Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 1089: According to my idea! (2)

Tai Qu Tian.

In the glorious temple, the heartbroken Emperor Taihu was counting the losses.

The Holy Spirit clan has never suffered such tragic losses in battle since they were created by him. In the past, with the help of the Taihu Divine Pool that was transformed into the Holy Spirit Temple, no matter how many casualties there were in the war, as long as a trace of the soul of the Holy Spirit clan could escape back, they could use the Taihu Divine Pool to recast their body and rejoin the battlefield in a short time!

But this time, I encountered these outer Buddhist guardians who had awakened from countless years of slumber... They actually didn't let go of the bones, bones, flesh, and even the soul, and gnawed them all clean!

His soul has been eaten up, and he still needs to be remade into a ghost!

What on earth do you want to do? Emperor Taihu asked angrily, Emperor Qing, who was sitting aside as if nothing had happened and was even in the mood to have a few drinks.

Emperor Qing looked at Emperor Taiqu thoughtfully, pondered for a moment, and then shook his head: Actually, I haven't thought about it. This is the truth. According to the appeal from my blood, I should... ahem, but , just follow my heart!

After being silent for a long time, Qingdi murmured: All living beings have ambitions, right? Run faster, dive deeper, fly higher, and be more powerful...

Ambition is a good thing. Qingdi sighed: But it seems that my current strength is not enough to realize my ambition.

What do you want to do? Emperor Taihu looked at Qing Emperor in surprise: Your original ambition, what do you want to do?

Emperor Qing's eyes flickered. He stood up, looked in the direction of Haojing Continent, and asked Emperor Taihu a question: You know, before I fell asleep, I supported the three of you, forged the shackles of heaven and earth, and imprisoned this place. What are the great laws of heaven and earth for?

Emperor Taiqu said nothing and just looked at Emperor Qing.

Qingdi smiled and raised his right hand. A ray of light rose into the sky, and a vivid picture floated in the light - it was a poisonous spider that had just killed a fat spider with its venom. small prey, but it had just eaten and had no appetite to devour the small prey.

As a result, the poisonous spider spit out spider silk and tightly entangled the unlucky prey into a ball. It hung the prey in its nest to keep it fresh and delicious, then curled up and fell into a deep sleep.

Emperor Taihu took a deep breath.

He looked at Qingdi in shock and said in a deep voice: We are the guards who take care of your food...?

Qingdi smiled, nodded, and said softly: I thought that after so many years, you should be able to think about this problem clearly. But I didn't expect, I really didn't expect that after so many years, you would actually do nothing to this extent.

That's right, the shackles of heaven and earth are to help me imprison and seal the avenue of heaven and earth in the supreme Taichu Heaven, so that their power will not leak out, maintain their strength and beauty, and wait for me to wake up and use them as rations. tool.

I even allow you to issue part of the emperor's money and let you 'steal' part of the food that originally belonged to me. Because I know that you act as guards, and there is no merit but hard work. I must feed you in order to better protect my food. The spoils of war.”

I thought you could figure this out early and do something to prevent me. Unexpectedly, I overestimated you ignorant native savages after all. Qingdi sighed: But , this is a good thing for me.”

That's the only trouble.

When I woke up, when I was ready to feast and use this world as a tonic to raise my realm, my cultivation, and my strength to a greater level, I was surprised to find that your rule seemed to be collapsing. sign.

Clapping his hands and spreading his hands, the Qing Emperor sarcastically said: I sent this clone to find out the clues seriously... I didn't expect that it was not just a sign, but that you really can't control the situation. Landa Holy Land , is it so difficult to deal with?

Emperor Qing was speaking nonsense, and when Emperor Taiyu was about to refute, the whole world shook slightly.

The two of them started up at the same time, flew to the entrance of Tai Qutian, and looked towards the origin of the shock. They saw that Emperor Taichu was at the north gate of the heaven, ringing the Bell of Taichu and waving the star flag. The entire ancient stars, 480 million ancient stars, all emitted dazzling brilliance, and the entire heaven and earth turned towards the top of the world. The original germ core rushed away quickly.

The sun, moon and stars.

Floating continents.

In the entire border area of ​​​​the world, for countless years, with the orders of land reclamation, they have continued to go into the wild chaos of the outside world, and the wild continents that have been dragged and absorbed back are all accelerating towards that origin, constantly moving towards that origin. Fly over there.

Emperor Taihu was shocked and angry: Taichu, what is he going to do?

Qingdi laughed softly and said: Isn't this very interesting? The Supreme Taichu Heaven, the original form of heaven and earth, should not be like this.

The Supreme Taichu Heaven, before the creation of the heaven and the earth, when the heaven and the earth were conceived, had already determined the original appearance of the heaven and the earth - a complete continent, with the Holy Spirit Realm on the front, separated by a dimensional diaphragm, and the Dead Spirit Realm on the back. . And above this continent, the Supreme Being of Heaven and Earth, who controls the movement of the sun, moon and stars, is high in the heaven, and the sun, moon and stars are all revolving around this giant continent in the middle.

Because of Maitreya's powerful arrival, he forcibly broke open the still-gestating embryo of heaven and earth.

As a result, the sky and the earth rushed, and the giant continent that was still gestating collapsed, and now it turned into countless sky realms, countless star realms, as well as countless large and small stars, and floating land masses suspended in the void.

However, Emperor Taichu took advantage of the fact that the shackles of heaven and earth were destroyed and the laws of the whole world were in turmoil. He activated the Taichu Bell and the Star Flag to force the world's operation back on track!

The great laws of the entire world are cooperating with the actions of Emperor Taichu. The core of the 480 million great laws is still engraved with the imprint of what the entire world should look like... As a result, the world is moving in the original direction, towards the original direction. The original appearance changes.

After an unknown amount of time, there will be only one continent suspended in the void in the entire Supreme Taichu Heaven, with countless suns, moons and stars floating around it... At that time, all intelligent creatures will live on the same land and bathe in the same... The sun, the same moon, the same starry sky.

The premise is - in such a great collision between heaven and earth, how many intelligent creatures can survive?

What does he want to do? Emperor Taihu exclaimed, What does he want to do?

Qing Di said coldly: Turn over the table... reveal your trump card!

Haha, is it going to be a final showdown? Okay, okay, okay, then, let's help him!

In the Wangchuan Continent, it was the place where the three-buried monk returned to the Supreme Taichu Heavenly Queen to confront Lu Min and discuss the Tao. It was originally the place where the Buddha's light shone everywhere, and it was the core foundation of the Supreme Taichu Heavenly Buddhism.

Nowadays, the creatures there are closely monitored by the patrol guards sent by the heaven.

Because in Wangchuan Continent, Buddhist miracles appear from time to time. For example, a mountain collapses here, and a sutra book appears; a river dries up there, and a monastery is revealed; or a newborn child recites sutras with one finger to the sky and the other to the earth. .

Heaven sent countless thugs to patrol Zhou Tian day and night. Any traces related to Buddhism would be immediately eradicated.

It is such a piece of land, who would have thought that the Qing Emperor's true form is hidden in an ordinary small village here. He is even a very ordinary village elder in the village. On weekdays, he likes to wander around the neighboring villages and befriend young men and girls.

When Taichu Great Emperor used it, when Tai Qutian's own clone was scolding him harshly, Qing Emperor himself was squatting in the yard of a farmhouse, smiling at a pair of young men and women with blushing faces.

He had just been a matchmaker for someone... In rural areas, there are not so many rules. He introduced the other party's family situation and the situation of the young people to the parents of both parties. The elders thought it was okay, and the young people of both parties just met today. If they are interested, Now, we can have a banquet and have wine in the evening.

It is not easy to survive in a place like Wangchuan Continent, and naturally there are not as many rules as in other places.

When the time comes, he will be able to thank the matchmaker for the money, and he will be able to take a small bucket of copper, and even carry a piece of bacon and a half-baked old hen back.

Qing Di, who was dressed as a grey-haired old man, squatted at the door of the small courtyard, smiling and murmuring in a low voice: Hey, hurry up and get married, hurry up and get married, get married soon, get married, hurry up and get pregnant with the big fat boy... Hehe, Big fat boys are great, the big fat boys from the Forgotten Continent are all good pure-blood materials!

Those two thieves a few days ago had a brawl and killed so many of my boys... Really, tsk tsk!

But, it's okay, it's okay...no...um!

Qingdi stood up slowly and looked in the direction of Heaven, and then he looked in the direction of Tai Qutian. After being silent for a while, Qingdi chuckled: Turn over the table? What a pity, here I am still a little short of returning to the true peak, and I can accumulate enough foundation for breakthrough.

It's a pity, but it's enough.

Qing Di sighed, and in front of the two families in the small courtyard, and in front of the villagers who climbed on the walls to watch the excitement, he slowly took off his patched coarse clothes.

She took it off until not a single thread was left on her body.

On the walls of the surrounding courtyard, there were old wives who were watching the excitement, staring at Qingdi without blinking, while laughing and scolding: What's going on today, old bastard? Are you having a chicken-feet attack? Hee... don't say it, This old cabbage gangster has returned to his old age, and he still has some meat on his body!

The villagers all around laughed together.

Qing Emperor said quietly: Hey, after all, the cloth is spun by myself, and the clothes are made by myself. It is worth remembering, you ignorant and fearless insects!

The next moment, the entire Wangchuan Continent was filled with bloodshed.

In countless villages, countless tribes, in the valleys, on the mountainside, in the plains, in the canyons, everywhere where the villagers live, there are men, women, old and children wailing together, and from their bellies, sharp, dark green light shines with a faint cold light. The claws suddenly poked out.

After so many years of raising him, that's enough, that's enough! Qingdi smiled brightly.

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