong Zun, who had been accepted by Master Lang Yue for a few years, once cried over the deaths of several handymen who worked in the woodsheds of the Landa Holy Land. The gods and the earth were so angry that they broke into the main courtyard of Landa Holy Land and the sutra hall where the abbot lectured, and he was almost beaten to death!

The death of a few handyman demons, such a weak and superficial 'cause', for such a trivial 'cause', the old Xiong Zun who could cause such a big disturbance actually turned against his master, Master Lang Yue, for reincarnation I don't even bother to trace the reason for my return...

Is this learning to be smart?

Only smart people can live longer!

Is it any wonder that this blind old bear, under the pressure and military front from heaven, was able to live happily for so many years with a group of demons and monsters in Yunchaling?

Qingsha praised: You have awakened, you have gained wisdom, I am so relieved!

Shaking his head, Qingsha smiled and said: So, why did you come to Hongmeitian this time? You went to Hongmeitian just to see us, right? But for many years, I, Lingshan Daleiyin Temple, and you Yun Although Chaling is the remnant of the Landa Holy Land, we stick to our duties and have never communicated with each other...

Old Xiong Zun interrupted Qing Sha: What you keep saying is a bit like farting!

Qing Sha's face twitched. The old blind man had just praised him for his progress, but he started to talk nonsense again. How smart is this guy...? Or, how about smart?

Is there anything inappropriate in what I said? Qing Sha looked at Old Xiong Zun with a serious smile.

Your Lingshan Great Leiyin Temple and I, Yunchaling, have a rich friendship... Otherwise, how could Mr. Heiyun, the idiot godson of Xiao Xiong, become an outer disciple of your Lingshan Great Leiyin Temple? ? Old Xiong Zun blinked his eyes, and his two small black eyes revealed his unique shrewdness, cunning, and even a hint of meanness and cruelty: Not to mention, your That Prince Yuan Fu, haha, he committed a crime and made a mistake, and he actually ran away to Yuncha Ridge as soon as possible.

Old Xiong Zun sighed: Perhaps it's because your farts are always sweet, more fragrant than the honey brewed by the wild bees in Yuncha Ridge, so Heiyun Lord and those idiots are clinging to you like crazy. Come up and hug your thigh from Lingshan Great Leiyin Temple!

This is a small matter, godsons, I have many, many, many little bears. Old Xiong Zun said with a smile: Not only godsons, but also many goddaughters... You Lingshan Daleiyin Temple has taken a fancy to them, just care Just ask, how much you want, I’ll take care of it!”

However, Prince Yuanxu committed a crime and instead of sneaking to your own territory, he ran to Yunchaling. This is not loyal enough.

Old Xiong Zun sighed: You are trying to draw the wrath of heaven to Yunchaling, and ask me to block the sword for you! This is very meaningless. This 'cause', I really want to turn a blind eye to Little Bear, but I can’t turn a blind eye!”

Qingsha smiled and said: Really? How do you want to 'turn a blind eye'?

Old Xiong Zun put on a thoughtful look. He tilted his head, like a 'bad elementary school student' who was sent to the 'calculus exam room for the final college exam'. His eyes were empty, his body was relaxed, and he was completely blank. Thinking like this, for a long time, for a long time, for a long time...

Qingsha's face gradually became darker and darker.

However, as a senior Buddhist monk with many years of experience, Qingsha still showed extremely high patience and patience. With a gloomy face, he simply sat cross-legged on the ground, holding his chin in his hands and resting his elbows on his knees, raising his head slightly and looking at Old Xiong Zun quietly.

Old Xiong Zun just tilted his head in an innocent and blank manner, thinking, thinking, thinking... like this, for a long time, for a long time, for a long time...

The four great Vajras, Pofa and Dali, stood behind Old Xiong Zun.

They are like four huge statues, with a faint glow of treasure all over their bodies, but their auras are gradually and continuously restrained.

In the void, the light and shadow are slightly bright.

There is sandalwood looming.

There is Sanskrit chanting.

Occasionally, Baoguang golden flowers can be seen like a heavy rain.

Occasionally, the pipa witch can be seen dancing wildly.

All illusions are subtle, mysterious, and filled with a mysterious and strange atmosphere.

The old Xiong Zun was still the same, blank and empty, his eyes filled with clear stupidity, motionless and empty.

Qingsha's face, from that gloomy look, gradually became meaningful, and gradually took on a meaning... The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and his eyes moved from the old Xiong Zun to the four big men behind him. King Kong.

Interesting! Qingsha chuckled.

With a 'pop' sound, a wisp of brown-gold fragrance floated in the air, and a thumb-long goddess with a hazy and illusory figure danced lightly on the wisp of fragrance. Suddenly a red lotus appeared at the feet of the goddess. When the karma fire swirled on the red lotus, the goddess let out a shrill scream and turned into a white skeleton, which was then crushed into dust and blue smoke by the karma fire.

In the huge Zen hall, all kinds of strange phenomena suddenly started happening.

A vajra arhat flashed out of the air, waving various magical weapons and beating the sky.

There are goddesses and demons wandering around waving pipa and three-stringed instruments, singing and dancing.

There are Bodhisattvas and Buddhas sitting cross-legged on a lotus platform surrounded by clouds, speaking like a river.

There are also many heavenly kings and monks forming military formations, going back and forth to attack mightily.

The bodies of these vajra arhats, goddesses, demons, bodhisattvas, Buddhas, and heavenly kings and monks are all in a semi-physical and semi-illusory state. The tallest ones are no more than an inch tall, and the shortest ones are as small as sesame seeds.

They disappeared and reappeared in the void, killing each other until golden flowers fell from the sky. Countless groups of Buddha's light flickered in the void. There were also densely packed phantoms of golden dragons, jade phoenixes, and the Sumeru Throne, Vajra, etc. Divine peaks, treasure pools of merit, and boundless lotus seas are slowly blooming like flowers.

The air is filled with all kinds of timeless and thick floating fragrances, and all kinds of strange sounds are like billions of demons whispering in the heart, in the mind, in the ears, and in the soul, all flooding up.

The dangers are endless, just like someone made a feather fan with strong gunpowder, stirring up your heart, your god, your soul little by little... As long as there is a slight flaw in the heart, a little loophole, a trace of evil fire, When you stir it up, the feather fan will explode, completely detonating your spirit, everything about you, and blowing it up into smoke and dust.

During this process, Old Xiong Zun suddenly showed a smile.

He still maintained his blank, thoughtful face and slowly sat on the ground.

He was just like Qing Sha, with his elbows on his knees, his hands dragging his chin, looking at Qing Sha quietly with a subtle blank smile.

The four Vajras are like four mountains, standing behind Old Xiong Zun. Around the four Vajras, the lights became more and more dazzling, the Sanskrit chants became louder and louder, and the Buddha's light on their bodies was like fireworks, gradually lighting up, and finally became extremely blazing, like molten golden juice that could separate the air. His eyeballs were all melted away.

Gradually, the Four Great Vajras no longer concealed themselves.

Accompanied by a low roar, layers of space folds slowly bloomed in the void around them. Countless thumb-sized Vajra Arhats, wearing heavy armor, formed a Buddhist formation and walked out in neat steps. . They shouted the Buddha's name and rushed in the direction of Qingsha.

Around Qingsha, all kinds of exquisite and mysterious Buddhist restrictions overlapped and turned into invisible traps. No matter how many little Vajra Arhats attacked with mighty force, they could not get within three feet of him.

So, a quarter of an hour...two quarters of an hour...

Gradually, Qingsha's face began to turn blue, and he looked at the four Vajras with slight shock.

The Vajra Arhat that appeared next to the four Vajra has been promoted to the Bodhisattva Buddha whose body is overflowing with precious light... They came slowly on the clouds, and they were able to get within nine feet of Qingsha.

‘Pfft’ sound.

Qingsha's robe sleeves suddenly split open.

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