Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 1060: Getting started (3)

Lu Qian stood in the void, with several Buddhist treasures shining with auspicious light and auspiciousness, protecting his whole body.

There was a Holy Spirit clan who was closer to him, controlling the battleship, and blasted him head-on. The blazing beams of light were wrapped in dazzling thunder, like sharp knives tearing through the void, and hit Lu Qian fiercely. They were blocked by several rare Buddhist treasures, like huge waves hitting the rocks, and exploded immediately. became shattered.

Lu Qian stretched out his hand and felt the afterglow of these broken light beams.

Blazing, high temperature, burning, still filled with the overbearing attribute of 'extremely repelling' all 'heresies'. But among the inherent characteristics of these Holy Spirits, there is also an extremely powerful breath of life contained in them, which brings even weirder and more terrifying attack power.

For example, the strong corrosive power that penetrates into the most subtle levels of the body and targets the 'genetic code' of life!

This corrosive power caused Lu Qian, who was unaware of it, to suffer a small loss. His palm was not burned by the high temperature of the Holy Spirit family, but the terrible corrosive force invaded the flesh, causing the 'genetic code' near his palm, which is what practitioners conventionally call 'bloodline', to rapidly collapse.

Lu Qian watched as the skin on his palms collapsed and turned into pus and blood.

He screamed strangely, shook his right hand, and a large swath of Buddha's light surged, instantly scraping away the flesh and blood on the entire palm of his right hand, leaving no trace of flesh remaining. With a 'chi' sound, the skin and flesh scraped off by Lu Qian was suspended in the void. The flesh and blood turned into paste was squirming and bubbling. Then, the small piece of skin and flesh actually pulled out tiny tentacles, and there was a sudden change. It became a strange creature, like an octopus with eighty-one legs.

Lu Qian took a breath in shock.

Such evil power.

This kind of corrosive power affects the bloodline and the origin of life.

Any living creature of flesh and blood, faced with this kind of power, will be attacked if not careful... And the source of this kind of power, this kind of power that goes straight to the 'origin of life' and the 'genetic code', is what Lu Qian said. You know, in the world of cultivation... in the serious, orthodox, normal world of cultivation, no one understands or masters it at all!

Landa Buddha has merged with Lu Qian's soul.

When Lu Qian thought about this evil power, countless information surged in the Buddha's fruit. Immediately, there were several books explaining the 'origin of life', the power of 'flesh and blood', and 'creating things out of nothing' and 'creating things out of thin air'. ' Great supernatural powers and great Dharma doors emerged from it.

In the Buddhist lineage that Landa Holy Land belongs to, there is actually a Buddhist great master who has embarked on the same cultivation path as Qingdi's family.

Lu Qian was immersed in the vast sea of ​​novel information for a while...

Referring to the dragon body, the dragon scales are grafted onto the Buddhist Vajra Protector, turning it into a 'Dragon Power Vajra'!

Referring to the physical body of Asura, the natural three-headed and six-armed body of flesh and blood was grafted onto the Buddhist Dharma Protector Heavenly King, turning it into the 'Angry Ming King'!

The bloodlines of Xiangliu and Jiaolong were reconciled and fused, and the day after tomorrow they created a 'fusion descendant' that was far more powerful than Xiangliu and Jiaolong, and was canonized as the 'Nine-Headed Dragon King'!

The bloodlines of the eight dragon kings headed by the Nine-Headed Dragon King and the Posuji Dragon King were fused to create a new lineage of the 'Final Dragon Clan' among the eight tribes of heavenly dragons... Its size is huge and its magical powers are terrifying, it can be said to be unparalleled. The outer sect of Buddhism protects the Dharma... but because he cannot control the original sin in his nature, these created 'Final Dragon Clan' kill countless people and are eventually destroyed.

In an instant, countless magical powers and secret techniques poured into Lu Qian's mind.

Lu Qian broke into a cold sweat when he saw it. He did not expect that in Buddhism, there are still such powerful sages with scientific research spirit. Their analysis of life forms and their research on the 'origin of life' are simply miraculous and beyond imagination.

However, Lu Qian quickly eliminated all the thoughts generated by these magical powers and secret techniques.

He, Lu Qian, is a rough guy. He likes the kind of powerful supernatural powers and great methods that can punch to the flesh and shatter the void with one blow... This kind of magical powers and secret methods that focus on knowledge are different from his nature!

I was a scumbag in my last life. In this life, you want me to learn this? Lu Qian complained, and quickly placed these few doors among the Buddhist sects, which can make some Buddhist masters ecstatic and overjoyed with the mysteries. The means were completely forgotten. Afterwards, Lu Qian's attention was focused on the Holy Spirit clan's military formation which was in chaos.

Those red wedding dresses, red lanterns, red dragon and phoenix candles, red embroidered shoes... all kinds of red objects, each one is extremely exquisite, each one is beautiful, red is like blood, piercing people's eyes. pain. They were forcibly captured here by the great demon Ju She Shou using a secret method and thrown into the army formation of the Holy Spirit Clan.

Because of the Three Burial Monks, these Feitians were instinctively filled with extreme malice and murderous intent towards the Holy Spirit Clan. As soon as they appeared, they felt the unique fresh breath of the Holy Spirit clan that was clean, pure to the extreme, and full of heat. Billions of Feitian roared and screamed, and along with the soul-destroying laughter and cries, they turned into countless streams of light.

Many of the Holy Spirit clan who were concentrating on surrounding the Great Leiyin Temple in Lingshan were caught off guard by these Feitian.

The blood-colored stream of light hit them and penetrated deeply into their bodies, swallowing up their essence, blood and cultivation, corroding their souls, and even more evil power ignited all kinds of sinful energy in them, igniting The 'non-celestial fire' that burns everything.

If it is a living being, there will be cause and effect.

If you kill, you will be guilty.

If the heart is soft, emotions and desires will sprout, and all kinds of inner demons will breed.

These inner demons and emotions are the best nourishment and the most powerful energy for Feitians. The 'non-celestial fire' turned into fire, and the negative emotions, emotions, and bad thoughts accumulated by the Holy Spirit clan warriors for countless years are like a boundless sea composed of fire oil. Once a small fire head is thrown in, it will immediately A huge flame ignited.

In the military formation that stretched for who knows how many thousands of miles, countless Holy Spirit warriors were ignited with scarlet fire.

These warriors did not notice the slightest pain, did not notice anything strange... They activated their magical powers, activated their secret techniques, released blazing flames, condensed into countless swords, guns, swords and halberds and swept across the void, frantically attacking those who turned into streams of light. Not heaven.

Their bodies are weakening and withering, their spirits are collapsing and shrinking.

In just a few breaths, the ignited warriors of the Holy Spirit clan silently turned into a wisp of smoke... Where they were originally, new bloody figures quietly emerged one after another.

The new born Feitian, their origins come from the killed Holy Spirit clan, so they are more powerful than the Feitian transformed from ordinary mortals, and are extraordinarily powerful.

Feitian is a kind of existence that is not bound by the laws of heaven and is beyond normal cognition.

Every new Feitian will be stronger than its original self... Therefore, the Star Lord-level Holy Spirit clan has been transformed into Tianjun-level Feitian... Tianjun-level ones. Feitian, on the other hand, transformed into the terror of the Great Heavenly Sovereign level... As for the Feitian of the Great Heavenly Sovereign level, their auras inexplicably exceeded the threshold of the Great Emperor level.

A series of mysterious, chilling, evil and changeable bloody auras rose into the sky.

These newly born, emperor-level Feitian transformed directly into the form of beauties wearing blood-colored wedding dresses, with blood constantly dripping from their bodies. They stood in the void and laughed sharply at the Holy Spirit clan in all directions.

It was a demonic sound that captivated the soul and caused the soul to fall for it.

I don't know how many low-level Holy Spirit clans, the moment they heard these laughters, their spirits collapsed and died. Their bodies exploded into clouds of blood mist, from which more bloody figures emerged one after another.

The Great Demon Ju She Shou was laughing wildly: Is this the Holy Spirit clan of Taihu Tian? Nothing more than that!

Old Xiong Zun was shouting: Which guru is here? That guy is Emperor Taihu, the great demon of Taihu Heaven. Master, hurry up and use your supreme power to conquer the demons!

The Great Demon Ju She Shou followed the old Xiong Zun's roar and looked over.

In his eyes, the dark magic light was like a sharp knife, fiercely pressed against Emperor Taihu's body. Emperor Taihu's face suddenly changed, and he looked in horror at the Great Demon Ju She Shou, whose body was surrounded by demonic light, and whose Qi made people feel extremely uneasy.

Who is this beast? Behind Emperor Taihu, rays of divine light rose into the sky, and more elite disciples took to the air to form a military formation around him.

The Qing Emperor's clone squinted and looked at the Great Demon Ju She Shou thoughtfully: He, Ju She Shou... is a difficult guy to deal with... but he can still be dealt with. Let me think about it. , Ju Sheshou’s weakness is...headache, no weakness...back then, how did we injure him so badly and force him to escape?

The Great Demon Ju She Shou looked at Qing Emperor's clone subconsciously.

He actually didn't notice the Qing Emperor's clone. All his attention was focused on Emperor Taihu, whose divine light illuminated the heaven and earth. But as soon as Qingdi's clone spoke, he subconsciously looked over based on the causal connection.

The demonic flames around him became more intense, and the Great Demon Ju She Shou chuckled: So, it's you. It's you!

Qingdi's clone slowly moved forward, he smiled and said: It's me, I'm going to sacrifice my head. Your magic power is astonishing. Back then, we killed and injured many clan members, but we couldn't find your weakness... But, after all, you were defeated by us It was hit hard.”

The eyes of the Ju She Shou Demon flickered, and he laughed dryly: You haven't been able to discover my weakness, hey.

This is strange. Back then, I was beaten so badly by you. It was so miserable, so miserable, so miserable!

The Great Demon Ju She Shou suddenly closed his mouth.

The Qing Emperor clone smiled thoughtfully: So that's it, we still severely injured you back then... So, let me think about all the details of the battle that severely injured you back then?

The Great Demon of Ju She Shou roared loudly and stopped making noise. Instead, it turned into a giant demon hundreds of miles high, shaking thousands of thick arms, carrying thousands of various magical weapons, and a chaotic mess. He rushed towards Qingdi's clone to kill him.

On the side, Old Xiong Zun murmured to himself subconsciously: Did you type wrongly? I meant Emperor Taihu!

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