Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 1058: Getting started

The gorgeous divine flower bloomed in the void, and the endless clan of holy spirits surged out.

These war weapons, destined by nature, formed an extremely exquisite battle formation, scattered in the void, like a big net, entwining and surrounding the void where the Great Leiyin Temple in Lingshan was located.

At a normal time, Qing Sha would have already escaped with the entire Lingshan Leiyin Temple upon noticing the approach of such a powerful enemy. Over the years, the Great Leiyin Temple in Lingshan has been like an erratic ghost, wandering around the Supreme Taichu Heaven. It has changed its old nest location countless times. This is also the reason why the Sky Patrolling Forbidden God Guard has not been able to find any clues about it. one.

But today, the Four Great Vajras are fighting in the Great Leiyin Temple in Lingshan. Their fighting power is too strong. Qingsha and the many disciples of the heavens, even with the help of the Buddhist formation in the Zen Hall, cannot suppress them for a while.

Therefore, as soon as the divine flower bloomed, Qingsha sensed the approach of the Holy Spirit Clan army, but he had no time at all, let alone the ability to escape with his lair at this time.

A sharp whistle sounded, and the generals of the Holy Spirit clan soared into the sky one after another.

These generals who commanded the army were all at the peak of the Great Heavenly Lord's cultivation. They soared into the air, and then released green divine light from their bodies. Along with the low roaring sound, they did not mobilize the power of the Supreme Taichu Heaven's Great Dao, but a brand new Taoist aura rolled out of their bodies, which was completely different from the Supreme Taichu Heaven's Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.

The dark green Dao Yun condensed into flower-like Dao patterns under their fair skin. Their Qi suddenly broke through, and in an instant they reached the level of emperor-level combat power.




Ten thousand...

Although they are not considered powerful, these Holy Spirits who have used the power of the Qing Emperor to bypass the Supreme Taichu Heaven's cultivation system, evade the imprisonment of the heavenly rules and commandments, and use the power of extraterrestrial aliens to break through the threshold of the Great Emperor, their strength , roughly the same as King Qiu Gui, but their numbers are here!

Behind them, more Holy Spirits spread their wings, and around them there are dark green poisonous winds, poisonous clouds, thunder, lightning and other strange manifestations of the Great Dao Qi Machine. They have not broken through to the level of the Great Emperor, but their movements have already brought with them a strong Taoist pressure.

This level can be called a ‘half-step emperor’!

Millions of Holy Spirit clans exuded the Qi of the alien avenue. In this void, the originally empty vacuum star field suddenly had thick clouds of calamity rolling in. The Supreme Avenue of Heaven and Earth in Taichu Heaven felt the invasion of alien energy, and reacted spontaneously, preparing to rain down thunder and catastrophe to completely wash away the alien energy.

The shackles of heaven and earth appeared out of thin air. Amidst the loud noise, the great laws of heaven and earth that were about to show off their skills were all stagnant, like a group of crazy bulls who were suddenly pulled by the reins, and helplessly stopped their outbreak. strength.

The calamity clouds in the void were swept away.

The dark green divine light swept across the sky and the earth. Wherever it passed, the looming laws of the avenue vibrated in the void. Green strange power swept across the laws of the world, and there were faint signs of invading the avenue and integrating into the law.

The old Xiong Zun looked at these Holy Spirits who were running towards them at a rapid pace. He suddenly opened his mouth and sprayed out a large amount of white sticky foam from the corner of his mouth that was caused by anger and nervousness, and even a trace of fear.

How could it be possible? There are so many! Old Xiong Zun roared angrily: Qingsha, you bastard idiot, what kind of rags are you, your lair, how could someone come to your door so accurately?

Shameless, shameless, shameless! Old Xiong Zun was so angry that he jumped on his feet and his eyes turned red with anger.

Etiquette has collapsed, people's hearts are no longer ancient, and this world is hopeless! Old Xiong Zun is so smart. When he saw the Holy Spirit clan coming straight to the Great Leiyin Temple in Lingshan with such precision, he knew that Qing Sha's subordinates, Among those disciples of the heavens, some betrayed, some became moles, and some betrayed the location of Qing Sha's lair.

Damn it, you're going to betray Qingsha, when is it bad to betray him?

It happened to be when Old Xiong Zun was present... Old Xiong Zun felt that he was too wronged. He came here just to send a message to Master Lang Yue. He was involved in a fight for no reason. He was not willing to get involved at all. In the chaos?

'Chuanglanglang' A sound of gold and iron collided. Old Xiong Zun put on a complete set of armor. He forged this set himself and spent countless years warming it up. During this period, countless rare materials were added to the armor, which exuded majestic power. , the unique energy of the superior imperial soldiers surged around like circles of physical flames. Whenever the Holy Spirit clan came within ten thousand miles, their wings were shattered by the energy emitted by the armor, their bodies disintegrated, and they vomited blood. Fly back.

He grabbed his hands in the void, and a gilt-point steel gun that was almost twice as long as Old Xiong Zun's body let out a low beastly roar, and was firmly held in Old Xiong Zun's hand.

A dark ribbon with a faint glint of blood flew out of Old Xiong Zun's sleeves silently and hung on his body. The streamers flew by themselves without wind, and spread out far, far away behind Old Xiong Zun. A series of dark and shiny Dao lines rolled on the streamers, and the black earth, water, fire and wind turned into a huge whirlpool, which quickly spread to all directions, covering a hundred thousand miles in an instant.

Another bloody lotus platform appeared at the feet of Old Xiong Zun.

This lotus platform exudes a scorching aura, and the blood-evil energy surges and spreads all over the sky. The blood light lingers around the old Xiong Zun, and various blood vessels are faintly visible. There are tragic scenes of six collapses, terrifying scenes of annihilation of reincarnation, and more. Countless heavenly beings fell from the heavenly beings high above, and the doomsday scene filled with visions of the five declines of heavenly beings.

In the final battle of the Landa Holy Land that year, under the joint siege of Qing Emperor and Taichu, Taihu, Taizhen and others, countless Buddhist greats fell in the Landa Holy Land. Afterwards, Old Xiong Zun once sneaked to the ruins of the battlefield and collected a large number of broken pieces of the protective lotus platform of the Buddhist great masters.

This blood lotus was forged by Old Xiong Zun after countless years of hard work after collecting the broken lotus dais fragments of at least three thousand Buddhist great masters, mixed with the broken relics and golden remains of those Buddhist great masters.

The legacy of the Three Thousand Buddhist Powers, even if Old Xiong Lord’s weapon refining skills are very poor, the origin of this bloody lotus platform is terrifyingly powerful, and its grade is also the most powerful and unpredictable among all Old Xiong Lord’s personal imperial weapons. One piece.

As soon as this bloody lotus platform appeared, invisible karma fire burned silently in the void, within a million miles in diameter. The wings behind large areas of the Holy Spirit clan suddenly turned into smoke. Many Holy Spirit clan opened their mouths and howled silently in pain, and their bodies were turned into wisps of blue smoke in a moment.

As for the souls of these Holy Spirits, they failed to escape back to the Taihu Divine Pond in Taihu Heaven, and they failed to recast their physical bodies. Under the gushing blood light from the bloody lotus platform, all the souls of the Holy Spirit clan were dragged into the six paths of collapse and annihilation in the blood light.

They turned into fierce ghosts, always enduring the great pain and terror of the moment when the world was annihilated. They kept roaring and screaming, adding a bit more damage to the bloody lotus platform out of thin air.

Haha, come on! Old Xiong Zun clenched his spear and looked at the endless Holy Spirit clan in all directions with bared teeth.

Surrender is impossible.

Although Old Xiong Zun was extremely nervous, it was absolutely impossible for him to surrender. Not to mention his own pride, dignity, face and other nonsense... Old Xiong Zun has always felt that those illusory things are nothing.

However, Master Langyue is back!

Thinking of Master Lang Yue's beautiful face... Old Xiong Zun shook his head vigorously - surrender is impossible.

In the blink of an eye, a jade talisman given by Master Lang Yue was shattered. Old Xiong Zun sent a message to Master Lang Yue, telling him everything that happened here, and then he looked straight ahead.

Large groups of Holy Spirit Clan fleets spread out in all directions. A giant airship that was thousands of miles long, like a small piece of land, spewed divine light all over the sky, and slowly moved out from the immeasurable Holy Spirit Clan army. There were at least tens of billions of beautiful girls with wings on their backs, floating quietly above this giant ship, holding their hands in front of their chests, chanting hymns in praise of Emperor Taihu with extremely pious and fervent voices.

There are also Pegasus, flying dragons and other auspicious beasts hovering in the sky, and on the backs of these auspicious beasts are also riding beautiful girls. They hold gold water bottles and pour down the divine spring to wash away the dust in the void; they hold silver flowerpots and pour down countless petals, dyeing the void colorfully and filling the void with rich images.

Hey, Tai Qu, why did you imitate that girl from Bai Niu... and scatter flower petals when you go out? Old Xiong Zun roared: You have bad eyesight. I thought your family was having a funeral. This is yours. Dutiful sons and grandsons, where are the paper money scattered for you?

A glorious divine throne slowly rose from the core of the giant ship. Emperor Taihu sat cross-legged on the divine throne, surrounded by hundreds of stunning women who were all-powerful, with perfect looks, and no flaws in their bodies.

Next to the throne, there are mountains of fine wine and various rare fruits. Emperor Taiyu is like a top-notch dude on a spring trip, eating fruits, drinking fine wine, hooking up with those stunning women, and hanging out...

Old Xiong Zun's eyes turned scarlet red.

Tai Qu, be serious, you are risking your life! Old Xiong Zun roared at the top of his lungs.

Wrong, you are risking your life, and I, haha, am just admiring an unplanned 'beast fight'. Emperor Taihu held a huge crystal wine glass and pointed towards the old Xiong Zun with a smile. : Now, start your performance!

Old Xiong Zun was stunned.

‘Beast fighting’?

Is he just enjoying a 'beast fight'?

What do you think of your Uncle Xiong? Old Xiong Zun roared angrily. The bloody lotus platform under his feet emitted boundless blood, and he rushed straight to the throne of Emperor Taihu with his hands. The jet-black streamers fluttered and vibrated around him, and the jet-black storm swept through the void, stirring up the large armies of creatures around him that were 'buzzing' like flies.

Emperor Taihu curled his lips and waved his hand gently.

Behind him, several elite descendants who had condensed the Dao Fruit of the Emperor's Seal in accordance with the laws of the Supreme Taichu Heaven flapped their dark green wings and turned into streams of light towards Old Xiong Zun.

The other armies of the Holy Spirit clan bypassed the smelly stone blocking the way, Old Xiong Zun, and used extremely fast speeds to completely seal off the entire void. The speed of the Holy Spirit clan was already extremely fast. They turned into extremely thin streams of light, crisscrossing each other, and at least more than 100,000 layers of heaven and earth nets were completely formed.

A little further away, there was a loud noise, and a bright red mushroom cloud exploded in the middle of a small piece of land.

It was a red plum day.

The entire Hongmei Tian was struck casually by a general from the Holy Spirit clan, and a powerful attack power exploded in the middle of the continent. The entire small continent was turned into countless fragments in the blazing flames and hurricanes and spread around.

Trillions of ordinary people were wiped out in an instant.

Even Lingshan Great Leiyin Temple was placed in Hongmei Tian, ​​and none of the peripheral members who defected from all forces could escape this sudden blow, and they were all shattered into pieces in the fireworks.

A low Sanskrit chant sounded.

A very thin stream of light quickly escaped from the mushroom cloud. It was the relics that the outer disciples of the Great Leiyin Temple in Lingshan, whose body was annihilated, used secret methods to escape from during their busy schedule. With the means of Buddhist cultivation, as long as the relics can escape, then they have unlimited possibilities!

A green-gold divine light descended from the sky. Twelve pairs of wings spread out from behind, stacked one after another like a goose feather fan. The general of the Holy Spirit clan was as fast as a stream of light, ten times faster than these escaping relics. With enough speed, he easily caught up with the escaping relics, opened his mouth, and swallowed them one by one.

On the chest and abdomen, there is a dark green divine light flashing.

The Holy Spirit who had swallowed hundreds of relics suddenly roared heartily to the sky. His breath suddenly rose up a level, and each of the twelve pairs of wings behind him spread out one foot. Yuyu, the number of feathers on the wings more than doubled out of thin air.

Old Xiong Zun could not care about the destroyed Hongmei Tian.

He has been surrounded by several elite emperors of the Holy Spirit clan who are much faster than him. These emperors are like little suns, emitting intense heat from their entire bodies, and are as fast as streams of light. They are flying around him rapidly, and there are thousands of them at the snap of a finger. Tens of thousands of blows came like a heavy rain.

The defensive power of the Blood Lotus Platform is very strong. The attacks of these elite emperors are shattered every time they hit the bloody light emitted by the Blood Lotus Platform. No attack could come within a hundred feet of Old Xiong Zun, and no attack could touch even a hair on Old Xiong Zun.

However, these emperors are extremely fast and the force of each blow is extremely strong. Several people joined forces, and the intensive attacks were like a hurricane, and the heavy stagnation also slowed down the old Xiong Zun. It was as if Old Xiong Zun was trudging through a swamp. The distance between him and Emperor Taihu that could have been covered in two or three steps now seemed like a chasm. He didn't know when he would be able to reach the other side.

Beside Emperor Taihu, the handsome young avatar of Emperor Qing who had appeared in Taihu Heaven before quietly appeared. He stood next to Emperor Taihu's throne and grabbed a few fresh divine fruits comfortably. Pop it into your mouth.

Is this blind black bear the demon leader of Yuncha Ridge? Qingdi smiled easily: Try to capture it alive... How many things can be done with such an original indigenous specimen?

What's especially important is that this blind black bear actually maintains his body like jade, and his vitality has not been released! Qing Emperor sighed in surprise: This is a bear monk who abides by the rules and precepts, and he is actually still a boy. It's rare, rare!

Originally, Old Xiong Zun just used all his strength to attack the throne of Emperor Taihu at full speed. Facing the attacks of several elite emperors, he just relied on the power of the bloody lotus platform to resist at will, and attacked those few flying in the sky. The emperor's son, Old Xiong Zun never even fired a shot.

All in all, his posture of charging towards Emperor Taihu's throne was quite sufficient, but his posture was empty and there was no substantive attack action... It looked scary, but after so long, none of the elite emperors were injured. root!

But the words of Qingdi's clone seemed to hurt the old Xiong Zun.

Old Xiong Zun's little eyes almost popped out of their sockets, and he yelled angrily: You are a boy, your whole family is a boy... I don't know how many filial sons and grandchildren I have... ah!

Old Xiong Zun spat on his black-haired palms, and held the steel gun tightly with both hands. There was a 'buzz' sound, and several lightning flashes seemed to flash through the void.

The emperor's son, who was flying around the old Xiong Zun, expressing his magical powers and secrets heartily and without any pressure, and the sword light from the long sword in his hand enveloped the old Xiong Zun like a heavy rain, suddenly let out a pitiful howl.

Even Emperor Taihu was careless and didn't notice how the spear in Old Xiong Zun's hand was fired.

Several elite emperors who had condensed the Dao Fruit of the Emperor's Seal and whose cultivation had actually reached the level of the Great Emperor were all shot in the throat. The gun tip exploded their cervical vertebrae and poked out from behind their heads, violently The mana blasted out, almost blowing their entire heads into pieces.

The heads of several emperors almost fell off their necks. They groaned and staggered back, their huge wings behind them flapping wildly and hastily. They were like a group of little hens frightened by weasels. I almost screamed like cluck.

However, in the next moment, the majestic vitality in the bodies of the emperors swirled, and their ferocious and huge wounds flashed with green light. All injuries healed instantly, and the damaged blood and mana were restored to their peak state.

The emperors stopped and stepped back, and looked at each other ecstatically.

Being so seriously injured, and being seriously injured by the offensive combat skills of the powerful emperors of the same level, in the past, they would have had to run back to the Taihu Divine Pond and soak for a period of time to fully repair their physical bodies before they could continue to walk out.

However, after completely accepting the Qing Emperor's transformation and receiving the Qing Emperor's blood and Dao injection, they knew that they had a powerful and strange life force in their bodies... But no one told them that this life force was so easy to use. ah!

The serious injury that almost caused his head to be shaved off completely disappeared in a matter of seconds.

All conditions returned to their peak in an instant, as if they had not been injured at all!

The several emperors looked at each other, and they laughed at the same time. Then, they turned into streams of light again, and the sword light filled the sky like a heavy rain, and hit the old Xiong Zun with a force that was a hundred times more violent than before.

A series of dazzling divine lights fell on the old Xiong Zun. Extreme, blazing, scorching, and full of domineering charm that 'repelled all alien forces', the divine light densely enveloped the old Xiong Zun, crazy. Squeezing the blood light emitted from the bloody lotus platform.

You little birds, have you become powerful? Old Xiong Zun looked at the few elite emperors who had been severely injured by him, but seemed to be unscathed.

In the past countless years, Yunchaling has been one of the few demonic forces in the Supreme Taichu Heaven that have escaped from the control of Heaven and are free from the iron triangle ruling structure of Heaven, Taihu Heaven and Taiyi Heaven. They have been hanging in Heaven all year round. On the wanted list.

Tianting, Taiqutian, and Taiyitian would often send out separate raiding armies to conquer Yuncha Ridge.

Occasionally, the important ministers of the three major forces would be interested and would conduct joint law enforcement. The armies of the three parties would join hands to pay a warm and thoughtful visit to Yunchaling.

Therefore, Old Xiong Zun is no stranger to these emperors of Taihutian.

In the past countless years, Old Xiong Zun has seriously injured the emperors of Taihu Tian no less than 100,000 times - just like the great commander of Tianting, Old Xiong Zun and several elders of Taihu Tiantong Army Acquaintances have already reached a tacit understanding. Serious injuries are enough, actual killing is not necessary.

But in the past hundreds of thousands of battles with the emperors of Taihu Heaven, Old Xiong Zun clearly remembered that after those emperors of the Holy Spirit clan were severely injured by him, they still had to escape back to Taihu Heaven to recuperate!

It is impossible to say that on the battlefield, their heads were almost ripped off by themselves, but their injuries healed in an instant and they were able to continue fighting in perfect peak condition!

Never had anything like this happen before!

And such a change... is obviously a good thing for the Holy Spirit clan, but for Old Xiong Zun, it is extremely bad!

Taihu, what have you done? Old Xiong Zun looked at Emperor Taihu in shock: You, you, you...

The avatar of Qing Emperor moved to the front of Emperor Taihu's throne. He grabbed a juicy fruit and shook it towards Old Xiong Zun: Old Xiong Zun, do you surrender? Kneel down and surrender. I will give you a bite to eat.

Qingdi's clone shook the fruit in his hand, as if teasing a dog, and made a 'noonono' sound.

Old Xiong spat out respectfully, took a deep look at the Qing Emperor clone, and murmured: You...are awake?

Qingdi's clone smiled and nodded: Yes, as you said, I am awake.

You know what that means.

Back then, with my exhausted body and severely injured body, I was able to overturn the Landa Holy Land. How much more so after a long period of time, and I have returned to my peak state? The Qing Emperor's clone said calmly: Kneel down? Climb. Come here, eat this fruit from my hand, and we will become our own family.

The Qing Emperor clone laughed playfully, holding the fresh fruit with two fingers of his right hand and shaking it gently. His expression and movements were really no different from teasing a dog.

Old Xiong Zun was so angry... His skin was originally dark, and now it was even darker.

He roared angrily and took a step forward.

The spear in his hand turned into a flash of light, and several elite emperors who were flying around him like butterflies howled in agony. Their limbs and heads all erupted into large blood mist, and they were cut off by him with one shot.

But the next moment, the majestic life energy in the bodies of several emperors surged, and their bodies healed instantly in a golden-green divine light. The huge wings behind their backs suddenly opened, and large blazing thunders surged like a big river. Come, the shock caused Old Xiong Zun's body to stumble slightly.

Qingdi's clone smiled frivolously: You are gifted. I'm talking about a native like you... Tsk tsk, there is no previous life, no reincarnation, and relying on a lifetime of hard work, you can become so strong. It's really amazing, amazing. ...But the stronger you become, the more interested I am in you.

How could an ordinary blind bear, not one of those 480 million people, become so powerful in one lifetime of practice? Is it the talent of the bloodline? Or, did your mother hide it from you and did something wrong? Something that everyone knows about?”

The Qingdi clone smiled brightly.

Old Xiong Zun was so angry that he roared at the top of his lungs, and white foam kept spraying out of his mouth. The ribbon on his body suddenly shook, and the dark earth, water, fire and wind turned into a huge whirlpool, sucking several emperors into it.

The sound of broken bones sounded like exploding beans. Several emperors were swept in by the water, fire and wind, like beans in a millstone. Their bodies were smashed into pieces, but the vitality in their bodies was constantly repairing the wounds. It was as if they were thrown into an endless hell, unable to escape and struggle to escape. The majestic life energy in their bodies became their greatest source of pain.

Old Xiong Zun grinned at Emperor Taihu on the throne: Your bunch of bastards are a bit tough. But they don't seem to be difficult to deal with. If they can't be killed, I won't kill them... Slowly pinch them in your hands, slowly Playing slowly... seems more fun?

Emperor Taihu's cheeks twitched.

Qingdi's clone's face suddenly turned cold.

This method of yours reminds me of some things that I have not experienced personally, but... it seems like I have experienced it myself... Qing Emperor's clone said softly: Some people of my clan, the distress signals they put out are... Yes... they have unlimited vitality, but they have been suppressed in some secret realm that cannot see the light of day, and have been sealed for countless years.

They are roaring, they are cursing, they are wailing, they are cursing. Qingdi's clone murmured: I can feel their pain...Their enemies cannot completely obliterate them, so they chose eternity. Suppression and sealing... And because of the endless vitality in their bodies, they cannot die in the suppression and sealing.

Eternal imprisonment without seeing the light of day! Qing Emperor's clone shook his head and sneered: Xiong Xiongzi, you reminded me of something that even scares me... So, I don't want a living one, a dead one. It’s okay. In short, as long as I have a drop of your blood, what can’t I do?”

The Qing Emperor's clone pointed lightly at Old Xiong Zun: Are you going to kill him? Pull off his skin and make it into a specimen!

Emperor Taihu smiled indifferently. Behind him, more emperors took to the air, formed a military formation, and pressed forward towards the old Xiong Zun, whose expression suddenly changed.

Shenyin border.

Above the tiny stars.

Master Lang Yue is confronting the San Burial monk.

The three-burial monk is trying his best to accumulate strength. The Feitian under his command is raging everywhere in the Supreme Taichu Heaven, and new individuals are constantly being derived. New Feitians are constantly coming out of the sky to join the increasingly huge Buddha behind him. Array.

The number of non-heavens of all kinds in the Buddha Formation has exceeded tens of billions at least.

Master Lang Yue, Master A Du, Great Demon Ju She Shou and others looked at the increasingly larger Buddhist formation behind the Third Burial Monk with joyful expressions on their faces. They looked at the densely packed Feitian, and their eyes were actually filled with a kind of gentle joy!


Master Langyue's body trembled slightly.

In front of her, a faint bright light flickered, and the voice of Old Xiong Zun burst out from it, explaining in an extremely urgent manner that the Four Great Vajras were besieged by the Great Thunder Sound Temple in Lingshan, and Emperor Taihu suddenly led the army of the Holy Spirit Clan to kill them.

Master Lang Yue's face twitched slightly: Brothers, there is no room for loss on Xiao Hei's side. The disciples of all heavens are, after all, part of my Buddhist lineage... We want to welcome Maitreya back, but that force is Indispensable.”

The Great Demon Ju She Shou sighed: That's all, let me go for a while? Haha, those disciples of the heavens, someone needs to make them understand that since everything they have is given by my Buddhist sect, they should, from beginning to end, , dedicate everything they have to Buddhism... If they have forgotten their duty, I will go and remind them.

As for the so-called Emperor Taihu?

The big monster Ju She Shou laughed: In the first battle, I was not able to learn the methods of the 'son of destiny' raised by this world. I am very curious about how powerful this Emperor Taiyu is!

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