Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 1083 Fusion, expulsion, and separatism (4)

The clouds came through the sky as fast as lightning.

Except for Master Lang Yue, who had seen Yuncha's speed and power, everyone in Taiyantian was shocked.

The white lady's breath suddenly condensed - the Buddha's power released by this 'battleship' was so majestic that it almost had the potential to crush everything. If this Yuncha had been stationed in the battle to destroy the Landa Holy Land back then, even if Buddhism would still have failed in the end, the coalition forces led by Taichu, Taihu, and Taiyi would definitely have to pay ten times the tragic price.

It is even possible that one of the three of them will not be able to escape unscathed.

The Third Burial Monk's eyes were bloodshot - such a terrifying giant. If the orthodox 'original disciples' of the Landa Holy Land took out this treasure to suppress it, how could they, the indigenous disciples of the Supreme Taichu Heaven, possibly suppress it? So easily bypassing them and controlling the real power of Landa Holy Land?

With the existence of such giants, the so-called isolation, so-called exclusion, so-called suppression, so-called control of Buddhism, etc. by the indigenous disciples are all a joke in the face of absolute force.

In Taiyentian, the outer guardians who were waving their weapons and roaring in the sky looked at each other one by one. Many of them were so frightened that their weapons suddenly fell down, with big ferocious faces on their faces. The children all twisted and showed expressions of disbelief.

Adu... Dragon King Posuji swallowed deeply. Because he pushed hard through the door, he almost swallowed his long snake letter into his throat and poured it into his long neck. Snake Xinzi curled up twice in his mouth awkwardly, and Dragon King Posuji finally spit out Snake Xinzi along with a large mouthful of venom.

If I guessed correctly, it's that thing. Master Adu's body trembled slightly.

As one of the Maitreya lineage of the Landa Holy Land, he was suppressed and surrendered by Maitreya himself. Under Maitreya's hard-hearted persuasion, he resolutely worshiped Buddhism, and was one of the leaders of the outer sect of Dharma protectors who listened to Maitreya and protected him for countless years. Master Tu's understanding of Maitreya and the Holy Land of Landa is obviously much better than that of ordinary Buddhist scriptures.

This is Ayanda Poro... This is Ayanda Poro! Master Adu said an extremely difficult name: If I remember correctly, this is a world that has a richer heritage than our original world. , the creation of the big world with even more powerful foundations... That world, if it can be naturally conceived and born smoothly, will definitely be a world that is vaster, more magnificent, magical, and ten times... or even a hundred times greater than the 'prehistoric Kyushu'. .”

It is a pity that He was so great that His conception took too long and He was born too late.

His natural saint has not even developed spiritual intelligence, and is not even as good as the Supreme Taichu Tian... He is treated as a battlefield by us and them... Ayanda Poro, if I remember correctly, this is a battlefield. A Hongmeng-level innate treasure... also immature, because the battle broke its fetal membranes and forced it into the world.

In order to fight for Him, Maitreya was severely injured and returned. That great power who fell in this battle...

I just thought that this treasure was missing, or that it was simply destroyed along with the big world in the war. Unexpectedly, it was actually in the hands of Maitreya. These thieves are so bald and tight-lipped!

Now it seems that this Ayanda Poro, actually, actually, has made up for the loss caused by the forced birth, and has been repaired to a great extent? This, this...

An extremely greedy and fierce light flashed in Master Adu's eyes: Grab it, rob it...With Ayanda Poro, we will truly be invincible. From then on, all the world around us, As long as we do not return to our original world of origin and we do not violate the oath of allegiance to Buddhism that we swore back then, we will be invincible.

We can indulge and enjoy everything our power brings!

Master Adu did not lower his voice. His words were like thunder, resounding through the vast void. The eyes of hundreds of outer sect protectors all lit up. Thousands or tens of thousands of pairs of large and small eyes of various colors were either spitting out thunder, or spurting out flames, or spraying out various deadly strange rays, staring at Yun. Cha, especially Lu Qian, who was standing on the largest lotus platform in the middle of Yun Cha, suspended in mid-air, looking at this side from a distance.

It's that little devil again. Master Adu snorted coldly.

One of his arms pointed towards Master Lang Yue, Bai Niangzi and others: Stop them, I will kill people and seize the treasure!

Master A'du roared, and Dragon King Posu Ji rushed forward with all his strength. On his long neck, the golden reins were stretched straight. The magical chariot with the sun and moon as its wheels, the holy river as its axle, and Mount Sumeru as its seat emitted dazzling light. The strange power fed back to him through the reins. The Dragon King Posu Ji was surrounded by golden flames. Together with Master Adu who was sitting cross-legged on the seat, the entire chariot shattered the void and rushed straight towards Lu Qian.

The chariot broke through the air, Master Adu roared loudly, flames surrounded him, and a set of golden armor rose like flames, quickly covering his body. This set of armor is extremely gorgeous, even to the point of being almost monstrous. There are a large number of hollow patterns, with countless gems inlaid inside. The flaming lotus-shaped helmet is inlaid with cheek bones that have been violently chopped off piece by piece, and then carefully crafted and inlaid with gold and jade!

These were all powerful men who had been killed by Master Adu with his own hands, and whose cultivation was equal to or even more powerful than him.

Among them, many of them are not the creatures from the original world as Master Adu calls them. Many of them are masters who followed Maitreya to conquer the heavens and kill in all worlds.

In their own world, they are all top-level overlords. The sheer strength of many of them can easily crush Master Aduk. But Master Adu, like those outer sect protectors, has a 'conceptual' protection law. If the harsh conditions for defeating them are not met, these guys will be undefeated!

Invulnerable to all attacks and invulnerable to weapons... These cheating guys rely on their immortal bodies to fight protracted battles and kill many powerful enemies that they should not be able to defeat.

The human facial bones embedded in the helmet still exude a terrifying aura.

As Master Adu stood up on the car seat and raised a white bone warhammer wrapped in flames high in his hand, the facial bones of these people opened and closed, and they let out a shrill cry. Along with their cries and shouts, erratic figures like ghosts continued to appear behind Master Adu.

These strong men killed by him were transformed into 'war spirits' one after another, maintaining almost 99% of their strength and magical powers during their lifetimes. After death, they were still imprisoned and driven by Master Adu, and were forced to fight for him.

Are there more than a few hundred war spirits?

Master Adu dared to rush towards the Ayanda Poro he was talking about alone. It cost a huge price to rush towards this Landa Holy Land. Even the innate treasures arranged by Maitreya himself and repaired at an infinite cost were obviously the same. Confident.

One man forms an army and cannot be defeated. This is the confidence of Master Adu!

Master Adu has a high prestige among these outer sect protectors... Each of these outer sect protectors is born with strange shapes, and their style is also rough and cruel... Many of them are from the Asura ethnic group, and ethnic groups such as Asura, Their population is just like wild beasts - the strong ones are the kings!

There were also many outer sect protectors who looked at Lu Qian and the Yuncha at his feet with great greed.

But after Master A'du gave an order, these outer sect protectors were extremely well-behaved. They didn't even look at the living corpses all over the mountains and fields, and didn't care about the various attacks they bombarded them with. They just waved their weapons and attacked fiercely. White Snake, Master Lang Yue, Monk Three Burials and others rushed over.

Lu Qian clasped his hands together.

The void suddenly exploded in front of him, and Master A'du appeared in front of him with a loud thunder. The bone war hammer was wrapped with strong, red flames like magma, and brought with it an evil wind. Without any magical powers, he simply relied on He smashed it down with brute force.

Master Adu is hundreds of miles tall. If an ordinary person is hit by this hammer, he will definitely end up being shattered to pieces.

It's just that Lu Qian now, with the help of Yuncha's power, the condensed Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit is shining brightly on the Buddha's Bodhi in his body... He himself is a little confused about how strong he is now!

Picking up the Tianlong Zen Staff, Lu Yi shouted: Well done!

A flash of golden light fell from the top of his head to his feet, and Lu Qian's whole body suddenly became golden. The Buddhist Vajra Maha fighting magical power was displayed, and the powerful Vajra Body, Dragon Bodhisattva power and other powerful fighting magical powers were also displayed at the same time.

Before he had just condensed so many Dao Fruits, any one of these top Buddhist fighting magical powers that Lu Qian could use with all his strength could drain all his mana in just one breath. But at this moment, Lu Qian activated no less than three hundred Buddhist powerful fighting powers at the same time. The magic power in his body was still majestic and vast, and only less than 30% of the 10% was consumed.

The strength of his physical body was as strong as that of a dragon, and his body suddenly rose to a height of thousands of miles, which was more than twice as tall as Master Adu who was sitting cross-legged on the chariot. The Tianlong Zen Staff in Lu Qian's hand also made a high-pitched dragon roar, and actively cooperated with Lu Qian's influx of boundless Buddhist power, turning into a dark golden dragon shadow, and couldn't wait to meet the falling bone war hammer.

What a heavenly dragon Zen rod.

When the Yao Yao Witchcraft Altar was destroyed in Taiyi Tian, ​​the Tianlong Zen Staff was backfired by the Seven Arrows Book, and was pierced by an arrow, almost knocking him down from the level of the Imperial Soldier.

Fortunately, Lu Qian immediately ransacked the entire Taiyi Tian, ​​plundering all the private money that Taiyi Emperor and White Snake had accumulated over the years from countless treasure houses. There are countless rare treasures, including those that are immeasurable and have great contempt for the promotion of imperial soldiers.

Lu Qian has been busy running around these days, and the Tianlong Zen Staff is curled up in his body, frantically devouring treasures that are of great benefit to him to restore his injuries and improve his foundation.

Originally, the Tianlong Zen Staff could not digest so many rare treasures so quickly, but it could not resist Lu Yi's cheating.

In this cave in Yuncha, countless golden remains of the Buddha have cultivated their Buddhist power and injected all their Buddhist insights into Lu Qian's body, helping Lu Qian to destroy everything and directly sweep across the avenue of this world. Condensed many Emperor Seal Taoist Fruits... During this process, countless Buddhist powers and Buddhist charms washed away the Tianlong Zen Staff countless times, helping him to reborn in a very short time, integrating immeasurable rare treasures, and obtained Immeasurable benefits.

Not to mention anything else.

Just say that with the physical strength brought by Lu Qian's simultaneous use of three hundred martial arts powers, he can't even lift the current Tianlong Zen Staff!

Heavy, extremely heavy, so heavy that it can be said to be outrageous!

Fortunately, the Tianlong Zen Staff's spirituality has now soared. He jumped up and reduced his own weight by more than half, so that Lu Qian could use it with ease. A dark golden dragon shadow crossed the void, with a high-pitched dragon roar, and slammed into Master Adu's bone war hammer.

A collision of brute force and brute force.

The collision between divine soldiers and divine soldiers.

There was a loud noise, like a hundred million thunderbolts exploding on his forehead at the same time. Lu Qian groaned, a mouthful of old blood spurted out far away, and he staggered backwards.

The chariot suddenly dented under Master Adu's seat, and the holy river that turned into an axle exploded with water droplets all over the sky. The yellow-colored holy river water splashed everywhere with the strong smell of corpses and ashes, and the wheels transformed by the sun and moon were almost destroyed. The terrifying pressure coming from Mount Sumeru immediately caused it to collapse.

The golden reins on the Dragon King Posu Ji's neck suddenly tightened, and the dragon scales on his neck were broken into pieces. Countless tiny fragments exploded, causing poisonous blood to splatter on his neck, and the pain made him scream to the sky. , and almost sprayed Snake Nobuko as a javelin.

Lu Qian's hands were in severe pain, his palms cracked, and large amounts of golden blood spurted out. Drops of golden blood like pearls and glass spurted out of the body, and wrapped in a vast Buddhist rhyme, it crawled back into the body from the wound like a living creature. The wound squirmed rapidly and healed quickly.

All his limbs were covered with bones, and at the same time there was an indescribable sense of soreness.

A heavy collision caused small cracks in all the bones in Lu Qian's body. The Buddha's power washes away, the essence and blood are poured into it, the cracks in the bones heal quickly, and the muscles and bones all over the body become stronger and tougher.

He held the Tianlong Zen staff that kept whining and looked at Master Adu in shock.

Master Adu was sitting cross-legged on the chariot. His hands were also bloody and bloody, and the golden armor on his arms was cracked with cracks as dense as spider webs. He looked at Lu Qian with a distorted face, as if he couldn't believe it, Lu Qian could actually compete with him, a long-time Buddhist guardian leader, in terms of head-to-head brute force!

This is impossible! How many years have you been practicing for a little thief like you?

Lu Qian looked at Master Adu shyly: I haven't calculated it carefully since I was over a hundred years old... But since I can remember, I am afraid that my life span has exceeded a thousand years?

Lu Qian smiled smugly: Hey, living longer than a thousand years is a good thing that I never dared to think about in my previous life. I didn't expect that it would be achieved so easily in this life. Hey...

He looked at Master Adu, who had a twisted look on his face, and murmured: Then, the next small goal is to simply live to be 100 million years old?

Shaking his head, raising his left hand, and patting his cheek gently, Lu Qian smiled and said: Be awake, be awake, be ambitious, Lu Qian, you can even fight this old monster now, then, , let’s set our goals a little higher... How about we also try, can we be immortal? Can we be indestructible?

Lu Qian squinted his eyes and stared at Master Adu fiercely.

The Tianlong Zen Staff made a subtle whine in Lu Qian's hand - that heavy blow just now, that head-on collision, Lu Qian did not suffer in terms of strength, but the Tianlong Zen Staff suffered a lot. Where the Tianlong Zen Staff collided with the bone hammer, the staff dented, and even egg-sized fragments ejected.

Master A Du's background is much stronger than Lu Qian's.

Although this guy is not good at brute strength, he relies more on his various weird magics. In terms of physical strength, he can actually compete with Lu Qian, whose physical strength has skyrocketed after cheating.

And his heritage is more reflected in his bone war hammer.

I don’t know how many years it has been refined, how many years it has been polished, how many good things it has devoured... This bone war hammer has become ridiculously powerful. The Tianlong Zen Staff actually suffered a heavy loss in the head-on collision.

In Lu Qian's mind, Emperor Taiyu's ax was trembling.

This guy is really shaking.

The Tianlong Zen Staff is obviously a big, thick and heavy weapon. In such a head-to-head encounter, it was even chipped and came out.

He, Taigu Emperor Ax, was following the technical route... If Lu Qian used it to face off against the bone war hammer, Taigu Emperor Ax felt that he would probably die of a woeful death!

Emperor Taihu's ax was trembling, while several other Buddhist soldiers were roaring and roaring. There was even a faint shadow of a monk appearing above the Buddhist soldiers - they recognized the bone in Master Adu's hand. Hammer, they are furious and angry at this 'deviant weapon of heresy'. How dare they confront the Lord they now recognize?

'Buzz', Lu Qian hadn't activated it yet, thousands of Buddhist weapons and Buddhist treasures left behind by the great Buddhist cultivators in the Landa Holy Land poured out of his mind on their own, and turned into a sea of ​​​​bright light behind him, like peacock wings. Generally open, releasing an extremely gorgeous light.

In Master Adu's hand, the bone hammer was roaring loudly, showing off its power towards the Tianlong Zen Staff.

The meaning of its chirping is probably - 'How dare you, a little kid with a yellow mouth, dare to compete with me'.

But suddenly, he saw thousands of Buddhist soldiers and Buddha treasures rushing out of Lu Qian's body. They all looked at him with unkind eyes. This arrogant and arrogant bone hammer immediately withered. The magma-like flames on his body suddenly dimmed, and even shrank in size, lest he be targeted by these Buddhist soldiers and treasures.

He recognized several 'old acquaintances' among these Buddhist soldiers and treasures.

Those were the natal Buddha treasures and natal Buddha weapons in the hands of the core high-level officials of the Landa Holy Land, and those direct disciples of Maitreya. The status of those direct disciples is far more noble than that of Master Adu. The status of these Buddhist soldiers and Buddhist treasures and their status in Buddhism are naturally much higher than this bone hammer!

Master Adu looked at his bone hammer that suddenly gave out angrily. He shouted sharply: What are you afraid of? What are you afraid of? Those old thieves are so bald that their bones can be used to play drums. Are you afraid of these dead things they left behind? do what?

Come, come with me. Master Adu said angrily: Kill this little thief Bald, and then, aren't these masterless Buddhist soldiers your food?

Master Adu bit the tip of his tongue and sprayed a mouthful of his life essence and blood on the bone hammer.

He recited a magic spell, and the flames on the bone hammer suddenly rose. Thousands of war spirits behind him shouted in unison, and involuntarily turned into streams of light and submerged into the bone hammer. Vivid and twisted faces suddenly appeared on the surface of the bone hammer. These war spirits were burned by the magic flames in the bone hammer. They were wailing and cursing hysterically. However, these negative energies brought helplessness to the bone hammer. Estimated majestic power.

The size of the bone hammer skyrocketed, flames rose, and terrifying high temperatures swept across all directions.

Master Adu stood up from the chariot, kicked Dragon King Posuji aside, and said angrily: Useless thing... In these years, I have asked you to pull the chariot, pull the chariot, pull the chariot, you Do you really think of yourself as an animal pulling a cart? You are Vasuji, you are the Dragon King of the Creation Serpent Clan!

Vasuji Dragon King was stunned.

He turned his head slightly and thought seriously about Master Adu's roar.

For a long time, for a long time, Dragon King Posuji smiled. There was a crisp cracking sound in his body, and his body began to slowly expand, stretching to nearly a million miles in length in just one breath!

A terrifyingly large snake appeared in front of Lu Qian.

This kind of big snake has the demeanor of a big snake that entangles the sacred mountain, twists and grinds the sea of ​​milk, and extracts the elixir of immortality from it!

Dragon King Posuji said softly: Thank you, thank you very much. I didn't expect that those damn thief bald people actually left such an invisible restriction in my body... Although the power is not strong, it is a layer of barrier to knowledge and vision, which completely makes me lose my mind. I forgot my roots.”

I am Vasuji, and I am one of the eight dragon kings of the Creation Serpent clan... Haha!

You little people the day after tomorrow, no matter which world you are born in... In my eyes, you are just food... The meaning of my birth is to hunt you; and the only value of your birth is just to feed you. My belly. It’s that simple, it’s that simple!”

The wound on the Vasuji snake's neck healed quickly, and his breath became extraordinarily faint and deep, extremely evil and unpredictable.

His figure merged into the void.

His body turned into shadow.

His breath became extremely erratic.

Lu Qian couldn't even detect where such a big snake had gone or what dimension it was staring at him, no matter whether he used his naked eyes, magical eyes, or the power of his soul to sense it.

The next moment, Lu Qian's expression suddenly froze.

Inside Lu Qian's body, he was in the Buddhist Kingdom where the Bodhi tree, which was filled with Taoist fruits and was condensed by the transcendent power of the Landa Buddha fruit, was located. The golden periphery of the Buddhist Kingdom was illuminated by the projections of 480 million stars. Suddenly a huge snake appeared.

With his unpredictable magical powers, Posu Ji Dragon King actually broke through many layers of defenses of Lu Qian's physical body, magical powers, magic power, and Taoism. Even the three hundred Tao fighting magical powers that Lu Qian was blessing on his physical body could not stop his actions.

This guy appeared directly in Lu Qian's body.

He opened his big mouth and bit into the huge Bodhi tree, the Buddhist country where Lu Qian's current cultivation was.

At the same time that Dragon King Posuji launched his attack, Master Adu laughed strangely, took a step forward and walked directly in front of Lu Qian. He used all his strength and hit Lu Qian with another hammer.

Are you still alive? Dragon King Posuji laughed: The Landa Buddha fruit that little nun Longyue wants...is mine!

Maybe I can become the next Maitreya...who knows?

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