Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 1081: Integration, expulsion, and separatism (3)

This is outrageous!

Lu Qian couldn't understand... Even though he had condensed the Imperial Seal Dao Fruit of Space Avenue and Speed ​​Avenue, and he was the number one person in the Supreme Taichu Heaven in terms of speed control and space movement, he still couldn't explain the cloud in front of him. Cha's flying speed.

Such a huge cloud!

Yuncha is countless times larger than the Haojing Continent.

Relying entirely on its own strength, without any assistance from the controller Lu Qian, the speed of Yun Cha's forward flight was almost as fast as Lu Qian's current full speed flight.

It is unimaginable that when the Landa Holy Land was at its peak, if there were several great Buddhas who controlled space and sensed speed, sitting on the Yuncha, using their own magical powers and the magical power of a group of disciples and disciples to stimulate it, the flight speed of this Yuncha could be What an astonishing speed?

In particular, the terrifying coercion released by Yuncha was meant to suppress everything.

This was no ordinary 'ferry' for traveling, it was clearly the most exaggerated and terrifying 'warship' that Lu Qian had ever seen!

What makes Lu Qian even more stunned is that inside Yuncha, those monsters, monsters, birds, insects, fish and other creatures that were forced to sleep when the changes in Yuncha Mountain began, they are immersed in that huge and majestic place. In the terrifying Buddhist force field. Circles of pure Buddhist rhyme continuously invaded their bodies and infiltrated their souls.

Correspondingly, when Yuncha is flying at high speed in the void, the entire Yuncha is like a bottomless black hole, madly devouring the spiritual energy of this world and converting it into pure Buddha power, bit by bit. Inject it into these creatures.

Just as Yuncha flew forward a few steps, he heard dense roars.

Those insects with the lowest level of life, those ants in the mountains and forests, various mosquitoes, larvae in the water, etc., all kinds of insects, their bodies have extremely limited ability to withstand the Buddha's power. Accompanied by sharp roars, these little guys were enveloped in circles of faint golden light. They simultaneously activated their intelligence, and their bodies began to expand and transform into human forms.

In just a few breaths, above Yuncha, all over the mountains and plains, there were all kinds of children about one foot tall, with different skin colors and strange births rolling all over the ground. They were laughing, playing, and chanting the Buddha's name My Buddha is Compassionate in an extremely unfamiliar manner.

Immediately afterwards, there were birds, fish, prawns, tortoises, etc. that were slightly more advanced than these insects. One by one they twisted their bodies, moved their arms and legs, and woke up from their deep sleep. They were also successfully enlightened and quickly transformed into human Xingtian one by one. Their IQs are obviously much stronger than those 'monsters' transformed by insects after enlightenment. Not only can they chant 'My Buddha is compassionate', they can even recite a few decent verses. !

Then, those jackals, tigers and leopards, those black bears and tigers, and even the giant eagles and rocs on the cliffs all changed their shapes, each of their bodies became tall and majestic, their eyes shone with a spiritual light, and they suddenly transformed. The shape came out, and they knelt down respectfully and worshiped the sky. At the same time, they recited the sutras and mantras as if they were given by heaven, and they recited them very familiarly.

Not long after, in those mountain cities, fortresses, checkpoints, and caves in Yuncha Ridge, there were all kinds of people, monsters, devils, ghosts... No matter what they did before, no matter what they practiced before The skills, methods, secrets, scriptures, etc. along the way. After this initiation of Buddhist power and the cleansing of Buddhist rhymes, they all changed to the orthodox Buddhist path, and more or less mastered the fighting magical powers of two or three Buddhist schools.

Even more amazing changes were taking place before Lu Qian's eyes.

Accompanied by the sound of chanting all over the sky, dragon chants continued to come from the depths of the giant mountains shaped like lotus flowers underground in Yuncha. Strips of white crystal water veins shuttled freely through the mountains, and not long after, they spurted out directly from the top of the mountain.

Water springs like flying dragons rush up high and far away, with a faint refreshing scent of frankincense and medicine. The water springs that spurt out are all white in color, with a faint golden light. The water spring is extremely cool and contains great magical power. After taking a sip, all fatigue and dissatisfaction with energy will be eliminated. Even if you have some trauma on your body, it will be healed in an instant.

Water springs gush above countless huge lotus petal mountains, and these majestic water springs turn into heavy rain, washing away the boundless mountain forest below. As a result, the flowers, plants and trees in these mountains and forests also underwent strange changes.

The essence is washed, the roots and feet are rapidly lifted, spiritual flowers bloom, and spiritual fruits are produced. Strings of spiritually powerful fruits hang on the trees, or they fall in heavy piles, weighing down each blade of grass. waist.

These spiritual fruits are fragrant and extremely sweet. If you eat one at will, your vitality will be greatly replenished, your body will be strengthened rapidly, and all hunger and thirst will disappear. The energy provided by any one fruit can keep people free and happy for several months.

For a time, there was no need to cultivate, collect, or store in warehouses. On this cloud, the spiritual springs gushing from heaven and earth, and the spiritual fruits produced by heaven and earth, were enough for countless living beings to eat and drink well, without being troubled by hunger or cold.

The logistical problems have also been solved. Ordinary injuries have also been solved. Lu Qian murmured: This is a warship that is a world of its own... Moreover, the combat power of this warship is a bit strong. Ridiculous... I still can't understand. If Landa Holy Land had such a big guy back then, how easy would it be to defeat them?

Old Xiong Zun murmured: I can understand the reason why Master Lang Yue didn't take out this big treasure at that time... I'm afraid, at that time, those 'indigenous disciples' who presided over the Landa Holy Land were tricked. How many times did Master Lang Yue do it? She, as a woman, is always narrow-minded and it is inevitable!

Lu Qian scoffed at this.

Looking at the little monsters and monsters all over the mountains and plains who had been transformed by enlightened spirits, stammering and reciting the Buddha's name... Lu Qian sighed quietly: Master Lang Yue, because he didn't have enough manpower, specifically sought out the Third Burial Monk. Are you looking for trouble with him... Are you afraid, there are not enough manpower? What Buddhism is best at is to make stubborn rocks nod, allow aliens to enjoy blessings, and make all living beings in the world voluntarily or unwillingly worship into Buddhism!

When is the reincarnation of a great Buddhist power necessary to worry about not having enough manpower?

Although, what I got from Sanzong Monk is a powerful instant combat power!

However, it's still a bit excessive...you keep saying you don't have enough manpower, and then you come to the door and beat Monk Three Burials violently. The result...with Yuncha's amazing performance, is this called not enough manpower?

Lu Qian was convinced that Master Lang Yue had gone to see Monk Three Burials just to cause trouble!

However, it is understandable when you think about it.

The previous life of Monk Three Burials, the Great Monk Pu Jiezi, must have offended Master Lang Yue countless times in his previous life, intentionally or unintentionally... Master Lang Yue has come back strong now, and he will not cause trouble for you, nor will he beat you all over the head. It's Bao. Can this still be considered a qualified Buddhist power?

Yuncha gallops in the void.

Lu Qian began to use his own methods to accelerate Yuncha, causing the void around Yuncha to fold and twist, constantly tearing open huge space cracks, allowing Yuncha to fly at high speed and start terrifying space jumps. .

However, Yuncha's size is so huge that with Lu Qian's current cultivation level, even if he were drained of his own magic power, he would not be able to open enough space cracks for Yuncha to pass through. He could only rely on the power of the four heavenly pillars to set up a large formation and stir up the remains of the Buddha in countless underground orifices underground in Yuncha. He could extract the majestic and endless Buddha power from them, just like the vast oceans. Filled into his own body, and then blasted into his own Space Dao Fruit, it was transformed into the power of infinite space, spouting out the light of chaotic space that people could not look directly at, spreading into the surrounding void, and tearing open a space in the boundless void. Another huge space rift...a space rift big enough for Yuncha to pass through!

Every time, the body is filled with the power of Wuzhu Buddha, and then poured out fiercely.

Every time the Buddha's power burst out of his body, Lu Qian had the illusion that he was suddenly squeezed dry... Then, the Buddha's power filled in again, so Lu Qian felt like an overwhelmed balloon, suddenly being squeezed out. It almost exploded!

Squeezing it out again and again, filling it up again and again, inexplicably, Lu Qian himself was washed clean by Wu Zhu's Buddha power. His whole body was the purest and most orthodox, without any mistakes or bias. The power of the Buddhist Way.

Subsequently, every time it was filled and drained, a very small part of the Buddha's power essence was deposited in Lu Qian's body. His skin, his flesh, his bones, his blood vessels, his bone marrow, his internal organs and all other body tissues are shrinking and expanding again and again, as if they were joined by hundreds of millions of Buddhas and placed in the The repeated bombardment and tempering of the eight-treasure anvil made his body, soul, his Dao Fruit, his past life, this life, and even the mark of his future existence extremely solid and extremely thick!

This... is almost like Lu Qian is using Master Lang Yue's 'original disciple' lineage, the largest Yuncha background, as a plug-in, borrowing this endless resource to give himself a cheat-like training.

Lu Qian's fighting skills are improving.

The Buddhist golden body is constantly strengthening.

The soul is also being strengthened crazily.

In the Diqiao Cave, countless relics of the Buddha were chanting scriptures together. Each of these Buddha relics has an extremely lofty realm and extremely terrifying cultivation. Each of their corpses has at least deduced one of the great magical powers of Buddhism to an incredible level.

Their power turned into a vast sea, washing and washing Lu Qian's body over and over again. Lu Qian seemed to hear countless Buddhas murmuring scriptures in his ears, explaining to him the essence of the practice of various Buddhist great powers.

As a result, the supreme and powerful supernatural powers that Lu Qian could not master in Landa Buddha were constantly imprinted in his mind. Countless mysteries surged in his soul. Lu Qian's soul passively absorbed these mysteries. Inexplicably, he mastered the mysteries of these great powers and understood their mysteries.

Gradually, the extremely intense glow on the golden bodies of some of the Buddha's remains in the caves of the earth became a little dim.

The reason for this little bit of gloom is naturally that the essence of these Buddha's remains has been transformed into Lu Qian's heritage.

In Lu Qian's body, 480 million orifices spurted out golden light, and wisps of extremely fine golden light surged. In Lu Qian's body, a huge 'Buddha Kingdom' slowly opened.

This is the 'fusion' of 480 million acupoints, transformed into a vast starry sky within the body.

Four hundred and eighty million golden starlights twinkled in this starry sky, and wisps of light fell from those starlights, landing on a large bodhi tree with leafy branches in the middle, half lush and half withered.

On this big bodhi tree, countless golden-green leaves are shining, which are all derived from the great magical powers of Buddhism that Lu Qian just realized from the remains of the Buddha.

And on the two thickest branches, there are two bodhi seeds that emit bright light comparable to the blazing sun - these are naturally the space path fruit and speed path fruit that Lu Qian has condensed now!

Moreover, the size of these two Dao Fruits is also constantly expanding. The Dao patterns on the surface of the two Dao fruits are also increasing, becoming more and more complex and mysterious.

Lu Qian had a slight palpitation in his heart - what poured into his body from the remains of the Buddhas was not only the essence of Buddha's power, but also the mysteries of space and speed that these Buddhas had understood during his lifetime. What makes Lu Qian inexplicably amazed is that the rhymes of the space and speed that the Buddha comprehended are not only from the Supreme Taichu Heaven, but 99% of them come from the world other than the Supreme Taichu Heaven!

Some of the spatial structures of heaven and earth are more complex or weird.

There are some speed essences of heaven and earth that are more magical, or, more subtle.

More and more enlightenments of the Dao are coming, and the power of Lu Qian's soul, the rhythm of the Dao that surges in his mind and soul, is becoming more and more majestic and intense.

Lu Qian shouted softly: Now that it's here, let's make peace with it... The Five Elements Dao, condense!

A loud click sound sounded in Lu Qian's body, and part of Lu Qian's soul power suddenly turned into a waterfall and poured into the Buddha Kingdom that was gradually expanding in his body. Wisps of dark golden soul power were injected into the leafy bodhi tree and integrated into one of its branches.

This branch kept growing, and five huge bodhi leaves suddenly expanded, and then huge flowers bloomed under the leaves. After a burst of golden light, five Dao Fruits slowly grew out of the flower.

The Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit corresponding to the Five Elements Avenue is condensed!

In the supreme primordial body, in the high-dimensional void where the avenue of heaven and earth is hidden, the five giant dragons corresponding to the five elements avenue vibrate together.

Among the great avenues of heaven and earth in the Supreme Taichu Heaven, the Five Elements Avenue has been occupied by powerful powers from all sides - according to the current practice system of the Supreme Taichu Heaven, the so-called condensation of the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit is to control the Five Elements Avenue and divide the power of the avenue from it. You must occupy a certain amount of authority and have a certain amount of power from the source of the avenue before you can condense the corresponding Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit.

But... common Tao fruits such as the Five Elements Avenue, the original power of the avenue is extremely huge. Each avenue can be used by more than dozens of great emperors to condense the corresponding Five Elements Tao Fruit.

But there are so many great emperors in the Supreme Taichu Heaven, and there are so many powerful and masters under the great emperors... You must know that even the most ordinary heavenly soldiers and generals can also master the five elements of magic!

Therefore, the Five Elements Avenue of the Supreme Taichu Heaven has countless human souls attached to its laws...According to common sense, there is no new emperor who can condense the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit corresponding to the Five Elements - there is no vacancy. No matter how powerful your backing and backing are, there is no longer enough supply of source power on the Five Elements Avenue!

But Lu Qian is a special case at this moment!

His body, his spirit, and the entire Yuncha were integrated. Countless Buddha relics poured their Buddha power and infinite breath into Lu Qian's body. At the moment when Lu Qian condensed the Five Elements Dao Fruit, his mighty Buddhist power swept across from the head of the giant dragon's Dharma that condensed the Five Elements Dao, and reached the dragon's tail!

Buddha's light and golden clouds, accompanied by the deafening Sanskrit singing, flashed in the high-dimensional space where the Great Way resides, and the five giant dragons corresponding to the Five Elements Great Way vibrated together.

At the moment when the boundless golden clouds surged, the divine soul imprints placed on these five avenues vibrated together. Some were slightly weaker, such as the divine soul imprints of several governors of the Five Military Mansion of Heaven, and some from various departments of Heaven. Existences such as the Heavenly King and the Great Heavenly Lord had their soul imprints shattered.

At this moment, in the Supreme Taichu Heaven, on the territory of all major forces, at least hundreds of masters and powerful men vomited blood.

Even Emperor Taichu, Emperor Taiyu, Emperor Taiyi, and existences such as Bai Niangzi and Ming Zun... Although they are not the main attack on the Five Elements Avenue, what a cultivation they have. They have lived for such a long time. With their Authority, they naturally also condensed the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit corresponding to the Five Elements Avenue.

Nothing more than enriching one's own means of fighting the enemy!

Moreover, the Five Elements Avenue is not only the basis for understanding other profound avenues, but also the ‘life skills’ that are indispensable for masters in daily life...

You can imagine that a certain emperor-level existence invites distinguished guests to taste tea. Are you busy looking for firewood everywhere, or do you slowly and leisurely attract a wisp of heaven and earth spiritual fire to cook tea?

At this moment, the side that Lu Qian moved directly swept across the Five Elements Avenue.

Tai Chu, Tai Qu, Tai Zhen, Bai Niangzi, Ming Zun and other real giants in this world, the imprints of their souls placed on the Five Elements Avenue were also violently shaken, and each of them was so shaken that their internal organs were tumbling wildly, and they almost vomited. Come blood.

This was because they had advanced cultivation after all, and the wave of Buddhist power triggered by Lu Qian did not shatter the imprint of their souls. Their Five Elements Path Fruits are still intact.

But the next moment, deep inside the Five Elements Avenue, a bright golden light lit up!

In several places in the Supreme Taichu Heaven, powerful beings were exclaiming and angrily cursing: “Buddhism’s back-up plan!”

In that bit of golden light, there is clearly a bit of lotus flower and ten thousand-character Buddha seal. When the Buddha power triggered by Lu Qian washed the Five Elements Avenue for the second time, this seemingly extremely weak Buddha seal suddenly shook, and the Five Elements Avenue suddenly seemed to have spirituality, and the whole body was violently shaken...

The soul imprints of several supreme beings were directly knocked away.

In the void, five dragons with gorgeous colors rolled their Dharma images fiercely, and the imprints of the souls of several supreme beings suddenly shattered. The Five Elements Dao Fruit condensed by Tai Chu, Tai Hu, Tai Zhen and other great emperors suddenly disappeared. Their understanding of the Five Elements Dao Dissipate completely. They had splitting headaches and couldn't even cast the most common small fireball spell!

Amidst the loud noise, Lu Qian's five Five Elements Dao Fruit suddenly condensed.

And as soon as it was condensed, it directly achieved almost 100% perfect control... In the entire Supreme Taichu Heaven, as long as Lu Qian was in person, no one could release even the weakest five-element spell!

Lu Qian was shocked.

I was even a little scared and my paws were numb!

He could clearly feel just now that the imprint of the souls placed on the Five Elements Avenue by the great emperors Taichu and Taihu. The total amount and intensity of a single split soul was more than ten times stronger than Lu Qian's entire soul now!

With such a huge gap in souls, it stands to reason that it would be impossible for Lu Qian to seize sufficient control of the Five Elements Avenue from them.

Totally impossible!

But countless years ago, the Five Elements Avenue had been manipulated by the Buddhist master.

At the core of the Five Elements Avenue, there is actually a hidden Buddha Seal - when Lu Qian mobilized the power of Buddha to wash away the Five Elements Avenue, the Buddha Seal suddenly erupted, directly expelling the soul imprints of the great emperors, leaving them with no remaining strength to resist. , all their understanding and control over the Five Elements Avenue were stripped away!

The Five Elements Avenue is like this...

So, what about other avenues?

Is there a similar Buddhist seal hidden in the core of the Great Law of the entire Supreme Taichu Heaven that corresponds to the 480 million ancient stars?

If so, Buddhism's control over this world is almost unbreakable!

At that time, the three great emperors Taichu, Taihu, and Taiyi, even with the help of the Qing Emperor, how did they kill the Landa Holy Land, how did they wipe out the Buddhism in its heyday, and let so many Buddhist powers disappear? , reincarnation of reincarnation!



Lu Qian roared lowly.

The five Imperial Seal Dao Fruits corresponding to the Five Elements Avenue are condensed, and they are almost perfect, controlling the power of the Five Elements Avenue 100%. Lu Qian's mana cultivation soared and skyrocketed, and in an instant it increased several times compared to his previous total mana cultivation.

More Buddha power is still coming.

More supernatural powers and mysteries, and more enlightenment of the great path are still flowing in from the remains of the Buddha in the caves of the earth.

The Five Elements Avenue has been perfectly mastered. Lu Qian's eyes spurted out divine light. He raised his head, and through the layers of dimensional barriers, he saw clearly the avenues hidden in the high-dimensional void, slowly crawling like giant dragons. Dharma.

Then, the power of the avenue derived from the Five Elements Avenue... Come on!

Derived from the avenue of wood, the power of wind, thunder, electricity, poison...

Derived from the avenue of water, the power of ice, the power of rain, the power of frost, the power of hail...

Derived from the great road of earth, the power of stone, the power of mountains, the power of gravity, the power of magnetism...

Derived from the avenue of fire, the power of light, heat, explosion, melting...

Derived from the avenue of gold, the power of sharpness, strength, toughness, and cutting power...

The Five Elements Avenue is the basic avenue of the structure of heaven and earth. The Five Elements Avenue itself extends the power of hundreds of avenues and laws, and the hundreds of derived avenues complement each other and combine to create countless strange laws.

In the Buddhist kingdom inside Lu Qian's body, the huge Bodhi tree was growing rapidly.

Along with the dull sound of thunder, one after another the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit continued to condense...

Because of the rules of heaven and earth drawn up by the three great emperors Taichu, Taihu, and Taiyi, the entire Supreme Taichu Heaven. Since the battle in the Landa Holy Land, the shackles of the great road between heaven and earth have been extremely tight. After the war, almost no one can condense the imperial seal road. As a result, no one can ascend to the throne of the Great Emperor again.

Therefore, in the current world of the Supreme Taichu Heaven, the number of great emperors is very few.

The Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit that Lu Qian condensed today was derived from the Five Elements Dao. Many of the Dao's were very lucky, and no one placed the soul brand on them... But there are some that are too common, such as thunder, lightning, and wind. There are still many great emperors who share the authority over common great laws such as , clouds, ice, frost, rain, dew, etc.!

At this moment, all these great emperors were vomiting blood and kept vomiting blood.

The imprint of their souls was shattered, and they were devoured and strangled by the great avenue. Many of them had no idea what happened. Their souls were inexplicably severely damaged, and their cultivation suddenly dropped a lot!

They didn't care about the powerful people such as Taichu, Taihu, and Taiyi. The number of Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit they had gathered was enough, and Lu Qian took away dozens or even hundreds of Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit. He is still a powerful emperor-level existence!

But under their command, for example, in the Heavenly Court of Emperor Taichu, among the stars guarding the four heavenly gates, there was someone who was unlucky. All the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit he had gathered collided with Lu Qian today!

Abruptly, the dozens of Emperor Seal Dao Fruits condensed by this star were all shattered, and the imprints of his soul that he placed on dozens of Dao Laws were all annihilated. He didn't even know what happened, so he vomited blood and directly Fainted, and his cultivation level dropped directly from the powerful Great Emperor to the perfect level of the Great Heavenly Lord!

Not long after, because his soul was severely damaged, this unlucky star failed to even reach the perfect level of cultivation of the Great Heavenly Lord, and fell directly into the realm of an ordinary Heavenly Lord.

For a time, powerful powers were shouting and cursing in all the major forces in the Supreme Taichu Heaven, but no one knew what happened!

Lu Qian swept away the laws of the great avenues, and the soul marks continued to collapse wherever he passed. It was like a devastation. Ordinary people could not compete with him.

The Taoist fruits of the Emperor's Seal are constantly condensing. The Bodhi tree in the Buddhist kingdom is shining brightly, and the new Taoist fruits are shining brightly. The mana in his body has been accumulated like a sea, causing huge waves from time to time.

Just when Lu Qian was singing and advancing all the way, his soul triggered a wave of Buddhist power and struck hard at a great avenue of infinite light, whose entire body was condensed by infinite light and infinite heat - this was clearly the Taihu Emperor. The fundamental path of majoring in 'the path of light'!

The wave of Buddha's power hit hard, and the path of light shook violently.

On this avenue, there is surprisingly only one soul imprint of Emperor Taihu - in the Supreme Taichu Heaven, anyone who dares to compete with him for control of the Avenue of Light, no matter who they are, what their background is, and what backers they have, will have long been eliminated. Emperor Taihu mobilized an endless army and wiped out all nine tribes.

Therefore, on the path of light, there is only a solitary soul mark of Emperor Taihu.

This divine soul brand transformed into a handsome man with countless pairs of brilliant wings behind his back. He was sitting on a throne, and the throne, which was completely made up of interlaced rays of light, was stuck on the two huge dragons of the Great Way of Light. In the middle of the dragon horn.

When the wave of Buddha's power rolled over, the handsome man transformed by Emperor Taihu's soul brand suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes turned into two small suns. Endless light and heat surged in, fiercely clashing with Buddha's power. The waves crashed together.

A terrifying torrent vortex was set off in the high-dimensional void, and Lu Qian's split soul groaned and was almost completely drowned by the immeasurable light and heat.

The next moment, a square hall that was golden green in color, extremely gorgeous in shape, shimmering with infinite light, and filled with the majestic breath of life slowly rose from the head of the handsome man.

As soon as the square hall came out, the tidal wave of Buddha's power wrapped up by Lu Yi seemed to hit an eternal rock. The dark golden Buddha's power tidal crashed into pieces, and Lu Yi's split soul also collapsed. Then it disappeared.

Lu Qian groaned, and a thin stream of blood seeped out from the corner of his mouth.

He licked the blood from the corner of his mouth and murmured: Holy Spirit Temple! Good guy, what a good guy... The Avenue of Light is suppressed by Emperor Taihu with the Holy Spirit Temple. Haha, not only the Avenue of Light, but also all places where Emperor Taihu is entrenched. I’m afraid we won’t be able to move on other avenues.”

Correspondingly, Mingzun is probably on his way to death, using the Tower of the Dead to suppress his foundation.

The Great Emperor Taichu should have come to his senses. His Star Avenue, as well as the corresponding avenues such as laws and regulations, are also untouchable. The Taichu Bell and the Star Flag are enough to suppress one party. If you want to get it from them It’s not that easy anymore to take advantage of others!”

The Open Sky Treasure is really powerful!

Lu Qian sighed: It's a pity, it's a pity...

There was a loud noise, and a huge gap suddenly opened in the void in front of him. Yuncha jumped over with a chirp at a terrifying high speed, and the front suddenly lit up, and it was clear that Taitien had arrived.

It’s so timeless.

When Lu Qian was acting in Yuncha Ridge, Lady White Snake was leading Master Lang Yue, Monk San Burial, Lu Min, and the four monks Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, leading a large fleet to block Taishantian in a mighty manner. 's main entrance.

This fleet is mainly composed of the private armies of the Linghu clan, the Dugu clan and other powerful clans. Facing the White Snake's order, they simply cannot, let alone have the courage, to resist. The backbone of the fleet is composed of pure-blooded natives who have just successfully awakened their souls and whose cultivation has soared.

Together with Master Langyue and his team, this fleet can be regarded as an elite choice whether it is high-end combat power, key generals, or grassroots soldiers.

The fleet blocked the entrance and exit of Taiyitian, and looking at Taiyitian who was in a mess, with smoke and dust billowing everywhere, Lady White sighed faintly: That's all... you said, the clone was born from my essence and blood. , actually betrayed my 'self' again and again... Is there something wrong with the Qing Emperor's method of sacrifice, or is my 'self' a rebellious and rebellious person in my heart?

The white lady shook her head, feeling quite complicated.

Great Emperor Taiyi!

Well, that’s it for Emperor Tai Zhen. Those Chinese people, those descendants of Emperor Tai Zhen who reproduced in various ways, are trillions of Chinese elites!

In a sense, these Chinese are also the blood descendants of her White Snake.

In particular, over the years, the maids and guards who have been the closest and most personal to White Snake, who have served her tea and water, driven her cars and carried sedans, and worked hard and commanded her... Except for a very few maid leaders, they are the ones back then. Apart from the followers in the First World War, the other people around me are all of these Chinese blood descendants!

To put it bluntly, after so many years of getting along, even a dog or a cat has developed a very deep relationship!

It's just that you can't blame me!

The White Lady exhaled heavily, clapped her hands gently, and suddenly the sky was filled with colorful starlight and clouds, and a strange fragrance swept through the void. As her handprints changed, those well-preserved miracles in the messy Taipantian were revealed. The flowers and grass all vibrated together, emitting a dazzling light.

There was an extremely fragrant fragrance wafting from those exotic flowers, a powerful Taoist rhyme was surging, and the white lady's scolding resounded throughout Taiyi Tian: Taixian, take your people, get out of Taiyi God. Give you a quarter of an hour to evacuate all your family members...

After hesitating for a moment, White Snake said sternly: Anyone who is of Chinese descent and is willing to stay and regard me as his 'ancestor' has sworn an oath to join me and come to join me... He is too shameless and has betrayed me. He has betrayed me. For too long... for too long, not a single grain of sand, not a single stone, not a single flower, not a single grass has anything to do with him or his family!

In Taiyitian, Emperor Taiyi was leading countless Chinese elites to form a formation, struggling to resist the wild attack of hundreds of outer sect protectors.

Faced with these nearly invulnerable outer sect protectors, who had no weaknesses in their entire body, Emperor Tai Zhen and a group of Chinese fought an extremely ugly battle, resulting in extremely heavy casualties.

However, after all, the Chinese clan is a dependent clan derived from Emperor Tai Zhen's own bloodline, and is naturally very different from ordinary subordinates. Although the casualties were tragic, these Chinese warriors still fought fiercely with the outer guardians one after another.

As soon as the white lady's words came out, the whole day suddenly fell silent.

Without any warning, with just a snap of a finger, a large group of Chinese warriors appeared - mostly delicate girls. They turned into wisps of light and wisps of fragrance, leaving the battlefield as fast as lightning and rushing towards the battlefield at extremely high speeds. Flying in the direction of White Snake.

While flying rapidly, these Chinese warriors began to recite the Oath of the Great Road in unison, swearing to follow the White Snake to the death.

At first glance, these Chinese elites who have left the battle formation probably account for less than half of all Chinese warriors.

Although they account for a small proportion, the individual strength of these Chinese elites who have left the battle formation is relatively high-end among all their peers. They suddenly left the battle formation, and the Chinese warriors' battle formation suddenly revealed a huge gap. They had no time to replenish the manpower to maintain the battle formation. The outer sect guardians with extremely rich war experience roared in joy, waving various weapons, and immediately rushed in In the battle formation.

Countless huge weapons rolled up in the air, and large swaths of Chinese warriors were instantly blown to pieces.

Emperor Taiyi's eyes turned green with pain, and he roared at the top of his lungs: White Lady... How dare you destroy the foundation of my Chinese race? You, you, you, you traitors... I am the ancestor of the Chinese race, you How could you, how dare you, betray the origin of your bloodline?

The white lady looked at the light flying towards her and nodded with satisfaction.

These girls, it's not in vain that I have deliberately cultivated them over the years... Ha!

Within a few days, the Chinese army, which was suddenly hit hard, was shaken, and large swaths of warriors were blown to ashes by the powerful magical powers of the outer sect protectors. Emperor Tai Zhen was also besieged by dozens of guardians led by Master Adu and Dragon King Posu Ji. He was beaten until he vomited blood and fell back continuously.

The White Snake shook her head gently: So, all those who are willing to follow me are here? Then, it would be a shame for the remaining ones to die.

She turned around with a smile and asked Master Lang Yue with a smile: Do you know why, the main path shown by the Nu family in daily life is 'Fragrance'?

Master Lang Yue clasped his hands together, raised his brows, and said with a smile, Is it possible to hide something?

White Snake nodded slightly: Master is indeed a Buddhist master, and his wisdom is unparalleled... Yes, 'scent', combined with the illusion of misty disillusionment, is best used to cover up some things... for example, corpse odor!

The white lady clapped her hands gently.

Within a few days, countless exotic flowers and plants suddenly withered away.

The ancient world that was originally full of flowers, like a giant flower garden, suddenly turned into a gray, dark world of death, filled with boundless death energy from top to bottom.

The strong fragrance and boundless glow that originally filled the whole world disappeared without a trace at this moment.

Light gray mist floats slowly in the void, and low, heart-stopping roars of 'ah, ah' continue to come from the deep underground... wisps of unsettling sound, like cold iron bars. Likewise, a strong and biting cold stench slowly floated out from the depths of the underground. Like a real cold stench, it quickly spread into the void and soaked everyone in it.

Emperor Tai Zhen, Master A Du, Dragon King Po Suji, as well as those Chinese and those outer sect protectors were all thickly wrapped up by this layer of dusty mist and this layer of cold stench. One weight.

In the air, there was a slight sound of ice crystals breaking. Inexplicably, gray-white thin ice condensed on the bodies of the outer sect protectors. In just a short breath, the thin ice accumulated layer by layer and became extremely thick. These outer sect protectors, who were often hundreds of miles tall, On his body, the ice layer thickened even in his breath, becoming as thick as a city wall.

The terrible cold air eroded the limbs, and these outer sect protectors moved their limbs slightly restlessly. As a result, the thick ice continued to crack and explode, and large swaths of ice fell from their limbs, falling heavily to the ground, and exploded into countless cold and biting ice crystals that splashed around.

For these outer sect protectors, their huge bodies determine that these layers of ice are just a little trouble.

But for the Chinese elites under Emperor Tai Zhen, these ice layers are deadly!

Many Chinese warriors with weaker cultivation were wrapped in a layer of ice several feet thick. The terrifying cold air directly extinguished the vitality in their bodies, freezing their internal organs and bone marrow into a piece of ice.

Emperor Taiyi roared angrily: White Lady, how could you...

Before he could finish his sentence, a loud noise came. The ground suddenly exploded under the feet of Emperor Tai Zhen. A large pit with a diameter of several feet and an unfathomable depth appeared out of thin air. Wisps of black and gray cold air enveloped them. The ice was a hundred times, a thousand times, or even ten thousand times colder, and it was like a volcano erupting from the pit.

This is just the first big pit.

Then the second, the third, the fourth...

The loud 'bang bang' sound is endless, and in the blink of an eye, countless large pits are densely packed everywhere in the sky... Underground, the weird roar of 'ah, ah' becomes stronger and louder. Harsh. Gradually, from far to near, the roar kept getting closer to the ground. It was obvious that there was a strange object approaching the ground quickly from the depths of the ground!

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