Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 1,103: Death in Rebirth

Emperor Taiyi slowly walked into the Shenyin Imperial City, full of resentment, anger and malice!

He didn't understand what the empty city strategy was. In his opinion, it was obviously unreasonable for Ahu and other guards to turn around and leave when they saw them coming in. There are so many dangerous traps laid out in this imperial city!

Qing Emperor actually asked him to explore the way?

The damn thing is that he has lived for so many years and is used to being pampered, but he has not had much dealings with those lower-class ants, and has not had much time to hang out with those despicable people in the market... He actually doesn't know any wonderful curse words. .

If he could, he would have sprayed the most filthy and vicious words in Qingdi's face.

But...it's okay!

Emperor Tai Zhen looked inside, and in his mind, the soul had completely turned golden-green. That deep, mysterious golden-green color, and countless complex Taoist patterns are looming in his soul. Because of the nourishment of this layer of golden-green Taoism, his soul has been faintly transformed into a tree root.

On that section of tree roots that seemed to have gone through many vicissitudes of life and withstood countless winds and rains, extremely thin rhizomes stretched comfortably around. Looking at the shape of those thin rhizomes, it was clear that they were the same tentacles that suddenly broke into Emperor Taiyi's mind from an unpredictable dimension and were chopped off by him with one blow.

Emperor Tai Zhen was already well aware that the person who broke into his mind that day was a terrifying existence from the plant system. He used unfathomable magical powers and methods to spread across many dimensions such as time, space, and chaos. Root tissue like a spider web.

As soon as he closes his eyes now, he can see a huge thing standing in the vast chaos.

Incomparably tall, incomparably majestic, incomparably divine, incomparably majestic... Countless roots are like streams of light, piercing the space, piercing the space, piercing many dimensions, spreading wantonly and wildly in all directions, almost endlessly. Any existence that might touch these roots will become the target of his hunting.

Emperor Taiyi was lucky to have survived his hunt that day.

Emperor Taiyi was very unlucky... He seemed to have survived, but he knew very well that when his soul was soaked in the 'juice' spurted from the break of the 'tentacle', he was no longer himself. In other words, he is no longer completely Emperor Taiyi.

His body was still a clone created by Qingdi using a ray of blood from White Snake. But as for his soul...only Emperor Tai Zhen himself knew it well and knew what kind of state he was in now!

He walked into the main entrance of Haojing Imperial City step by step, and he saw that in the huge square, nine huge cauldrons, thousands of feet high, were lined up - these nine giant cauldrons were Lu Qian’s bad taste. Originally there was no such thing in this square. But after Lu Qian awakened the memory of his previous life a few days ago, he personally kneaded these nine giant cauldrons according to the influence he saw in his memory.

Qi Shili sat with his legs crossed under the big cauldron in the middle, leaning on one of the legs of the cauldron, with a mountain of wine jars beside him. She drank a lot of spirits mixed with various kinds of animal blood, and drank until she was so drunk that every pore in her body was trying to open, and the pungent smell of alcohol was spraying out.

Alcohol, especially strong alcohol mixed with blood, was once the greatest weakness of the Ghibli.

You can't see it, you can't smell it, you can't drink it.

Seeing it will make you crazy, smelling it will make you crazy, drinking it will make you fall asleep like a dead person, and let others slaughter you. This is her only weakness after she sacrificed herself to that terrifying existence in exchange for infinite power!

Every external protector of Buddhism, such as Qi Shili and Master Aduk, has weaknesses.

But after Lu Qian got back the memories of his previous life, he saw clearly from another dimension the origin of the power of Qi Shili and others - the guy who gave them power was not a single individual, but Pangu's figure before his death. Resentment and evil thoughts, mixed with the resentment of all the innate gods and demons killed by him before their death, as well as the remaining soul fragments, and he didn't know how the world was created, and finally formed a 'freak'!

The abilities of this freak even surpass the way of heaven in that great world!

Therefore, the immortal body, invincible body, and infinite power that Qishili and others obtained after sacrificing to Him even made even the great Buddhist sect and the powerful World Honored One such as Maitreya very angry.

And the roots of Lu Qian and that 'freak' are exactly the same.

We are all born from the same origin, have the same roots, and have the same ‘personality’.

It's like, there are two craftsmen, the 'freak' is a great master who can carve The Map of Jiangshan Sheji on a grain of rice; and Lu Qian is just walking around the streets carrying a small stove and a crucible. , an ordinary craftsman who sharpens scissors and kitchen knives for others.

And outer sect protectors like Qi Shili are great masters with superb craftsmanship. They carefully carve every 'lock' without any flaws or weaknesses except for the keyhole!

Each lock is made of nature and has no weak points. No matter how you chop it with a knife or an ax, you can't damage it at all.

But as long as you grasp the location of the keyhole, locate the keyhole, and find the corresponding key, you can easily open it and destroy it without much strength!

As for Lu Qian, a craftsman with poor skills, it is obviously impossible for him to forge such exquisite, flawless and flawless handicrafts. He does not have this ability. Although his 'personality' is high enough, his ability It is relatively too weak and the technology is too inferior.

But he can light up a small stove, melt a little bit of metal scrap in a crucible, and then, with a click, a lump of molten metal is poured into the keyholes of the exquisite and indestructible 'locks'.

Hey, it’s sealed!

Hey, there's no more weakness!

Hey, Qi Shili can now sit arrogantly under the Nine Cauldrons, proudly drink the blood-mixed liquor that was once fatal, whistle and burp in a relaxed and comfortable way, and throw his rather unseemly words at Emperor Taiyi. Eye-catching!

Hey, that pretty boy, with your thin skin and tender flesh, you are somewhat qualified to play with! Qi Shili waved to Emperor Taiyi: Come on, I don't want to destroy flowers with my own hands. Your expression , you can be a little more shy, bear the humiliation a little more, be a little more sad and angry... have a good time with me, I will reward you for your respect!

Thousands of outer sect protectors such as Qi Shili and Adu did not expect that their only fatal weakness, which was a shortcoming that many Buddhas in the Buddhist sect failed to make up for, would be easily taken care of by Lu Qian. Easily solved!

How can I describe their mood at this moment?

These outer sect protectors, all of them are 'sons of Zhongshan wolves, and they will be rampant when they are proud'... They are not good people, they are all evil heretics - serious monks cannot do anything to protect their relatives, children, People of ethnic origin, and even their own heads were chopped into pieces and roasted in the fire as sacrifices, right?

Serious evil spirits would not do this.

So it is conceivable that when Lu Qian inadvertently solved their only serious problem, how much respect they had for Lu Qian... And apart from Lu Qian, their attitude towards all living beings, How bad it will be!

That is to say, Maitreya has not yet been reborn and turned around.

If Maitreya comes back now, Qi Shili will dare to say hello and bring a group of evil heretics to Maitreya with a white knife in and a gold knife out!

So, does it count to tease Emperor Taiyi who walked in slowly?

Qi Shili thought that this was nothing!

Emperor Taiyi squinted his eyes, and his pupils turned into a deep golden green. He smiled brightly and said softly: Girl, if you talk like this, you can easily bring trouble to yourself... Well, you are the only one here. What?

Qi Shili raised his head, his eyes had turned scarlet.

She chuckled and said, The trouble? Hey!

The next moment, she was in front of Emperor Taiyi. The muscles on the back of her right shoulder squirmed. A white and tender arm suddenly grew out, and she punched Emperor Taiyi in the chest with a bang.

Emperor Taiyi roared loudly, and the sound of broken chests sounded like fried beans. He fell to the ground immediately after being beaten, and blood spilled out from his seven orifices like a fountain. He kicked his legs and fainted!

Qi Shili was stunned. She looked at the arm behind her back curiously and said softly: Well, I just wanted to knock him out and take him back to play with... This, this, this... I drank too much ? Too much force? It’s not that serious, I’m not drunk to the point of death... This punch wasn’t very hard, either?”

Qing Emperor and others had already seen the movement in the imperial city. Seeing that Qi Shili was the only one sitting here, Qing Emperor, Taichu Emperor, and Taihu Emperor slowly walked in. The Taichu Bell hung high above Emperor Taichu's head, and the Holy Spirit Temple was held in the palm of Emperor Taichu's hands. The two treasures emitted a dense divine light, illuminating the heaven and earth.

Qing Emperor walked between the two great emperors and slowly arrived in front of Qi Shili.

Is there really no ambush? Qing Emperor smiled. He looked at Emperor Tai Zhan who was lying on the ground and had convulsed and fainted, and frowned: Venerable Qishili, a few days ago, I sent someone to ventilate you. Report... Facing the threat of Maitreya, we should be natural allies.

With a flick of his head, Qi Shili once again transformed into a statue with four arms and a blood-furred lion.

There was an immeasurable sea of ​​blood rushing around her, and the overwhelming evil energy turned into flags fluttering in the wind behind her. She pointed at the Qing Emperor and laughed wildly: Yes, we don't want to see Maitreya return. You are right about this.

But you didn't say that, Venerable Lu Qian, he, he... Shaking his head vigorously, Qi Shili burped again, and said completely unreasonably and arrogantly: That's all, with you carnivores What nonsense are you talking about? In short, all previous covenants and promises are completely null and void, and we don’t care whether Maitreya comes back... If you dare to come in, we will kill you!

With a wave of his eight arms, eight strange weapons all emitted cold light and fell into his hands.

Qi Shili whistled, and from all directions, in the void, thousands of outer sect protectors including Master Adu appeared.

There are only thousands of outer sect protectors like them.

There were no formations, no restrictions, no other ingenious ambush... there were just thousands of outer sect guardians, laughing and joking, surrounding the three Qing Emperors from all directions.

Unbridled! Qing Emperor shouted angrily, and violent winds, poisonous mist, lightning, and thunder surged around him... As he waved his hand, a green light spurted out behind him, and countless alien warriors roared and flew out quickly with shiny membrane wings.

Then, Dragon King Posuji opened his big mouth and swallowed it in one gulp. The tens of thousands of foreign warriors that had just flown out were swallowed by Dragon King Posuji. Along with it, hundreds of elite aliens who had not condensed the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit, but whose physical brute strength was enough to compete with the emperor, were also swallowed by the Dragon King Posuji.


Vasuki Dragon King burped. In his huge belly, the roars and cries of those elite alien races could still be faintly heard... But as the huge body of the Posuji Dragon King swayed slightly, the corrosive and terrifying venom in his belly stirred, and the cries were no longer heard. There is no more.

It was obvious that the aura of Dragon King Posuji had grown a lot!

Qing Emperor's face turned cold.

He looked up to the sky and hissed, the green light behind him became more and more vibrating, and more alien elites rushed out with flapping wings. But no matter how many alien warriors he released, Dragon King Posuji and seven other alien snakes with the same name as him, with the title of Dragon King, lazily opened their mouths and swallowed all these aliens!

These eight big snakes, in their corresponding mythological systems, all have the power to 'destroy the world'.

When they began to devour their prey unscrupulously, these ordinary descendants of the Qing Emperor were unable to cause any harm to them!

Among the outer guards who surrounded him from all directions, the fist-sized ascetic immortal began to pick his nose, spit, even fart, pick his feet, etc. All kinds of weird behaviors were revealed.

Yeah? This is the Qing Emperor who killed Landa Holy Land back then? Isn't he very powerful!

Hey, Buddhism has fallen...it can't even clean up such a weak insect!

So, if Buddhism wants to be strong, it still depends on our brothers... Hey, if Buddhism wants to have a new World Honored One, what do you think of Venerable Lu Qian?

I'm convinced! An Asura Demon King showed his three thousand thumbs.

That's it! A Yasha Demon King stuck his tail on the ground. He couldn't wait and even flashed his big toe.

Hey, I wonder if Venerable Lu Qian likes beauty? Several princesses and witches from the Asura and Yaksha tribes had their eyes wide open and began to fantasize about the scene between themselves and Lu Qian.

Suddenly, Qingdi roared loudly, vomited blood and flew back.

The four-armed Qi Shili drank a few sips of strong wine, suddenly rushed in front of Qing Emperor like a ghost, and punched Qing Emperor in the face, causing his big teeth to shatter, and he flew backwards in embarrassment. retreat!

You are very weak! Qi Shili scolded sternly: Qing Emperor... you are very weak!

You are so weak, how did you force Maitreya to die? It's unbelievable, it's unbelievable... Landa Holy Land was actually destroyed in your hands?

Little nun Langyue, what confusion did they make back then?

You are not strong, you are not strong at all... Compared with those guys we have encountered before, you are very weak, you are so weak that it makes no sense! How could you possibly force Maitreya to die? Or Maitreya, What about active annihilation?”

Qi Shili rode a blood-furred lion and turned into a torrential light of blood. He surrounded the Qing Emperor from all sides and gave him a brutal and inhumane beating.

The Qing Emperor rose up to resist. He resisted with all his strength, but faced with the joint attack of Qi Shili and the blood-furred lion, his resistance was easily crushed. He was pushed to the ground again and again, and was used by Qi Shili. He was violently beaten with his fists, and the blood-haired lion made random guesses with the soles of his feet. Even the blood-haired lion with bad habits and evil habits took advantage of Qi Shili to hold down the Qing Emperor and beat him violently, and sprinkled a hot, steaming liquid on his forehead. Hot piss!

Qingdi was at a loss.

Qingdi was frightened.

The Qing Emperor began to tremble - back then, he supported Taichu, Taihu, and Taiyi, together with several other great powers from the Supreme Taichu Heaven. Although he had a narrow escape from death, he finally managed to break the power that resided in the Supreme Taichu Heaven. Landa Holy Land... Although he himself was seriously injured and forced into a deep sleep.

But that battle was not as difficult as today!

In the battle to destroy the Landa Holy Land, even in the last battle, the Qing Emperor was seriously injured by several elders and chiefs of the Landa Holy Land. Everyone kept going back and forth and inflicted heavy wounds on each other. In the end, the old thieves were bald Overwhelmed by endless coalition forces!

And this battle.

Face-to-face, one-on-one... Qingdi was held down by Qi Shili and beaten violently!

There is no way to fight back!

Occasionally, he would fight back, but Qingdi's attack with all his strength fell on Qi Shili, only breaking through her skin and unable to even touch her bones and internal organs. And the blood that flowed from the flesh wound was caught by Qi Shili with the wine jar, turned into blood wine, and she drank it one jar after another.

As he drank more, Qi Shili's strength became wilder and more violent.

Qingdi was already struggling to get up from the ground and couldn't do it. Every time he raised his head, he was punched by Qi Shili, causing blood to spurt out. His head hit the ground with a loud bang, but he was not able to break the ground. The traces of Qi Shili - the sea of ​​blood around Qi Shili has soaked the entire square inside the gate of the imperial city, and the entire square has become a part of Qi Shili's body. Unless her body can be broken, otherwise not a single brick in this square will be broken. Not a single tile can be damaged at all.

The Qing Emperor was furious, and in anger, he finally took out the green talisman that had scared the Tathagata into retreating away, like a green talisman carved from tree bark.

He gritted his teeth, spit out a mouthful of blood, glanced at Qi Shili, and was about to exert his strength...

In the diagonal stab, a fist-sized ascetic immortal pointed his staff lightly, and with a curse, the talisman disappeared from the Qing Emperor's hand and flew towards the ascetic immortal at high speed.

All the outer sect protectors smiled in unison.

Emperor Taiyi suddenly jumped up, and in a flash, he stood in front of the talisman. He grabbed the talisman with his right hand and nodded playfully towards the stunned Qing Emperor: If you can't beat me, call your parents. , this habit is very bad!”

Emperor Taiyi said quietly: I don't want to see him too early, what do you think?

At this moment, Emperor Taiyi's eyes turned completely emerald green, as if they were two emeralds dipped in oil!

Qing Emperor's body suddenly stiffened, and he looked at Emperor Tai Zhen in shock, too frightened to speak.

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