Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 1077: Yin Yuan’s Love (3)

In the flash of light and stone, a small black arrow was about to hit Lu Yi. The void around Lu Yi suddenly squirmed. He himself disappeared, and a statue with nine heads, a hundred arms, six legs, a scorching sun hanging above its head, and a winding waist There is a three-headed snake, and there is a throne on the left and right shoulders. On it sits a voluptuous naked female guardian of the outer sect. Lu Qian's place was replaced by chaos.

The little black arrows are not used to these outer sect protectors.

With a 'chi' sound, the three-hundred-mile-tall outer sect protector's eyebrows were easily pierced by a small black arrow. Compared with his huge body, this little arrow is like a cow hair stuck in the body of a giant whale. However, it is such an inconspicuous little arrow that makes hundreds of colorful eyes on the nine heads of this outer sect protector. All dim.

With a loud bang, the guy fell from the sky, and his body disintegrated like broken porcelain.

On this man's left and right shoulders, the two women sitting cross-legged on the throne screamed together. They jumped up, turned around like crazy demons, and began to spin and dance rapidly on their heads and feet. Following the strange sound of a spell, the two women suddenly closed inward, and a roar was heard. The two women merged into one body, turning into a strange appearance with two heads, four arms, and four legs, but sharing the same body.

Seeing the woman's belly bulging rapidly, it became bigger and brighter. In a short breath, the woman was only ten feet tall, but her belly seemed to have infinite resilience, expanding crazily to hundreds of miles in diameter. The next moment, a loud roar sounded from the shiny and transparent belly, and a big ax tore open the belly. The newly fallen outer sect protector gasped for breath, and rushed out of the woman's belly along with mucus all over the sky. .

The woman spat out blood and split her body to the left and right, re-dividing into two separate naked female forms. Their faces were withered and their bodies shrunk like ninety-year-old old men who were overworked and malnourished. They panted and flew to the throne that reappeared on the left and right shoulders of the outer sect protector, and sat down on the throne smoothly.

The most powerful and fatal blow from the Book of Seven Arrows, Lu Qian used the Taichu Confusion Pearl to cover up his own energy, cut off the causal pursuit of this little arrow, and used the avenue of space to move the outer sect protector directly to where he was just now position, using him as a scapegoat to block this terrible arrow for himself.

What shocked Lu Qian was that this vicious and terrifying witchcraft spell failed to kill the outer guardian. He didn't know what kind of magic power he used, but he actually reappeared intact and full of energy - and if Lu Qian didn't perceive it wrong, the reappearance of the outer sect protector was even more powerful than before. When he was killed by the Seven Arrows Book Arrow before, he was at least twice as strong?

If you can't kill me, will I become stronger?

Lu Qian subconsciously looked at the two women sitting on the shoulders of the outer sect protector... These two women were the key to the outer sect protector's resurrection. I don’t know how much price this magical power will cost and how much time it will take to regain full strength. At least, looking at the two women looking so tired and withered, it is impossible to use this magic skill in a short time.

If the 'cooling time' of this magic skill is shorter...if this guy commits suicide when he is bored, wouldn't it mean that he doesn't need to 'practice hard' at all, and this cultivation will be based on outrageous and unreasonable concepts? Sex rate' soaring?

It's simply outrageous!

Lu Qian cursed, and rushed back to the location of the altar in a blink of an eye. He picked up the severely damaged Tianlong Zen staff and blasted it indiscriminately at the ruins of the altar. There was a loud noise, and the altar was completely destroyed. Lu Qian whistled, and Lu Min, Qing You, and the four great monks Chun Xia Qiu Dong quickly gathered around him.

With a flash of light, Lu Qian went straight to the core hinterland of Taiyitian.

Originally, Lu Qian didn't have any bad thoughts - this was Taiyitian, the lair of White Snake White Snake, and every flower, grass, sand and stone here was her private property.

But seeing Emperor Taiyi colluding with Emperor Taichu and setting up such a vicious curse altar to plot against the White Snake, with his final target pointing directly at Yinyuan, Lu Qian felt that the White Snake’s foundation and possessions would not be enough. It's not stable anymore. Maybe, the entire Taichu Heaven, together with all the wealth in Taichu Heaven, will be occupied by Emperor Taiyi.

In this case...

Of course, it was the sudden heavy damage to the Tianlong Zen Staff that reminded Lu Qian. The Tianlong Zen Staff, which was finally promoted to the Imperial Soldier, was almost spiritually collapsed by the backlash from the Seven Arrows Book, and almost fell out of the Imperial Soldier's threshold. If you want to recuperate and return to your peak state, you don’t know how many resources it will consume.

For a long time, Lu Qian and Yinyuan did not have a stable resource base in the Supreme Taichu Heaven.

Yinyuan is just a softie.

As Yinyuan's sworn brother, Lu Qian... ahem...the few resources he had, whether they were 'filial' from the powerful clans such as the Linghu clan and the Dugu clan, or from the treasure trove of Taiyi Tian by Emperor Taiyi. It was allocated and shipped to Haojing Continent for Lu Qian's use... In the final analysis, Lu Qian is also a freeloader!

Not only that, Yinyuan relies on his own personal charm and is extremely confident to eat soft rice. As for Lu Qian, he was still an 'indirect freeloader'. It was because of his relationship with Yinyuan that he received some resources from the White Snake!

Seeing that Emperor Taiyi was completely broken...then Taiyitian was the enemy's lair. So, 'seizing resources' from the enemy's lair is a serious 'trophy', and Lu Qian took it with confidence!

Because of White Snake's relationship, Lu Qian still knew the general structure of Taiyitian. He knew where Taiyitian's treasure house was... A stream of light tore through the void, and Lu Qian blasted through the warning arrays along the way. Restricted, drove straight in, directly reaching the most essential and tender core area of ​​Taiyitian!

Taiyitian is the home of White Snake and Emperor Taiyi. The entire Taiyitian is wrapped in an extremely terrifying and complex formation.

However, as long as the outer formation restrictions are passed, inside Taiyitian, except for the forbidden palace where White Snake and Emperor Taiyi live and practice daily, there are many various formation restrictions in other places, but their warning effect is greater than their defensive effect - serious People wouldn't put many shackles on their own homes and lay countless traps to ambush them, right?

Easily breaking through the formation restrictions along the way, Lu Qian led a group of others directly to Taiyitian's largest resource warehouse.

Buddhism, the most famous magical power, is naturally the Buddha Kingdom in the Palm.

The three Qingyou girls specialize in swordsmanship. No matter in their previous life or in this life, they know nothing about this magical power. But Lu Qian, Lu Min, and the four great monks of Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter are all good players.

In particular, Lu Yi's cultivation is relatively weak, and Lu Min has just regained the cultivation of his previous life. The Buddha Kingdom in the palm of his hand has been re-condensed and has not yet been completed. Whether it is the size of the internal space or the strength of the space structure, it is 'lackluster'. .

But the four great monks of spring, summer, autumn and winter are different.

Their cultivation was terrifying. When they saw huge warehouses in front of them, each of which could be called a 'giant mountain', the four great monks laughed together: Good, good, my Buddha is merciful. Such a treasure is in my Buddhist door. Destined!

There was no need for Lu Qian to give orders, let alone Lu Qian's explanation. When these four great monks saw Lu Qian breaking through so many restrictions and leading them all the way to the core treasure house area of ​​Taiyitian, they immediately knew what Lu Qian wanted to do.

The eight white Buddha palms waved to the ground, and a large area of ​​Buddha light surged. The huge warehouses with hundreds of millions of miles in radius suddenly disappeared without a trace in the Buddha light.

Since the White Snake became one of the three supreme beings in Taichu Heaven.

After the White Lady donated a ray of essence and blood, Emperor Qing refined the clone of Emperor Taiyi.

The immeasurable resources that could be said to be wealth and wealth that had been accumulated through hard work for countless years disappeared in the sound of the Buddha's chants from the four smiling monks.

It's not just the warehouses that are gone.

This treasure house area is, apart from the two Forbidden Palaces in Taiyitian, the area where the Dao Yun is the strongest and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is the most lively... Under the influence of countless years of Dao Yun spiritual energy, a handful of soil here, A grain of sand, placed in the outside world, can be called a 'treasure, spiritual material'.

Therefore, where the Buddha's light shines from the four great monks, what is meant by digging three feet into the ground? What does ‘the sky is three feet high’ mean?

The entire treasure house area, with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles, three million miles from the ground, all the soil, sand and gravel that had been soaked and warmed by Taoist charms and spiritual wisdom like jade agar were scraped clean by the four great monks. Not a single piece of sand or stone with a bit of spiritual energy was left for Emperor Taiyi.

The four great monks praised in unison: My Buddha is merciful, so good, so good. To rebuild our Buddhist sect requires immeasurable resources. The treasures here can be used to rebuild our Landa Zen Forest. The merits are immeasurable and the merits are immeasurable!

Master Lang Yue and Monk Three Burials on the side looked at it with great enthusiasm.

So many resources!

Monk Three Burials does not have much extravagant demands for resources... But Master Langyue is different. Master Langyue also has the ambition to rebuild Buddhism and expand Buddhism.

But to rebuild Buddhism, you want to build temples, right? Do you want to build a mountain gate? Do you want to build a big formation? Do you want to recruit countless disciples? Are these disciples going to eat, drink, and have diarrhea? This all costs money and consumes endless resources!

Tsk, okay, Master Langyue is also planning to 'beg for alms' from Old Xiong Zun, directly use Yuncha Ridge as the mountain gate's residence, and use the property accumulated by Old Xiong Zun over the years as start-up capital.

Lu Qian was so good that he directly took away Taiyi Tian’s treasure house!

Master Lang Yue blinked, and wanted to say to Lu Qian, Everyone who meets you has a share... But he just saved him, and now he wants to share the benefits, even if the Buddhist disciples have a King Kong Wall So 'steady', Master Langyue couldn't say such words for a while.

Quick, next place! Lu Qian said sternly: Taizhentian's sphere of influence accounts for almost 20% of the entire Supreme Taichutian. For countless years, he has scraped the land and accumulated countless possessions. There are a total of treasure houses of this size. Three hundred and sixty places...where is this?

I'm already in disgrace... ah, Emperor Taiyi actually colluded with outsiders to plot against my sister-in-law and my eldest brother... Lu Qian sternly scolded: Since we are enemies, don't hold back!

The four great monks laughed together: My Buddha is merciful, so good, so good. This is a great kindness, and it is in line with the purpose of my Buddhism - the so-called, predestined relationship with the Buddha, and universal salvation... Lao Na looked at this eternal sky, every plant, every tree, every tree. How come every sand and stone, every palace, brick and tile beam has a strong Buddhist charm? What a coincidence, I am so destined to be a Buddhist!

Lu Qian's face twitched.

Master Lang Yue felt heartbroken when she heard these words. She simply turned around and looked at Emperor Tai Zhen who was speeding towards this side while shouting.

However, Emperor Tai Zhen had just taken a few steps when Master Adu and Dragon King Posuji swarmed up with dozens of extremely powerful outer sect protectors, like a group of drunken thugs late at night, surrounding a delicate little boy. Like a girl, there were tens of thousands of arms, large and small, waving all kinds of strange weapons, directly drowning Emperor Taiyi in the light of swords and shadows.

Another treasure house area was broken open, and the sky was filled with Buddha light flashing.

The next treasure house area was broken open again, and the sky was filled with Buddha lights flashing.

Treasure house areas were opened one after another, and the sky was filled with Buddha lights flashing.

Emperor Tai Zhen was roaring and cursing, and he was greeting Lu Qian hoarsely, but in the face of the violent attacks of those outer guardians, he was unable to rush to stop him!

And those outer sect protectors even shouted cruel slogans of occupying Taiyitian and trapping all Chinese people to serve as food rations and sacrifices.

Emperor Taiyi suddenly woke up.

Lu Qian was just looking for money, but these outer sect protectors wanted to kill him!

In the void, the mutated old sweet-scented osmanthus tree slowly appeared. Countless giant rhizomes were like swimming dragons, like magic pythons, wandering and thrashing crazily in the void, causing all the outer gate guardian monsters to scream and curse and retreat. , but he rushed forward without any incident, surrounding Emperor Taiyi and beating him randomly.

Emperor Taiyi stabilized his mind, and with the help of the power of the old osmanthus tree, he escaped from the attack by a group of outer guardians, gathered a large group of Chinese people to form a military formation, and cooperated with the huge defensive structure arranged by Taiyi. Formation, gradually regained a little bit of the situation.

Large swaths of Chinese people sacrificed their lives, but there was still a steady stream of Chinese warriors coming from all directions in Taiyuan, slashing and killing the outer sect guardians without fear of death.

Emperor Taiyi even shouted loudly: Fahai, go back and tell me that I have no intention of rebelling, but I was forced to do nothing... When Taichu came to visit, I thought...

With a loud bang, an outer door protector with a volume of only three feet high broke through the void, teleported to Emperor Taiyi's side, waved a diamond rod more than ten feet long, and struck Emperor Taiyi's arm with one blow. His forehead was dented by the blast.

The ape-shaped outer sect protector laughed sternly: Shut up? You are risking your life, why are you still making noise here?

With such a heavy blow, Emperor Tai Zhen was knocked backwards for hundreds of miles, and then he used his magical power to stabilize his body. However, the head was sunken and the brain matter spurted out from the injury. The majestic life energy in Emperor Taiyi's body surged, and the injury healed immediately without leaving any traces.

He looked angrily at the outer sect guardians who became more and more courageous as they fought and broke into Taiyantian little by little, and took a deep breath.

This magical power... Hmm! In his mind, a golden-green divine light lit up. Emperor Taiyi formed a seal with his hands, and then waved towards the void. The old sweet-scented osmanthus tree trembled violently, and countless roots plunged into the void of Taiyitian, and began to frantically extract the origin of Taiyitian.

Seeing the old osmanthus tree blooming with gorgeous osmanthus flowers, each osmanthus flower is as big as a hundred feet.

In an instant, these sweet-scented osmanthus flowers with a strange fragrance began to wither, and golden osmanthus seeds grew out. These osmanthus seeds grew rapidly, reaching dozens of feet in size in an instant. They were shaped like chickens and were translucent like glass.

Along with the sound of deep breathing, a figure curled up like a baby appeared among these osmanthus.

As Emperor Taiyi shouted loudly, he bit the tip of his tongue and a stream of blood spurted out. A little bit of essence and blood fell on the trunk of the old osmanthus tree, and the rough bark immediately swallowed the essence and blood. On the trunk of the old sweet-scented osmanthus tree, countless fine lines float slowly, and wisps of golden-green light flow. The majestic vitality energy is injected into this insignificant amount of essence and blood, following some strange creation and vitality. This bit of essence and blood began to proliferate and expand crazily.

Hundred times...ten thousand times...billion times...

Wisps of essence and blood followed the small veins in the tree trunk and quickly poured into the translucent osmanthus seeds, and began to blend into the curled-up figures.

It all sounds very long, but everything happened so quickly that people couldn’t react!

In just a few breaths, billions of osmanthus seeds exploded on the old sweet-scented osmanthus tree. One by one, they had three heads and six arms, and were hundreds of feet tall. Their entire bodies were the color of glazed diamonds, and their bodies were densely covered with lotus and Buddha patterns. Their facial features were like those of Taiyi Emperor. There are seven or eight similarities, the energy and blood all over the body fluctuates majesticly, and the blood energy emitted turns into hurricanes and spurts in all directions, blowing away a large number of Chinese warriors. The burly warrior rushed out with a roar!

The eyes of these burly warriors flashed with crazy ferocity.

They have no intelligence, and even the fluctuations of their souls in their minds are minimal... They cannot be regarded as truly intelligent beings, they are just biological puppets with humanoid bodies.

But their bodies are extremely powerful.

Their power is even more ridiculously powerful!

These guys have no Tao Yun fluctuations around them, no law aura, only the most primitive and barbaric energy and blood fluctuations that are oscillating crazily - it is this energy and blood fluctuation that has reached a level comparable to that of a newly-entered Great Emperor!

Without understanding the Great Dao, without controlling the laws, without condensing the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit, the power of pure flesh and blood is enough to rival an ordinary emperor!

The corners of Emperor Taiyi's eyes were beating violently.

This was the terrifying unfathomable existence before that almost searched his soul. After an insignificant tentacle collapsed, the juice spurted from the tentacle merged with his soul, allowing him to comprehend a skill that was close to ' The method of natal bloodline magical power!

The prerequisite for using this method is to have a ‘Holy Tree of Life’!

And this mutated old osmanthus tree obviously met this condition perfectly.

That tentacle collapsed, and the juice that spurted out contained an immense amount of information, including the 'making templates' for these three-headed, six-armed, hundred-foot-long Vajra warriors!

They are puppets, they are tools, they are purely expendable.

A clear message poured into the soul of Emperor Taiyi - these big guys up to a hundred feet tall are that unpredictable and terrifying existence. They collected the blood, flesh, bones, marrow, etc. left by some tyrannical life forms on the battlefield. After long years of research and deduction, the organization has finalized a perfect combat tool!

As long as this natal sacred tree has enough vitality, and as long as there is sufficient energy and material replenishment from the outside world, this kind of vajra warrior with mature craftsmanship, perfect structure, low cost and appreciable combat effectiveness can Continuously, multiplying at a speed beyond everyone's imagination, and manufacturing crazily.

If there are enough resources and energy, Emperor Taiyi can even fill the entire Supreme Taichu Heaven with these Vajra Warriors with the threshold of emperor-level combat power!

Damn it, it's the tricks of those bastards! Master Adu cursed hoarsely when he saw these Vajra Warriors suddenly popping up: This guy, did he take refuge in those bastards? Brothers, destroy him, otherwise... otherwise... …”

Hundreds of outer guardians gritted their teeth and stared at the same time, and their facial expressions became extremely distorted.

The large groups of vajra warriors who had just jumped out of Guizi did not need Emperor Tai Zhen to issue orders. They just took a deep breath, and as if by some kind of instinct, their eyes suddenly locked on the outer sect protectors!

Buddha cultivator...dead enemy! These Vajra warriors spit out thunder, and the loud sound was like the roar of a giant bell. They grabbed the void with both hands, and the earth, water, fire, and wind emerged out of thin air, condensing into spears and swords that they held tightly in their hands. They quickly approached the similar people around them, formed an exquisite battle formation, and roared towards the outer guardians.

The two sides quickly crossed paths.

Those outer sect protectors are often hundreds of feet or tens of miles tall, and some even have bodies as large as hundreds of miles... The weapons in their hands are even more indescribably huge. They waved their weapons like a big man waving a fly swatter, easily sending the three-headed and six-armed vajra warriors flying away.

The bodies of these vajra warriors were hit by giant weapons one after another. The two collided and made a loud clang sound. The sound was as clear and high-pitched as if someone hit a copper pea with an iron rod.

Sparks flew everywhere, and these Vajra warriors were knocked away and fell heavily to the ground, creating huge holes in the earth of Taiyantian, or smashing a mountain peak, collapsing a lake, or even destroying a town. It was shaken into a huge crater.

Countless flames and smoke rose into the sky, and large and small pits were scattered in all directions. Then, these vajra warriors climbed up from each of the pits as if nothing had happened, and continued to roar war cries such as 'Buddha Cultivator, Dead Enemy'. He came back with a mighty killing spree.

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