Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 1,105 Yinyuan’s Highlight Moment

The entire Supreme Supreme Being is filled with Buddhist rhymes.

The great avenue of heaven and earth, as well as the vague and fragmented consciousness of heaven and earth in this area of ​​heaven and earth, whether they are willing or not, are infected by the endless Buddhist rhyme and are quickly transformed into Buddhas. Every sand, every soil, every grass, every tree, even a wisp of wind, every drop of water, everything in the world has been completely transformed into Buddhist objects.

In this world, all living beings, whether they are wise or not, whether they are born from eggs or eggs, born from moisture, or even rocks, soil, bricks, broken urns, etc., all living things are infected by the Buddha nature, and they have The foundation of becoming a Buddha.

A thing, a life, may become a demon, a ghost, a spirit, or a monster, no matter it is a monster, ghost, ghost, etc., from this moment on, a trace of Buddha nature will be engraved in the body, and a trace of Buddhist charm will be integrated into it. Originally, they could become the Demon Emperor, the Ghost King, the Supreme among the Spirits, or the Strange among the Monsters.

But from this moment on, all their future paths and possibilities were shattered and cut off with a single palm from the source of the long river of time. From today on, from this moment on, all the creatures and all things in this world, as long as they are created, have achievements, and can transcend the ordinary world in the future, they will have only one way to reach the sky in the future - 'Cheng Buddha'!

Be it monsters, monsters, ghosts, or demons, the way forward is cut off. The only way is to take refuge devoutly and become a ‘Buddha’. This is the only way!

This is the only way left!

Thousands of years ago, the outer sect protector who was still grinning and devouring flesh and blood was now like a pug whose backbone was broken. He knelt heavily on the ground and looked towards the void and the darkness in fear. Along the long river of time, , with unfathomable magical power, step by step towards the existence of this world to worship.

Emperor Qing, Emperor Taiyi, Taichu, Taihu, and even the generals and ministers under their command all let out incredible exclamations as if they had seen a ghost.

It's so uncomfortable for them.

They are surrounded by endless Buddhist charm, and they are infected by endless Buddha nature. Every time they take a breath, what they inhale into their lungs is the dense Buddha's light, Buddha's power, Buddha's charm, and Buddha's nature. Every breath they take is like swallowing the highest concentration of aqua regia, which is even trillions more powerful than aqua regia. The acid was twice as strong... Every breath they took made their whole bodies feel like they were burning. The pain was unbearable and extremely uncomfortable.

They can no longer feel the charm of any avenue of heaven and earth - all avenues of heaven and earth, whether it is metal, wood, water, fire, earth, or the cycle of life and death, or even yin and yang, or other more profound avenues, are all permeated by Buddha nature. Transformed into a Buddhist avenue.

Unless they convert to Buddhism, they will no longer be able to mobilize any great power in this world.

They looked at the sky in horror. The three-level sky emits an unprecedentedly strong Buddha light. The thunder net, the flowing wind, and the dazzling flames were tens of millions of times more powerful than when they sneaked into this world with the help of the Tathagata of the Past.

They looked at the earth in horror, and the ground was also gushing out endless Buddha light. The Buddha's light was so intense that it seemed like substance, as if boundless fire was rising. The entire earth seemed to have turned into a huge furnace, and they were the iron blocks in the furnace, being crazily calcined and cast by endless flames.

This, this is a trap! Emperor Taiyi and Emperor Qing exclaimed in unison.

They looked at Emperor Taichu with embarrassment and anger - this idiot, had he colluded with Buddhism? If I remember correctly, it was Emperor Taichu who first shook the Taichu Bell and shook the star flag, urging the world to reunite as one!

No matter what the original intention of Emperor Taichu was, in short, it was under his heckles and the help of all the powerful people that the world was reunited from the scattered stars in the sky.

The originator of the figurines was Emperor Taichu!

I originally thought that Emperor Taichu would reunite heaven and earth and be able to compete for real control of heaven and earth. Whether it is Emperor Taichu who is in charge of the Taichu Bell and the Star Flag, or Emperor Taiyu who is in charge of the Holy Spirit Temple, or even the Tathagata who robbed the Tower of the Dead... and, most importantly, Emperor Yinyuan of Shenyin, he is extremely powerful He may be the real reincarnation of the Supreme Being of this world and the destined one.

If we can kill Yinyuan when heaven and earth are reunited, can we strip him of his 'fate' and truly become the supreme being of heaven and earth?

Perhaps, this is the most original motivation and the most original plan of Emperor Taichu!

But who would have thought!

Heaven and earth reunited as one, and the power of the Great Law of this world suddenly increased. Some unpredictable changes directly caused everything to be completely out of control. When Maitreya rose from the source of the long river of time and walked step by step towards the present world, the entire The world has become completely Buddha-like!

If the world is still torn apart, even if those shattered stars and floating continents are completely transformed into Buddhas, their power will not have much impact on great emperors like Qing Emperor and Tai Zhan Emperor!

But now that heaven and earth are reunited, and this complete giant continent has been completely transformed into a Buddha, it is like countless tiny sparks spraying on people, which at most makes people feel a stinging pain. But countless sparks gathered together turned into a prairie fire, enough to burn even a powerful person like Qing Emperor into a wisp of smoke!

That’s why they exclaimed – ‘This is a trap’!

Is it Maitreya's method?

Or maybe Emperor Taichu colluded with Buddhism?

Emperor Taizu roared loudly, and the mutated old sweet-scented osmanthus tree above his head suddenly stretched out hundreds of extremely long roots and hit the sky hard, shaking the Taichu Bell that kept hitting it with loud noises. Huang'er soars into the sky!

Qing Emperor, let's rush out! Emperor Tai Zhen roared.

Qing Emperor's face turned blue for a while - rushed out? To put it lightly, look at the thunder nets and flowing winds on the three-level sky. These restrictions had already prevented them from entering, but they still relied on the methods of the Tathagata to sneak in secretly.

At this moment, the forbidden power in the three-level sky soared tens of millions of times. Rushing out?

How to charge?

Rush with your life?

Qingdi's body was trembling, and he hissed: Chong, how do you rush? This is a trap, a trap that has been laid out for who knows how many years... Taichu, tell the truth, have you colluded with Buddhism and deliberately set up a trap? us?

Emperor Taichu was shaken by Emperor Taiyi's counterattack, and his blood was weak. Taichu Bell was continuously bombarded, and the heavy force came back. His internal organs were trembling, and blood kept oozing from the corners of his mouth.

This mutated old sweet-scented osmanthus tree, combined with Emperor Tai Zhen's magical powers, is so powerful that it is unreasonable.

Originally, Emperor Taichu was the weakest among the three supreme beings - but today, his methods actually completely suppressed Emperor Taichu, who was originally the strongest among the three! This made the Taichu Emperor inexplicably frightened, and there was a sense of panic that everything was completely out of control.

Hearing Emperor Qing's roar, Emperor Taichu was so angry that he almost cursed!


Did he collude with Buddhism in Taichu and set a trap?

Ah, if it is really a trap, he will activate the trap now and kill you two rebellious bastards!

His most trusted ministers, his Lord Tianshu and Lord Dafang... were tricked to death by these two bastards right in front of him... This, this...

Resisting the urge to vomit blood, Emperor Taichu sternly said: I colluded with Buddhism, how is it possible? I have never seen Maitreya... Do you have some brains, okay? Hurry up and think of a way, hurry up, rush...

There was a crisp sound of 'clang', and a wisp of blood fell from the corner of Emperor Taichu's mouth. This ray of blood filled with the profound insights of Emperor Taichu and the original aura of Emperor Taichu was actually infected by the Buddhist charm and Buddha nature rippling in the sky during the fall.

The bits and pieces of blood turned into colorful crystal gems in mid-air, and fell to the ground. The blood droplets, as hard as diamonds, bounced 'ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang and Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, and Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, and Dang-dong, Dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang' the the blood-hard as hard as a drop of blood with each drop of blood in the square. , and then stopped.

I... Emperor Taichu, Emperor Taiyu, Emperor Taiyi, and Emperor Qing were filled with all kinds of filthy words, but for a while, they didn't have the energy to pour them out.

This is Emperor Taichu!

In this world, one of the three most powerful and supreme powers!

Every hair on his head, every drop of blood, and even every wisp of breath he breathes contains a great truth that cannot be corroded by any external demon - and now, the fresh and hot blood of the Emperor Taichu that Emperor Taichu had just spurted out, Unexpectedly, in such a short period of time, in just one breath, the sky was filled with Buddhist rhyme and Buddha-ness, and turned into colorful colored glaze!

A few drops of blood is a small thing.

If so, what if this Buddhist rhyme and Buddha nature invaded their physical bodies, or even invaded their souls?

The group of people cursed in unison, ignoring the heavenly soldiers and generals and the Holy Spirit clan in all directions. They turned into streams of light and rushed straight into the sky. No matter how powerful the restriction in the triple sky became, they still had to give it a try. Let's see if we can escape!

They quickly rushed out of the first light cyan sky and came directly to the blue sky.

Emperor Taichu shouted loudly, grabbed an old minister next to him, and threw him into the sky. The veteran roared loudly and turned around to look at Emperor Taichu: Your Majesty, veteran, go!

The Emperor Taichu's heart moved, and with a finger, the Taichu Bell turned into a divine light and rushed up, covering the old minister's head. The Taichu Bell protected the old minister and rushed straight into the sky. He was getting higher and higher, and gradually he crashed into that layer of seemingly inconspicuous, light white flowing wind.

The thin and slender layer of white flowing wind hit the divine light emitted by the Taichu Bell, and a loud sound was heard, followed by the endless ringing of the bell that shook the earth. wisps of flowing wind suddenly spurted out immeasurable Buddha's light. The originally thin flowing wind expanded in size out of thin air. Trillions of times, it turned into an overwhelming world-destroying hurricane, violently washing over the Taichu Bell.

The Taichu bell trembled and rang continuously.

As a treasure associated with this world, the Taichu Bell itself is extremely tough. The white flowing wind washed away it, but it failed to cause any wear and tear to the Taichu Bell itself. The only pitiable thing was for the veteran minister of Tianting who was covered by the Taichu Bell. The bell only rang three times, and his entire body and soul were shaken to pieces, leaving not a single dregs left!

Emperor Taichu's face was as dark as water. He waved his hand and took back the Taichu Bell.

Among the few emperor-level ministers in Heaven, the veteran ministers he threw out were strong enough to rank among the top five. With his level of cultivation, he could only sustain three bell ringings in the Flowing Wind Layer... So how long could he last if he were replaced by Taichu Emperor himself?

A thousand sounds, or ten thousand sounds?

Can he persist until Taichu Zhong protects him and completely breaks out of this terrifying flow of wind?

Or, even if the Flowing Wind Layer survives safely, there is still an even more terrifying Sky Thunder Net above it!

I can't get out. Emperor Taichu's voice was cold... After a slight pause, Emperor Taichu said coldly: At least, I can't get out. I just don't know. How are you two?

Emperor Taichu looked at Emperor Qing and Emperor Taiyi with a sneer. He subconsciously took a step back and stood side by side with Emperor Taiqu.

Emperor Taihu was suddenly killed by Qing Emperor before, and he was violently sucked in. Even though he had the Holy Spirit Temple to replenish his life essence, his foundation was still shaken and his origin was damaged. At this moment, Emperor Taihu looked haggard, like a newly unearthed mummy, looking extremely haggard.

He stood with Emperor Taichu, not looking at the three-level sky above his head at all. His pair of dim eyes just stared at Qing Emperor fiercely.

Never dreamed of it.

Even for an old man like Emperor Taihu, he never thought that 'human nature' could be so despicable and evil - Emperor Qing had actually been prepared to use him as nourishment!

He hates.

So he wants Qingdi to die!

Hearing Emperor Taichu ask Emperor Qing and Emperor Taiyi, How are you two? Emperor Taiqu suddenly laughed: Hey, hey, what can they do? Let's die together... let's die together!

Emperor Taihu's face was distorted, his teeth clenched, and he stared at Qing Emperor fiercely. He pointed at him with his right hand: Qing Emperor, shall we die together? Huh?

Qing Emperor was silent. He looked at the three-level sky above his head, and then looked at Emperor Tai Zhen: What should I say?

The golden-green light in Emperor Taiyi's eyes was blurry. He frowned, pondered for a moment, raised his head, and shouted sternly at the sky: Tathagata, if Maitreya returns, will you still have a way to survive? Now, you can only give it a try. !”

In the indescribable high-dimensional void, the aura around the body was floating and trembling, and the Tathagata who was obviously in disarray let out a long roar.

He stamped his foot, and the black-hearted white lotus that protected his body suddenly turned into a stream of light, and rushed towards Lu Qian as fast as lightning. Countless white lotus petals came and went, completely wrapping Lu Qian.

The Tathagata Tathagata gritted his teeth and glanced at the phantom of Maitreya, who was walking towards the present world step by step in the direction of the source of the long river of time, and said sternly: Haha, am I just a sacrifice that you returned from Nirvana? Maitreya... not like that Good thing... Since you have already passed away, just go and die honestly... I am Maitreya... I am the future Buddha, the World Honored One... the Saint!

The Tathagata Tathagata roared loudly and turned into a terrifying black light pillar, whistling and falling straight from the sky, slamming into the Haojing Imperial City. He shouted sternly: Qing Emperor, what are you waiting for? Join us and fight...kill the white lady, hey, hey...we have a way to survive!


In the course of time, Maitreya took another step toward this life.

The figure of the Tathagata was blurred for a while, and his body trembled, and black blood gushed out from his seven orifices.

He roared loudly and rushed towards the imperial city in a manic manner... Qing Emperor and Tai Zhen Emperor also screamed and turned into streams of light at the same time, slamming into the direction of White Snake.

The Qing Emperor even screamed: You guys, think about it for yourselves...even if Maitreya doesn't die in my hands, will he be able to tolerate you when Maitreya returns? Hey, are you still proud of the massacre of Landa Holy Land that day?

Emperor Taichu looked haggard.

Emperor Taihu looked ugly.

The two looked at each other and stamped their feet together. We can't let Maitreya return, but we can't let Emperor Qing and Emperor Tai Zhen have an easy time either... Grasp the balance and let them die together, right?

Perhaps, it is a bit difficult to achieve the most perfect result. However, we have to give it a try after all!

If we can survive this level, you and I will be the real masters of this world...Buddhism can no longer threaten us. Emperor Taichu said softly: We no longer have to feel that there is a knife behind us at any time. Will poke you over.

Emperor Taihu stretched out his right hand and shook hands with Emperor Taichu gently: Brother, let's fight for the last time... As you said, if we get through this, this world will be shared by you and me, brothers. !”

The two of them looked at each other deeply, and the Taichu Bell, the Star Flag, and the Holy Spirit Palace all emitted dazzling light. The two of them were holding hands and standing side by side.

Mana, energy, blood, and soul fluctuated. The two most powerful emperors quickly adjusted their own energy and shared the blessings brought by the three treasures. Emperor Taichu imparted the secrets of the Taichu Bell and the Star Banner to Emperor Taihu without reservation, and Emperor Taichu also imparted the endless vitality in the Holy Spirit Temple, which represented the most original 'source of vitality' of the world. The same unreserved profit sharing was given to Emperor Taichu.

The auras of the two fit together, and their power was shared. They even shared the secrets in the darkest corners of their souls without reservation... As a result, the shortcomings of the two of them were greatly complemented!

The energy of the two of them is soaring, and their strength is increasing crazily.

They crazily activated the three treasures, burning the inside of the three treasures in a manner similar to fishing in a dry lake, the roots of the avenue that were bred before the world was opened... They burned the treasures and devoured the roots of the treasures to strengthen themselves!

At the same time, those heavenly soldiers, heavenly generals, and those Holy Spirit clan, they were all like crazy demons, following the charging direction of Qing Emperor and Tai Zhen Emperor, heading straight towards the depths of Haojing Imperial City, where the White Snake was. Kill in the direction.

Ah Hu's scolding sounded: What are you doing? Stop them and kill them!

Thousands of outer sect protectors who were worshiping crazily on the ground were all awakened. They stood up one after another, roaring and facing the countless heavenly soldiers and generals and the Holy Spirit clan who rushed towards them.

But just as they came out, there was a flash of black light in the void, and a thunder sounded. Thousands of outer sect protectors vomited blood, screamed and flew out in all directions - the Tathagata of the Past took action!

But these outer sect protectors are indeed iron cockroaches that are indestructible to be beaten and hammered to pieces. They were just beaten away by the Tathagata Tathagata with a secret spell that contained infinite will of death. Their bodies flew not far away, and all of them were blown away with just one breath. All injuries healed. They laughed and flew back one after another using their magical powers, and surrounded the Tathagata in a chaotic manner.

Qi Shili was laughing wildly: I scared my aunt, I thought it was really the return of Lord Maitreya... I scared my aunt... It turned out to be you, you are just a clone with evil thoughts, how dare you talk nonsense to convince us?

Master Adu even waved the bone staff, and all kinds of vicious magic rushed out like a tide, hitting the body of the Tathagata densely, until the body of the Tathagata was swaying, and it took a lot of effort, but it was difficult to attack the Tathagata. The white lady took a step closer.

From behind, endless heavenly soldiers and generals and the Holy Spirit clan surged up like a tide.

But behind the thousands of outer sect protectors, the army of descendants they had multiplied over the years, reaching the trillions level, also rushed out in disorder.

The two torrents collided fiercely in the void and on the earth. With just one collision, hundreds of millions of cannon fodder minions were beaten to pieces, and rain of blood gushed out all over the sky.

The Tathagata of the Past suddenly scolded: Too hesitant, too hesitant... I have a witchcraft here, you can cast it quickly... Reversal of the world, change the day, our lives are in your hands... This spell Only you are qualified to cast the witchcraft, so act quickly and don’t delay!”

Black magic light flashed around the body of the Tathagata, and an extremely evil witchcraft suddenly entered the mind of Emperor Taiyi.

Emperor Taiyi was stunned and looked at the Tathagata of Rebirth in shock.

He took a deep breath and hesitated slightly.

Qing Emperor had already moved closer to Emperor Tai Zhen, and he said softly: They die, or do we die... What do you think? When Maitreya returns, do you think they will let you go?

Emperor Taiyi was silent for a moment and nodded slowly: That's all... I only have one request. White Snake is mine... No one is allowed to touch a hair on her.

Qingdi showed an extremely weird smile, and he said with a chichi smile: What an ethical tragedy... Really, what an ethical tragedy... You are just a clone made by me using a ray of her essence and blood... Hehe, even You can think of it this way, because it was through the processing of my hands that you came into existence...you are almost a descendant of me and White Snake...

With a 'puff' sound, a very thin osmanthus tree rhizome sprang out from the void, piercing through the Qing Emperor's lower abdomen with great ferocity. This thin rhizome was stirred so hard that it almost smashed all the internal organs in Qingdi's body.

I was wrong! Qingdi hissed: White Snake is yours, no one can rob it from you... No one can rob it from you... I swear!

Emperor Taiyi nodded and glanced at Qingdi: Remember, I don't want to hear such boring and uninteresting words in the future... White Snake, you are mine... You guys, please stop making noise!

Taking a deep, deep, deep breath, Emperor Taiyi knelt on the ground.

With a tap of his right hand, the ground arched, the soil rolled and turned into a high platform.

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