Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 1,068 The Secret of Witchcraft

When Lu Qian received Yinyuan's message asking for help, the Great Demon Jushou, Master Wei Da, and the many Buddhist guardians led by Zhengtong abandoned the chaotic army of the Holy Spirit clan and attacked the Great Leiyin Temple in Lingshan. .

These heretics who were forcibly suppressed, subdued, and transformed into Buddhism by the Blessed One with supreme power and accepted the influence of Buddhism are indeed extraordinary.

Lu Qian himself once used Buddhism's Transformation Dharma. All the believers and disciples who were convinced by his force became his disciples wholeheartedly, marching for him, no matter what the urge, without any resentment in life or death. It was a great supernatural power that completely cleansed the soul and completely tampered with the will and belief... Its deeds were almost demonic.

As for the Buddhist World Honored One, his situation is obviously much bigger than that of Lu Qian.

The World-Honored One who overcame these heretics did not use the demonic methods of 'violent brainwashing' and 'forcible tampering' like Lu Qian's. Instead, we use a majestic method to overwhelm these heretics, make them put down their butcher knives, put on cassocks, listen carefully in front of the Buddha, and use the truly magnificent Dharma to wash away the hostility and sins of these guys bit by bit, and make them devoutly convert. , transformed from a demon into a true Buddhist!

So, how else could Lu Qian marvel at how great these guys are?

I don’t know how many years I have listened to the sutras, smelled the incense, eaten fasting meals, and recited sutras and mantras in front of the World Honored One. But now, once I wake up, I immediately realize my true nature and wield the knife. He directly betrayed Buddhism!

Awesome, really awesome!

Amazing, really amazing!

How can a mere junior occupy this plaque? Master Wei Da opened his eyes wide and pointed at the plaque on the Great Leiyin Temple in Lingshan and laughed loudly: This plaque, Lingshan's plaque, take it, take it... Haha, the old bald man has chanted sutras day and night and been influenced by it for countless years. This plaque is also a treasure.

Even if it is incomplete, it still has infinite uses. These young people, who don't know why, are really hanging it on the door as a plaque! Master Wei Da smiled brightly: Take it, take it... rush in, rush in, everything The bald thieves, hack them all to death with one knife, hack them to death... every brick, brick, plant, and tree in this temple, now that Maitreya is no longer here, we all deserve it!

The 'former' Buddhist guardians who had restored their true colors roared and laughed wildly. Some of them turned around, and their thousands of arms shook wildly, releasing countless thunderbolts, which killed and wounded the Holy Spirit Clan army that was chasing after them. It was disastrous and the military formation was in dilapidated condition.

They roared and roared, and happily broke into the Great Thunder Sound Temple in Lingshan.

Emperor Taihu frowned. He looked coldly at the Ju She Shou Demons who had turned back and abandoned his own enemy. He said quietly: What is going on? You are so excited. They came here, but in the end, they turned against each other?

The avatar of Qing Emperor looked at the chaotic Great Leiyin Temple in Lingshan with great interest. He smiled leisurely and said: So, this is the only flaw of Buddhism... Buddhism is vast, and there are always things that are not there. Worthy or not, all kinds of strange and eccentric characters, as long as they have some power, are all convinced by the Buddha's teachings and forcibly taken under the sect to take them under their wings.

When the truly top Buddhist masters were still sitting on the lotus pedestal, it was natural to do this.

Even if I am an enemy, I must admit that Buddhism has incredible powers, especially those old thieves who can be called 'World Honored Ones'. Their magical powers are simply unpredictable.

But in the end, they died.

They are dead. How can those little bald thieves subdue these heretics who are naturally rebellious?

The Qing Emperor's clone sighed with emotion: It is most appropriate for our clan to be like this. All the fighting forces are our sons. Even vassal forces like you have been integrated into the blood of our clan and gradually transformed into our clan. clansman.”

The people of our clan will never rebel. Qingdi's clone smiled: The people of our clan have always been of the same mind, but within the Buddhist sect, there are all kinds of moods... Perhaps this is what our clan was like back then. Victory, and the biggest reason for Buddhism’s defeat that year?”

Emperor Taihu looked at the Qing Emperor's clone curiously: Has our clan really always been of the same mind?

The clone of Qing Emperor looked at Emperor Taiyu in surprise and said with a smile: Of course it is, is it possible...what else can it be?

Emperor Taihu asked with a half-smile: So, how did you do it? After all, it's impossible for a human being to be single-minded?

The clone of Qing Emperor looked at Emperor Taihu with the same half-smile but not a smile. He nodded slightly and shook his head slightly. Then, his eyes fell on Lu Yan and Old Xiong Zun: Let those thieves rebel in their den? Will these thieves be killed? We will circle the broken temple and wait until they get a result, then we will clean up the mess.

Now, let's try, can we incorporate these two into our clan? The Qing Emperor's clone glanced at the old bear master with a bit of disgust, and said coldly: Those bastards, just a different species of black bear, rotten Ordinary goods from the street...

Old Xiong Zun's little ears twitched. He looked at the Qing Emperor's clone and was about to curse, but suddenly he saw the endless surging Holy Spirit Clan army from all directions. Old Xiong Zun wisely shut his mouth.

Although he is a bear, he is not stupid at all!

Lu Qian had a gloomy look on his face, looking at the vast and boundless surroundings, which had already formed a huge military formation, and the Holy Spirit Clan army was surrounding them from all directions with the power of Mount Tai. He pointed at Emperor Taihu, bared his teeth at Emperor Qing's clone, and then grabbed Old Xiong Zun.

The void shook slightly, and Lu Qian and Old Xiong Zun disappeared without a trace.

When they appeared again, Lu Qian had already moved Old Xiong Zun easily and passed through the encirclement of the Holy Spirit clan. The next moment, Lu Qian took Old Xiong Zun and turned into a ball of dazzling light, and disappeared from the place again with a flicker.

With the combination of the Avenue of Space and the Avenue of Speed, Lu Qian's efficiency on the road has become extremely astonishing.

He flickered, and countless star fields were left behind. With the blessing of the Avenue of Speed, Lu Qian's movements through the void and tearing apart the space became extremely fast. After two teleports through the air, he flashed forward. The interval is almost zero.

Originally, his speed was already so fast that ordinary emperors could not match it, but now combined with the teleportation through the air of the Space Avenue, his efficiency even made Lu Qian himself feel extremely horrified. In almost no time, Lu Qian returned to the top of the Haojing Continent from the airspace where the Great Leiyin Temple in Lingshan was located.

The scene where Lu Qian was like a shooting star flashing in the sky and passing by in an instant was also witnessed by the three burial monks, Master Lang Yue, and Master A Du who were confronting each other in the border area of ​​Shenyin.

Seeing Lu Qian passing by their house at an unbelievable speed, Monk Sanzong and Master Lang Yue were inexplicable, feeling that their whole hearts were empty - facing Lu Qian who had condensed the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit on the two avenues of speed and space, they The confrontation here suddenly became a bit ridiculous.

Whether Monk Three Burials wants to destroy the entire Supreme Taichu Heaven and reopen a heaven, or Master Lang Yue wants to do something to welcome Maitreya back to this world, they are bound to face Lu Qian!

And the method Lu Qian showed now, just the speed, gave them a huge headache.

Pu mustard seeds. Master Lang Yue clasped his hands together and sighed softly: What you want to do, the young monk has guessed. What you want to do is certainly different from the young monk's purpose, but they can go together for a long time. the way.

Not as good as? Master Lang Yue looked at the Third Burial Monk with solemnity: Today's Supreme Taichu Heaven, if you want to destroy the world with your own strength, I'm afraid it won't be so easy.

The three-burial monk looked at Master Langyue very carefully.

The two people's eyes met, and their eyes were gleaming. For a long time, they both nodded at the same time.

The Third Burial Monk looked at Master A Du behind Master Lang Yue with fear - this guy was already very difficult to deal with; and behind him were the Buddhist outer sect protectors who were as difficult as him, and those former heretics. , demons and heretics, I don’t know how many there are.

The Third Burial Monk didn't know that the Great Demon Ju She Shou and Master Wei Da had already burst into rebellion and directly shouted slogans of rebellion. For this reason, it is unknown how many outer sect protectors such as Master Adu will follow Master Long Yue in the future and do their best to welcome Maitreya back to the world.

However, Monk Three Burials didn’t know.

He only knew that the ‘esoteric sect’ of the Landa Holy Land represented by Master Lang Yue, that is, the ‘original disciples’ lineage, was very difficult to deal with, difficult to deal with, or even impossible to deal with at all.

He needs time to make Feitian stronger and stronger.

If Feitian grows stronger, he, the Three Burial Monk, will become stronger.

That's it! Do you swear? The monk of Sanzong said softly: You and I work together, cooperate sincerely, and fight against foreign enemies... The end time of this contract is set to be when the heaven is destroyed, the Taihu sky collapses, and the Taihu sky is shattered. The moment when all the powerful enemies who attacked the Landa Holy Land fell, and the Qing Emperor was completely wiped out. How about that?

Until then, you and I will work together and move forward side by side.

After that, I destroyed the world and opened a new one.

And you, either welcome Maitreya to the world again, or you sit on the throne of the World Honored One yourself... When we get there, how about you and I show our abilities?

The three burial monks put forward their own suggestions and initially drafted the contents of the contract.

Master Langyue laughed brightly, clasped his hands together, and repeatedly praised Maitreya for his boundless power and peerless power.

The two of them each released a ray of soul power, and in a few words, they drafted a contract that was unanimously recognized by both parties without any flaw in wording or grammar. They then released a little bit of natal blood essence, burned the blood essence, injected the soul, and completed the contract. They made an extremely binding oath, and with the strength and means of the two of them, it was impossible to get rid of it or break it.

In an instant, the two groups who were at war with each other just now became the same front.

After all, they have the same goal.

Whether it is Monk Sanzong who wants to destroy this dirty, filthy, and sin-filled Supreme Taichu Heaven, or whether Master Longyue wants to welcome Maitreya back and let Maitreya rebuild the Landa Holy Land and let the glory of Buddhism shine on the world again... …They will have a common enemy for a long time to come.

The Third Burial Monk is alone. Although there are countless Feitian, he lacks the core cutting-edge combat power, especially in terms of 'wisdom'. Those Feitian who only know killing and destruction, how strong do you expect their 'wisdom' to be?

Even if it is killing and destruction, destruction with 'wisdom' and destruction without 'wisdom' are two levels of concepts.

As for Master Lang Yue, they have no shortage of high-end combat power. Ju She Shou Da Mo, Master A Du, and Master Wei Da, which one is not a top powerful player? But they lack the strength of the middle and lower classes, and if they want to rebuild the Landa Holy Land and welcome back Maitreya, it is obviously impossible to rely solely on the power of these masters.

Therefore, the two parties reached a perfect complementary cooperation.

As for what the future will be like - in the future, both Monk Sanzong and Master Langyue will have enough confidence. As time goes by and as their own power continues to increase, they will have enough means to control each other in the future!

That’s it!

Monk San Buran and Master Lang Yue looked at each other and smiled kindly and kindly, showing the compassion of Buddhism.

At this moment, in the Great Leiyin Temple in Lingshan, the Great Demon Jushe Shou, who was waving his weapons and killing a group of disciples under Qingsha, suddenly burst into laughter. He grabbed two snow-white and tender little nuns and stuffed them into his mouth, chewing them loudly.

Execute the secret technique quickly and notify Master Adu and the brothers.

Rebellion, rebellion... Maitreya is gone, who can still control us? Who is still willing to work hard for Buddhism? Who is still willing to be driven by Buddhism? Notify the brothers and ask them whether they will join forces with us, or It’s up to them to find a place to plant their own poles and erect their own flags!”

In addition, let the brothers who are staying in the secret realm quickly take action and wake up those brothers who are still sleeping due to their injuries... Haha, this world should be at our disposal.

The aborigines these days...their flesh is still quite sweet.

The Great Demon Kusheku laughed wildly, and immediately there were several Brahmin ascetics Jie Jie who were surrounded by the bright moon and stars, and had big snakes and poisonous pythons wrapped around their necks and arms. Master Adu and other old friends passed on the message.

Monk San Zun and Master Lang Yue stood side by side, chatting and laughing, discussing the next plan.

Master Lang Yue said confidently: There is no shortage of foundation ground. Xiaohei's Yuncha Ridge has a vast area and countless disciples, which is enough for us to stay temporarily. With Yuncha Ridge as the foundation, we attack everywhere , spread Buddhism, and cooperate with Pu Jiezi’s extraordinary efforts... it is enough to gather enough believers in a short period of time and provide enough belief power.

As long as you have enough faith and power...

Master Langyue was talking eloquently, but neither he nor Monk San Burial noticed that behind them, the eyes of Master A'du and Dragon King Posuji, who were coiled around Master A'du's neck, all changed colors.

Dragon King Posuji raised his upper body silently and glanced at Master Adu with a sinister look.

Master Adu slowly raised his hands, forming an extremely weird seal on his chest that looked like a flying demon bird. On his ten fingers, wisps of elegant and timeless Buddha light flickered slightly, but soon, the color of the Buddha light gradually became covered with a faint layer of blood, and deep black slowly flowed in the core.

Silently, an eye the size of a fist grew quietly on the back of Master Adu's head.

The bloody eyes opened and glanced at the group of strange-looking outer sect guardians with majestic and powerful auras standing behind them. Brahmins, Asuras, Shuras, Yakshas, ​​Rakshasas, Dragons, Kinnara, Gandharvas...these are all powerful demon races that Lu Qian had heard of in his previous life.

Others, there are some who are born more and more weird, come from all the worlds and all the heavens, and because of their powerful natural talents, after being overwhelmed by the great power of Buddhism, they willingly worship under the lotus platform and become a tyrannical group of Buddhist protectors.

Among them, the potential of many ethnic groups is even more powerful, more terrifying, and more mysterious than the oldest outer sect protectors like Master Aduk...

At this moment, these strange ethnic groups had tiny traces of blood rising in their pupils.

Their gazes gradually became evil and fierce.

Many of them were once the supreme masters of heaven and earth, but after being defeated by Buddhism, they were forced to kneel helplessly in front of the Buddha... In Buddhism for countless years, they were washed by the powerful Buddhist scriptures day and night. For Buddhism, this It is a kind of meritorious practice.

And for these magical races, this is purgatory.

Buddhism is no different from hell to them. Their bodies and souls are always cleansed by the power of Buddha. They must concentrate on adhering to the Tao of Self in their hearts, derived from blood and instinct, in order to resist the Tao of Buddhism.

When one day, their 'Tao' is completely defeated, and the 'Tao' of Buddhism is integrated into their blood and soul, they will completely fail, they will completely die, and they will no longer It's them!

But it's a blessing.

The great terrors of Buddhism represented by Maitreya were defeated by more powerful enemies, they collapsed, and they were extinct... And these ethnic groups, represented by the great master Adu and the great demon Kushetou, were defeated by more powerful enemies. Sect protectors, the 'Tao of Self' in their hearts is still intact.

The wildfire cannot burn it all.

The Tao of Buddhism is like wildfire, and the self-Tao in their hearts is like weeds. When the wildfires dissipate, these weeds with extremely strong vitality will naturally grow vigorously and become more prosperous than before.

Just by looking at each other, Master Adu saw the answer he wanted in the eyes of these 'fellow disciples', 'companions' and 'brothers'. Then Master Adu smiled.

He shouted softly: Senior Brother Langyue, please look at Junior Brother's treasure!

Master Langyue didn't know why, so he turned back to look at Master Adu.

Master Adu made a seal with his hands and opened his mouth, which is about the size of a fist. He has tempered and polished it for countless billions of years, nourishing it with his own essence and blood day and night. Even when listening to the sutra under the lotus platform of the World Honored One, he was washed by the Buddha's teachings day and night. Dang, the original 'Xuan Mizhu' that was still tenaciously preserved turned into a red light and hit Master Lang Yue's forehead hard.

Xuan Ni, Xuan Ni, the door of all living beings.

However, Master Adu's mysterious female is completely evil and evil. This was when he was still an ascetic and an ascetic monk in the past, slaughtering cities and countries, extracting a trace of bone essence, a drop of blood essence, and a trace of soul essence from each of billions of creatures... God and God are integrated into one body, and a mysterious female demon cave opened in the body is turned into a boundless flame hell, which is formed by using magic curses for countless years.

There are countless magic weapons in the world, and they can all be called Xuan Mizhu.

Only Master Adu's Mysterious Pearl can be said to be the most ruthless, the most evil, and the most powerful in killing and destruction.

This mysterious bead is extremely hard and heavy. It also carries a trace of the life and death of a living being when it is about to die. It also contains the power of the evil curse and death caused by boundless resentment.

Master Lang Yue never dreamed that for countless years, he had served under the gate of the Landa Holy Land, served as a vanguard for the Buddhist sect, fought for countless years, killed countless powerful enemies, and made countless meritorious deeds. His status in the Buddhist sect had already been destroyed. How could the World-Honored Master Adu, who had been promoted to a level almost comparable to that of the Buddha, give himself such a fatal blow without any warning!

Master Adu is proficient in magic arts and has infinite magic in his hands.

When he wants to kill people, he will naturally be invisible and sudden. Even Master Lang Yue with his level of magical power has no warning signs before he is attacked.

Xuan Mizhu hit the target with one blow, but Master Lang Yue did not show off his strength with his physical body. There was just a crisp sound, and the dim Buddha light that suddenly rose up on Master Lang Yue's body was shattered by one blow. Master Lang Yue's head suddenly shattered, and the next moment, her entire body turned into a ball of blood mist.

Wisps of black and red vicious black demonic flames rose from the blood mist, and every drop of blood was covered by the terrifying demonic flames. There are hundreds of millions of demons screaming and shouting in unison, chanting vicious spells crazily, and they are about to activate the power of sacrifices to turn the blood mist transformed into the golden body of Master Long Yue, along with her hidden All the souls in the blood mist were sacrificed to the terrifying and incredible existence in the dark.

The next moment, a golden bodhi seed the size of a thumb appeared out of thin air in Master Langyue's blood mist.

In the Bodhisattva, a ten-thousand-character Buddha seal flashed past, and a low Sanskrit chant shocked the void. Master Adu took action, and Dragon King Posuji opened his big mouth and was about to spit out poisonous flames, as well as those who had already The outer sect guardians raised their arms, with seals condensed on their palms, and were about to attack Master Lang Yue and Monk San Zang. Each one of them seemed to be struck by thunder, vomiting blood and flying backwards for hundreds of miles.

A bright moon rises into the sky.

Clear, bright, flawless, reflecting the true heart.

The blood mist dissipated, and in the bright moonlight, Master Langyue's golden body was reunited, but his originally fair and crystal-clear face became even paler.

Master Adu! Master Langyue's Buddhist practice is extremely profound, and he has reached the level where external objects cannot immobilize his true heart. However, at this moment, his heart still hurts like a knife.

In fact, that bodhi seed is too precious.

Being hit by the Xuan Mizhu, Master Lang Yue will definitely die. But it was this Bodhi seed left by Lord Maitreya that had supreme power and rescued Master Long Yue from death.

No matter what, this kind of loss... Master Langyue's face was twisted, and his eyes were blazing as he looked at the alien protectors who were wiping the blood on the corners of their mouths and laughing wildly as they stood up again.

Over the Haojing Continent.

Lu Qian suddenly blasted open the void with a slap, and threw Old Xiong Zun in: Old Xiong Zun, your master is in trouble, go and have a look!

Brother, sister-in-law, what happened to her?

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