Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 105 The Bai family is haunted by ghosts

Yushunfang Survey Department, backyard.

Beside the creek, on a fish viewing platform the size of an acre, the long-smelling rhubarb lies quietly. The half-inch-long hair that has just grown on its body is as moist and bright as gold wire brushed with clear oil.

Lu Qian sat cross-legged next to Dahuang, silently using the Wuliang Xuan Gong to return to the ruins.

In the void, spiritual ideas invisible to ordinary people's naked eyes turned into wisps of light and mist, and were continuously absorbed into Lu Qian's body. There were even more five-color mist seeping out from the void, which was continuously absorbed by Dahuang and the other four uncles.

During the day, Dahuang and the others shared a drop of Xuanyuan Divine Water, but until now, they have not woken up.

For them, even one-fifth of a drop of Xuanyuan Divine Water is too powerful.

Cleanse the essence and cut the marrow, reborn, and even purify and strengthen the blood.

Not to mention the other four uncles, Da Huang, who was lying next to Lu Qian, his breath became longer and longer, and each exhalation and inhalation took up to thirty breaths of an ordinary person.

Moreover, Dahuang's hair is not only brighter, but his body is also larger. Under the thick fur, there are abnormally protruding tendons, which are more developed than the muscles of those cross-training masters who have been exercising their bodies all year round.

Rhubarb has an unusually thick aura slowly spreading around. It lies on the ground, like a hill crawling here, which is unusually eye-catching.

Lu Qian felt that the aura of heaven and earth in the backyard had only a concentration of 0.001 before Dahuang and the others took the Xuanyuan Divine Water. So at this moment, the heaven and earth wisdom in the backyard has been raised to the level of 0.1.

He could still feel the feeling of disintegration, collapse, and fragmentation in the spirit of heaven and earth.

But it's gotten a lot better.

The Wulianggui Ruins body can be practiced normally in the backyard.

With each breath, the Guixu Immortal Energy in Tanzhong Point contracts and expands. Purple-black auras circulate throughout the body. The skin, muscles, bones, flesh and blood, and internal organs are all becoming stronger and stronger.

At the same time, Lu Qian visualized the image of a person with three eyes, and his soul aura continued to grow stronger.

The powerful aura of the soul and the body echo each other and stimulate each other. A strange power originates from the origin of life, pushing Lu Qian's spirit and flesh, sex and fate to become stronger and stronger. evolution.

Behind Lu Qian, on the fish viewing platform, Ah Hu was wearing only a pair of small pants, sweating like rain and panting like thunder. He was leading dozens of the core members of Baihu Hall to exercise according to the Ye Huo Ming Wang Wrath exercise method. Practice.

Yehuo Mingwangnu, the clan-suppressing technique of the lineage of Ye Guogong, the founder of the country, and the introductory external technique of the Dafanjingshizong fundamental method, must be practiced together with pills and decoctions made from various rare medicinal materials.

Once practiced, the essence and blood all over the body will boil like a raging flame burning the body, like a red-hot iron block being bombarded by a giant hammer. The body will be tempered over and over again in pain, the energy of essence and blood will be increased, and the body will be trained like King Ming King Vajra, derived from various An incredible power.

Pain is the biggest characteristic of Karma Fire Mingwang's anger.

Ahu brought dozens of the core members of Baihutang, all of whom were well-known, such as the descending mountain tiger, the ascending mountain tiger, the white-haired tiger, the black-haired tiger, the winged tiger, the one-eyed tiger, etc., all of them were Hao Jing There are many heroes on the street.

He took these guys to start cultivating Karma Huomingwangnu, and he also explained in advance that as long as they could survive this level, they would have great fortunes, and Lu Qian would allow them to gain greater power and share the glory and wealth at the same time.

If they can't survive this level and can't refine the Karma Fire Ming Wang Wrath, then there will be no luck left.

From now on, those brothers who have cultivated the karma of Huo Ming Wang Nu will follow Lu Qian and rise to the top, be promoted and make a fortune. Those who have not yet succeeded can only continue to be street thugs in Baihu Hall, and that will be the end of their lives.

Speaking of which, these core members of Baihu Hall are much stronger than almost all the distinguished disciples in Haojing City today.

They are brave and fierce, they are fierce and vicious, and they have a fire in their hearts - why can others be well-dressed and well-off, while they can only wear rough clothes and shoes, and dance with swords and sticks on the streets?

Therefore, today is their first time to practice Karma Fire Ming Wang Wrath.

When the terrible pain hit with the high temperature that boiled the essence and blood, dozens of tall and powerful men almost fainted from the pain. They gritted their teeth one by one and forcibly withstood the pain from their internal organs. Severe pain came.

Sweat mixed with dirty blood kept pouring out of the pores. There were people walking back and forth carrying wooden buckets. According to Ah Hu's orders, they kept pouring ladle after ladle of concentrated concoction into these 'Master Tiger's' In the mouth.

Relying on the power of the medicinal juice to continuously replenish the consumption of essence and blood, these men of Baihutang clearly felt that their bodies became stronger and more powerful, and the muscles under the skin slowly bulged. They had a kind of energy. Endless strange feelings arise leisurely.

Pain and happiness.

This kind of power visible to the naked eye made them all intoxicated.

The clan-suppressing skills of the founding father of the Ye Kingdom... we can still have such a fortune in this life! A man whose face was covered with scars and who was extremely ugly and nicknamed Ghost Tiger gritted his teeth and hissed Said: We will swear allegiance to Brother Qian to the death!

A group of men whose muscles were trembling with pain all shouted in unison: I swear to be loyal to Brother Bian to the death.

Lu Qian took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled a long breath.

He stopped his efforts, stood up, looked at the group of men who were covered in sweat and emitting a pungent stench, and nodded gently: We are all our brothers. If you can survive it, I will take you to share the glory.

If you can't make it through, I won't treat you badly. At least you can live without worries about food and clothing for the rest of your life. But, can you endure this and watch your brothers become prosperous while you can only survive this life?

You guys can't bear this tone. I know you don't have a single fault with me! Lu Qian smiled brightly: So, endure it, hold it back, endure it, and get through it for me.

Cultivation of Karma Huo Mingwang's wrath requires a huge amount of money.

I won't be stingy with money. As long as you can endure it, I can spend any amount of money to make you stronger.

A group of big men agreed in unison, gritting their teeth and swaying, and followed Ahu to perform slow punches that were extremely twisted and almost impossible for normal people to do.

It pulls the meridians, opens the muscles and bones, stimulates the potential of the internal organs, and continuously absorbs the power of the medicine.

The essence and blood are boiling, and the essence is burning.

The joints of the big men were all hot and itchy, as if there were countless ants crawling around. Occasionally, you could hear a snapping sound coming from the joints of the bones - these men ranged from twenty-one or twelve years old to three-year-olds. The man in his early teens actually started the second growth of his body.

This is also a matter of course.

Among those who practice Hengqian Kung Fu, which one is not born eight feet tall or nine feet tall?

Lu Qian looked at these men with satisfaction. Those who are unwilling to be ordinary and are willing to fight for their future and destiny are the ones who are promising and qualified to stay by his side.

Although the practice of Yehuo Mingwangnu is extremely painful and extremely expensive, as long as you are willing to spend money and endure the pain, the progress will be astonishing.

This group of men, after only a few months of training, can be considered good players in the Yulin Army.

Lu Qian raised his head with feeling and looked at the sky.

A bright moon is shining high in the sky, and there are big lanterns lit by wealthy people in all directions. The big lanterns are suspended in the sky, with various beautiful shapes, echoing the bright moon in the sky. It actually gives people a feeling that the world has changed. I don’t know. A sense of fantasy in heaven and earth.

It's beautiful, but it's a pity... This is not Moyun Tower. It's useless to copy poems. Lu Qian clasped his hands behind his back and frowned.

The moon tonight is as big as it is bright, but next to the moon, there is a thick ring of rough edges, which is hazy. The moonlight shines through the rough edges, and actually makes thin circles, which is extremely ugly to the naked eye. Clear colorful rainbow.

The hairy moon? Lu Qian recalled some bad memories: It's unlucky. The moon has hair. Is it going to be haunted?

Before Lu Qian could finish his words, across the street from where the Survey Department was stationed, in the Bai family mansion, a terrible evil aura rose into the sky.

'Whoosh!' The howling sound of the wind could be heard far away. Even in the backyard, Lu Qian heard the sharp and shrill sound of the wind. He turned around suddenly and saw a light red breath rising into the sky, like a wolf smoke. The pillars shot straight into the sky and seemed to be connected with the moon in the sky.

There was clear, silvery laughter coming from all directions.

Ms. sir!

Ms. sir!

Ms. sir!

Shouts that were either charming to the core, crisp and sweet, cold and ruthless, filled with boundless resentment, and extremely cruel and cruel, kept ringing out from all directions.

Either far or near, erratic, sometimes it seems to ring directly in your mind, an extremely unsettling aura of fear that instantly envelopes several streets in the surrounding area.

Far and near, every house was alerted by guards.

Lu Qian was stunned and chuckled: Speaking of Cao Cao...cough, cough...that's right, it's really haunted! The Bai family is haunted, this...

According to the Laws of Dayin... Tsk, the palace supervisor is only responsible for supervising civil and military officials and checking the public sentiment, but... there is no law that says that the palace supervisor is responsible for catching ghosts. I have been studying Da Yin since I was eleven years old. Yin Lv, all the rules are memorized.

It's none of your business, it's best to hang up!

However, Lu Qian remembered the sudden influx of strange energy that made his cultivation soar after killing Concubine Qi and Green Bird in the imperial city.

He hesitated for a moment, then jumped up and easily rushed over a hundred feet in one step, rushing straight from the backyard to the front yard. With a whistle, he rushed out of the station with hundreds of subordinates.

Outside the Bai family and Bai Lu's show building, Bai Changkong, Zhu Song and others stood in a row, looking at the small building with expressionless faces.

This son Lu Qian cannot be kept. Zhu Song clasped his hands behind his back and said coldly in an extremely authoritative and irrefutable tone: He must die. However, he is now a confidant of the emperor. If you want him to die, you have to find someone. Chance.

The emperor, after all, is the emperor, don't disobey him too much.

The reason why Wenjiao was able to rise was, firstly, because of the self-degradation of nobles, and secondly, because of the choice of the imperial power.

Therefore, officials with cultural and educational backgrounds, on the one hand, snatched power from the emperor, and on the other hand, they instinctively maintained the emperor's dignity. To kill Lu Qian, Lu Qian must be killed, but the method must comply with the process.

The sound of soft footsteps came from the small building.

Bai Lu, with disheveled hair, chuckled and walked slowly out of the small building.

Blood was dripping from under her skirt.

Wherever she passed, she left a long trail of blood on the ground.

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