Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 1056: Launch (4)

A pitch black vajra came out from that corner and hit the shuttle hard.

There was a loud noise and the shuttle bounced back.

The four Vajras looked over at the same time - to be able to bounce this flying shuttle back, the owner of this Vajra is not weak in cultivation!

The light and shadow squirmed, and the void rippled. A tall man about three feet tall, covered in black scales, with a huge python head on his head, was wearing a mighty armor, carrying a blazing Vajra wheel on his back, and holding the Vajra tightly in both hands. Pestle, strode out.

The black scales all over the body of this strong man are densely covered with Buddhist Vajra patterns. The armor on his body and the heart-covering mirrors on the left and right chests are also embossed with a Buddhist glaring Vajra. The key parts of his armor are even inlaid with Buddha-level Vajra relics, forming a Vajra array that has great defensive power and can greatly increase the wearer's physical strength.

The image of this big man with a python head is also familiar to the Four Great Vajra and Old Xiong Zun. In Buddhism, this type of person is called the 'Python Lord', or the 'Python God'. They also belong to the first class of the eight tribes and are the side guardians of Buddhism. They are naturally strong spiritually and physically strong. Although they don't have many magical powers, their fighting methods are among the top ten in the Buddhist sect with countless branches and sects.

The steps of this giant python are heavy, like a giant Vajra mountain slowly moving forward on the earth. Every step will shake the huge Zen hall, which has raised a defensive formation, to tremble slightly. Those disciples of the heavens who fell to the ground, all limp and unable to move, their bodies were rising and falling slightly with the vibration of the ground.

The eyes of the four Vajras contracted slightly, staring at the Python Lord.

The Nine-Dragon Treasure Wheel hangs high in the sky, and is still spewing out a unique forbidden Buddhist rhyme. It stands to reason that this great python is also restricted by the Nine-Dragon Treasure Wheel. Under the universal illumination of the Buddha's light, he should have fallen to the ground, unable to move. It is only right.

But this python master actually walked step by step in front of the four king kongs and stood in front of Qing Sha.

Are you here to find me? Lord Big Python exhaled a breath of hot white air, with a hint of the arrogance and ferociousness unique to his tribe, and grinned at the four Vajra: I can feel it. , the cause and effect on you... you are here for me. What are you doing? Four of you, you are old and immortal!

This is very rude.

Pofa Vajra looked at the big python and asked curiously: Prince Yuan Fu?

Lord Big Python nodded: Of course...are you really here for me?

The eyes of the four Vajras suddenly flickered - in the message they received from the hidden stakes placed throughout the Supreme Taichu Heaven before Master Lang Yue's nirvana in his previous life, and sent back through the 'legitimate channels' - Prince Yuanfu was the nephew of Emperor Taichu.

As for the existence of Emperor Taichu, his relatives and descendants who are related to him by blood, whether they are his descendants or the descendants of his brothers and sisters, it is difficult to manipulate.

Therefore, Prince Yuan Fu should be a 'clean' and 'new soul'.

But the scene in front of him, with iron-clad facts, overturned the news that Master Langyue received from the reactivated hidden objects and hidden stakes - Prince Yuanxu was not truly a 'pure and clean new soul' , he is also the reincarnation of a certain Buddhist disciple!

A Buddhist disciple was reincarnated and thrown into the belly of the wife of the brother of Emperor Taichu... His reincarnation was successful, but he was not discovered by Emperor Taichu. He developed and grew smoothly in his mother's womb, was conceived and born smoothly, and was born in heaven smoothly. After living happily for many years, he finally escaped with a certain secret from heaven!

This is...

Duowen Jingang murmured: When we were sleeping, the people who presided over the Landa Holy Land were a bunch of dead pigs? So in the beginning, since it was so easy to deal with... how did they lose that battle?

Qingsha smiled and said softly: Perhaps it's not that Emperor Taichu's methods are not strong enough, but that Lao Na's methods are better than his?

The four kings sneered at the same time.

If your killing methods are stronger than those of Taichu Emperor, your Lingshan Great Leiyin Temple will still have to develop in secret, secretly poaching and burying secrets from the powerful forces of all sides, and do it. Something shameful?

Qingsha smiled and said: The four senior brothers may think that Lao Na's words are a bit arrogant, but after the destruction of the Landa Holy Land, the back-up left by Lord Maitreya must be inherited by his disciples... Who can inherit it? Yunchaling Those group of gatekeepers and patrolling birds and animals?”

Qing Sha made no secret of his disdain for the monsters and monsters in Yuncha Ridge.

Old Xiong Zun gritted his teeth with hatred - what do you mean? Don’t I even have the qualifications to inherit the legacy of Landa Holy Land?

Qingsha chuckled and said: I quite appreciate the strict precepts of Buddhism, the harsh hierarchy of superiors and subordinates, but the extremely smooth sequential inheritance mechanism... We disciples from all heavens, although we are in the sect, Our status is not high and our power is not enough, but as long as we can endure those orthodox disciples of Buddhism who have a higher status than us, whose lineage is honored by us, and whose status and qualifications as masters are more noble and older than our masters, Enduring their annihilation, nirvana, and reincarnation...

According to Buddhist rules, all inheritable authority naturally falls into our hands.

Qingsha said softly: Lord Maitreya opened up the Supreme Beginning Heaven, and we, the Buddhist sect, are the real masters of this world... Those orthodox disciples of the Eight Sutras have fallen, and the control of this world has been taken over by Lao Na. This is natural. , It’s a reasonable thing, isn’t it?”

The four kings nodded slowly.

Although I don't like Qingsha's attitude, what he said is reasonable and completely consistent with the Landa Holy Land and the rules and regulations of Buddhism - when all the superiors are extinct, then there must be an heir to the mantle. No matter how disdainful these heavenly disciples are to the orthodox disciples of Buddhism, they are still serious Buddhist disciples after all, and they have legitimate enough inheritance rights.

That's natural. Qingsha said calmly: Tianting, Taihutian, and Taiyitian have joined forces for three days to formulate heavenly rules and regulations and imprison the laws of heaven and earth... This is nothing more than the beasts tamed by my Buddhist sect. The foreign enemies were beaten down with violence, imprisoned with shackles, and a large number of guards were used to strictly guard them, that's all.

Although Heaven is strictly on guard, after all, these avenues of heaven and earth, these domesticated beasts, have their hearts towards us.

Qing Sha smiled and said: We can't make a big splash... Lao Na and a group of brothers who survived by chance have low strength, no confidence, and no courage. Together with Qing Emperor, Tai Chu, Tai Qu, Tai Zhen, and those few A long-standing veteran is facing off head-on.

But it is still possible to use some backhands, some backdoors, take advantage of the great avenues of heaven and earth, avoid some of Taichu's detection methods, and ambush a few of my Buddhist disciples among his descendants.

The four King Kongs looked at Qing Sha at the same time.

Yuan Fu, the great python, can still move freely under the suppression of the Nine Dragons Treasure Wheel, so that's all. Qingsha is also talking eloquently now. Under the shining light of the Nine Dragons Treasure Wheel, he can still move freely, with agile and light steps. It can be seen that he is not restricted by this forbidden treasure.

This Nine-Dragon Treasure Wheel is the supreme Buddha treasure of the Eight Heavenly Dragon Bodhisattvas specially established in Landa Holy Land. It is specially used to control and command these disciples of heavens... All the disciples of heavens in Landa Holy Land will not be able to cultivate themselves unless they give up their own cultivation. In order to abandon his own bloodline and cut off all the cause and effect of the past and his own race... Otherwise, he will definitely be suppressed by this Nine Dragons Treasure Wheel!

The eyes of the four Vajras fell on the remains of thirty-six Buddhas behind Qing Sha.

Thirty-six Buddha remains exuding majestic aura... sit quietly on the ground of the meditation hall. The Buddhist charm is majestic, the Buddha's light is surging, the boundless majesty, and the boundless kindness are like the vast ocean, rolling and rolling, and it is impossible to fathom.

This is the foundation accumulated by Qingsha from thirty-six reincarnations in his previous life.

According to Buddhist methods, as long as Qingsha fuses the remains of these thirty-six Buddhas, his cultivation, his merits, his virtues, and his achievements will expand to incredible levels, and he will immediately turn into countless The top power!

But now Qingsha actually allows the remains of these thirty-six Buddhas to remain here without even a single one being fused!

For a true Buddhist master, this is abnormal!

This is extremely unreasonable!

A true Buddhist power, as long as the reincarnation is successful, as long as the remains left by one's previous life can be found, even a three or five-year-old child can retrieve the practice of the previous life in a short period of time, and obtain supreme magical power and immeasurable power at a young age. Supernatural power!

Qingsha, why did you leave the remains of these thirty-six previous lives untouched?

The cause and effect between him and his previous life has been severed!

How to cut it off?

In short, it was cut off, so he was no longer suppressed by the Nine Dragons Treasure Wheel... The same was true for Qing Sha, and the same was true for the Yuanhu Great Python Master!

So...it's...like...this! The four Vajras shouted in unison: So...it's like this!

Qingsha smiled, nodded and said: Four senior brothers, have you figured it out? Yes, the Nine Dragons Treasure Wheel has infinite power and is specially designed to restrain the disciples of the heavens like us. However, Lao Na sacrificed everything in his previous life and used some small means. This In this life, my body, the blood in my body, and the cause and effect of my body came from the Qing Emperor!

In this life, I am the direct blood descendant of Emperor Qing. Just like Yuan Fu, in this life, he is the direct nephew of Emperor Taichu!

Qingsha smiled brightly: For doing this, of course we paid a price. For example, the cause and effect between us and the previous life has become indistinct. It has become extremely difficult to get back the practice of the previous life, so We have been unable to deduce the merits of this life to the state of Dzogchen. However, at least the methods of the four senior brothers, at least, the methods used by the Landa Holy Land to suppress us are no longer useful.

Qingsha smiled and said: In fact, because the Landa Holy Land was wiped out, the abbot, chief minister, elders, etc. who were once so high have completely fallen, disappeared, and disappeared into ashes. There is no chance to start over. ...So, a little trick is really just a little trick.

Before Lao Na escaped into reincarnation in his previous life, he had already used the authority of the 'acting master' of Landa Holy Land to replace the previous elder of Landa Holy Land and accepted Lao Na's reincarnation body in this life, namely Lao Na himself, as the founding disciple!

The roots are red and the sprouts are healthy. I am now the most legitimate heir to the Landa Holy Land.

Even if you wake up from your slumber, even if you are the seniors of our Landa Holy Land... But from a legal point of view, your status must be lower than the 'abbot'... I am the Landa Holy Land today. The most legitimate heir and the most legitimate and reasonable person in charge.”

All the authority and backup left by Lord Maitreya are in Lao Mon's hands.

I dare to ask, four senior brothers, apart from the supreme power you have attributed to yourself, apart from the great supernatural powers and magical power that you have honed over countless years to subjugate dragons and subjugate tigers... what else can you do? What can you do to me?

Qingsha looked at the four Vajra with a smile: After so many years after the destruction of Landa Holy Land, during the many years when all the seniors, brothers, and many teachers were sleeping and waiting for resurrection... I have devoted all my energy and blood to research the secrets of Landa Holy Land. All clear rules and precepts, all tangible and intangible rules.”

Unless Lord Maitreya comes to this world, I will be the supreme master of the Landa Holy Land!

With authority, the four senior brothers, as well as the many senior teachers who are about to return in the future, can't even think about restraining me... In other words, we can only rely on the great supernatural powers and magic power of the four senior brothers and the many senior teachers themselves, right?

The four kings breathed out a breath.

They figured out what happened to Qing Sha and Yuan Fu.

In a nutshell - they got rid of the restraint and imprisonment of the disciples of the heavens by the eight celestial dragons of the Landa Holy Land. They were free... Not only were they free, they also took advantage of the fall of the authentic direct lineage of the Landa Holy Land. , stealing the authority that originally belonged to the 'original disciples' lineage represented by Master Lang Yue!

The Holy Land of Landa has been destroyed. This authority, to be honest, is not a big deal.

But this authority represents all the secret hands and means deployed by 'Maitreya' in the Supreme Beginning Heaven... With this authority in hand, God knows how many incredible things Qing Sha can do!

Qingsha said softly: We don't have much ambition, we don't have much ambition... What we want is just to live a free and easy life.

Qingsha sighed softly: Qingsha, Qingsha, this name, from now on, is Qingsha... I have forgotten the many reincarnations in the past, the honorary names and Dharma names in many lives... they are meaningless. .”

When, from where, and by which great Buddhist master, was Lao Monk forcibly accepted as a disciple and transformed into a monk?

I have forgotten it.

I only vaguely remember... my hometown in my first life, which was an extremely warm, extremely bright, and extremely humid world... I was crawling in the swamp, dying, with blood flowing like a river...

When I was about to die, the void exploded.

Landa Holy Land dragged black clouds, thick smoke, and spewed out boundless firelight, like a smashed persimmon, staggering all the way into Lao Na's hometown.

The highest peak in Lao Na's hometown, the most sacred and inviolable mountain in our hearts, was knocked down. Then came bloody wars and endless battles... Lao Na and countless other tribesmen were shrouded in a statue. In the golden light, thunder and fire, the powerful being who could not look directly at his body shape and appearance forcibly transformed and worshiped into Buddhism.

Scared, I will fight with a group of tribesmen for Landa Holy Land.

Trillions of clan members are shattered to pieces...

It wasn't until I hurriedly followed the Landa Holy Land and left my homeland that was completely destroyed that I realized why the guru who enlightened me was shrouded in golden light and thunder and prevented us from seeing his figure and appearance?

Scared, the master at that time had been beaten to the point where only half of his body was left. There was no flesh and blood left, and only half of a skeleton was left... How desolate and panicked was that state? Of course, it had to be covered up. Otherwise, how can we show off the majesty and grandeur of Buddhism in front of our new disciples?

I left my homeland, fighting and fighting all the way.

The old man at that time was stupid... his mind was uncivilized and he didn't have much brains... he didn't understand at all what the Landa Holy Land was, why you led so many of our disciples from all over the world running around in the sky, and why there were more and more... The disciples of the heavens join our ranks, but more and more of the disciples of the heavens who have just become familiar with each other...disappear into thin air!

Near death again and again, seriously injured and on the verge of death, and even reincarnation of Nirvana many times... Time after time, I struggled back from the reincarnation, only to re-enter Buddhism, put on my armor again, pick up the sword, and use 'Subduing Demons to Eliminate Demons' In the noble name of pursuing demons and saving all sentient beings, they engage in brutal acts of fighting, war, and massacre of sentient beings.

I am like a machine, like a slave. I have been fighting and fighting for Buddhism for countless years, and I have experienced countless worlds, large and small.

Finally, Maitreya was tired, exhausted, and couldn't bear it anymore... In other words, he was about to be defeated and completely annihilated... So, he struggled, took the increasingly large Landa Holy Land, and found the supreme Taichu Tian!”

Qingsha clasped his hands together, took a deep breath, stopped talking, and softly recited a meditation mantra.

After finishing the recitation, Qing Sha smiled and asked the four kings: I'm tired, tired, and don't want to fight and kill anymore...Compared with the past, I made such a choice, is it wrong?

Whether I am old or have so many fellow disciples, we don't want to fight, we don't want to fight, and we don't want to end up with rivers of blood and mountains of corpses inexplicably for a noble slogan.

So, when we established Lingshan Daleiyin Temple, our slogan was just 'survive'.

Survive, such a humble goal... Four senior brothers, is it possible that you don't have any mercy from the monks? You, have to come and threaten us, what else will you do? Just like before, continue to work as cows and horses for Buddhism, continue …The corpse turned into mud?”

Qing Sha asked the four Vajras.

Without waiting for the Four King Kongs to respond, he smiled and shook his head: It's impossible, it's impossible.

The authority of the Landa Holy Land, the supreme authority left by Lord Maitreya in this world, has been inherited by us... We have no intention of using this authority to go against the heaven... and no one, not even our former classmates, will Our former senior brother, our former teacher, can force us to do things we don’t want to do!”

In the huge Zen hall, those disciples of all the alien races who were suppressed by the Nine Dragon Treasure Wheel and paralyzed on the ground sat cross-legged on the ground. Although they were unable to fight and kill, they clasped their hands together and recited scriptures.

The power of the scriptures hovers in the meditation hall.

As a result, the Buddhist formation in the meditation hall became more and more dazzling and brilliant. Qing Sha and Yuan Fu were blessed by the formation. Although they were unable to regain the cultivation and achievements of their previous lives, their auras soared crazily in the formation and were vaguely able to compete with the Four Great Vajras. .

Pofa Vajra suddenly sneered: Interesting, I said back then that you and other side sect disciples are essentially heretic demons... you can control them, you can drive them, but you cannot trust them.

As expected, raising tigers is a danger, and today you are betraying and devouring your master!

Qingsha, Yuanfu, and all the heavenly disciples present showed resentment and anger at the same time - betraying the master, devouring the master, heretic demon... these words combined together are really sad!

Guangzhi Jingang smiled and said: Then, there is only one question... Yuanxu, since you are the brother of the Taichu Emperor who supported the birth, and with his bloodline, you have cut off the cause and effect with the previous life... Why can you still maintain the big python in this life? The form of Lord Python? If you maintain the form of Lord Python, then...

Yuan Shen smiled, and with a sway of his body, he turned into the suave, handsome and unrestrained Prince Yuan Shen.

He ridiculed: Four senior brothers, could it be that you can't even see clearly the magic of magical transformations? You are indeed old and confused, and you have lost all your eyesight... Yuan Shen just felt that this body shape in the previous life , the most familiar, the most convenient for fighting, it is the physical body transformed into this form... I didn't expect that it actually escaped the eyes of the four senior brothers!

Yuan Fu laughed.

Qing Sha chuckled.

Countless disciples from all heavens present simultaneously made strange jeers.

The faces of the four kings were not even red... They looked at Qing Sha, then at Yuan He, and then their eyes fell on the countless golden lotuses that were emitting dazzling light around the meditation hall, as well as the countless Buddha images in the golden lotuses.

It was probably because of this Buddhist formation that it interfered with the perception of the four of them, preventing them from seeing through Yuan He's magical power of transformation.

It must be like this, he didn’t run away.

The four Vajras shouted loudly at the same time, and one after another took out their proud and handy Buddhist weapons. Pofa King Kong said calmly: In this case, there is nothing more to say...Yuanfu, this time, the four brothers, Laoji and Brother, are here just for you...According to Master Langyue's decree, you, follow us. Just one trip?

Yuan Fu took a step back, shook his head, and returned to the form of Big Python Lord.

He grinned strangely and said, Let me go with you? Why?

Dali Jingang said angrily: Since we have already broken up, let's not mention the friendship between the same disciples... How about just relying on my fists?

Yuan Fu curled his lips: I'm afraid it's not enough!

Duo Wen Jingang smiled and said: Not enough? Is it possible that you two just want to fight against us?

Qingsha coughed lightly and stamped his feet lightly.

In the air, ripples rippled slightly. Lu Sanqi, Ming Jiudan, King Qiu Gui, and thousands of shadowy figures quietly emerged from the meditation hall.

In these years, I have done some things. Qingsha said calmly: Poaching from various forces, as long as you play well, and add some back-ups from Lord Maitreya, you can cultivate a group of Buddhas in a short period of time. Respect the mighty, it can still be done.”

Although they are all the weakest first-class Buddhas... but combined with the mountain gate formation here, the four senior brothers are a bit careless!

The expressions of the Four King Kongs changed slightly.

Without saying a word, Old Xiong Zun jumped up and turned around to leave. As he walked, he shouted: I won't get involved, I'm just a leader... I'm a native of Black Bear. All the grievances and grievances between all the Buddhas in the past, especially in the previous life. , Don’t blame me for the grievances and grievances from dozens or hundreds of reincarnations in the past life!

Old Xiong Zun ran very fast.

Qing Sha did not take action.

As a result, Old Xiong Zun rushed out of Lingshan Great Leiyin Temple.

He turned around and looked over, and saw that the whole sky was covered with auspicious clouds and mist, which enveloped the entire huge temple. Four extremely powerful Buddha lights collided again and again in the auspicious clouds and mist, making thunderous and loud noises, but nothing happened. Can't come out of conflict.

Old Xiong Zun sighed: If the master has no backup plan, these four people will probably fall into trouble!

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