Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 1064 Seven Arrows Book (2)

Emperor Taiyi has been in a bad mood these days.

Large-scale transport ships filed out of Taiyangtian one after another, passing through the specially established star gate channel, from Taiyangtian directly to the hinterland of Shenyin, and directly to the sky above the Haojing continent.

Each transport ship is filled with rare immortal materials, emperor's money and magical elixirs, and all kinds of rare resources... These things are all that Taipantian has collected in Taipantian over the years. Under Emperor Nagi's conscientious care...or, in other words, under his diligent scraping, the property was accumulated with great difficulty.

Don't think that when you reach the stage of Emperor Tai Zhen, you have no demands for cultivation qualifications.

On the contrary, at the stage of Emperor Tai Zhen, the Dao that can be comprehended has been comprehended, and the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit that can be condensed has been condensed. His origin, his bloodline, his roots, his foundation, all that can be determined, he has already touched the ceiling of his strength and cultivation.

If you want to break through this ceiling, if you want to have stronger cultivation and stronger means, you can only work hard, spend endless years, and consume countless resources to forcibly pile up your own cultivation.

What's more, Taiyi Tian has so many Chinese elites to support and such a huge army to support. Those little faces waiting for food are all vampires attached to Emperor Taiyi's body to suck blood.

Therefore, Emperor Taiyi was heartbroken when he saw these mountains of resources being continuously sent to Haojing Continent.


Compared with these cultivation resources, as well as all kinds of other rare materials, those ordinary living materials, those ordinary mortal people transported from Taiyitian, Emperor Taiyi can only accept a little bit... There's a ghost!

Those ordinary daily necessities were only ordinary in Taiyi.

To the outside world, even for giant clans like the Linghu Clan and the Dugu Clan, it was a good thing. As for those 'mortal people', although they have no cultivation, they are all 'pure-blooded natives' of the 'Celestial Clan' with strong and extremely pure blood, and have never been contaminated by any acquired contamination.

These 'pure-blooded natives' have extremely strong bloodline power. If it weren't for the existence of the shackles of heaven and earth, these people would all be born with it. They would be able to successfully awaken spirits, open the eyes between the brows, and master the innate supernatural powers.

Emperor Taiyi spent countless efforts to maintain the purity of these people's bloodlines, allowing them to thrive in Taiyitian and give birth to an extremely large ethnic group.

These people were prepared by Emperor Tai Zhen for his own Chinese people.

Emperor Tai Zhen discovered that if his descendants, those of the Chinese ethnic group, intermarried within their families, their bloodline would gradually become 'turbid' and 'disintegrate', and sometimes even 'abnormal deformities' and 'monsters and monsters' would become pregnant. born.

And once the descendants of the Chinese race make peace with those pure-blooded 'celestial natives' and give birth to children, then the blood power of the descendants they breed will become extremely 'pure' and 'strong', and they will have children. The Chinese who came down are all elites. Whether it is their cultivation speed or their understanding and understanding of the laws of the great road, they are a hundred times better than ordinary people.

Each of these pure-blooded natives of heaven can be called a treasure.

As far as Emperor Taizu knew, the huge Supreme Taichu Heaven, under Emperor Taichu and Emperor Tailu, each raised such a group of heavenly beings and natives. In other places in the Supreme Taichu Heaven, the bloodlines of other groups of heavenly beings have been contaminated by foreign bloodlines and are no longer so pure.

After all, for countless years, the garrison offices and frontier city gates sent by the Heavenly Court have been constantly enlarging their territories, expanding their territories outwards, and dragging down the small worlds that were naturally born around the Supreme Taichu Heaven. Pulled in, the origin of heaven and earth from the Supreme Taichu Heaven was once powerful, making the entire world continue to become stronger.

This kind of behavior is not only to expand the territory, but also to use the laws of heaven and earth from the foreign small world to wash away and refine the local avenue of the Supreme Taichu Heaven over and over again, so that the Taichu Emperor can better control the avenue of heaven and earth and better confine it. The laws of heaven and earth.

In the process, just as Lu Qian conquered several intelligent groups such as the little man Xuanhui on the small land outside that day, there were countless weird intelligent groups integrated into the social system of the Supreme Taichu Heaven. Among them, there are many ethnic groups whose appearance is almost the same as that of the natives of Heaven and Earth, but their internal bloodline is very different.

For countless years, various ethnic groups have intermarried with each other and multiplied together. The bloodlines of the entire Supreme Taichu Heaven and the natives of heaven and humans are almost mixed.

In order to keep the blood of these heavenly natives pure, Emperor Tai Zhen had spent countless efforts for countless years.

But now, because of the White Snake's order, Emperor Taiyi could only bleed with tears in his heart as he watched the native Celestial beings whom he had worked so hard to raise to be strong, being transported to the Haojing Continent one by one.

Emperor Taichu used extremely despicable means to shatter the entire Haojing during the wedding ceremony of Yinyuan and White Snake. He also transformed the trillions of people in Haojing into the mutated body of Emperor Taichu.

The huge Shen Yin, the huge Hao Jing, if there are not enough people, is it possible that the white lady will really have to answer the name of the treasure she is holding, the Tower of the Dead, the Tower of the Dead, let her and Yinyuan , can't you live a life guarding a group of undead ghosts?

Filling Haojing, and filling Haojing with the elite population, became the order given by White Snake to Emperor Taiyi.

When it comes to elites, naturally there is no other ethnic group that can compare with the pure-blooded natives of Heaven and Earth that Emperor Tai Zhen has worked so hard to cultivate and maintain over the years.

In the battle that day, Haojing was beaten to pieces. Under the management of capable manpower sent by the Linghu family and other large families, the urban reconstruction work has been completed. Nowadays, empty neighborhoods, bare streets, and lonely mansions are waiting for new owners to move in.

A series of huge, pot-bellied transport ships, under the command of operators sent by the Linghu family and other big families, landed in one neighborhood after another in an orderly manner. The hatch of the transport ship opened, and the pure-blood natives of the brigade, organized as a family unit, walked out of the cabin cautiously and extremely curiously.

The Tower of the Dead hangs high in the sky.

The White Snake stood on the top of the Tower of the Dead and used all her strength to activate this supreme treasure that created the world in the beginning.

A series of smart lights rolled down, the Necronomicon Tower mobilized the avenue of heaven and earth above the Haojing Continent, and the giant dragons floated slowly. The Necronomicon Tower released streams of quiet light black thunder, which silently struck the huge shackles of heaven and earth in the void. The blast caused the shackles of heaven and earth to burst into flames and crack open one after another.

This shackles of heaven and earth were forged with the blessing of the White Snake, Emperor Taichu, and Emperor Taihu, who together destroyed the Landa Holy Land. For countless years, White Snake's cultivation has certainly improved by leaps and bounds, but the cultivation of other great powers has also soared. And these shackles of heaven and earth are closely related to the cultivation of these great powers. As the cultivation of each great power progresses, the strength of these shackles of heaven and earth will increase a lot.

Especially the shackles of heaven and earth themselves. Regardless of the factor of the progress of the powerful cultivation that cast them, these shackles of heaven and earth themselves are also rare treasures that can grow. For countless years, they have also been devouring the charm of the avenue and constantly improving their own strength.

Therefore, even if she holds the Tower of the Dead, White Lady cannot break these shackles of heaven and earth.

She tried her best and could only break some cracks in these shackles of heaven and earth, but this was enough.

The rhyme of the great path and the aura of law, accompanied by the rolling thunder, turned from the sky into a torrential rain of auras visible to the naked eye and poured down. The Haojing Continent has now become the holy land for cultivation with the strongest Dao Dao charm in the entire Supreme Taichu Heaven. It was even opened by Heavenly Court. It uses its privileges to mobilize the Dao Dao Rhythm and turns it into the Starlight Waterfall and instills it, specifically to cultivate the elites of Heavenly Court. In those places, the concentration of Taoist rhyme is less than 10% of that in Haojing Continent at the moment!

The heavenly natives who walked out of the cabin of the transport ship were hit by the torrential rain of spiritual light transformed by the Taoist Rhythm. They felt a coolness all over their bodies, the blood in their bodies suddenly became restless, and the heavenly eyes between their eyebrows that had been sealed by the shackles of heaven and earth for generations suddenly opened.

The first time these heavenly beings and natives opened their heavenly eyes, they instinctively raised their heads, widened their eyebrows, and looked at the great dragons and spells that appeared in the void.

In this world, the original laws of operation hidden deep in the core of the Great Law have been triggered.

The heavenly eyes of the natives of these heavenly beings spurted out wisps of divine light, quickly scanning the winding and twisting avenues of the Dharma. In the void, 480 million Taichu stars emitted a faint light. They sensed the spiritual enlightenment success of these heavenly natives, and they generously dropped their original star power from the supreme void.

Each heavenly native corresponds to an ancient star.

Wisps of starlight fell from the depths of the extremely high sky, covering the bodies of these heavenly natives and integrating into their bodies. The power attributes of each ancient star and the corresponding laws of the great road are different. Different power fluctuations rippled on these heavenly beings and natives, and all kinds of strange images appeared.

Someone's brows and eyes erupted with wisps of lightning, and there was a loud thunderous sound in his body.

Someone's brows and eyes suddenly emitted blood, and their bodies became blurry and had a tendency to turn into blood shadows.

Someone's eyebrows turned into a ball of flame, and traces of flames spurted out from his pores. His clothes were burned to ashes, and finally his whole person burned...

There are more auroras, ice, hurricanes, poisonous clouds...

There were also people whose bodies rapidly turned into stone, and their bodies swelled to a height of a hundred feet. The entire body was made of solid rock. They punched and kicked their legs, easily exploding the air and making loud thunderous noises.

There are also people whose bodies are directly made of metal, and they walk slowly with a choking sound, or they let go of their legs and run wildly. They greeted each other's bodies with metal fists, sparks flying and loud noises, as if they were forging iron.

Various visions emerged one after another. These heavenly natives who had just set foot on the Haojing Continent, after the White Snake broke the shackles of heaven and earth and released part of the Dao Yun, they directly enlightened their spirits and obtained what they were supposed to be from the ancient stars. There is power.

If Maitreya had not forcibly broken open the Supreme Taichu Heaven and changed the fundamental mode of the operation of heaven and earth.

If it weren't for Tai Chu, Tai Qu, Tai Zhen and other powerful men who forged the shackles of heaven and earth and imprisoned the entire great law of heaven and earth...

This is how people should be aboriginal these days.

You are born with knowledge, you are born with your eyes opened, and you are born with one or several magical powers.

They are born to be...'everyone is like a dragon'!

The auras of the heavenly natives are improving and soaring.

Soon, the average breath of the first batch of heavenly natives who landed on the ground exceeded the level of the ninth level of heavenly soldiers... Later, the breath of more than 80% of the heavenly natives directly exceeded the level of heavenly soldiers... Not long after, the breath of the heavenly soldiers who broke through Among them, another seven people's aura suddenly increased, and they stepped directly onto the threshold of Tianwei...

In the sky, the falling stars of the ancient stars became brighter and brighter.

So, a few hours later, among the heavenly captains who broke through, the auras of three of them surged and they entered the realm of the heavenly school.

After more than half a day, nearly 20% of the people in the Heavenly School who broke through had directly acquired Heavenly General-level combat power.

And the Heavenly General, placed in the Heavenly Court, is already a backbone-level combat force.

Before Lu Qian and his group ascended to the supreme Taichu Heaven, the number of heavenly generals was greatly suppressed in the original harsh and tightly disciplined system of heaven. A heavenly general, placed in the heaven, can lead a large army of troops, swagger through the city, run rampant in the starry sky, and be a tyrannical existence that can suppress a starry sky.

But now, these heavenly natives, these pure-blooded heavenly natives, White Snake has only unlocked part of the shackles of the avenue. She has achieved such an achievement just by feeling the charm of the avenue!

Yinyuan stood on the south gate of Haojing Palace City, opened his arms, and shouted at the pure-blood natives whose aura had calmed down slightly: You are my subjects!

In the Heavenly Court, outside the Nantian Gate, Emperor Taichu looked towards this side with a twisted face.

Despite the extremely long distance, Emperor Taichu could still clearly see what was happening on the Haojing Continent at this moment!

Yao Yao smiled, he was a little more confident about persuading Emperor Taichu to fully cooperate with him.

In Haojing City, countless pure-blooded natives with faint lights subconsciously looked at the direction of Yinyuan - their bloodline, soul, luck, and even their fate were all vaguely related to one or more of them. The ancient stars are vaguely aligned.

Whether they are men, women, old or young, whether they are smart or stupid, whether they are kind or vicious, whether they are simple or treacherous, they are all now affected by the ancient stars.

They looked at Yinyuan.

They saw Yinyuan.

The light between their eyebrows flickered, and they felt inexplicably how the man standing on the city gate tower could be so handsome, so majestic, so kind and loving, and so majestic.

Like a loving father, like a god.

Aloof, yet vaguely connected to their bloodline and their destiny. It seems that they can throw their lives and blood for him, and sacrifice everything they have for him.

Countless pure-blood natives' knees weakened and they fell to the ground with a 'bang' sound.

Just like those worker ants for the queen.

Just like those wild wolves seeing the Wolf King.

Loyalty derived from blood, unconditional loyalty, turned into a great road brand, and with a few 'bang' sounds, it hit the souls of these pure-blood natives.

You are my subjects. Yinyuan shouted loudly.

We are His Majesty's subjects! Countless pure-blood natives were also shouting loudly.

A terrible breath rose into the sky.

Even White Lady, who was busy on the Tower of the Dead, turned pale because of this aura, and subconsciously lowered her head to look down.

It was White Snake's suggestion to bring in the pure-blood natives from Taiyitian to fill the empty Haojing with them.

Forcibly breaking the shackles of heaven and earth in Haojing Continent, letting the rhythm of the Great Law nourish these pure-blood natives, activating their innate blood, forcibly enlightening their spirits, and allowing them to grow rapidly, this is also White Snake's proposal.

Regardless of whether he likes it or not, Shen Yin has already stood on the opposite side of heaven.

Whether he likes it or not, Yinyuan has become the enemy of Emperor Taichu.

The White Snake thought about it, with the strength and background of her family, she was still a little behind if she wanted to deal with Heavenly Court and Emperor Taichu.

Taiyi Tian was originally weaker than Heavenly Court. Otherwise, how could Emperor Taichu become the Supreme Emperor of Heavenly Court?

Therefore, releasing the blood power of these pure-blood natives, allowing them to grow rapidly, and quickly consolidating the foundation of Shenyin, was the last resort, but the wisest decision made by White Snake.

Moreover, in her heart, she still had some hopes and a little speculation about these pure-blood natives.

Now, her wish has come true and her speculation has come true. But I didn’t expect that this little bit of hope and this little bit of speculation would be so amazing!

As countless celestial beings and natives knelt down to worship, the ancient stars in the sky shone unreasonably again.

All 480 million orifices in Yinyuan's body flashed.

Along with a loud roar, Yinyuan's energy began to increase strangely. His aura expanded crazily like a volcanic eruption, and the shouts of the heavenly natives and their heavenly eyes focused on Yinyuan were like endless earth fires and endless earthly flames, creating a powerful force for his great city. Volcanoes provide endless energy.

As a result, Yinyuan's aura soared, and his body accumulated more and more intense magic power and more and more majestic Taoist charm.

His body began to glow, began to generate heat, and gradually turned into a colorful man of light, emitting immeasurable heat and heat. Gradually, Yinyuan's whole body slowly rose into the air.

In the void, wisps of starlight from the ancient stars fell down again, and the extremely fine starlight turned into streams of light and injected into various acupoints in Yinyuan's body. Yinyuan opened his mouth and roared like a convulsion. His roar was extremely cruel.

In fact, 480 million avenues surged through his mind.

Endless Dao Yun mysteries crazily crammed into his soul uncontrollably...Yinyuan even had the illusion that he was just a little duckling that had just hatched from an egg shell, and those ancient stars were like a group of passionate people. The excessive breeders are crazily stuffing all kinds of high-calorie excellent feed into his belly.

I'm just a little duck, I can't bear such crazy feeding!

Concentrate your energy and find the right avenue! The White Lady was scolding: Find the right avenue that you feel most familiar with, like the most, and are closest to... first gather the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit, and let your own cultivation and physical body break through , and then make the next step!”

Bai Niangzi's words reminded Yinyuan.

Subconsciously, he embraced the avenue that was the most familiar, favorite, closest, and most in line with his heart among the countless avenues where souls were pouring into him crazily. It had a faint pink and charming atmosphere.

With a loud noise, countless pink ceilings exuding an alluring fragrance fell from the sky above Haojing Continent.

Under the instillation of the tide of the laws of the great way brought about by the breakthrough of countless pure-blooded natives, and the encouragement of majestic faith and mental power provided by the eager gazes of countless pure-blooded natives, under the influence of countless pure-blooded natives, With the blessing of wonderful luck brought by devout prayer and worship, Yinyuan gathered an Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit in a daze, without any warning at all, and without any plan.

Pink, exuding a rich and charming fragrance.

There is a strange pink light flowing in the void.

There is a light and graceful girl's laughter floating in the air.

On the Haojing Continent, no matter men, women, old or young, no matter birds and beasts, no matter insects or fish, all of them have evil fire in their hearts at this moment...

Uh! Yinyuan stood in mid-air. Feeling the overwhelming power in his body, he subconsciously asked: White Lady, I seem to...

The white lady's face suddenly turned dark.

Although there is no serious analysis of the Eight Classics, what is the origin of this avenue condensed by Yinyuan, but looking at the strange signs in the void, it is obvious that this is not a serious avenue!

Outside the south gate of Heaven.

Yao Bao smiled: Look, he has already condensed the first Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit... With his foundation, his efficiency in condensing the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit will only get higher and higher in the future. He, very easily, I can replace you... Oh, that’s wrong, it’s not to replace you, but to take back the personality and fate that originally belonged to him!”

What are you still hesitating about? Yao Yao said softly: The worst and worst result of cooperating with me is that after I become the deity, you will be manipulated by me and become my disciple. It’s just a ride, that’s all.”

As for me, I don't care about worldly affairs. Yao Yao said quietly: In other words, I just want to stand high and understand the supreme road, in order to achieve the supreme achievements that even Maitreya has not been able to achieve... This authority, It's yours; this world is yours; this boundless territory is yours; these countless people are still yours.

You just have one more guru in name. Yao Bao smiled brightly: It's even more comfortable and secure than you being secretly controlled by Qing Emperor now. What are you still hesitating about?

Emperor Taichu's eyes flashed.

He once again thought of the pitch-black finger bone that had penetrated the Taichu Bell's strongest defense just now, leaving him almost unable to resist.

Although Yao Yao seems to be activating the finger bones, it requires paying a huge price.


They just vomited a few mouthfuls of blood, but what they had to give was life, life!

Looking at Yinyuan again above the Haojing Continent, shrouded in pink divine light, Emperor Taichu exhaled: So, what do you want me to do?

He pointed fiercely in the direction of Haojing Continent: I and I are incompatible with each other!

Yao Yao smiled brightly: What do you want to do? What you want to do is very simple... Well, can you invite Tai Zhen over? No matter what method you use, whether it is violence or eloquence, I I want a drop of his blood. Just one drop, not too much.

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