Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 1085 Fusion, expulsion, and separatism (6)

The Third Burial Monk's eyes were bloodshot and he waved his hand gently.

Bai Zun looked up to the sky and hissed, and countless Feitians poured out from behind her like a tide. Thick, blurry, scarlet figures, wearing red wedding dresses, red headbands, red embroidered shoes, waving red handkerchiefs, carrying red lanterns, sitting in red sedan chairs... In short, overwhelming red surge out.

A few days ago, the number of Feitian under the command of Monk San Zun was not so astonishing.

At this moment, the number of Feitian under his control has increased by more than ten times compared to the last time Lu Qian saw him. Think about the origin of these non-heavens. Each non-heaven must have an extremely ferocious ghost as its core, and it can be condensed by sacrificing a large number of living beings and souls... Behind these non-heavens in front of you, I don’t know how many creatures there are. Die!

Lu Qian glanced at the Third Burial Monk, clasped his hands together, and chanted the Buddha's name softly.

Master Lang Yue on the side looked helpless and sighed faintly - this Yuncha can obviously only be handed over to Lu Qian... This was a huge flaw back then, and it was a huge mistake for them in the Landa Holy Land. For his 'original disciples', this was an unforgivable mistake.

Yuncha is a treasure that Maitreya's lineage spent countless costs refining. But if you want to control Yuncha, you need the most orthodox power of Maitreya's direct descendant, that is, the 'power of transcendence'. As for the 'power of transcendence', even among Maitreya's direct disciples, only Master Lang Yue's two senior brothers have mastered this power.

As for those two senior brothers, they still don’t know which side of the world they are experiencing calamity in. If you want to wait for them to return and let them take control of Yuncha, it is obviously impossible to cope with the situation at hand. Master Lang Yue made a prompt decision and asked Lu Qian to go to Yuncha Ridge to activate Yuncha. Sure enough, Lu Qian, who inherited the fruit of Landa Buddha, also had a trace of transcendent power in his magic power. Yuncha was indeed very well-behaved and obedient... operating from the heart and driving freely.

Mistake, mistake.

Master Lang Yue felt jealous... In the Landa Holy Land back then, 'indigenous disciples' such as the Third Burial Monk had real power and ousted the top management of the Landa Holy Land. In fact, Master Lang Yue and his brothers were not able to grasp the fatal core inheritance of Landa Buddha. Instead, they asked Lu Min's previous life to guard and keep it.

And Lu Min... was obviously rebellious. He actually gave the Landa Buddha fruit to his son in this life!

Master Langyue was so angry that his teeth itched with hatred.

However, there was nothing she could do... If the outer guardians were still obedient, she could continue to plan for the Landa Buddha fruit on Lu Qian's body, so as to inherit the power of transcendence and personally control Yuncha, a Buddhist treasure.

But, but, but... the outer guardians rebelled. With internal and external troubles coming at once, Master Lang Yue made a quick decision to let Lu Qian inherit Yuncha. Anyway, today's Buddhism needs Yuncha to suppress luck... And even if Lu Yi keeps saying that he has returned to secular life, as long as he masters Yuncha, he will naturally be a disciple of Buddhism!

Is it so easy to take advantage of Buddhism?

Master Lang Yue clasped his hands together, with countless thoughts in his mind, and suddenly showed a strange smile.

The whole sky surged toward Lu Qian, and they let out sharp roars. Waves of evil sounds hit the immeasurable Buddha's light emitted by Yuncha, but they couldn't even shake the outermost layer of light.

Lu Qian put his hands together and chanted the Buddha's name. On the nine huge lotus pedestals that formed Yuncha, the lotus petals condensed from the mountains shone with strange light. Countless strands of extremely fine Buddha's light spurted out, and each strand of Buddha's light as thin as a hair accurately hit the center of Feitian's eyebrows. The next moment, as Lu Chen shouted loudly, the clouds shook slightly, the Buddha's light shook, and the trillions of non-heaven bodies that emerged from behind Bai Zun flashed together. After a burst of light and darkness, these non-heaven bodies flashed together. The blood all over Qi's body faded away.

Return to your roots and recast your soul.

Inside Yuncha, high-pitched chanting sounds continued to sound. In each of the earthly aperture caves, countless Buddha's golden bodies emitted great light. The incredible power of Buddhism dispelled the evil and ferocious forces in these Feitian bodies. All negative evil spirits were dispelled, and their core source marks were awakened. Waves of warm power washed and washed them away, turning them from weird and vicious. The violent Feitian turned into human ghosts again.

Impossible! The Third Burial Monk felt like he was struck by lightning, and a mouthful of blood spurted out far away.

His Feitian, who spent endless energy and effort, using such ruthless methods in the lower world, and finally refined Feitian... is so vulnerable?

It was nothing more than being easily killed by those outer sect protectors. Those outer sect protectors were, after all, elders of Buddhism. They were familiar with killing methods against strange life forms like Feitian. Although the monk of the third burial could not accept it, he could understand it.

But Lu Qian is just a junior, why should he?

Just because of this cloud?

The Third Burial Monk looked at Lu Qian with a trembling body. Behind him, Bai Zun huddled up in a ball and kept screaming in terror. The ghosts of countless women were suspended in the void, quietly looking at Monk Three Burials and Bai Zun.

The evil spirit, death spirit, and all kinds of evil spirits in their bodies were all washed away, and they regained their spiritual wisdom during their lifetimes. They also recalled all their experiences in the past few days, and recalled that they were driven by Sanzun Monk and Bai Zun. , what exactly have been done.

These women who could become Feitian must have had an unforgettable painful past during their lifetimes and experienced painful ordeals that are unforgettable. It is precisely because of this period of resentment that after their death, they were infected by the evil magic of non-Heaven and killed countless people. In the end, they themselves also turned into strange non-Heaven life forms.

At this moment, they were awakened. All hatred and suffering in their hearts are washed away by Buddhism. They have regained the intelligence and thinking that a normal human being should have, and they clearly remember what they did when they turned into non-diva queens!

Every piece of Feitian condensed out, and under the urging of Sanzun Monk and Bai Zun, it was almost impossible for any life to remain around them.

A Feitian appears in a city, and almost the entire city will be washed with blood!

They were suddenly shocked to realize that their hands were already covered in blood. Each of their hands was almost stained with the blood of tens of thousands of innocent creatures.

They were floating quietly in the void, their eyes like daggers, staring at the Third Burial Monk and Bai Zun. Their emotions were very complicated. Monk Three Burials and Bai Zun gave them the opportunity to take revenge for the most painful experience in their lives... But how innocent were the people they killed next, and those they killed?

Gradually, overwhelming hatred surged out of these ghosts.

Trillions of ghosts, the hatred in their bodies almost condensed into substance, turning into terrifying soul fluctuations and pressing hard against Monk San Burial and Bai Zun. The Third Burial Monk roared angrily, with black and red blood surging all over his body. He blasted out several palms in all directions, shattering the incoming waves of soul waves into pieces.

You guys, do you want to defy heaven? Monk Sanzong roared angrily: You guys still remember...your grudges, your hatred, the ray of resentment deep in your hearts...it was me who allowed you to have this... I took the opportunity for revenge, it was Lao Na who made you become immortal and immortal Feitian, and you had such a good fortune.

You are ungrateful, but instead...

The Third Burial Monk roared and roared, like a mad tiger rushing towards the nearest ghost. He stretched out his hand to grab the girlish ghost who looked to be only twelve or thirteen years old, and roared: You, child bride Born, she was tortured to death by her husband’s family…”

Monk Three Burials has great supernatural powers. He is mentally connected with all Feitian under his command. He is familiar with all the encounters of these Feitian before. Monk Three Burials is familiar with everything they have experienced. He shouted hysterically about the tragic fate of this girl during her lifetime, and shouted sternly: If it weren't for me, would you have had a chance for revenge? I'm just a withered skeleton on a mass grave, that's all!

The Third Burial Monk grabbed the girl's shoulder, and blood surged from his hand, almost crushing the girl's soul.

The girl let out a miserable howl in pain.

Lu Qian shouted loudly, and the clouds shook slightly. A Buddha's light as thick as a rice vat snaked out and hit the three-buried monk. It was like a big python, wrapping him tightly. The Buddha's light shook and threw him away several times. Hundreds of miles.

Go! Lu Qian shouted in a low voice: Now that you are free, don't think about the grudges in your life anymore...dust will return to dust, soil will return to earth, escape into reincarnation with peace of mind, and look forward to the good fortune in the next life! I hope you, You can enjoy happiness in the next life and have a happy life!

These Feitian, these ghosts... Lu Qian didn't want to say anything more to them. No matter how much hatred they have or how deep their suffering is, their hatred is over... They can be transformed into Feitian, which shows that their enemies, their enemies, and the master of their suffering have all been slaughtered by their own hands.

In this case, Lu Qian could only send them a good blessing and give them a ride.

The clouds shook slightly, and the fragrant wind filled the sky emerged out of thin air, sweeping up those ghosts. The next moment, a faint light flickered in Yuncha, and a reincarnation mark opened, and these ghosts turned to Yuncha one after another. Lu Chenruo nodded with understanding. This Yuncha is so vast and majestic, with countless living beings inside. These ghosts are reincarnated in Yuncha, and they are also their creation.

With Yuncha suppressed by such a treasure, the creatures in Yuncha, even the weakest mortals, will surely enjoy peace for the rest of their lives, right?

No! Seeing the ghosts in the sky being swept away by Yuncha, the monk of the third burial roared at the top of his lungs.

Feitian, this is the way for him to settle down and live his life, and it is also the way to reach the 'other shore'... Monk Sanzong paid an extremely heavy price, and then he gathered the seeds of Feitian, and returned to the Supreme Taichu Heaven with great ambition, that is In order to use unnatural power to conquer the entire world, destroy the entire world, return the world to chaos, and repeat the creation of the world!

He is ambitious.

He wanted a new beginning.

He wanted to bring back those fallen 'brothers', those 'star gods' who had the same origin as him and corresponded to the 480 million ancient stars, back to the world. He wants to reverse the fate of the world that has been distorted by Maitreya, Qingdi and other powerful powers, and return the supreme Taichu Heaven to his own destiny.

He wants a world that truly belongs to him.

He doesn't want to see this world being played with and forcibly distorted by some powerful people!

Today's Supreme Taichu Heaven is not the heaven in the mind of the three-buried monk!

But now, his law is broken and his way is cut off.

The eyes of the Third Burial Monk flashed with turbulent Buddha light. He seemed to see through the clouds and saw behind the clouds, those living corpses roaring and roaring in the sky - there were too many familiar faces in them. They were all his fellow disciples back then, and they were from the same background as him. According to the normal fate of heaven and earth, they should be the 'Primordial Star God' who is the supreme ruler of this area of ​​heaven and earth!

Because of the arrival of Maitreya, the heaven and earth were forcibly opened up, and the ancient star god was forced to be born early and lost his destiny.

They were accepted into Buddhism's sect, and they became tools for Buddhism to lay down its foundation and revive its foundation in this world.

Finally, their proud souls and noble fate made them unwilling to become the minions of Buddhism. They joined forces. They ousted the top management of Landa Holy Land. They controlled the real power of Landa Holy Land. They recruited The recorder promotes Buddhism and brings the entire Buddhism of the Supreme Taichu Heaven under his own control.

Then, Qingdi came.

Maitreya's great enemy, Qingdi, is here.

The Qing Emperor brought countless strange life forms to attack the Supreme Taichu Heaven, and Buddhism was severely damaged... But the counterattack of the three burial monks also caused the Qing Emperor to suffer extremely terrible injuries.

Therefore, Emperor Qing began to support those natives in the Supreme Taichu Heaven who were dissatisfied with Buddhism.

So, the war broke out.

As a result, the war raged.

As a result, Buddhism, which was suffering from internal conflicts, was finally defeated. The Third Burial Monk only escaped with his body, escaped into reincarnation, and struggled in many worlds in the lower world. Finally, he returned with countless Feitian.

And those fellow apprentices, those fellow apprentices who could be regarded as 'brothers and blood relatives' with him...

The evil fire in the heart of the Third Burial Monk became more and more intense.

He stared at Lu Qian with resentful eyes and said in a deep voice: Lu Qian, you have ruined my law and broken my ways. This is the ultimate revenge... I can ignore it... let White Snake, kill me. If you hand over those fellow apprentices, I won’t care about anything!”

Lu Qian looked at the Third Burial Monk with deep eyes.

He didn't speak.

The white lady was just sneering.

Master Lang Yue, on the other hand, clasped his hands together and did not speak. Unlike the Third Burial Monk who has fallen into some kind of demonic obstacle, Master Lang Yue is quite open-minded about these things.

Buddhism is vast and can bring salvation to those who are destined to it.

This is a predestined person. Evil demons and heretics can also be predestined people. Therefore, sacrificing some living corpses, making some zombies jump around, etc., from the perspective of Buddhism, it is really not a big deal. Even if the living corpses that were sacrificed came from Buddhist disciples... Master Lang Yue was also very open-minded.

As long as this power can be used by Buddhism, as long as you can do it, even if you use the golden body left behind after the death of the Buddha to do something, that is your ability... For those who have the ability, Buddhism will always be incomparably vast. Are you willing to accept Pudu?

Therefore, Master Langyue didn't bother to speak at all about this 'contradiction' between Monk Three Burials and White Snake.

On the contrary, to Master Lang Yue, who valued 'reality', the Sanzong monk who had lost all non-heaven was just an ordinary Buddhist disciple. And White Snake, who holds countless living corpses and has amazing fighting power, is the real destiny of Buddhism... Well, it is impossible for her to become a nun, but with the title of outer sect protector, Master Langyue feels that, Neither Lu Qian, Yinyuan nor White Snake would object, right?

Master Lang Yue's eyes were faint, with a slight smile on his lips.

As for the quarrel between Lu Qian and Monk Three Burials, she was happy to see it come to fruition... Even the Buddha was still a little angry. As a Buddhist cultivator who had not yet become a Buddha, she was still a bit petty woman. Seeing Monk Three Burials' misfortune, she felt a bit... It's natural to be secretly happy, right?

Looking back on those years, in the Landa Holy Land, the three-buried monk Pu Jiezi in his previous life, and the indigenous disciples who were transformed into the world by the 'Ancient Star God', frantically suppressed and even brutally persecuted the lineage of original disciples they represented. ...Master Lang Yue’s smile became more and more obvious.

She glanced at Old Xiong Zun who was standing near Yuncha.

Well, Old Xiong Zun and the old demons from Yunchaling around him were all the mountain-suppressing beasts and mountain-patrolling generals collected by the original disciples. Later, if there is any change in the Third Burial Monk, wouldn't it be appropriate to directly ask Old Xiong Zun to cooperate with Lu Qian and kill him here?

The Third Burial Monk was still screaming and roaring hysterically. His eyes flashed with an extremely vicious and ferocious light.

Suddenly, Lu Chen mobilized the power of Yuncha to expel all kinds of sinister, cruel and resentful energy from the bodies of trillions of non-heavenly evil spirits. They were originally expelled to a very far distance by the golden glow of Buddha's light, and were unable to do so at all. The approaching evil aura was like flies that smelled the smell of rotten meat, buzzing straight towards the three burial monks.

The evil energy in the sky turned into a black and red sea of ​​viscous light, pouring into the body of the three-buried monk.

The Third Burial monk clasped his hands together and slowly stood up straight. He crazily swallowed up the immeasurable evil energy accumulated in countless Feitian bodies, and looked at Lu Qian with a half-smile: That's right, the Third Burial, the Third Burial... was buried. , this world, and the future, but it’s still not enough!”

This body, my obsession with myself... or in other words, Monk Three Burials also needs to be completely buried, so that my great path can be truly achieved!

Yes, that's it. Since Lao Na has awakened and wants to reopen the world and return the Supreme Taichu Heaven to its orthodox destiny... In this case, I, an alien who was born out of the destiny due to Maitreya's external force, and Why does it exist?”

I, the Buddha, are never merciful.

Old monk, let yourself turn into a ball of fire and burn this twisted world. Everything will return to nothingness, and everything will be born from nothingness!

Bai Zun let out a sharp roar, and her body swayed, turning into a very thin stream of bloody light, which pierced into the eyebrows of the three burial monks. Lu Qian and others had no time to stop it, let alone how to stop it. The evil energy from the sky has poured into the body of the Third Burial Monk, melting his body and swallowing his soul.

The Third Burial Monk spread out his hands and let out his last sarcastic sneer in this world in a low voice.

Have I ever been compassionate?

With a sly laugh, the body of the Third Burial Monk exploded. In place, there was only a bloody shadow of the Buddha floating in the air.

Take Buddha as the core of your heart.

With demon as skin.

Use Feitian as a template.

Fill the flesh and blood with the evil energy in trillions of non-celestial bodies.

Everything in the past, present, and future of the three-buried monks was used as the price of sacrifice.

The three-burial monk created a 'non-human' that was far more terrifying than the original version of Feitian.

The shadow of the Buddha, whose body was scarlet and exuding evil thoughts, glanced at Lu Qian faintly. Then, his eyes seemed to be able to penetrate all obstacles and looked towards the white lady standing in front of Taiyantian Gate behind Yuncha. Take a deep look.

Then, he smiled slightly, shook his head, and disappeared without a trace.

A slight sound of chila came.

In Taiyitian, the living corpses transformed from the corpses of Buddhist monks who were born from the same source as the three-buried monks all turned into blood and shattered in an instant.

Piercing screams came from all directions, and dozens of sharp bloody claws suddenly appeared around White Snake. They clawed at White Snake's fatal part with ruthlessness. The White Snake exclaimed, and the eighteen protective Imperial Arms all rushed out with billowing light, but only sharp tearing sounds could be heard. The Eighteen Imperial Arms of the White Snake were like a layer of fine yarn, covered by the bloody claws. Easily torn into pieces.

The White Snake spurted a mouthful of old blood far away. She screamed angrily, and the death energy around her body suddenly surged. A wisp of blue-gray misty light flew out from her body, but it was a treasure building made of human skin with thirty-three layers of relics!

The whole body of this treasure building is lifeless and full of evil spirits. Each layer of the treasure building is made of countless pieces of human skin the size of a thumb. These human skins were clearly engraved with extremely high-grade Buddha seals, emitting suffocating waves of silence.

And the dim light floats and falls in the thirty-three-story treasure building, and I don’t know how much space it contains. Through that thin layer of light, you can see countless large and small relics floating in the treasure building. Occasionally, they will rotate and stir up a terrifying torrent in the outside world.

The countless bloody claws slapped hard on this strange treasure, and a dull crashing sound could be heard. A large piece of dark, extinct Buddha light poured out from the treasure. The bloody talon shadow was broken and shattered inch by inch, and the phantom of the Buddha with a strange smile slowly appeared in front of White Snake.

The white lady raised her head and looked at the phantom of the Buddha with a sneer.

I don't know what you are. However, although the little girl is delicate, not everyone can bully her. Well, since you still maintain the image of Buddha, you are no stranger to Buddhist objects, right?

Look at these things.

The flag poles that make up this treasure banner are smelted from the vertebrae of one billion and eighty million Buddha cultivators.

The human skins that make up these thirty-three layers of treasures were taken from the hearts of tens of billions of fallen Buddhist monks... embodying the essence of their whole bodies and the foundation of Buddhism.

As for these relics, there is no need for the little girl to explain their origins, right?

In that war, the number of Buddhist cultivators killed was more than trillions. After they fell, these relics naturally became our family's trophies.

The Buddhist way of annihilation is very consistent with our family's way of death. Using the materials from the dead thief's body, we refined such an evil Buddhist treasure and gathered the power of tens of billions of Buddhists to create a godless weapon. It’s a natural thing, right?”

The white lady smiled brightly.

Lu Qian's face twitched... My eldest sister-in-law of the Bai family, didn't you see that Master Lang Yue's little face next to her was turned into bitter gourd essence?

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